Schriftenreihe: DESY // Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY
Nr. |
Titel |
Autor |
Jahr |
Band |
1 |
Parton distribution Effects in the direct photon production at hadron collisions |
Rentería-Estrada, David F. |
2022 |
2022,001 |
2 |
The electron foreshock at high-mach-number nonrelativistic oblique shocks |
Bohdan, Artem |
2022 |
2022,003 |
3 |
Gravitational radiation from inspiralling compact objects : spin effects to fourth post-Newtonian order |
Cho, Gihyuk |
2022 |
2022,004 |
4 |
DESY / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron ; Band 5: The quadrupole moment of compact binaries to the fourth post-newtonian order : 1. non-locality in time and infra-red divergencies |
Larrouturou, François |
2022 |
2022,005 |
5 |
The quadrupole moment of compact binaries to the fourth post-newtonian order : 1. non-locality in time and infra-red divergencies : 2. dimensional regularization and renormalization |
Larrouturou, François |
2022 |
2022,006 |
6 |
Bubble nucleation to all orders |
Ekstedt, Andreas |
2022 |
2022,007 |
7 |
Multivariable evolution in final state parton shower algorithms |
Nagy, Zoltán |
2022 |
2022,009 |
8 |
Nucleon form factors from the feynman-hellmann method in lattice QCD |
2021 |
2022,010 |
9 |
Very Hairy Inflation |
D'Amico, G. |
2022 |
2022,012 |
10 |
DESY / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron; Band 14: Turn up the volume: Listening to phase transitions in hot dark sectors |
Ertas, Fatih |
2022 |
2022,014 |
11 |
Strong CP problem, electric dipole moment, and fate of the axion |
Schierholz, Gerrit |
2022 |
2022,015 |
12 |
Similarity and generalization : from noise to corruption |
Guidetti, Veronica |
2022 |
2022,016 |
13 |
The international linear collider : report to snowmass 2021 |
2022 |
2022,045 |
14 |
Off-shell higgs interpretations task force: models and effective field theories subgroup report |
2022 |
2022,046 |
15 |
Convergence of the nucleation rate for first-order phase transitions |
Ekstedt, Andreas |
2022 |
2022,075 |
16 |
NNLO anomalous dimension matrix for twist-two flavor-singlet operators |
Braun, V. M. |
2022 |
2022,078 |
17 |
Initial state QED radiation aspects for future e+e- colliders |
Frixione, Stefano |
2022 |
2022,079 |
18 |
Resonance form factors from finite-volume correlation functions with the external field method |
2022 |
2022,080 |
19 |
Radiative first-order phase transitions to next-to-next-to-leading-order |
Ekstedt, Andreas |
2022 |
2022,081 |
20 |
Discrete goldstone bosons |
Enguita-Vileta, Victor |
2022 |
2022,082 |
21 |
Direct detection of pseudo-nambu-goldstone dark matter in a two higgs doublet plus singlet extension of the SM |
Biekötter, Thomas |
2022 |
2022,083 |
22 |
Flare up dark sectors with EM form factors at the LHC forward physics facility |
2022 |
2022,084 |
23 |
Machine learning the trilinear and light-quark Yukawa couplings from Higgs pair kinematic shapes |
2022 |
2022,85 |
24 |
Oscillations of atomic energy levels induced by QCD axion dark matter |
2022 |
2022,088 |
25 |
Uncertainties on the theoretical input for tt̄j experimental analyses at the LHC |
Voß, Katharina et al. |
2022 |
2022,002 |
26 |
Measurements of SU(3)f symmetry breaking in B meson decay constants |
De La Motte, S. A. |
2022 |
2022,011 |
27 |
A novel search for high-frequency gravitational waves with low-mass axion haloscopes |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2022 |
2022,017 |
28 |
New constraints on extended Higgs sectors from the trilinear Higgs coupling |
Bahl, Henning et al. |
2022 |
2022,018 |
29 |
Emittance preservation in advanced accelerators |
Lindstrøm, C. A. et al. |
2022 |
2022,019 |
30 |
Anomaly detection at the European XFEL using a parity space based method |
Eichler, Annika et al. |
2022 |
2022,020 |
31 |
An explanation of the muon puzzle of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and the role of the forward physics facility for model improvement |
Anchordoqui, Luis Alfredo |
2022 |
2022,021 |
32 |
Z'-mediated majorana dark matter : suppressed direct-detection rate and complementarity of LHC searches |
Alanne, Tommi et al. |
2022 |
2022,022 |
33 |
Belle II sensitivity to long-lived dark photons |
Ferber, Torben et al. |
2022 |
2022,023 |
34 |
Back-to-back azimuthal correlations in Z+Jet events at high transverse momentum in the TMD parton branching method at next-to-leading order |
Yang, H. |
2022 |
2022,025 |
35 |
Interplay of beam polarisation and systematic uncertainties in electroweak precision measurements at future e+ e- colliders |
Beyer, Jakob et al. |
2022 |
2022,026 |
36 |
Studying quantum algorithms for particle track reconstruction in the LUXE experiment |
Funcke, Lena |
2022 |
2022,027 |
37 |
Electromagnetic couplings of axions |
Sokolov, Anton V. et al. |
2022 |
2022,074 |
38 |
Power counting energy flow polynomials |
Cal, Pedro et al. |
2022 |
2022,077 |
39 |
One-loop soft anomalous dimension matrices for ttj hadroproduction |
Chargeishvili, Bakar et al. |
2022 |
2022,087 |
40 |
Revisiting isocurvature bounds in models unifying the axion with the inflaton |
Ballesteros, Guillermo |
2021 |
2021,048 |
41 |
Staging of high-gradient Wakefield accelerators |
Lindstrøm, C. A. |
2021 |
2021,001 |
42 |
Determination of collinear and TMD photon densities using the Parton branching method |
Jung, H. et al. |
2021 |
2021,014 |
43 |
A GPU-based kalman filter for track fitting |
Ai, X. et al. |
2021 |
2021,058 |
44 |
Double monodromy inflation: a gravity waves factory for CMB-S4, LiteBIRD and LISA |
D'Amico, G. et al. |
2021 |
2021,004 |
45 |
CASCADE3 : a Monte Carlo event generator based on TMDs |
Baranov, S. |
2021 |
2021,005 |
46 |
Axion assisted schwinger effect |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2021 |
2021,006 |
47 |
Gopakumar-Vafa hierarchies in winding inflation and uplifts |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2021 |
2021,007 |
48 |
Development and performance of a compact LumiCal prototype calorimeter for future linear collider experiments |
Borysova, Maryna |
2021 |
2021,009 |
49 |
An even lighter QCD axion |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2021 |
2021,010 |
50 |
Dark matter from an even lighter QCD axion : trapped misalignment |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2021 |
2021,011 |
51 |
Breakdown of chiral perturbation theory for the axion hot dark matter bound |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2021 |
2021,012 |
52 |
Precision studies for Drell-Yan processes at NNLO |
Alechin, Sergej |
2021 |
2021,002 |
53 |
Conceptual design report for the LUXE experiment |
Abramowicz, Halina |
2021 |
2021,016 |
54 |
Singularities of eight- and nine-particle amplitudes from cluster algebras and tropical geometry |
Henke, Niklas |
2021 |
2021,018 |
55 |
Hunting wino and higgsino dark matter at the muon collider with disappearing tracks |
Capdevilla, Rodolfo |
2021 |
2021,019 |
56 |
Spin effects in the effective field theory approach to post-Minkowskian conservative dynamics |
Liu, Zhengwen |
2021 |
2021,020 |
57 |
Assessing the Fornax globular cluster timing problem in different models of dark matter |
Bar, Nitsan |
2021 |
2021,023 |
58 |
Test-beam characterisation of the CLICTD technology demonstrator - a small collection electrode high-resistivity CMOS pixel sensor with simultaneous time and energy measurement |
Ballabriga, Rafael |
2021 |
2021,025 |
59 |
TMDlib2 and TMDplotter: a platform for 3D Hadron structure studies |
Abdulov, N. A. |
2021 |
2021,026 |
60 |
Preheating from target space curvature and unitarity violation : analysis in field space |
Ema, Yohei |
2021 |
2021,027 |
61 |
Decoding photons: physics in the latent space of a BIB-AE generative network |
Buhmann, Erik |
2021 |
2021,029 |
62 |
Expectation management |
Braathen, Johannes |
2021 |
2021,030 |
63 |
Observation of harmonic lasing in the Angstrom regime at European XFEL |
Schneidmiller, E. A. |
2021 |
2021,036 |
64 |
dNNsolve : an efficient NN-based PDE solver |
Guidetti, V. |
2021 |
2021,037 |
65 |
Photophilic hadronic axion from heavy magnetic monopoles |
Sokolov, Anton V. |
2021 |
2021,046 |
66 |
Calculating four-loop corrections in QCD |
Moch, Sven-Olaf |
2021 |
2021,047 |
67 |
WHIZARD 3.0: status and news |
2021 |
2021,050 |
68 |
Simulating MADMAX in 3D: requirements for dielectric axion haloscopes |
2021 |
2021,051 |
69 |
Generic one-loop matching conditions for rare Meson decays |
Bishara, Fady |
2021 |
2021,053 |
70 |
Constraining off-shell production of axion-like particles with Zγ and WW differential cross-section measurements |
Carrá, Sonia |
2021 |
2021,63 |
71 |
Vector boson scattering processes: status and prospects |
Franzosi, Diogo Buarque |
2021 |
2021,064 |
72 |
Indirect CP Probes of the Higgs-Top-Quark Interaction at the LHC |
Bahl, Henning |
2021 |
2021.65 |
73 |
Double Parton Distributions in the Nucleon from Lattice QCD |
Zimmermann, Christian |
2021 |
2021,066 |
74 |
The axial-vector contributions in two-photon reactions : pion transition form factor and deeply-virtual Compton scattering at NNLO in QCD |
Braun, V. M. |
2021 |
2021,068 |
75 |
The mini-DST: a high-level LCIO format |
Kawada, Shin-ichi |
2021 |
2021,074 |
76 |
Conceptual aspects for the improvement of the reconstruction of b- and c-jets at e+e- Higgs factories with ParticleFlow detectors |
Radkhorrami, Yasser |
2021 |
2021,075 |
77 |
Isolating systematic effects with beam polarisation at e+e- colliders |
Beyer, Jakob |
2021 |
2021,076 |
78 |
A 96 GeV Higgs boson in the 2HDMS: e+e- collider prospects |
Heinemeyer, Sven |
2021 |
2021,077 |
79 |
The strong CP problem solved by itself due to long-distance vacuum effects |
Nakamura, Yasunobu |
2021 |
2021,078 |
80 |
Prospects of fast timing detectors for particle identification at future Higgs factories |
Dudar, Bohdan |
2021 |
2021,080 |
81 |
Tetrahedron instantons |
Pomoni, Elli |
2021 |
2021,087 |
82 |
Energy compression and stabilization of laser-plasma accelerators |
Ferran Pousa, Ángel |
2021 |
2021,088 |
83 |
On the wall velocity dependence of electroweak baryogenesis |
Dorsch, G. C. |
2021 |
2021,089 |
84 |
