Nr. |
Titel |
Autor |
Jahr |
Band |
1 |
The impact of the more economic approach on EU merger decisions |
Bernhardt, Lea et al. |
2022 |
195 |
2 |
Endogenous network effects |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2022 |
194 |
3 |
Biased reporting by the German media |
Löw, Franziska |
2022 |
193 |
4 |
Commitment versus Präemption : zum Wesen der Initiative |
Beckmann, Klaus |
2022 |
192 |
5 |
Income comparison and happiness within households |
Salland, Jan |
2021 |
191 |
6 |
Reassessing car scrappage schemes in selected OECD countries : a synthetic control method application |
Lüth, Hendrik |
2021 |
190 |
7 |
Quality signals on Airbnb : a hedonic regression approach |
Löw, Franziska et al. |
2021 |
189 |
8 |
Typhoon and agricultural production portfolio empirical evidence for a developing economy |
Thi Xuyen Tran |
2021 |
188 |
9 |
The rainmaker?! : the impact of investors on transfer fees in the English Premier League |
Richau, Lukas et al. |
2021 |
187 |
10 |
Konzept für eine Militärökonomik |
Beckmann, Klaus |
2020 |
186 |
11 |
Endogenisierung der Politikreaktion im SIR-Modell einer Epidemie |
Beckmann, Klaus |
2020 |
185 |
12 |
Common factors of withdrawn and prohibited merger cases in the European Union |
Bernhardt, Lea |
2020 |
184 |
13 |
Watchdog or loyal servant? : political media bias in US newscasts |
Bernhardt, Lea et al. |
2020 |
183 |
14 |
Second-hand price volatility of green ships : an empirical analysis across main shipping segments |
Ross, Harm Hauke |
2019 |
182 |
15 |
Droughts and corruption |
Wenzel, Daniela |
2018 |
181 |
16 |
A new price test in geographic market definition : an application to German retail gasoline market |
Bantle, Melissa et al. |
2018 |
180 |
17 |
Can media drive the electorate? : the impact of media coverage on party affiliation and voting intentions |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2018 |
179 |
18 |
Bounded rationality in differential games |
Beckmann, Klaus |
2017 |
178 |
19 |
The effects of adult and non-adult mortality on long-run economic development : evidence from a heterogeneous dynamic and cross-sectionally dependent panel of countries between 1800 and 2010 |
Herzer, Dierk et al. |
2017 |
177 |
20 |
Market definition of platform markets |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2017 |
176 |
21 |
Does the 4th estate deliver? : towards more direct measure of political media bias |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2016 |
175 |
22 |
Child health, human capital and adult financial behavior |
Luik, Marc-André |
2016 |
174 |
23 |
Institutional reform and depositors' portfolio choice - evidence from bank account data |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2016 |
173 |
24 |
Information processing in freight and freight forward markets : an event study on OPEC announcements |
Lauenstein, Philipp et al. |
2016 |
172 |
25 |
A life course perspective on the income-to-health relationship : macro-empirical evidence from two centuries |
Nagel, Korbinian |
2016 |
171 |
26 |
International competition intensified - job satisfaction sacrified? |
Dluhosch, Barbara et al. |
2016 |
170 |
27 |
Can news draw blood? : the impact of media coverage on the number and severity of terror attacks |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2016 |
169 |
28 |
Deficit policy within the framework of the stability and growth pact : empirical results and lessons for the fiscal compact |
Afflatet, Nicolas |
2016 |
168 |
29 |
Evaluating prediction markets for internal control applications |
Werner, Max |
2016 |
167 |
30 |
Shared value potential of transporting cargo via Hyperloop |
Werner, Max et al. |
2016 |
166 |
31 |
Monitoring venture capital investments through internal control prediction markets |
Werner, Max et al. |
2016 |
165 |
32 |
Innovation and immigration - insights from a placement policy |
Jahn, Vera et al. |
2016 |
164 |
33 |
Lineare dynamische Konfliktmodelle : ein systematischer Überblick |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2016 |
163 |
34 |
A critique of the Richardson equations |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2016 |
162 |
35 |
Preisgarantien im Kraftstoffmarkt |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2015 |
161 |
36 |
Fiscal policy in a debt crisis : a model |
Afflatet, Nicolas |
2015 |
160 |
37 |
The Boulding-Richardson model revisited |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2015 |
159 |
38 |
The importance of Mittelstand firms for regional apprenticeship activity : lessons for policy |
