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Schriftenreihe: Report // Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr Band
1 The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 ; Part 2 : sensitivity of simulated climate to horizontal and vertical resolution 2004 354
2 CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr Léonardi, Jacques et al. 2004 353
3 Tropical pacific decadal variability and the subtropical-tropical cells Lohmann, Katja et al. 2004 352
4 Can climate trends be calculated from re-analysis data? Bengtsson, Lennart et al. 2004 351
5 Principles of variational assimilation of GNSS radio occultation data Gorbunov, Michael E. et al. 2003 350
6 The atmospheric general circulations model ECHAM5 ; Part 1 : Model description 2003 349
7 EARLINET : a European Aerosol Research Lidar Network to establish an aerosol climatology 2003 348
8 Sensitivity of large scale atmospheric analyses to humidity observations and its impact on the global weater cycle and tropical and extra-tropical weather systems Bengtsson, L. et al. 2001 347
9 Variability of Indonesian rainfall and the influence of ENSO and Resolution in ECHAM4 simulations and in the reanalyses Aldrian, Edvin et al. 2003 346
10 The early century warming in the Arctic - a possible mechanism Bengtsson, Lennart et al. 2003 345
11 Indicators for persistence and long-range transport potential as derived from multicompartment chemistry-transport modelling Leip, Adrian et al. 2003 344
12 Modes of the wintertime Arctic temperature variability Semenov, Vladimir A. et al. 2003 343
13 Indonesian smoke aerosols from peat fires and the contribution from volcanic sulfur emissions Langmann, Bärbel et al. 2002 342
14 The impact of international climate policy on Indonesia Susandi, Armi et al. 2002 341
15 On the determination of atmospheric water vapour from GPS measurements Hagemann, Stefan et al. 2002 340
16 Modelling the wintertime response to upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone anomalies over the North Atlantic and Europe Kirchner, Ingo et al. 2002 339
17 Intercomparison of water and energy budgets simulatd by regional climate models applied over Europe 2002 338
18 Lidar intercomparisons on algorithm and system level in the frame of EARLINET 2002 337
19 An improved land surface parameter dataset for global and regional climate models Hagemann, Stefan 2002 336
20 Proceedings of the international workshop : slowly degradable organics in the atmospheric environment and air-sea exchange 2001 335
21 On the role of european and non-european emission sources for the budgets of trace compounds over Europe : gleichzeitig Abschlussbericht zum Vorhaben "Beiträge europäischer und aussereuropäischer Quellen zu den Budgets klimarelevanter Spurenstoffe über Europa" ; BMBF Förderkennzeichen 01 LA 98 325 2001 334
22 Stratospheric response to global warming in the nothern hemisphere winter Hu, Zeng-Zhen 2001 333
23 Using a physical reference frame to study global circulation variability 2001 332
24 North Pacific - North Atlantic relationships under stratospheric control? Graf, Hans-F. et al. 2001 331
25 Structural changes of climate variability Graf, Hans-F. et al. 2001 330
26 Vegetation feedback on Sahelian rainfall variability in a coupled climate land-vegetation model 2001 329
27 Natural climate variability as indicated by glaciers and implications for climate change : a modeling study Reichert, Bernhard K. et al. 2001 328
28 Global ocean warming tied to anthropogenic forcing Reichert, Bernhard K. et al. 2001 327
29 On dipole-like variability in the tropical Indian Ocean Baquero-Bernal, Astrid et al. 2001 326
30 A high resolution AGCM study of the El Niño impact on the North Atlantic/European sector Merkel, Ute et al. 2001 325
31 Long-range transport and multimedia partitioning of semivolatile organic compuonds: a case study on two modern agrochemicals Lammel, Gerhard et al. 2001 324
32 An atlas of surface fluxes based on the ECMWF re-analysis - a climatological dataset to force global general circulation models Röske, Frank 2001 323
33 Summer Session 2000 : beyond Kyoto: achieving sustainable development ; Hamburg, 17 July-25 August 2000 ; final report 2001 322
34 Impact of the vertical resolution on the transport of passive tracers in the ECHAM4 model Land, Christoph et al. 2001 321
35 Simulated warm polar currents during the middle permian 2001 320
36 The Madden-Julian oscillation in the ECHAM4/OPYC3 CGCM Liess, Stefan et al. 2001 319
37 On North Pacific climate variability Latif, M. 2001 318
38 The German Aerosol Lidar Network : methodology, data, analysis 2001 317
39 Sensitivity of global climate to the detrimental impact of smoke on rain clouds Graf, Hans-F. et al. 2001 315
40 The Hamburg ocean-atmosphere parameters and fluxes from satellite data (HOAPS) : a climatological atlas of satellite-derived air-Sea interaction parameters over the world ocean 2000 312
41 The impact of a downslope water-transport parameterization in a global ocean general circulation model Legutke, Stephanie et al. 2000 311
42 Midlatitude forcing mechanisms for glacier mass balance investigated using general circulation models Reichert, Bernhard K. et al. 2000 310
43 A cautionary note on the interpretation of EOFs Dommeneget, Dietmar et al. 2000 309
44 Observed historical discharge data from major rivers for climate model validation Dümenil Gates, Lydia et al. 2000 307
45 On the interpretation of climate change in the Tropical Pacific Latif, Mojib 2000 306
46 Tropical Pacific/Atlantic Ocean interactions at multi-decadal time scales Latif, Mojib 2000 305
47 Generation of SST anomalies in the midlatitudes Dommenget, Dietmar et al. 2000 304
48 The leading variability mode of the coupled troposphere-stratosphere winter circulation in different climate regimes Perlwitz, Judit et al. 1999 303
49 Derivation of global GCM boundary conditions from 1 km land use satellite data 1999 289
50 Application of a grid-scale lateral discharge model in the BALTEX region Hagemann, Stefan et al. 1998 278
51 Validation and analysis of regional present-day climate and climate change simulations over Europe 1998 275
52 The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM-4 : model description and simulation of present-day climate 1996 218
53 Remote sensing of refractivity from space for global observations of atmosperic parameters Gorbunov, Michael E. et al. 1993 119
54 Simulation of the present-day climate with the echam model : impact of model physics an resolution 1992 93
55 Developing climate scenarios from equilibrium GCM results 1990 47
56 An atlas based on the "coads" data set : the budgets of heat, buoyancy and turbulent kinetic energy at the surface of the global ocean Oberhuber, Josef M. 1988 15

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