Indirect detection of secluded supersymmetric dark matter |
Barnes, Patrick |
2021 |
2021,091 |
85 |
TMD parton densities and corresponding parton showers : the advantage of four- and five-flavour schemes |
Jung, Hannes |
2021 |
2021,094 |
86 |
Comment on "Evidence for parity violation in gravitational fields" (DESY 18-171) |
Behnke, Ties |
2021 |
2021,095 |
87 |
Preservation through modernisation : the software of the H1 experiment at HERA |
Britzger, Daniel |
2021 |
2021,097 |
88 |
Azimuthal correlations in photoproduction and deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2021 |
2021,099 |
89 |
Theory requirements for SM higgs and EW precision physics at the FCC-ee |
Heinemeyer, Sven |
2021 |
2021,100 |
90 |
Infrared photons and asymptotic symmetries |
Liu, Zhengwen |
2021 |
2021,102 |
91 |
On the choice of entropy variables in multifield inflation |
Cicoli, Michele |
2021 |
2021,106 |
92 |
Commissioning results and electron beam characterization at the S-band photoinjector at SINBAD-ARES |
Panofski, Eva |
2021 |
2021,108 |
93 |
Finding sound shells in LISA mock data using likelihood sampling |
Giese, Felix |
2021 |
2021,109 |
94 |
LUXE-NPOD: new physics searches with an optical dump at LUXE |
Bai, Zhaoyu |
2021 |
2021,111 |
95 |
Probing PeV scale SUSY-breaking with satellite galaxies and primordial gravitational waves |
Choi, Gongjun |
2021 |
2021,112 |
96 |
A fake instability in string inflation |
Cicoli, Michele |
2021 |
2021,113 |
97 |
Cohen-Macaulay property of Feynman integrals |
Tellander, Felix |
2021 |
2021,115 |
98 |
Dark matter freeze-in with a heavy mediator : beyond the EFT approach |
Frangipane, Evan |
2021 |
2021,117 |
99 |
Improved indirect limits on muon EDM |
Ema, Yohei |
2021 |
2021,118 |
100 |
The potential of CMS as a high-energy neutrino scattering experiment |
Foldenauer, Patrick |
2021 |
2021,120 |
101 |
The effective field theory of large-scale structure and multi-tracer |
Mergulhão, Thiago |
2021 |
2021,121 |
102 |
The old conformal bootstrap revisited |
Liendo, Pedro |
2021 |
2021,122 |
103 |
A roadmap for bootstrapping critical gauge theories : decoupling operators of conformal field theories in d ; 2 dimensions |
He, Yin-Chen |
2021 |
2021,123 |
104 |
Conformal bootstrap bounds for the U(1) dirac spin liquid and N = 7 stiefel liquid |
He, Yin-Chen |
2021 |
2021,124 |
105 |
Reconciling Higgs physics and pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone dark matter in the S2HDM using a genetic algorithm |
Biekötter, Thomas |
2021 |
2021,125 |
106 |
Measurement of lepton-jet correlation in deep-inelastic scattering with the H1 detector using machine learning for unfolding |
2021 |
2021,130 |
107 |
Effect of density fluctuations on gravitational wave production in first-order phase transitions |
Jinno, Ryusuke |
2021 |
2021,131 |
108 |
Possible indications for new higgs bosons in the reach of the LHC : N2HDM and NMSSM interpretations |
Biekötter, Thomas |
2021 |
2021,132 |
109 |
Bootstrapping holographic defect correlators in N = 4 super yang-mills |
Barrat, Julien |
2021 |
2021,133 |
110 |
Kination cosmology from scalar fields and gravitational-wave signatures |
Gouttenoire, Yann |
2021 |
2021,134 |
111 |
Towards high partial waves in lattice QCD with a dumbbell-like operator |
2021 |
2021,136 |
112 |
CW operation of the european XFEL : SC-gun injector optimization, S2E calculations and SASE performance |
Bazyl, Dmitry |
2021 |
2021,138 |
113 |
Magnetic anomaly coefficients for QCD axion couplings |
Sokolov, Anton V. |
2021 |
2021,140 |
114 |
Stellar evolution confronts axion models |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2021 |
2021,141 |
115 |
The forward physics facility : sites, experiments, and physics potential |
Anchordoqui, Luis Alfredo |
2021 |
2021,142 |
116 |
Testing exotic scalars with HiggsBounds |
Bahl, Henning |
2021 |
2021,143 |
117 |
Discovery and exclusion prospects for staus produced by heavy higgs bosons decays at the LHC |
Arganda, Ernesto |
2021 |
2021,144 |
118 |
One-loop electroweak sudakov logarithms : a revisitation and automation |
Pagani, Davide |
2021 |
2021,145 |
119 |
Z'-explorer 2.0 : reconnoitering the dark matter landscape |
Martin Lozano, Victor |
2021 |
2021,146 |
120 |
Friction pressure on relativistic bubble walls |
Gouttenoire, Yann |
2021 |
2021,147 |
121 |
Double parton distributions out of bounds in colour space |
Diehl, Markus |
2021 |
2021,148 |
122 |
Electric dipole moments at one-loop in the dimension-6 SMEFT |
Kley, Jonathan |
2021 |
2021,149 |
123 |
Socioeconomic disparities and COVID-19 : the causal connections |
Banerjee, Tannista |
2022 |
2021,150 |
124 |
Estimating ZZ production with Zγ events at the LHC: cross-section ratio and uncertainties |
Sabater Iglesias, Jorge Andres et al. |
2021 |
2021,062 |
125 |
Thraxions : towards full string models |
Carta, Federico |
2021 |
2021,152 |
126 |
τ̃ searches at the ILC |
Núñez Pardo de Vera, Maria Teresa et al. |
2021 |
2021,072 |
127 |
ODE/IQFT correspondence for the generalized affine sl(2) Gaudin model |
Kotousov, Gleb A. et al. |
2021 |
2021,081 |
128 |
Fuzzy dark matter candidates from string theory |
Cicoli, Michele |
2021 |
2021,153 |
129 |
Mellin-barnes integrals related to the lie algebra u(N) |
Manashov, Alexander N. |
2021 |
2021,158 |
130 |
Constraining CP-violation in the higgs-top-quark interaction using machine-learning-based inference |
Bahl, Henning et al. |
2021 |
2021,160 |
131 |
State mixing and masses of the π0, η and η´ mesons from ηf = 1 + 1 + 1 lattice QCD+QED |
2021 |
2021,166 |
132 |
Thin-walled Higgs assisted q-balls from pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons |
Bishara, Fady |
2021 |
2021,155 |
133 |
Kinematic Fitting for ParticleFlow Detectors at Future Higgs Factories |
Radkhorrami, Yasser |
2021 |
2021,157 |
134 |
Two-loop corrections to the Higgs trilinear coupling in models with extended scalar sectors |
Braathen, Johannes |
2021 |
2021,159 |
135 |
Machine learning the higgs-top CP phase |
Barman, Rahool Kumar |
2021 |
2021,161 |
136 |
Application of a modified chirp-taper scheme for generation of attosecond pulses in XUV and Soft X-Ray FELs |
Schneidmiller, E. A. |
2021 |
2021,162 |
137 |
Progress of the FLASHForward X-2 high-beam-quality, high-efficiency plasma-accelerator experiment |
Lindstrom, C. A. |
2021 |
2021,163 |
138 |
Studies of high-field QED with the LUXE experiment at the european XFEL |
Borysova, Maryna |
2021 |
2021,164 |
139 |
Bootstrapping (D, D) conformal matter |
Baume, Florent |
2021 |
2021,165 |
140 |
Generalised parton distributions from the off-forward compton amplitude in lattice QCD |
2021 |
2021,167 |
141 |
Supercool composite dark matter beyond 100 TeV |
Baldes, Iason |
2021 |
2021,172 |
142 |
N=1 curves on generalized coulomb branches |
Bourton, Thomas |
2021 |
2021,173 |
143 |
New physics without bias: charming penguins and lepton universality violation in b → sl+l− decays |
Ciuchini, M. et al. |
2021 |
2021,168 |
144 |
WIMP dark matter in the UμνSSM |
Aguilar-Saavedra, Juan Antonio |
2021 |
2021,181 |
145 |
Cross-sections for tt̄H production with the top quark M̄S̄ mass |
Aldaya Martin, Maria et al. |
2021 |
2021,197 |
146 |
An Exceptionally Light Axion : Strong CP and Dark Matter |
Quilez, Pablo |
2021 |
2021,180 |
147 |
Theoretical predictions for inclusive B → Xuτν¯ decay |
Ligeti, Zoltan et al. |
2021 |
2021,215 |
148 |
Discriminating the heavy jet production mechanisms in associated Z + heavy flavor events at the LHC |
Baranov, S. P. |
2021 |
2021,184 |
149 |
Theory input for tt̄j experimental analyses at the LHC |
Voß, Katharina et al. |
2021 |
2021,229 |
150 |
Zero-jettiness resummation for top-quark pair production at the LHC |
Alioli, Simone |
2021 |
2021,186 |
151 |
Particle physics facing a pandemic |
Kardos, Adam |
2021 |
2021,187 |
152 |
Probing neutrino-portal dark matter at the Forward Physics Facility |
Kelly, Kevin J. |
2021 |
2021,188 |
153 |
Infinitely many 4d N = 1SCFTs with a = c |
Kang, Monica Jinwoo |
2021 |
2021,190 |
154 |
Hadrophilic dark sectors at the Forward Physics Facility |
Batell, Brian |
2021 |
2021,191 |
155 |
Aspects of BFKL physics at HERA |
Jung, Hannes |
2021 |
2021,193 |
156 |
Probing the axion-nucleon coupling with the next generation of axion helioscopes |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2021 |
2021,194 |
157 |
Kinematic fitting for particle flow detectors at future Higgs factories |
Radkhorrami, Yasser |
2021 |
2021,95 |
158 |
Techni-composite Higgs models with a(symmetric) dark matter candidates |
Cacciapaglia, Giacomo |
2021 |
2021,196 |
159 |
LUXE : a new experiment to study non-perturbative QED |
Helary, Louis |
2021 |
2021,199 |
160 |
Phenomenology of the Dark Matter Sector in the Two Higgs Doublet Model with Complex Scalar Singlet Extension |
Dutta, J. |
2022 |
2021,200 |
161 |
Low moments of the four-loop splitting functions in QCD |
Moch, Sven-Olaf |
2021 |
2021,203 |
162 |
Advances in lattice hadron physics calculations using the gradient flow |
Can, K. U. |
2021 |
2021,204 |
163 |
Beyond Jarlskog: 699 invariants for CP violation in SMEFT |
Bonnefoy, Quentin |
2021 |
2021,205 |
164 |
Impact of jet-production data on the next-to-next-to-leading-order determination of HERAPDF2.0 parton distributions |
2021 |
2021,206 |
165 |
From boundary data to bound states III: radiative effects |
Cho, Gihyuk |
2021 |
2021,212 |
166 |
Patterns of flavour symmetry breaking in hadron matrix elements involving u, d and s quarks |
Bickerton, J. M. |
2021 |
2021,213 |
167 |
Tensor charges and their impact on physics beyond the standard model |
Smail, R. E. |
2021 |
2021,214 |
168 |
The ups and downs of inelastic dark matter : electron recoils from terrestrial upscattering |
Emken, Timon |
2021 |
2021,216 |
169 |
Gravitational focusing of wave dark matter |
Kim, Hyungjin |
2021 |
2021,217 |
170 |
A non-linear Kalman filter for track parameters estimation in high energy physics |
Ai, Xiaocong |
2021 |
2021,218 |
171 |
Azimuthal correlations of high transverse momentum jets at next-to-leading order in the Parton branching method |
Abdulhamid, Muhammad Ibrahim |
