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Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung zugänglich unter
URL: https://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2009/1557/
Report of the First Meeting of the MedSudMed Coordination Committee
FAO MedSudMed
Originalveröffentlichung: |
| (2003) http://www.faomedsudmed.org/pdf/TD1.pdf |

SWD-Schlagwörter: |
| Straße von Sizilien , Meeresökosystem , Fischbestand , Ressourcenmanagement , Biomonitoring |
BK - Klassifikation: |
| 48.67 |
Sondersammelgebiete: |
| 21.3 Küsten- und Hochseefischerei |
DDC-Sachgruppe: |
| Biowissenschaften, Biologie |
Dokumentart: |
| Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung |
Schriftenreihe: |
| MedSudMed Technical Documents |
Bandnummer: |
| 1 |
Sprache: |
| Englisch |
Erstellungsjahr: |
| 2003 |
Publikationsdatum: |
| 14.05.2009 |
Kurzfassung auf Deutsch: |
| The first meeting of the Coordination Committee of the MedSudMed Project (Assessment and Monitoring of the Fishery Resources and Ecosystems in the Straits of Sicily) was attended by representatives of participating countries (Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia) and other interested parties. The meeting was held to evaluate the first months of Project implementation, corresponding to the settlement of the Project, its start-up and the establishment of the contacts with the participating countries. An overview was given of the contacts established with the research Institutes of the participating countries, and the discussions held with the researchers. The briefing and technical meetings that were held during the initial phase of the Project were summarized, and stress was put on the content and outline of a work plan. The consequent proposal for the general outline of research has been discussed and approved for the implementation of the future activities on demersal resources, small pelagic fish and marine protected areas. Besides, the conceptual design of the future MedSudMed Information System was presented, and confidentiality and accessibility of the data were discussed. Explanations were given on the interactions between the MedSudMed Project and the MedFisis Project proposal, regarding the coordination of the statistical and related data processing activities of the FAO regional Projects in the Mediterranean. Specific requirements for the MedSudMed countries concerning national capacity building were highlighted. The Coordination Committee stressed the importance of improving activities planned to strengthen cooperation with the GFCM. Finally the priorities identified for the future and activities scheduled were listed and approved by the Project Coordination Committee. |