Jahn, Vera |
2015 |
158 |
39 |
Rechts? Links? Liberal? Egal? : Gründe für die Entstehung verzerrter Medieninhalte und Methoden zur Messung des Bias |
Im Winkel, Niklas |
2015 |
157 |
40 |
Public debt borrowing : are governments disciplined by financial markets? |
Afflatet, Nicolas |
2015 |
156 |
41 |
Determinants of in-court settlements : empirical evidence from a German trail court |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2014 |
155 |
42 |
Do judges react to the probability of appellate review? : empirical evidence from trail court procedures |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2014 |
154 |
43 |
Determinants of house price dynamics : what can we learn from search engine data? |
Bennöhr, Lars et al. |
2014 |
153 |
44 |
The effects of elite sports on later job success |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2014 |
152 |
45 |
Abgrenzung zweiseitiger Märkte am Beispiel von Internetsuchmaschinen |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2014 |
151 |
46 |
Governance, firm size and innovative capacity : regional empirical evidence for Germany |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2014 |
150 |
47 |
Net neutrality and the incentives (not) to exclude competitors |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2014 |
149 |
48 |
Applying "Benford's law" to the Crosswise Model : findings from an online survey on tax evasion |
Kundt, Thorben C. |
2014 |
148 |
49 |
Dynamiken in asymmetrischen Konflikten : eine Simulationsstudie |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2014 |
147 |
50 |
Unions and income inequality : a heterogeneous panel cointegration and causality analysis |
Herzer, Dierk |
2014 |
146 |
51 |
Intensive labour supply : a menu choice revealed preference approach for German females and males |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2014 |
145 |
52 |
On optimal tax differences between heterogeneous groups |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2014 |
144 |
53 |
Institutions, experiences and inflation aversion |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2014 |
143 |
54 |
Tax evasion and cognitive dissonance |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2014 |
142 |
55 |
Income inequality and health : evidence from developed and developing countries |
Herzer, Dierk et al. |
2014 |
141 |
56 |
Do expert reviews really drive demand? : evidence from a German magazine |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2014 |
140 |
57 |
Media bias and advertising : evidence from a German car magazine |
Dewenter, Ralf et al. |
2014 |
139 |
58 |
Dynamics of military conflict : an economics perspective |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2014 |
138 |
59 |
Tipping the scales: conciliation, appeal and the relevance of judicial ambition |
Christmann, Robin |
2013 |
137 |
60 |
Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes |
Hessler, Markus A. et al. |
2013 |
136 |
61 |
The effect of public capital on aggregate output : empirical evidence for 22 OECD countries |
Wesselhöft, Jan-Erik |
2013 |
135 |
62 |
Zwischen Ermessensfreiheit und diskretionären Spielräumen : die Finanzierung des bundesdeutschen Spitzensports ; eine Wiederholungsstudie |
Emrich, Eike et al. |
2013 |
134 |
63 |
Vertragliche Anreize und die Fehlbarkeit des Richters : der ungewisse Gang vor Gericht und sein Einfluss auf eine Verhaltenssteuerung im BGB-Vetragsrecht |
Christmann, Robin |
2013 |
133 |
64 |
Internetnutzer und Korruptionswahrnehmung : eine ökonometrische Untersuchung |
Gerrits, Carsten |
2013 |
132 |
65 |
The regional pattern of the US house price bubble - an application of SPC to city level data |
Freese, Julia |
2013 |
131 |
66 |
Unabhängige staatliche Institutionen : Funktionalität und demokratische Legitimation |
Kruse, Jörn |
2012 |
130 |
67 |
Unabhängigkeit von Institutionen : Gründe bzw. Ursachen und Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Unabhängigkeit von öffentlichen Institutionen im demokratischen Rechtsstaat |
Andrae, Jannis |
2012 |
129 |
68 |
Ideengeschichtliche Aspekte von unabhängigen Institutionen |
Andrae, Jannis |
2012 |
128 |
69 |
Causalities and casualties : media attention and terrorism, 1970-2010 |
Pfeiffer, Christoph P. |
2012 |
127 |
70 |
A note on the international coordination of anti-doping policies |
Emrich, Eike et al. |
2012 |
126 |
71 |