2021 |
2021,219 |
172 |
Hadrons, better, faster, stronger |
Buhmann, Erik |
2021 |
2021,220 |
173 |
Drell Yan production in the parton branching method and POWHEG matching |
Bermúdez Martínez, Armando |
2022 |
2021,221 |
174 |
Rivet, RivetHZTool and HERA : a validation effort for coding HERA measurements for Rivet |
Abdulhamid, Muhammad Ibrahim |
2021 |
2021,222 |
175 |
The seeds of EFT double copy |
Bonnefoy, Quentin |
2021 |
2021,223 |
176 |
A 96 GeV Higgs boson in the 2HDM plus singlet |
Heinemeyer, Sven |
2021 |
2021,230 |
177 |
External leg corrections as an origin of large logarithms |
Bahl, Henning |
2021 |
2021,231 |
178 |
Vacancy-dynamics in niobium and its native oxides and their potential implications for quantum computing and superconducting accelerators |
Wenskat, Marc |
2021 |
2021,233 |
179 |
TMDs from Monte Carlo event generators |
Jung, H. |
2021 |
2021,234 |
180 |
Defiducialization: providing experimental measurements for accurate fixed-order predictions |
Glazov, Aleksandr A. |
2020 |
2020,001 |
181 |
Transverse energy-energy correlations of jets in the electron-proton deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2020 |
2020,129 |
182 |
The origin of the six-gluon amplitude in planar N = 4 SYM |
Basso, B. et al. |
2020 |
2020,002 |
183 |
Scaling and higher twist in the nucleon compton amplitude |
2020 |
2020,004 |
184 |
Structure functions from the compton amplitude |
2020 |
2020,005 |
185 |
The transverse momentum spectrum of low mass Drell-Yan production at next-to-leading order in the parton branching method |
Bermúdez Martínez, Armando et al. |
2020 |
2020,006 |
186 |
R-parity violation and direct stau pair productions at the LHC |
Dreiner, Herbert K. et al. |
2020 |
2020,007 |
187 |
Covert symmetries in the neutrino mass matrix |
Björkeroth, Fredrik et al. |
2019 |
2020,008 |
188 |
Determining the glue component of the nucleon |
2020 |
2020,009 |
189 |
Sum rule improved double parton distributions in position space |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2020 |
2020,011 |
190 |
Parton distribution functions of the charged pion within the xFitter framework |
Novikov, Ivan |
2020 |
2020,013 |
191 |
Evolution of parton showers and parton distribution functions |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2020 |
2020,015 |
192 |
Drell-Yan qT resummation of fiducial power corrections at N3LL |
Ebert, M. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,016 |
193 |
Resonant backreaction in axion inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2020 |
2020,017 |
194 |
Status of the WHIZARD generator for linear colliders |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2020 |
2020,018 |
195 |
The "96 GeV excess" at the ILC |
Biekötter, Thomas et al. |
2020 |
2020,019 |
196 |
ILD benchmark : quartic gauge couplings |
Beyer, J. et al. |
2020 |
2020,020 |
197 |
No go for a flow |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2020 |
2020,021 |
198 |
Dark Matter bound-state formation at higher order : a non-equilibrium quantum field theory approach |
Binder, Tobias et al. |
2020 |
2020,022 |
199 |
Top-quark pair production at complete-NLO accuracy with NNLO+NNLL0 corrections in QCD |
Czakon, Michal |
2020 |
2020,024 |
200 |
Plasma lenses : possible alternative OMD at the ILC |
Formela, Manuel et al. |
2020 |
2020,027 |
201 |
Charged multi-hadron systems in lattice QCD+QED |
2020 |
2020,028 |
202 |
Deformation of the gravitational wave spectrum by density perturbations |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2020 |
2020,029 |
203 |
Bilinear quark operators in the RI/SMOM scheme at three loops |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,030 |
204 |
Higgs inflation as nonlinear sigma model and scalaron as its -meson |
Ema, Y. et al. |
2020 |
2020,031 |
205 |
Dipole subtraction vs. phase space slicing in NLO NRQCD heavy-quarkonium production calculations |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,032 |
206 |
Nonplanar cusp and transcendental anomalous dimension at four loops in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,033 |
207 |
Higgs production at NNLL'+NNLO using rapidity dependent jet vetoes |
Gangal, Shireen et al. |
2020 |
2020,035 |
208 |
The landscape of QCD axion models |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2020 |
2020,036 |
209 |
Approximate four-loop QCD corrections to the Higgs-Boson production cross section |
Das, Goutam et al. |
2020 |
2020,037 |
210 |
Matching small beta functions using centroid jitter and two beam position monitors |
Lindstrøm, C. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,038 |
211 |
Tunable and precise two-bunch generation at FLASHForward |
Schröder, S. et al. |
2020 |
2020,039 |
212 |
The halo void (dust) model of large scale structure |
Voivodic, R. et al. |
2020 |
2020,040 |
213 |
Remarks on strange-quark simulations with Wilson fermions |
Mohler, Daniel et al. |
2020 |
2020,041 |
214 |
Gravitational wave production right after a primordial black hole evaporation |
Inomata, Keisuke et al. |
2020 |
2020,042 |
215 |
A landscape of orientifold vacua |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2020 |
2020,046 |
216 |
The "96 GeV excess" at the LHC |
Biekötter, Thomas et al. |
2020 |
2020,047 |
217 |
Study of proton parton distribution functions at high x using ZEUS data |
2020 |
2020,048 |
218 |
Analytic structure of the 8-point scattering amplitude in multi-Regge kinematics in N = 4 SYM : conformal Regge pole and Regge cut contributions |
Bartels, Jochen |
2020 |
2020,049 |
219 |
A new precision process at FCC-hh : the diphoton leptonic Wh channel |
Bishara, F. et al. |
2020 |
2020,054 |
220 |
Performance of Julia for high energy physics analyses |
Stanitzki, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,056 |
221 |
What pp SUSY limits mean for future e+e- colliders |
Berggren, Mikael |
2020 |
2020,057 |
222 |
[lambda]±c production in pp collisions with a new fragmentation function |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,058 |
223 |
Phenomenology of a supersymmetric model inspired by inflation |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor et al. |
2020 |
2020,059 |
224 |
Renormalization of parton quasi-distributions beyond the leading order : spacelike vs. timelike |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,060 |
225 |
Zero-mode counting formula and zeros in orbifold compactifications |
Sakamoto, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,063 |
226 |
Model-independent energy budget of cosmological first-order phase transitions : a sound argument to go beyond the bag model |
Giese, F. et al. |
2020 |
2020,064 |
227 |
Complete leading-order standard model corrections to quantum leptogenesis |
Depta, P. F. et al. |
2020 |
2020,065 |
228 |
Automated contact tracing : a game of big numbers in the time of COVID-19 |
Kim, H. et al. |
2020 |
2020,069 |
229 |
Pati-salam axion |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2020 |
2020,071 |
230 |
Adversarial domain adaptation to reduce sample bias of a high energy physics classifier |
Clavijo, J. M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,073 |
231 |
Vacancy-hydrogen interaction in Niobium during low-temperature baking |
Wenskat, Marc et al. |
2020 |
2020,074 |
232 |
Getting high : high fidelity simulation of high granularity calorimeters with high speed |
Buhmann, E. et al. |
2020 |
2020,075 |
233 |
Time-scales for nonlinear processes in preheating after multifield inflation with nonminimal couplings |
Vis, Jorinde van de |
2020 |
2020,076 |
234 |
Post-Minkowskian effective field theory for conservative binary dynamics |
Kälin, Gregor et al. |
2020 |
2020,077 |
235 |
A novel algorithm for nested summation and hypergeometric expansions |
McLeod, Andrew J. et al. |
2020 |
2020,079 |
236 |
Measurement of exclusive [pi]+[pi]- and [rho]0 meson photoproduction at HERA |
2020 |
2020,080 |
237 |
Superradiant Cherenkov-Wakefield radiation as THz source for FEL facilities |
Flöttmann, Klaus et al. |
2020 |
2020,081 |
238 |
Line and surface defects for the free scalar field |
Lauria, Edoardo et al. |
2020 |
2020,082 |
239 |
Prospects for direct searches for light Higgs bosons at the ILC with 250 GeV |
Drechsel, P. et al. |
2020 |
2020,083 |
240 |
Resolved 1/mb contributions to b [right arrow] sll and b [right arrow] s[gamma] |
Benzke, Michael et al. |
2020 |
2020,084 |
241 |
The light MSSM Higgs boson mass for large tan [beta] and complex input parameters |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2020 |
2020,085 |
242 |
Gapped Goldstones at the cut-off scale : a non-relativistic EFT |
Cuomo, Gabriel et al. |
2020 |
2020,086 |
243 |
The Steinmann cluster bootstrap for N = 4 super Yang-Mills amplitudes |
Caron-Huot, Simon |
2020 |
2020,087 |
244 |
RIP Hbb[overbar]: how other Higgs production modes conspire to kill a rare signal at the LHC |
Pagani, Davide et al. |
2020 |
2020,089 |
245 |
B anomalies under the lens of electroweak precision |
Alasfar, L. et al. |
2020 |
2020,091 |
246 |
HiggsBounds-5 : testing Higgs sectors in the LHC 13 TeV Era |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2020 |
2020,093 |
247 |
The superconformal Xing equation |
Buric, I. et al. |
2020 |
2020,096 |
248 |
Double parton distributions in the pion from lattice QCD |
Bali, Gunnar S. et al. |
2020 |
2020,098 |
249 |
Bootstrapping coulomb and Higgs branch operators |
Gimenez-Grau, Aleix et al. |
2020 |
2020,099 |
250 |
Spontaneous baryogenesis from axions with generic couplings |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2020 |
2020,100 |
251 |
NLO QCD + EW predictions for tHj and tZj production at the LHC |
Pagani, Davide et al. |
2020 |
2020,101 |
252 |
Indirect CP probes of the Higgstop-quark interaction : current LHC constraints and future opportunities |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2020 |
2020,102 |
253 |
Axion-mediated forces, CP violation and left-right interactions |
Bertolini, Stefano et al. |
2020 |
2020,103 |
254 |
High-frequency graviton from inflaton oscillation |
Ema, Y. et al. |
2020 |
2020,104 |
255 |
