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Schriftenreihe: WiSo-HH working paper series

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr Band
1 Die Nutzer*innenperspektive auf On-Demand-Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen : Ergebnisse eines Lehrforschungsprojektes im Bachelor Sozialökonomie, Sommersemester 2023, unter der Leitung von Christoph van Dülmen und Katharina Manderscheid Dülmen, Christoph van 2024 81
2 Financial integration and international shock transmission : the terms-of-trade effect Krenz, Johanna 2023 80
3 A leaky pipeline : macroprudential policy shocks, non-bank financial intermediation and systemic risk in Europe Krenz, Johanna 2023 79
4 Understanding moral narratives as drivers of polarization about genetically engineered crops Waldhof, Gabi 2023 78
5 Narratives on the causes of inflation in Germany: First results of a pilot study Demgensky, Lisa 2023 77
6 Immigration and support for anti-immigrant parties in europe Jäger, Julian 2023 76
7 Smarter than humans? : validating how OpenAI9s ChatGPT model explains crowdfunding, alternative finance and community finance Wenzlaff, Karsten et al. 2022 75
8 Towards integrating social dynamics into climate economic scenarios : literature review Barth, Simon 2022 74
9 Klimakrise und tiefe Unsicherheit: Welche Antworten bietet die Theologie? : ein Literaturüberblick Dressel, Markus et al. 2022 73
10 Ungleicher Familienalltag durch die Corona-Pandemie Gaedke, Lorenz et al. 2022 72
11 Teilhabe oder Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit durch Crowdwork? : empirische Einblicke in Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen und Menschen mit Sorgeverpflichtungen Nowak, Iris et al. 2022 71
12 Perceived income positions and attitudes towards EU inequality a cross-country survey experiment Bublitz, Elisabeth et al. 2022 70
13 Policy preference at central banks : quantifying monetary policy signals using keyword topic models Diaf, Sami 2022 69
14 Immigrant bilingualism in the German labour market : between human capital, social networks, and ethnic marginalisation Markowsky, Eva et al. 2022 68
15 New forecasting methods for an old problem : predicting 147 years of systemic financial crises Plessis, Emile du et al. 2022 67
16 Where do I stand in the EU? : income comparisons and perceptions Bublitz, Elisabeth et al. 2022 66
17 Culture, female labour force participation, and selective migration : new meta-analytic evidence Markowsky, Eva 2022 65
18 Targets in international climate policy : (mis)understanding two degrees Otto, Felix et al. 2022 64
19 Economics in Action - die Erstellung von Wirtschaftsprognosen in der (Corona-)Krise Emme, Verena et al. 2021 63
20 Uncovering heterogeneous regional impacts of Chinese monetary policy Tsang, Andrew 2021 62
21 Who benefits? Heterogeneous effects of international student mobility on occupational attainment Waibel, Stine et al. 2020 61
22 Die Nachfolgerauswahl in Zeiten des technologischen Wandels Hillebrand, Sebastian 2020 60
23 Successor selection in times of continuity and renewal : a discrete choice-experiment Hillebrand, Sebastian et al. 2020 59
24 Product development and (international) market development as reinforcing growth strategies : the role of family control Hillebrand, Sebastian 2020 58
25 Replacing temperature targets by subsidiary targets: how accurate are they? : overshooting vs. economic losses Stein, Lukas et al. 2020 57
26 A scheme for jointly trading-off costs and risks of solar radiation management and mitigation under long-tailed climate sensitivity probability density distributions Roshan, Elnaz et al. 2020 56
27 Cost risk analysis: how robust is it in view of Weitzmans dismal theorem and underdetermined risk functions? Held, Hermann 2020 55
28 How to formulate climate targets under uncertainty and anticipated future learning about climate sensitivity? : an axiomatic review of the strong sustainability paradigm Schreyer, Felix et al. 2020 54
29 Evaluating delayed climate policy by cost-risk analysis Roth, Robert et al. 2020 53
30 Oil price shocks, protest and the shadow economy: is there a mitigation effect? Ishak, Phoebe W. et al. 2020 52
31 The mission in sight : how a leaders' motivation and awareness relates to their followers' mission valence Mayr, Marcel 2019 51
32 The struggle within : public managers' identity struggles in citizen collaboration and their response strategies Aschhoff, Nils 2019 50
33 Positioning sustainability to deal with complex systems : from sustainability identity to sustainability outlook Mortimer, Genevieve et al. 2019 49
34 Gender matters in language and economic behaviour Beblo, Miriam et al. 2019 48
35 Hamburg-BUS 2019 : Bürgerumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften für Hamburg Bock, Olaf et al. 2019 47
36 Consulting the chrystal ball: firms foresight and a cap-and-trade scheme with endogenous supply adjustments Willner, Maximilian 2018 46