Estimating aggregate capital stocks using the perpetual inventory method : new empirical evidence for 103 countries |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2012 |
125 |
72 |
Eyes wide shut? : the U.S. house market bubble through the lense of statistical process control |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2012 |
124 |
73 |
Die optimierende Diktatur - politische Stabilisierung durch staatlich verordnetes Doping am Beispiel der DDR |
Pierdzioch, Christian et al. |
2012 |
123 |
74 |
Zum zeitlichen Umfang ehrenamtlichen Engagements in Sportvereinen : sozioökonomische Modellbildung und empirische Prüfung |
Flatau, Jens et al. |
2012 |
122 |
75 |
The curse of anxiety-pleasure : terrorism, the media, and advertising in a two-sided market framework |
Pfeiffer, Christoph P. |
2012 |
121 |
76 |
Match Fixing im deutschen Fussball : eine empirische Analyse mittels der Randomized-Response-Technik |
Pitsch, Werner et al. |
2012 |
120 |
77 |
EU enlargement and satisfaction with democracy : a peculiar case of immizerising growth |
Dluhosch, Barbara et al. |
2012 |
119 |
78 |
Forecasting US Housing starts under asymmetric loss |
Pierdzioch, Christian et al. |
2012 |
118 |
79 |
Explaining the income-distribution puzzle in happiness research : theory and evidence |
Dluhosch, Barbara et al. |
2012 |
117 |
80 |
(When) does tit-for-tat diplomacy in trade policy pay off? |
Dluhosch, Barbara et al. |
2012 |
116 |
81 |
Trading up the happiness ladder |
Dluhosch, Barbara et al. |
2012 |
115 |
82 |
Can we really trust offshoring indices? |
Castellani, Davide et al. |
2011 |
114 |
83 |
Monetary policy delegation and transparency of policy targets : a positive analysis |
Hielscher, Kai |
2011 |
113 |
84 |
A time-varying indicator of effective monetary policy conservatism |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2011 |
112 |
85 |
Netzneutralität : soll die Neutralität des Internet staatlich reguliert werden? |
Kruse, Jörn |
2011 |
111 |
86 |
Eine demokratische Reformkonzeption : mehr Einfluss für die Bürger und mehr Fachkompetenz und Langfristigkeit bei politischen Entscheidungen |
Kruse, Jörn |
2011 |
110 |
87 |
Staatsverschuldung ist ein Problem des politischen Systems |
Kruse, Jörn |
2011 |
109 |
88 |
The allocation of the digital dividend in Austria |
Börnsen, Arne et al. |
2011 |
108 |
89 |
Das liberale Trilemma |
Beckmann, Klaus |
2011 |
107 |
90 |
Global sourcing of family firms |
Horgos, Daniel |
2010 |
106 |
91 |
Monetary policy and real estate prices : a disaggregated analysis for Switzerland |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2010 |
105 |
92 |
Stabilizing rational speculation and price level targeting |
Reither, Franco et al. |
2010 |
104 |
93 |
Warum brauchen wir Richter? |
Christmann, Robin |
2010 |
103 |
94 |
Die einkommensteuerliche Berücksichtigung von Scheidungs- und Kinderunterhalt im Vergleich |
Hackmann, Johannes |
2010 |
102 |
95 |
Fairness und ihr Preis |
Schneider, Andrea et al. |
2010 |
101 |
96 |
Regulating government ('s share) : the fifty-percent rule of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany |
Arnauld, Andreas von et al. |
2010 |
100 |
97 |
Wissen für demokratische Entscheidungen |
Kruse, Jörn |
2009 |
99 |
98 |
It takes two to Tango : lobbies and the political business cycle |
Horgos, Daniel et al. |
2009 |
98 |
99 |
Gewerkschaften im Bundestag - gemeinwohlorientiert oder Lobbyisten? |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2009 |
97 |
100 |
Priority and internet quality |
Kruse, Jörn |
2009 |
96 |
101 |
Science and teaching : two-dimensional signalling in the academic job market |
Schneider, Andrea |
2009 |
95 |
102 |
Das Governance-Dilemma der demokratischen Wirtschaftspolitik |
Kruse, Jörn |
2009 |
94 |
103 |
Ungereimtheiten der traditionell in Deutschland vorherrschenden Rechtfertigungsansätze für das Ehegattensplitting |
Hackmann, Johannes |
2009 |
93 |
104 |
Mehr zu den politischen Segnungen von Föderalismus |
Schneider, Andrea et al. |
2009 |
92 |
105 |
The interaction of publications and appointments : new evidence on academic economists in Germany |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2009 |
91 |
106 | und die Qualität der Lehre |
Beckmann, Klaus et al. |
2009 |
90 |
107 |
Measuring effective monetary policy conservatism |
Berlemann, Michael et al. |
2009 |
89 |
108 |
The elasticity of substitution and the sector bias of International Outsourcing - solving the puzzle |
Horgos, Daniel |
2009 |
88 |
109 |
Buchanan-Kooperation und internationale öffentliche Güter |
Rundshagen, Bianca et al. |
2009 |
87 |