Solar axions cannot explain the XENON1T excess |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2020 |
2020,106 |
256 |
Quantum mechanical formulation of the Busch theorem |
Flöttmann, Klaus et al. |
2020 |
2020,107 |
257 |
Equivalence of Gouy and Courant-Snyder phase |
Flöttmann, Klaus |
2020 |
2020,108 |
258 |
Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations:toward 3D structure |
Constantinou, M. |
2020 |
2020,109 |
259 |
Explaining the Universe with gravitation dependent quantum vacuum |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2020 |
2020,110 |
260 |
Lattice QCD evaluation of the compton amplitude employing the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem |
2020 |
2020,111 |
261 |
ILC study questions for Snowmass 2021 |
2020 |
2020,112 |
262 |
Precise dark matter relic abundance in decoupled sectors |
Bringmann, Torsten et al. |
2020 |
2020,113 |
263 |
Conservative dynamics of binary systems to third post-Minkowskian order from the effective field theory approach |
Kälin, Gregor et al. |
2020 |
2020,114 |
264 |
Precision global determination of the B[right arrow] Xs[gamma] decay rate |
2020 |
2020,115 |
265 |
Two-loop coefficient function for DVCS: vector contributions |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,116 |
266 |
Harmonic hybrid inflation |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2020 |
2020,117 |
267 |
Azimuthal single- and double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic lepton scattering by transversely polarized protons |
2020 |
2020,119 |
268 |
Dark matter models for the 511 keV galactic line predict keV electron recoils on earth |
Ema, Y. et al. |
2020 |
2020,120 |
269 |
Reconciling hints on axion-like-particles from high-energy gamma rays with stellar bounds |
Gautham, A. P. |
2020 |
2020,121 |
270 |
String fragmantation in supercooled confinement and implications for dark matter |
Baldes, Iason et al. |
2020 |
2020,122 |
271 |
Axion quality from the (anti)symmetric of SU(N) |
Ardu, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,124 |
272 |
Controlled density-downramp injection in a beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator |
Knetsch, Alexander |
2020 |
2020,125 |
273 |
Occurrence of tachyonic preheating in the mixed Higgs-R2 model |
He, M. |
2020 |
2020,126 |
274 |
Five-brane webs, Higgs branches and unitary/orthosymplectic magnetic quivers |
Akhond, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,128 |
275 |
Renormalization group equations of Higgs-R2 Inflation |
Ema, Y. et al. |
2020 |
2020,130 |
276 |
Straightening of superconducting HERA dipoles for the any-light-particle-search experiment ALPS II |
Albrecht, C. et al. |
2020 |
2020,070 |
277 |
Accidental SO(10) axion from gauged flavour |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2020 |
2020,133 |
278 |
Socio-economic disparities and Covid-19 in the USA |
Paul, A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,134 |
279 |
Primordial gravitational waves in a minimal model of particle physics and cosmology |
Ringwald, Andreas et al. |
2020 |
2020,135 |
280 |
Re-evaluation of spin-orbit dynamics of Polarized e+e- beams in high energy circularp accelerators and storage rings : an approach based on a bloch equation |
Heinemann, Klaus et al. |
2021 |
2020,137 |
281 |
Ponderomotive injection in plasma wakefield accelerators |
Zeng, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,138 |
282 |
Novel signatures of additional Higgs bosons at the LHC |
Stefaniak, Tim |
2020 |
2020,140 |
283 |
Baryogenesis from the weak scale to the grand unification scale |
Bödeker, D. et al. |
2020 |
2020,141 |
284 |
Beyond COVID-19 : network science and sustainable exit strategies |
Bell, J. |
2020 |
2020,142 |
285 |
Can the zero-point energy of the quantized harmonic oscillator be lower? : possible implications for the physics of "dark energy" and "dark matter" |
Kastrup, H. A. |
2020 |
2020,144 |
286 |
Heavy-flavor hadro-production with heavy-quark masses renormalized in the MS [overbar], MSR and on-shell schemes |
Garzelli, Maria Vittoria et al. |
2020 |
2020,151 |
287 |
Two-loop matching of renormalizable operators : general considerations and applications |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2020 |
2020,153 |
288 |
From NANOGrav to LIGO with metastable cosmic strings |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2020 |
2020,154 |
289 |
Hybrid calculation of the MSSM Higgs boson masses using the complex THDM as EFT |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2020 |
2020,155 |
290 |
Moments n = 2 and n = 3 of the Wilson twist-two operators at three loops in the RI/SMOM scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,156 |
291 |
From Gaudin integrable models to d-dimensional multipoint conformal blocks |
Buric, I. et al. |
2020 |
2020,157 |
292 |
Design of the ALPS II optical system |
Diaz Ortiz, M. |
2020 |
2020,158 |
293 |
MeV-scale seesaw and leptogenesis |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2020 |
2020,159 |
294 |
Updated BBN constraints on electromagnetic decays of MeV-scale particles |
Depta, P. F. et al. |
2020 |
2020,160 |
295 |
Acropolis: a generic framwork for photodisintegration of light elements |
Depta, P. F. et al. |
2020 |
2020,161 |
296 |
munuSSM: a python package for the my-from-ny supersymmetric standard model |
Biekötter, Thomas |
2020 |
2020,162 |
297 |
Tachyon condensation in magnetic compactifications |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2020 |
2020,163 |
298 |
The heterodyne sensing system for the ALPS II search for sub-eV weakly interacting particles |
Hallal, A. et al. |
2020 |
2020,164 |
299 |
Equilibrium density matrices for the 2D black hole sigma models from an integrable spin chain |
Bazanov, Vladimir V. et al. |
2020 |
2020,165 |
300 |
Scaling limit of the Z2 invariant inhomogeneous six-vertex model |
Bazhanov, Vladimir V. et al. |
2020 |
2020,166 |
301 |
Some algebraic aspects of the inhomogeneous six-vertex model |
Bazanov, Vladimir V. et al. |
2020 |
2020,167 |
302 |
Longitudinal phase space synthesis with tailored 3D-printable dielectric-lined waveguides |
Mayet, Frank et al. |
2020 |
2020,168 |
303 |
A hybrid simulation of gravitational wave production in first-order phase transitions |
Jinno, Ryusuke et al. |
2020 |
2020,170 |
304 |
Negative mode problem of false vacuum decay revisited |
Jinno, Ryusuke et al. |
2020 |
2020,171 |
305 |
Model-independent energy budget for LISA |
Giese, Felix et al. |
2020 |
2020,173 |
306 |
Neutrino mass bounds from confronting an effective model with BOSS Lyman-[alpha] data |
Garny, M. |
2020 |
2020,174 |
307 |
Measurement of charged particle multiplicity distributions in DIS at HERA and its implication to entanglement entropy of partons |
2020 |
2020,176 |
308 |
Selective enhancement of the QCD axion couplings |
Darmé, Luc et al. |
2020 |
2020,177 |
309 |
Cross sections of inclusive [Psi] (2S) and X(3872) production from b-hadron decays in pp collisions and comparison with ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb data |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2021 |
2020,179 |
310 |
Production of massless charm jets in pp collisions at next-to-leading order of QCD in comparision with CMS data |
Kramer, Gustav |
2020 |
2020,180 |
311 |
Summations of large logarithms by parton showers |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2020 |
2020,181 |
312 |
Hunting for the CP violating ALP |
Di Luzio, Luca et al. |
2020 |
2020,183 |
313 |
Majorana neutrinos in same-sign W±W± scattering at the LHC : breaking the TeV barrier |
Fuks, Benjamin et al. |
2020 |
2020,186 |
314 |
Gravitational waves as a big bang thermometer |
Ringwald, Andreas et al. |
2020 |
2020,187 |
315 |
NANOGrav results and LIGO-Virgo primordial black holes in axion-like curvaton model |
Inomata, Keisuke et al. |
2020 |
2020,188 |
316 |
Two-photon processes in conformal QCD : resummation of the descendants of leading-twist operators |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,189 |
317 |
Long-lived dark Higgs and inelastic dark matter at Belle II |
Dürr, Michael et al. |
2020 |
2020,226 |
318 |
N-body simulations of dark matter with frequent self-interactions |
Fischer, M. S. et al. |
2020 |
2020,227 |
319 |
EFT for soft drop double differential cross section |
Pathak, Aditya et al. |
2021 |
2020,239 |
320 |
Index theorem on T2/ZN orbifolds |
Sakamoto, Makoto et al. |
2020 |
2020,178 |
321 |
Lessons from the B0,+ [right arrow] K*0,+[my]+[my]- angular analyses |
Ciuchini, M. et al. |
2020 |
2020,190 |
322 |
Two-point correlator of chiral primary operators with a Wilson line defect in N = 4 SYM |
Barrat, J. et al. |
2020 |
2020,191 |
323 |
Two-loop analysis of classically scale-invariant models with extended Higgs sectors |
Braathen, J. et al. |
2020 |
2020,192 |
324 |
Neutrino experiments probe hadrophilic light dark matter |
Ema, Yohei et al. |
2020 |
2020,193 |
325 |
The anomalous case of axion EFTs and massive chiral gauge fields |
Bonnefoy, Quentin et al. |
2020 |
2020,194 |
326 |
Challenges and opportunities of gravitational wave searches at MHz to GHz frequencies |
Aggarwal, N. |
2020 |
2020,195 |
327 |
Measurement of the charge-averaged elastic lepton-proton scattering cross section by the OLYMPUS Experiment |
2021 |
2020,132 |
328 |
On-shell effective theory for higher-spin dark matter |
Falkowski, Adam et al. |
2020 |
2020,198 |
329 |
Wash-in leptogenesis |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2020 |
2020,202 |
330 |
The effective field theory and perturbative analysis for log-density fields |
Rubira, Henrique et al. |
2020 |
2020,203 |
331 |
Cluster algebras for Feynman integrals |
Chicherin, Dmitry et al. |
2020 |
2020,204 |
332 |
Corryvreckan : a modular 4D track reconstructiion and analysis software for test beam data |
Dannheim, Dominik |
2020 |
2020,210 |
333 |
Static potential of the standard model and spontaneously broken theories |
Assi, B. et al. |
2020 |
2020,211 |
334 |
Matching the standard model to HQET and NRQCD |
Assi, B. et al. |
2020 |
2020,212 |
335 |
