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Schriftenreihe: Discussion paper // Europa-Kolleg Hamburg

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr Band
1 Die Einsamkeit des Prekariats und die Bedürfnisse des "Wir" : warum es notwendig ist, das Konzept der gemeinsamen Bedürfnisse in die Definition des Prekariats aufzunehmen Luppi, Roberto 2023 2023,1
2 EU-US climate cooperation : challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Paris agreement Stranadko, Nataliya 2021 2021,2
3 Transparency in the extractive industries sector as a legal tool for strengthening good governance : the EUs approach Abdulatova, Nilyufar 2021 2021,1
4 Standing before the second Lisbon decade : the legal discourse on the future of European integration Martini, Stefan 2020 2020,5
5 Bridging the gap in transatlantic data protection Maldonado, Eric 2020 2020,4
6 Please dont hurt me, I will rate you : reputation systems as self-regulatory mechanisms for the sharing economy Stergiou, Paraskevi M. 2020 2020,3
7 European identity discourses in the contested neighborhood of Europe and Russia : the case of Ukraine Minesashvili, Salome 2020 2020,2
8 Die Target-Salden in der Eurozone : "Falle" oder Scheinproblem? Eger, Thomas 2020 2020,1
9 Trade and security - motives behind U.S. trade agreements Winter, Elisabeth 2019 2019,2
10 Im Dienste der Demokratie? : das institutionelle Gleichgewicht in der gemeinsamen Handelspolitik der EU Terhechte, Jörg Philipp 2019 2019,1
11 Official communications of the European External Action Service with Russia : crafting the image of normative power Europe Igumnova, Lyudmila 2018 2018,3
12 Revisiting public support for the euro, 1999-2017 : accounting for the crisis and the recovery Roth, Felix 2018 2018,1
13 The recent challenges for the European system of fundamental rights : Protocol No. 16 to the ECHR and its role facing constitutional and European Union level of protection Zampetti, Giovanni 2018 2018,2
14 European political parties and European public space from the Maastricht Treaty to the Reg. No. 1141/2014 Saitto, Francesco 2017 2017,2
15 Competition and the public interest in the digital market for information Lombardi, Claudio 2017 2017,1
16 The extraterritorial reach of EU competition law revisited : the "effects doctrine" before the ECJ Behrens, Peter, 1939- 2016 2016,3
17 Domestic facilitators and impediments to EU democracy promotion in its Eastern neighbourhood : the cost-benefit balance of norm adoption Buscaneanu, Sergiu 2016 2016,2
18 "EU integration and the introduction of State aid control in Serbia : institutional challenges and reform prospects" Milenkovic, Marko 2016 2016,1
19 The development of Kosovo and its relationship with the EU Nezaj, Novitet 2015 2015,4
20 The passing-on of price overcharges in European competition damages actions : a matter of causation and an issue of policy Lombardi, Claudio 2015 2015,8
21 The ordoliberal concept of "abuse" of a dominant position and its impact on Article 102 TFEU Behrens, Peter, 1939- 2015 2015,7
22 The development of competition law in Kosovo Nezaj, Novitet 2015 2015,6
23 Kosovo's transformation into a market economy Nezaj, Novitet 2015 2015,5
24 The influence of the accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey on Turkey's employment and social policies Kuslu, Göksel 2015 2015,3
25 EU security practices in Eastern Europe : extending European peace or managing risks? Dobrescu, Madalina 2015 2015,2
26 The adjustment of Moldova's competition law to European Union competition law Bologan, Dumitrita 2015 2015,1
27 The European Union and Christian Churches : the patterns of interaction Mudrov, Sergei A. 2014 2014,3
28 The EU origin of the Albanian legal regime on product liability Dollani, Nada 2014 2014,2
29 The "consumer choice" paradigm in German ordoliberalism and its impact upon EU competition law Behrens, Peter 2014 2014,1
30 The test for legality under EU competition rules : what guidance do the commission's guidelines provide? Behrens, Peter 2013 2013,2
31 Der Kontext als Schlüssel für ein angemessenes Verständnis der Integration durch Recht in Europa am Beispiel der aktuellen Grundrechtsprechung des EuGH Grimmel, Andreas 2013 2013,1
32 Mitgliedschaft der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in der Währungsunion : Risiken und Chancen Nagy, Katalin 2013 2013,4
33 The EU response to the Eurozone crisis : democratic contestation and the new fault lines in European integration Glencross, Andrew 2013 2013,3
34 Implementation of the acquis communautaire in EU candidate countries : a reappraisal Jano, Dorian 2012 2012,2
35 Menschenrechte und richterliche Unabhängigkeit in den Ländern des Donauraumes Bárd, Károly 2012 2012,3
36 Do determinants of FDI to developing countries differ among OECD investors? : insights from Bayesian model averaging Antonakakis, Nikolaos et al. 2012 2012,1
37 Solidarität und Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union in Zeiten der Finanz- und Verschuldungskrise Eger, Thomas 2011 2011,1
38 The European commission's discretion as to the adoption of article 9 commitment decisions : lessons from Alrosa Cavicchi, Piero 2011 2011,3
39 Politics in robes? : the European Court of Justice and the myth of "judicial activism" Grimmel, Andreas 2011 2011,2
40 Der Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt als Ordnungsrahmen in Krisenzeiten : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berücksichtigung der Finanzkrise Hentschelmann, Kai 2010 2010,1
41 The future of the international exchange rate system Schäfer, Wolf 2010 2010,3
42 Latvian foreign trade and investment with Germany and Russia : past and present Karnups, Viesturs Pauls 2010 2010,4
43 Ökonomische Effekte der Dienstleistungsfreiheit in der EU : die Dienstleistungsrichtlinie im Lichte empirischer Untersuchungen Lammers, Konrad 2010 2010,2
44 Industriestruktur als Ursache für Produktivitätsunterschiede in Europa : das Beispiel Estland Sepp, Jüri 2009 2009,1
45 Auswirkungen des Beitritts Chinas zur WTO auf die Wettbewerbspolitik in China : eine institutionenöknomische Betrachtung Shi, Shiwei 2009 2009,2

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epub2 - Letzte Änderung: 01.02.2022