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Schriftenreihe: Occasional paper // Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr Band
1 Definition of "Written Artefact" Bausi, Alessandro 2023 8
2 CSMC scroll matrix Andrist, Patrick 2022 7
3 Definition of paracontent Ciotti, Giovanni 2018 6
4 Reconstruction of early chinese bamboo and wood manuscripts: a review (1900-2010) Staack, Thies 2016 5
5 Questionnaire for the study of manuscript collections (towards a typology of manuscript collections) Fölster, Max Jakob 2015 4
6 A heuristic tool for the comparative study of manuscripts from different manuscript cultures Wimmer, Hanna 2015 3
7 Wordlists for libraries and closely related phenomena in different manuscript cultures from Asia, Africa and Europe Delhey, Martin 2015 2
8 Searching for a definition of "manuscript" Lorusso, Vito 2015 1

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