Electroweak form factor in Sudakov and Threshold regimes with effectiv field theories |
Assi, B. et al. |
2020 |
2020,213 |
336 |
Angular analysis of bottom-flavored hadron production in semileptonic decays of polarized top quarks |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2021 |
2020,214 |
337 |
Two-loop corrections to the Higgs trilinear coupling in models with extended scalar sectors |
Braathen, Johannes et al. |
2020 |
2020,217 |
338 |
On the ø3 theory above six dimensions |
Rong, Junchen |
2021 |
2020,223 |
339 |
Lower mass bounds on FIMP dark matter produced via freeze-in |
D'Eramo, F. |
2020 |
2020,219 |
340 |
Hexagon bootstrap in the double scaling limit |
Chestnov, Vsevolod |
2020 |
2020,221 |
341 |
Non-Wilson-Fisher kinks of O(N) numerical bootstrap : from the deconfined phase transition to a putative new family of CFTs |
He, Yin-Chen |
2021 |
2020,224 |
342 |
Probing the Weinberg operator at colliders |
Fuks, Benjamin |
2021 |
2020,230 |
343 |
ILC as a SUSY discovery and precision instrument |
2020 |
2020,231 |
344 |
Kinematic edge detection using Finite Impulse Response filters |
Berggren, M. |
2020 |
2020,233 |
345 |
Emergence of universality in the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 |
Paul, Ayan |
2021 |
2020,234 |
346 |
Three-loop off-forward evolution kernel for axial-vector operators in Larin's scheme |
Braun, V. M. |
2021 |
2020,236 |
347 |
Polarised beams at future e+e- colliders |
List, Jenny |
2021 |
2020,237 |
348 |
Gas cooling of test masses for future gravitational-wave observatories |
Reinhardt, C. |
2021 |
2020,238 |
349 |
The polarized two-loop massive pure singlet Wilson coefficient for deep-inelastic scattering |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2019 |
2019,060 |
350 |
Five-loop static contribution to the gravitational interaction potential of two point masses |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2019 |
2019,029 |
351 |
The unpolarized two-loop massive pure singlet for deep-inelastic scattering |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2019 |
2019,038 |
352 |
Wigner rotation : theory and application to practical relativistic engineering problems |
Saldin, E. L. |
2019 |
2019,047 |
353 |
Interpretation of the narrow J/psip peaks in [delta]b [right arrow] to J/psipK decay in the compact diquark model |
Ali, A. |
2019 |
2019,051 |
354 |
Systematic uncertainties in parton distribution functions from lattice QCD simulations at the physical point |
Alexandrou, Constantia |
2019 |
2019,001 |
355 |
Current status and future prospects of the singlet-doublet dark matter model with CP violation |
Abe, Tomohiro et al. |
2019 |
2019,003 |
356 |
Joint Two-Dimensional Resummation in qT and 0-Jettiness at NNLL |
Lustermans, Gillian et al. |
2019 |
2019,004 |
357 |
The minimal simple composite Higgs model |
Da Rold, Leandro et al. |
2019 |
2019,005 |
358 |
BBN constraints on the annihilation of MeV-scale dark matter |
Depta, Paul Frederik et al. |
2019 |
2019,006 |
359 |
The tensor pomeron and low-x deep inelastic scattering |
Britzger, Daniel et al. |
2019 |
2019,002 |
360 |
IceCube neutrinos from hadronically powered gamma-ray galaxies |
Palladino, Andrea et al. |
2019 |
2019,007 |
361 |
Secondary neutrino and gamma-ray fluxes from SimProp and CRPropa |
Batista, Rafael Alves et al. |
2019 |
2019,008 |
362 |
Probing the photonic content of the proton using photon-induced dilepton production in p + Pb collisions at the LHC |
Dyndal, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,010 |
363 |
A new experimental approach to probe QCD axion dark matter in the mass range above 40 eV |
2019 |
2019,011 |
364 |
Parton showers with more exact color evolution |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2019 |
2019,013 |
365 |
Dark matter production during the thermalization era |
Harigaya, Keisuke et al. |
2019 |
2019,014 |
366 |
Shift-symmetric orbital inflation : single field or multi-field? |
Achúcarro, Ana |
2019 |
2019,015 |
367 |
A new view on Auger data and cosmogenic neutrinos in light of different nuclear disintegration and air-shower models |
Heinze, J. et al. |
2019 |
2019,016 |
368 |
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon with dynamical QCD+QED |
2019 |
2019,017 |
369 |
Wavefunctions on S2 with flux and branes |
Imai, Sosuke et al. |
2019 |
2019,018 |
370 |
Leptohadronic blazar models applied to the 2014-15 flare of TXS 0506 + 056 |
Rodrigues, X. et al. |
2019 |
2019,019 |
371 |
Simulations of core formation for frequent dark matter self-interactions |
Kummer, Janis et al. |
2019 |
2019,020 |
372 |
Limits on contact interactions and leptoquarks at HERA |
2019 |
2019,022 |
373 |
Two-loop splitting in double parton stributions |
Diehl, Markus |
2019 |
2019,024 |
374 |
On SU(3)F breaking through final state interactions and CP asymmetries in D [right arrow] PP decays |
Buccella, F. |
2019 |
2019,025 |
375 |
Deep learning detection of transients |
Sadeh, I. |
2019 |
2019,026 |
376 |
HEJ 2: high energy resummation for hadron colliders |
Andersen, Jeppe R. et al. |
2019 |
2019,028 |
377 |
Extraction of bare form factors for B8[right arrow]Klv decays in non-perturbative HQET |
2019 |
2019,030 |
378 |
Energy deposition along the helical undulator at ILC-250GeV |
Alharbi, K. et al. |
2019 |
2019,031 |
379 |
Optimization of undulator parameters for 125 GeV drive beam |
Formela, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,032 |
380 |
Gaugino condensation and small uplifts in KKLT |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2019 |
2019,012 |
381 |
Status of the undulator-based ILC positron source |
Dietrich, F. et al. |
2019 |
2019,033 |
382 |
Scalar 1-loop Feynman integrals as meromorphic functions in space-time dimension d |
Phan, K. H. et al. |
2019 |
2019,034 |
383 |
Precise prediction for the W boson mass in the MRSSM |
Dießner, Philip et al. |
2019 |
2019,035 |
384 |
Ultra-light dark matter in disk galaxies |
Bar, Nitsan et al. |
2019 |
2019,036 |
385 |
The international linear collider : a global project |
Bambade, P. |
2019 |
2019,037 |
386 |
A Lorentzian inversion formula for defect CFT |
Liendo, P. et al. |
2019 |
2019,039 |
387 |
Beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from unpolarized hydrogen and deuterium targets |
2019 |
2019,040 |
388 |
The flavor composition of astrophysical neutrinos after 8 years of IceCube: an indication of neutron decay scenario? |
Palladino, Andrea |
2019 |
2019,041 |
389 |
Six-gluon amplitudes in planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory at six and seven loops |
Caron-Huot, Simon |
2019 |
2019,042 |
390 |
New physics in b-;sl+l- confronts new data on Lepton Universality |
Ciuchini, M. |
2019 |
2019,043 |
391 |
Nucleon axial, scalar, and tensor charges using lattice QCD at the physical pion mass |
Hasan, N. |
2019 |
2019,044 |
392 |
Discrete gauge theories of charge conjugation |
Arias-Tamargo, Guillermo et al. |
2019 |
2019,045 |
393 |
Frequency-splitting estimators of single-propagator traces |
Giusti, L. et al. |
2019 |
2019,046 |
394 |
The full event interpretation : an exclusive tagging algorithm for the Belle II experiment |
Keck, T. |
2019 |
2019,048 |
395 |
Production of purely gravitational dark matter : the case of fermion and vector boson |
Ema, Y. et al. |
2019 |
2019,050 |
396 |
Mass spectrum of the hidden-charm pentaquarks in the compact diquark model |
Ali, A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,052 |
397 |
Isospin splittings in the decuplet baryon spectrum from dynamical QCD+QED |
2019 |
2019,053 |
398 |
Charm production in charged current deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2019 |
2019,054 |
399 |
Several problems in particle physics and cosmology solved in one SMASH |
Ballesteros, Guillermo et al. |
2019 |
2019,056 |
400 |
Higgs inflation in metric and Palatini formalisms : required suppression of higher dimensional operators |
Jinno, R. et al. |
2019 |
2019,058 |
401 |
The Super-Planckian axion strikes back |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2019 |
2019,063 |
402 |
Conversion-driven freeze-out : dark matter genesis beyond the WIMP paradigm |
Garny, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,064 |
403 |
Critical properties of the Néel-to-Algebraic spin liquid transition |
Zerf, Nikolai et al. |
2019 |
2019,065 |
404 |
Kinetic simulations of nonrelativistic perpendicular shocks of young supernova remnants : I. electron shock-Surfing acceleration |
Bohdan, Artem et al. |
2019 |
2019,055 |
405 |
B-hadron fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order from global analysis of e+e- annihilation data |
Salajegheh, Maral |
2019 |
2019,066 |
406 |
Gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions : ultra-supercooled transitions and the fate of relativistic shocks |
Jinno, R. |
2019 |
2019,067 |
407 |
Gluons and sea quarks in the proton at low scales |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2019 |
2019,068 |
408 |
Indirect studies of electroweakly interacting particles at 100 TeV hadron colliders |
Abe, Tomohiro et al. |
2019 |
2019,069 |
409 |
Global analysis of dark matter simplified models with leptophobic spin-one mediators using mastercode |
Bagnaschi, E. |
2019 |
2019,071 |
410 |
A first look on 3D effects in open Axion haloscopes |
Knirck, Stefan et al. |
2019 |
2019,075 |
411 |
Higgs Boson studies at future particle colliders |
Blas, J. de |
2019 |
2019,079 |
412 |
Development and simulations of enhanced lateral drift sensors |
Velyka, Anastasiia et al. |
2019 |
2019,081 |
413 |
Production of Z-bosons in the parton branching method |
Bermúdez Martínez, Armando |
2019 |
2019,087 |
414 |
Finite family groups for fermionic and leptoquark mixing patterns |
Bernigaud, Jordan et al. |
2019 |
2019,091 |
415 |
The effective field theory of lage scale structure at three loops |
Konstandin, T. et al. |
2019 |
2019,094 |
416 |
Deciphering the X(3872) via its polarization in prompt production at the CERN LHC |
Butenschoen, Mathias et al. |
2019 |
2019,097 |
417 |
The nulti-regge llimit from the Wilson loop OPE |
Bargheer, Till et al. |
2019 |
2019,099 |
418 |
