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Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung zugänglich unter
URL: http://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2008/797/
Report of the third session of the SUB-COMMITTEE ON AQUACULTURE New Delhi, India, 4–8 September 2006
BK - Klassifikation: |
| 48.68 |
Sondersammelgebiete: |
| 21.3 Küsten- und Hochseefischerei |
DDC-Sachgruppe: |
| Biowissenschaften, Biologie |
Dokumentart: |
| Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung |
Schriftenreihe: |
| FAO Fisheries Reports |
Bandnummer: |
| 816 |
| 9789250056562 |
Sprache: |
| Englisch |
Erstellungsjahr: |
| 2007 |
Publikationsdatum: |
| 07.08.2008 |
Kurzfassung auf Deutsch: |
| The third session of the Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Aquaculture was held in New Delhi, India, from 4 to 8 September 2006 at the kind invitation of the Government of India. It was attended by 48 Members of FAO, by representatives from one specialized agency of the United Nations and by observers from four intergovernmental and four international non-governmental organizations. The Sub-Committee appreciated the effort of the FAO Fisheries Department in responding to the recommendations of the second session of the Sub-Committee. Several working documents, including State of world aquaculture 2006 and Prospective analysis of future aquaculture development, were presented by the Secretariat for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. They were received with compliments. The Sub-Committee agreed to the International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to ensure implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2008 and appreciated the offer by the Government of Chile to host it. |
Kurzfassung auf Französisch: |
| La troisime session du Sous-Comit de laquaculture du Comit des pches sest tenue New Delhi (Inde) du 4 au 8 septembre 2006, laimable invitation du Gouvernement de lInde. Y ont particip 48 Membres de la FAO, des reprsentants dune institution spcialise des Nations Unies et des observateurs de quatre organisations internationales intergouvernementales et quatre organisations internationales non gouvernementales. Le Sous-Comit sest flicit des efforts dploys par le Dpartement des pches de la FAO en vue de donner suite aux recommandations formules lors de sa deuxime session. Le Secrtariat a soumis au Sous-Comit plusieurs documents de travail, dont un sur la situation mondiale de laquaculture 2006 (State of world aquaculture 2006) et un autre sur lanalyse prospective du dveloppement futur de laquaculture (Prospective analysis of future aquaculture development), pour information, examen et dcision. Ces documents ont t accueillis favorablement. Le Sous-Comit a approuv les Principes internationaux pour une crevetticulture responsable. Le Sous Comit a demand au Secrtariat dassurer la mise en uvre des activits prioritaires pendant la priode intersessions. Le Sous-Comit est convenu que sa prochaine session se tiendrait en 2008 et a remerci le Gouvernement du Chili de sa proposition daccueillir cette session. |