37 Technological change and labor market integration Bublitz, Elisabeth, 1984- 2018 45
38 Why the EU market stability reserve deters long-term low-carbon investments Perino, Grischa 2017 44
39 For "better" or "worse" : a direct approach to elicit preference rankings from life-satisfaction data Köke, Sonja 2017 43
40 Impact measurement in venture philantrophy organizations : a single case study Hochstädter, Anna Katharina 2017 42
41 Networks, institutions, culture and association? : a case study on associative actions in the German markets for organic food Dombrowski, Simon 2017 41
42 Nachhaltige Normativität im globalen Raum : Kontestation und Konstitutionalisierung Wiener, Antje 2017 38
43 Remove or reserve? : allowance prices and design choices in phase IV of the EU emission trading system Perino, Grischa 2017 36
44 Competition, collective bargaining, and immigrant wage gaps within German establishments Ohlert, Clemens 2016 35
45 Hamburg-BUS Herbst 2016 : Bürgerumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften für Hamburg Marcinkiewicz, Kamil, 1983- 2016 34
46 Can nudges be transparent and yet effective? Bruns, Hendrik 2016 33
47 I'm in a hurry, I don't want to know! : the effects of time pressure and transparency on self-serving behavior Jarke, Johannes et al. 2016 32
48 What difference does long-horizon uncertaintly make? : housing investment choises in the presence of risky steady state house prices Chen, Xi 2016 31
49 Special interest politic : contribution schedules versus nash bargaining Voss, Achim et al. 2016 30
50 The swing voter's curse in social networks Buechel, Berno et al. 2016 29
51 The price and emission effects of a market stability reserve in a competitive allowance market Perino, Grischa 2015 28
52 Innovation and family firms : departing from R&D mediations Steeger, Jonas et al. 2015 27
53 Breaking down the wall between nature and nurture : an exploration of gendered work preferences in East and West Germany Beblo, Miriam et al. 2015 26
54 Reciprocity models revisited : intention factors and reference values Hinz, Janna et al. 2015 25
55 Information-sensitive Leviathans : the emergence of centralized punishment Nicklisch, Andreas et al. 2015 24
56 Climate campaigns, cap-and-trade and carbon leakage : why trying to reduce your carbon footprint can harm the climate Perino, Grischa 2015 23
57 Adversity is a school of wisdom : experimental evidence on cooperative protection against stochastic losses Köke, Sonja et al. 2015 22
58 Do renewable energy policies reduce carbon emissions? : on caps and inter-industry leakage Jarke, Johannes et al. 2015 21
59 Trust, but verify? : when trustworthiness is observable only through (costly) monitoring Goeschl, Timo et al. 2014 20
60 Underpricing of initial public offerings in experimental asset markets Füllbrunn, Sascha et al. 2014 19
61 Stock price dynamics and the business cycle in an estimated DSGE model for South Africa Paetz, Michael et al. 2014 18
62 The power of love : a subtle driving force for unegalitarian labor division? Görges, Luise 2014 17
63 What goes around, comes around : experimental evidence on exposed lies Schnapp, Kai-Uwe et al. 2014 16
64 The optimal climate policy of mitigation and adaptation : a real options theory perspective Glanemann, Nicole 2014 15
65 On the interaction of deterrence and emotions Khadjavi, Menusch 2014 14
66 The joint benefits of observed and unobserved social sanctions Glöckner, Andreas et al. 2014 13
67 The social value of transparency and accountability : experimental evidence from asymmetric public goods games Khadjavi, Menusch et al. 2014 12
68 Fiscal stimulus and households' non-durable consumption expenditures : evidence from the 2009 Australian nation building and jobs plan 2014 11
69 Testing the endowment effect for default rules Marcin, Isabel et al. 2014 10
70 Sunk-cost fallacy with partial reversibility : an experimental investigation Haita, Corina 2013 9
71 Parents' ambitions and children's competitiveness Khadjavi, Menusch et al. 2014 8
72 Maintaining the common pool : voluntary water conservation in response to varying scarcity Aisbett, Emma et al. 2013 7
73 Second vs. third party punishment under costly monitoring : a new experimental method and evidence Goeschl, Timo et al. 2013 6
74 Strategic choices for redistribution and the veil of ignorance : theory and experimental evidence Gerber, Anke et al. 2013 5
75 Zur Ziehung von Stichproben in schwer erreichbaren Zielgruppen mit gravitationsanalytischen Methoden Hoops, Christian et al. 2013 4
76 On the impulse in impulse learning Ding, Jieyao et al. 2013 3
77 Politische Stimmung in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg : Ergebnisse einer allgemeinen Bevölkerungsumfrage Bock, Olaf et al. 2012 2
78 hroot : Hamburg registration and organization online tool Bock, Olaf et al. 2012 1

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