Prompt nc meson production at the LHC in the NRQCD with kT-factorization |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2019 |
2019,101 |
419 |
Relativistic bubble collisions - a closer look |
Jinno, Ryusuke et al. |
2019 |
2019,102 |
420 |
Theoretical uncertainties for electroweak and Higgs-boson precision measurements at FCC-ee |
Freitas, Ayres |
2019 |
2019,105 |
421 |
Trinion conformal blocks from topological strings |
Coman-Lohi, Ioana et al. |
2019 |
2019,106 |
422 |
Fingerprint matching of beyond-WIMP dark matter : neural network approach |
Jung Bae, Kyu et al. |
2019 |
2019,109 |
423 |
Efficient interpolation and evolution of parton distribution functions |
Nagar, R. |
2019 |
2019,112 |
424 |
TMD parton shower effects in associated [gamma] + jet production at LHC |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2019 |
2019,114 |
425 |
Dynamical emergence of scalaron in Higgs inflation |
Ema, Y. |
2019 |
2019,117 |
426 |
Orbital Inflation : inflating along an angular isometry of field space |
Achúcarro, Ana et al. |
2019 |
2019,119 |
427 |
First attempts in automated defect recognition in superconducting radio-frequency cavities |
Wenskat, Marc |
2019 |
2019,009 |
428 |
A simple, exact, model of quasi-single field inflation |
Welling, Yvette |
2019 |
2019,120 |
429 |
Origin of ultra-light fields during inflation and their suppressed non-Gaussianity |
Achúcarro, Ana |
2019 |
2019,121 |
430 |
Bootstrapping line defects in N=2 theories |
Gimenez-Grau, Aleix et al. |
2019 |
2019,126 |
431 |
Investigating multiple solutions to boundary value problems in constrained minimal and non-minimal SUSY models |
Meuser, Daniel et al. |
2019 |
2019,129 |
432 |
A Goldilocks Higgs |
Kaloper, Nemanja et al. |
2019 |
2019,130 |
433 |
A practical and consistent parametrization of dark matter self-interactions |
Chu, Xiaoyong et al. |
2019 |
2019,137 |
434 |
Two-real-scalar-singlet extension of the SM : LHC phenomenology and benchmark scenarios |
Robens, Tania et al. |
2019 |
2019,142 |
435 |
Exponentiating virtual imaginary contributions in a parton shower |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2019 |
2019,143 |
436 |
Compact multistage plasma-based accelerator design for correlated energy spread compensation |
Ferran Pousa, A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,144 |
437 |
A toolbox for qT and 0-Jettiness Subtractions at N3LO |
Billis, Georgios et al. |
2019 |
2019,145 |
438 |
FCNC-free multi-Higgs-doublet models from broken family symmetries |
Medeiros Varzielas, Ivo de et al. |
2019 |
2019,147 |
439 |
An update of the ABM16 PDF fit |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2019 |
2019,152 |
440 |
Chiral-Froggatt-Nielsen models, Gauge anomalies and flavourful axions |
Bonnefoy, Q. et al. |
2019 |
2019,154 |
441 |
Simplified template cross sections - stage 1.1 |
Berger, Nicolas |
2019 |
2019,070 |
442 |
Conformal perturbation theory confronts lattice results in the vicinity of a critical point |
Caselle, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,073 |
443 |
Dipole subtraction at next-to-leading order in nonrelativistic-QCD factorization |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,100 |
444 |
Higher-order Sudakov resummation in coupled gauge theories |
Billis, Georgios et al. |
2019 |
2019,128 |
445 |
Two-loop diagrams in nonrelativistic QCD with elliptics |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,139 |
446 |
SimpleBounce : a simple package for the false vacuum decay |
Sato, R. |
2019 |
2019,148 |
447 |
Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model |
Stefaniak, Tim |
2019 |
2019,150 |
448 |
The Bloch equation for spin dynamics in electron storage rings : computational and theoretical aspects |
Heinemann, K. et al. |
2020 |
2019,156 |
449 |
Vacuum stability of Froggatt-Nielsen models |
Giese, F. et al. |
2019 |
2019,158 |
450 |
Soft corrections to inclusive DIS at four loops and beyond |
Das, G. et al. |
2019 |
2019,104 |
451 |
Double prompt J/ hadroproduction in the parton Reggeization approach with high-energy resummation |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2019 |
2019,111 |
452 |
Measuring the net circular polarization of the stochastic gravitational wave background with interferometers |
Domcke, Valerie |
2019 |
2019,161 |
453 |
Effect of color on rapidity gap survival |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2019 |
2019,082 |
454 |
The different regimes of axion gauge field inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2019 |
2019,089 |
455 |
Proton decay in flux compactifications |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2019 |
2019,049 |
456 |
Baryogenesis from axion inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2019 |
2019,084 |
457 |
Z boson production in proton-lead collisions at the LHC accounting for transverse momenta of initial partons |
Blanco, E. et al. |
2019 |
2019,086 |
458 |
Relativity and aberration |
Saldin, E. L. |
2019 |
2019,155 |
459 |
Interpretation of Yb(10750) as a tetraquark and its production mechanism |
Ali, A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,164 |
460 |
Superconformal blocks: general theory |
Buric, I. et al. |
2019 |
2019,057 |
461 |
The cosmic galois group and extended Steinmann relations for planar N = 4 SYM amplitudes |
Caron-Huot, Simon |
2019 |
2019,062 |
462 |
Resummed prediction for Higgs boson production through bb? annihilation at N3LL |
Ajjath, A. H. et al. |
2019 |
2019,076 |
463 |
Theoretical uncertainties in the MSSM Higgs boson mass calculation |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2019 |
2019,083 |
464 |
HL-LHC and ILC sensitivities in the hunt for heavy Higgs bosons |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2019 |
2019,093 |
465 |
Probing the strange content of the proton with charm production in charged current at LHeC |
2019 |
2019,107 |
466 |
B-meson production in the general-mass variable-avour-number scheme and LHC data |
Benzke, Michael et al. |
2019 |
2019,115 |
467 |
Simple gradient flow equation for the bounce solution |
Sato, R. |
2019 |
2019,122 |
468 |
Quantum corrections for D-brane models with broken supersymmetry |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2020 |
2019,125 |
469 |
PDF profiling using the forward-backward asymmetry in neutral current Drell-Yan production |
Accomando, Elena |
2019 |
2019,127 |
470 |
Direct detection and complementary constraints for sub-GeV dark matter |
Bondarenko, Kyrylo et al. |
2019 |
2019,140 |
471 |
Patterns of flavour symmetry breaking in hadron matrix elements involving u, d and s quarks |
2019 |
2019,149 |
472 |
Chiral anomaly, Schwinger effect, Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian, and application to axion inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2019 |
2019,166 |
473 |
Spectrum of the reflection operators in different integrable structures |
Kotousov, Gleb A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,168 |
474 |
Bottomonia production and polarization in the NRQCD with kT -factorization ; 1: Y(3S) and xb(3P) mesons |
Abdulov, N. A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,170 |
475 |
Scalar gauge dynamics and Dark Matter |
Buttazzo, Dario |
2019 |
2019,197 |
476 |
From Boundary Data to Bound States |
Kälin, G. et al. |
2019 |
2019,167 |
477 |
Two-particle azimuthal correlations as a probe of collective behaviour in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2020 |
2019,174 |
478 |
Baryogenesis from a Dark First-Order Phase Transition |
Hall, Eleanor et al. |
2019 |
2019,175 |
479 |
The geometry of SUSY enhancement |
Carta, Federico et al. |
2019 |
2019,177 |
480 |
Rapid bound-state formation of dark matter in the early universe |
Binder, Tobias et al. |
2019 |
2019,181 |
481 |
Source terms for electroweak baryogenesis in the vev-insertion approximation beyond leading order |
Postma, Marieke et al. |
2019 |
2019,182 |
482 |
On relation between Parton Branching approach and CCFM evolution |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2019 |
2019,183 |
483 |
HEPfit: a code for the combination of indirect and direct constraints on high energy physics models |
Blas, Jorge de |
2019 |
2019,184 |
484 |
Type-B anomaly matching and the 6D (2,0) theory |
Niarchos, Basiles et al. |
2019 |
2019,189 |
485 |
Electromagnetic contribution to - mixing using lattice QCD + QED |
2019 |
2019,190 |
486 |
Axial representation of external electromagnetic fields for particle tracking in accelerators |
Zagorodnov, Igor et al. |
2019 |
2019,192 |
487 |
Flavour violating axions |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2019 |
2019,193 |
488 |
Axion-electron decoupling in nucleophobic axion models |
Björkeroth, Fredrik et al. |
2019 |
2019,194 |
489 |
Thermo-electrical modelling of the ATLAS ITk strip detector |
Beck, Graham et al. |
2020 |
2019,195 |
490 |
Beyond the standard models with cosmic strings |
Gouttenoire, Yann et al. |
2019 |
2019,204 |
491 |
BSM with cosmic strings : heavy, up to EeV mass, unstable particles |
Gouttenoire, Yann et al. |
2019 |
2019,206 |
492 |
Master integrals for all unitarity cuts of massless four-loop propagators |
Magerya, Vitaly et al. |
2019 |
2019,228 |
493 |
BBN constraints on universally-coupled ultralight scalar dark matter |
Sibiryakov, Sergey et al. |
2020 |
2019,234 |
494 |
Radion-activated Higgs mechanism |
Eröncel, Cem et al. |
2019 |
2019,236 |
495 |
WIMP dark matter at the international linear collider |
Habermehl, Moritz et al. |
2020 |
2019,237 |
496 |
Theory report on the 11th FCC-ee workshop : 8-11 january 2019, CERN, Geneva |
Blondel, Alain |
2007 |
2019,072 |
497 |
On the future of Higgs, electroweak and diboson measurements at lepton colliders |
Blas, Jorge de |
2019 |
2019,077 |
498 |
Inclusive J/psi and etac production in Y decay at O(alpha5s) in non-relativistic QCD factorization |
He, Zhi-Guo et al. |
2019 |
2019,098 |
499 |
Invisible and Displaced Dark Matter Signatures at Belle II |
Dürr, Michael et al. |
2019 |
2019,141 |
500 |
Tests of the standard model at the International Linear Collider |
2019 |
2019,146 |
501 |
Detecting gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with LISA: an update |
Caprini, Chiara |
2019 |
2019,159 |
502 |
A new look at the estimation of the PDF uncertainties in the determination of electroweak parameters at hadron colliders |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2019 |
2019,169 |
503 |
Resummed inclusive cross-section in ADD model at NLL+NNLO |
Das, Goutam et al. |
2019 |
2019,171 |
504 |
The Schrödinger-Poisson method for large-scale structure |
Garny, M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,176 |
505 |
All-order amplitudes at any multiplicity in the multi-regge limit |
Del Duca, Vittorio et al. |
2019 |
2019,180 |
506 |
Resummed Drell-Yan cross-section at N3LL |
Ajjath, A.H. et al. |
2020 |
2019,191 |
507 |
Temporal x-ray reconstruction using temporal and spectral measurements at LCLS |
Christie, Florian et al. |
2019 |
2019,198 |
508 |
Impact of isolation and fiducial cuts on qT and N-jettiness subtractions |
Ebert, M. A. et al. |
2019 |
2019,199 |
509 |
From boundary data to bound states ; II : Scattering angle to dynamical invariants (with twist) |
Kälin, Gregor et al. |
2019 |
2019,201 |
510 |
Axion fragmentation |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2019 |
2019,202 |
511 |
Relaxion fluctuations (self-stopping relaxion) and overview of relaxion stopping mechanisms |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2019 |
2019,203 |
512 |
High-temperature electroweak symmetry non-restoration from new formions and implications to baryogenesis |
Matsedonskyi, Oleksii et al. |
2020 |
2019,207 |
513 |
Asymmetric matters from a dark first-order phase transition |
Hall, Eleanor et al. |
2019 |
2019,209 |
514 |
Probing the scale of grand unification with gravitational waves |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2019 |
2019,210 |
515 |
Improved constraints on parton distributions using LHCb, ALICE and HERA heavy-flavour measurements and implications for the predictions for prompt atmospheric-neutrino fluxes |
2019 |
2019,211 |
516 |
4D N = 2 SCFTs and spin chains |
Pomoni, Elli |
2019 |
2019,212 |
517 |
The ILD detector at the ILC |
2019 |
2019,215 |
518 |
Does confinement imply CP invariance of the strong interactions? |
Nakamura, Yasunobu et al. |
2019 |
2019,217 |
519 |
A quantum framework for AdS/dCFT through fuzzy spherical hermonics on S4 |
Gimenez-Grau, Aleix et al. |
2019 |
2019,220 |
520 |
Gravitational collider physics |
Baumann, Daniel et al. |
2019 |
2019,221 |
521 |
Infinite black hole entropies at infinite distances and tower of states |
Bonnefoy, Q. et al. |
2019 |
2019,226 |
522 |
The ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: from light Higgsinos to tests of unification |
Baer, Howard et al. |
2019 |
2019,227 |
523 |
How tropical are seven- and eight-particle amplitudes? |
Henke, Niklas et al. |
2020 |
2019,229 |
524 |
Quiver W1,2 algebras of 4d N=2 gauge theories |
Nieri, Fabrizio et al. |
2019 |
2019,233 |
525 |
Vacuum instabilities in the N2HDM |
Ferreira, P. M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,085 |
526 |
On complex gamma-function integrals |
Derkacev, Sergej E. et al. |
2019 |
2019,116 |
527 |
Cutting massless four-loop propagators |
Magerya, Vitaly et al. |
2019 |
2019,133 |
528 |
Generalized threshold factorization with full collinear dynamics |
Lustermans, G. et al. |
2019 |
2019,135 |
529 |
Testing seesaw and leptogenesis with gravitational waves |
Dror, Jeff A. |
2019 |
2019,138 |
530 |
Generic dijet soft functions at two-loop order: uncorrelated emissions |
Bell, Guido et al. |
2020 |
2019,157 |
531 |
Machine learning amplitudes for faster event generation |
Bishara, F. et al. |
2020 |
2019,232 |
532 |
Two-loop evolution equation for the B-meson distribution amplitude |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2019 |
2019,080 |
533 |
Localization of 4d N = 1 theories on D2 × T2 |
Longhi, Pietro et al. |
2019 |
2019,214 |
534 |
The O(?2) initial state QED corrections to e+e- annihilation to a neutral vector boson revisited |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2019 |
2018,226 |
535 |
Low energy world 1 |
Schuwalow, Sergej |
2018 |
2018,199 |
536 |
Long-lived fermions at AL3X |
Dercks, Daniel |
2018 |
2018,197 |
537 |
Light dark matter at neutrino experiments |
Ema, Yohei |
2018 |
2018,194 |
538 |
EFT approach to the electron electric dipole moment at the two-loop level |
Panico, Giuliano |
2018 |
2018,185 |
539 |
Probing new electroweak states via precision measurements at the LHC and future colliders |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2018 |
2018,184 |
540 |
Longitudinal double-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons by protons and deuterons |
Airapetian, A. |
2018 |
2018,181 |
541 |
Probing electroweakly interacting massive particles with Drell-Yan process at 100 TeV hadron colliders |
Chigusa, So |
2019 |
2018,180 |
542 |
Accelerator beam dynamics at the European X-ray free electron laser |
Zagorodnov, I. |
2018 |
2018,178 |
543 |
Inflation as an Information Bottleneck : a strategy for identifying universality classes and making robust predictions |
Dias, Mafalda |
2018 |
2018,177 |
544 |
Velocity dependence from resonant self-interacting dark matter |
Chu, Xiaoyong |
2018 |
2018,176 |
545 |
Three-loop effective potential of general scalar theory via differential equations |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2018 |
2018,173 |
546 |
A light dimuon resonance in B decays? |
Sala, F. |
2018 |
2018,172 |
547 |
Evidence for parity violation in gravitational fields |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2018 |
2018,171 |
548 |
Improved constraints on the mixing and mass of Z' bosons from resonant diboson searches at the LHC at 8 = 13 TeV and predictions for Run II |
2018 |
2018,170 |
549 |
Limits on electroweak instanton-induced processes with multiple boson production |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2018 |
2018,169 |
550 |
Breakdown of nonrelativistic QCD factorization in processes involving two qarkonia and its cure |
He, Z.-G. |
2018 |
2018,168 |
551 |
Two-loop QCD corrections to b + b H + H amplitude |
Ajjath, A. H. |
2018 |
2018,166 |
552 |
On uplifts by warped anti-D3-branes |
Moritz, Jakob |
2018 |
2018,165 |
553 |
Eddington bias for cosmic neutrino sources |
Strotjohann, N. L. |
2019 |
2018,164 |
554 |
The asymptotic behavior of the heavy quark form factors at higher order |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2018 |
2018,163 |
555 |
Relaxion dark matter |
Fonseca, N. |
2018 |
2018,161 |
556 |
Bubble wall velocities in the standard model and beyond |
Dorsch, G. C. |
2018 |
2018,162 |
557 |
Computer algebra tools for Feynman integrals and related multi-sums |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2018 |
2018,160 |
558 |
Calculation of the Z + jet cross section including transverse momenta of initial partons |
Deak, M. |
2018 |
2018,159 |
559 |
Hadronic uncertainties in the B K*µ+µ |
Ciuchini, Marco |
2018 |
2018,158 |
560 |
Searches for gamma-ray lines and pure WIMP spectra from dark matter annihilations in dwarf galaxies with c |
2018 |
2018,157 |
561 |
Determination and application of TMD parton densities using the Parton Branching method |
Bermudez Martinez, A. |
2018 |
2018,156 |
562 |
Strong gravitational radiation from a simple dark matter model |
Baldes, Iason |
2018 |
2018,155 |
563 |
Inclusive XcJ production in ? decay at O(??5s) NRQCD factorization |
He, Z.-G. |
2018 |
2018,153 |
564 |
The Role of mesons in muon g - 2 |
Jegerlehner, Fred |
2018 |
2018,152 |
565 |
Anomalous dimensions and splitting functions beyond the next-to-next-to-leading order |
Vogt, A. |
2018 |
2018,151 |
566 |
NNLO parton distributions for the LHC |
Alechin, S. I. |
2018 |
2018,150 |
567 |
On operator mixing in fermionic CFTs in non-integer dimensions |
Ji, Y. |
2018 |
2018,149 |
568 |
Impact of vacuum stability constraints on the phenomenology of supersymmetric models |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor |
2018 |
2018,148 |
569 |
On the common origin of cosmic rays across the ankle and diffuse neutrinos at the highest energies from low-luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts |
Boncioli, D. |
2018 |
2018,147 |
570 |
Entanglement entropy on finitely ramified graphs |
Akal, Ibrahim |
2018 |
2018,146 |
571 |
Exact instantons via worldline deformations |
Akal, Ibrahim |
2018 |
2018,145 |
572 |
NNLO parton distributions for the LHC |
Alechin, S. I. |
2018 |
2018,144 |
573 |
Iterative non-iterative integrals in quantum field theory |
Blümlein, Johannes |
2018 |
2018,143 |
574 |
Probing top-quark couplings indirectly at Higgs factories |
Durieux, Gauthier |
2018 |
2018,142 |
575 |
Global analyses of Higgs portal singlet dark matter models using GAMBIT |
2018 |
2018,141 |
576 |
MSSM Higgs Boson searches at the LHC : benchmark scenarios for run 2 and beyond |
Bahl, H. |
2018 |
2018,140 |
577 |
Quantum computing of zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values |
Hartung, T. |
2018 |
2018,139 |
578 |
Associated non-prompt J/psi+µ and J/psi;+J/psi production at LHC as a test for TMD gluon density |
Baranov, S. P. |
2018 |
2018,138 |
579 |
Extended Higgs sectors at future e+e- colliders |
Azevedo, Duarte |
2018 |
2018,137 |
580 |
Threshold and jet radius joint resummation for single-inclusive jet production |
Moch, Sven-Olaf |
2018 |
2018,135 |
581 |
How perturbative are heavy sea quarks? |
2018 |
2018,134 |
582 |
Five-Particle Phase-Space Integrals in QCD |
Gituliar, Oleksandr |
2018 |
2018,136 |
583 |
BBN constraints on MeV-scale dark sectors - part II, electromagnetic decays |
Hufnagel, M. |
2018 |
2018,133 |
584 |
Strong constraints on clustered primordial black holes as dark matter |
Bringmann, Torsten |
2018 |
2018,132 |
585 |
The serendipity of electroweak baryogenesis |
Servant, Géraldine |
2018 |
2018,131 |
586 |
Models with extended Higgs sectors at future e+e- colliders |
Azevedo, Duarte |
2018 |
2018,130 |
587 |
CP in the Dark |
Azevedo, Duarte |
2018 |
2018,129 |
588 |
Measuring the boiling point of the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics |
Hartin, Anthony |
2018 |
2018,128 |
589 |
Axion mass prediction from minimal grand unification |
Di Luzio, Luca |
2018 |
2018,127 |
590 |
Multi-loop amplitudes in the high-energy limit in N=4 SYM |
Del Duca, Vittorio |
2018 |
2018,126 |
591 |
Primordial gravitational waves and the swampland |
Fraser, Jonathan |
2018 |
2018,125 |
592 |
Transversal modes and Higgs bosons in electroweak vector-boson scattering at the LHC |
Braß, Simon et al. |
2018 |
2018,002 |
593 |
Investigation of the energy dependence of th pT0 parameter in the Pythia 8 Monte Carlo event generator |
Gunnellini, Paolo et al. |
2018 |
2018,003 |
594 |
Higgs inflation at the LC |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor |
2018 |
2018,005 |
595 |
Higher-order mode-based cavity misalignment measurements at the free-electron laser FLASH |
Hellert, Thorsten et al. |
2018 |
2018,006 |
596 |
Phenomenology of single-inclusive jet production with jet radius and threshold resummation |
Liu, X. et al. |
2018 |
2018,007 |
597 |
The light bound states of N=1 supersymmetric SU(3) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice |
Ali, Sajid et al. |
2018 |
2018,008 |
598 |
The seven-gluon amplitude in multi-regge kinematics beyond leading logarithmic accuracy |
Del Duca, Vittorio et al. |
2018 |
2018,009 |
599 |
Four-loop results on anomalous dimensions and splitting functions in QCD |
Vogt, Andreas et al. |
2018 |
2018,010 |
600 |
Factorization of the Drell-Yan qT spectrum with massive quarks |
Pietrulewicz, P. et al. |
2018 |
2018,012 |
601 |
Exclusive top production at a linear collider at and off the threshold |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2018 |
2018,013 |
602 |
New developments in WHIZARD Version 2.6 |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2018 |
2018,014 |
603 |
Halo-independent comparison of direct detection experiments in the effective theory of dark matter-nucleon interactions |
Catena, Riccardo et al. |
2018 |
2018,015 |
604 |
Impact of low-x resummation on QCD analysis of HERA data |
2018 |
2018,017 |
605 |
Top-philic dark matter within and beyond the WIMP paradigm |
Garny, M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,018 |
606 |
Summary and conclusions of the first DESY test beam user workshop |
Arling, J.-H. |
2018 |
2018,019 |
607 |
QCD analysis of the ATLAS and CMS W± and Z cross-section measurements and implications for the strange sea density |
Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda et al. |
2018 |
2018,021 |
608 |
Seesaw mechanism in magnetic compactifications |
Ishida, M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,022 |
609 |
The QCD axion beyond the classical level: a lattice study |
Nakamura, Y. et al. |
2018 |
2018,023 |
610 |
Lepton-pair production in association with a bb pair and the determination of the W boson mass |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2018 |
2018,024 |
611 |
Precise predictions for same-sign W-boson scattering at the LHC |
Ballestrero, A. |
2018 |
2018,025 |
612 |
NLO PDFs from the ABMP16 fit |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2018 |
2018,026 |
613 |
Longitudinal bunch diagnostics using coherent transition radiation spectroscopy |
Schmidt, Bernhard et al. |
2018 |
2018,027 |
614 |
Model-independent comparison of annual modulation and total rate with direct detection experiments |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2018 |
2018,028 |
615 |
The baryon asymmetry from a Composite Higgs |
Bruggisser, Sebastian et al. |
2018 |
2018,029 |
616 |
Constraining extended scalar sectors at the LHC and beyond |
Ilnicka, Agnieszka et al. |
2018 |
2018,031 |
617 |
Converting non-relativistic dark matter to radiation |
Bringmann, Torsten et al. |
2018 |
2018,032 |
618 |
Pocket formulae for non-abelian discrete anomaly freedom |
Talbert, Jim |
2018 |
2018,034 |
619 |
[Lambda]0b-baryon production in pp collisions in the general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme and comparison with CMS and LHCb data |
Kramer, G. et al. |
2018 |
2018,036 |
620 |
Combination and QCD analysis of charm and beauty production cross-section measurements in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2018 |
2018,037 |
621 |
Analytical impedance models for very short bunches |
Zagorodnov, I. |
2018 |
2018,038 |
622 |
Core formation from self-heating dark matter |
Chu, Xiaoyong et al. |
2018 |
2018,040 |
623 |
The double pentaladder integral to all orders |
Caron-Huot, Simon |
2018 |
2018,041 |
624 |
Collinear and TMD parton densities from fits to precision DIS measurements in the parton branching method |
Bermúdez Martínez, Armando et al. |
2018 |
2018,042 |
625 |
Five-particle phase-space integrals in QCD |
Gituliar, Oleksandr et al. |
2018 |
2018,043 |
626 |
The importance of being disconnected, a principal extension for serious groups |
Bourget, Antoine et al. |
2018 |
2018,046 |
627 |
Simplified dark matter models |
Morgante, Enrico |
2018 |
2018,047 |
628 |
Flux compactifications and the hierarchy problem |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2018 |
2018,048 |
629 |
Hard production of a Z boson plus heavy flavor jets at LHC and the intrinsic charm content of a proton |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2018 |
2018,049 |
630 |
4d N=3 indices via discrete gauging |
Bourton, T. et al. |
2018 |
2018,050 |
631 |
Self-interacting dark matter with a stable vector madiator |
Duerr, M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,051 |
632 |
Dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD |
Britzger, Daniel et al. |
2018 |
2018,054 |
633 |
Constraints on the intrinsic charm content of the proton from recent ATLAS data |
Bednjakov, V. A. et al. |
2017 |
2018,055 |
634 |
Integrability in heavy quark effective theory |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,056 |
635 |
Impedances of anisotropic round and rectangular chambers |
Zagorodnov, I. |
2018 |
2018,059 |
636 |
Probing ultralight bosons with binary black holes |
Baumann, Daniel et al. |
2018 |
2018,060 |
637 |
Prospects of discovering stable double-heavy tetraquarks at a Tera-Z factory |
Ali, A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,061 |
638 |
Implications of an improved neutron-antineutron oscillation search for baryogenesis : a minimal effective theory analysis |
Grojean, Christophe et al. |
2018 |
2018,062 |
639 |
Pole N-flation |
Dias, Mafalda et al. |
2018 |
2018,063 |
640 |
N2HDECAY: Higgs boson decays in the different phases of the N2HDM |
Engeln, Isabell et al. |
2018 |
2018,064 |
641 |
Threshold resummation of the rapidity distribution for drell-yan production at NNLO+NNLL |
Banerjee, P. et al. |
2018 |
2018,067 |
642 |
Racing through the swampland: de sitter uplift vs weak gravity |
Moritz, Jakob et al. |
2018 |
2018,068 |
643 |
Higgs relaxation after inflation |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2018 |
2018,069 |
644 |
Calogero-Sutherland approach to defect blocks |
Isachenkov, M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,070 |
645 |
Line defects and radiation in =2 theories |
Bianchi, Lorenzo et al. |
2018 |
2018,071 |
646 |
On quartic colour factors in splitting functions and the gluon cusp anomalous dimension |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2018 |
2018,072 |
647 |
Beam phase retrieval based on higher order modes in cylindrical SRF cavities |
Shi, L. et al. |
2018 |
2018,073 |
648 |
Twin SIMPs |
Hochberg, Yonit et al. |
2018 |
2018,076 |
649 |
Axion mass in the case of post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2018 |
2018,077 |
650 |
Two-loop anomalous dimensions of generic dijet soft functions |
Bell, Guido et al. |
2018 |
2018,078 |
651 |
Determination of electroweak parameters in polarised deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
Spiesberger, Hubert |
2018 |
2018,080 |
652 |
Lyman-[Alpha] forest constraints on interacting dark sectors |
Garny, M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,081 |
653 |
Direct optimisation of the discovery significance when training neural networks to search for new physics in particle colliders |
Elwood, A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,082 |
654 |
e+ e- angularity distributions at NNLL' accuracy |
Bell, Guido et al. |
2018 |
2018,083 |
655 |
Decays of the neutral Higgs bosons into SM fermions and gauge bosons in the CP-Violating NMSSM |
Domingo, F. et al. |
2018 |
2018,084 |
656 |
Resummed transverse momentum distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs Bson at NNLOA + NNLL |
Agarwal, N. et al. |
2018 |
2018,085 |
657 |
Probing non-Gaussian stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds with LISA |
Bartolo, N. |
2018 |
2018,086 |
658 |
Bootstrapping the half-BPS line defect |
Liendo, P. et al. |
2018 |
2018,087 |
659 |
On the separation of variables for the modular XXZ magnet and the lattice Sinh-Gordon models |
Derkacev, S. E. et al. |
2018 |
2018,088 |
660 |
Parallel adaptive Monte Carlo Integration with the event generator WHIZARD |
Braß, Simon et al. |
2018 |
2018,089 |
661 |
Effects of localized -terms at the fixed points in magnetized orbifold models |
Abe, H. et al. |
2018 |
2018,092 |
662 |
Employing RHIC and LHC data to determine TMD gluon density in a proton |
Abdulov, N. A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,094 |
663 |
Global and optimal probes for the top-quark effective field theory at future lepton colliders |
Durieux, Gauthier et al. |
2018 |
2018,096 |
664 |
Gauge field and fermion production during axion inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2018 |
2018,098 |
665 |
Discovery potential of stable and near-threshold doubly heavy tetraquarks at the LHC |
Ali, A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,099 |
666 |
SIMPs through the axion portal |
Hochberg, Yonit et al. |
2018 |
2018,101 |
667 |
Impact of vacuum stability, perturbativity an XENON1T on global fits of Z2 and Z3 scalar singlet dark matter |
Athron, Peter et al. |
2018 |
2018,102 |
668 |
Fundamental characteristics of transverse deflecting fields |
Paramonov, V. V. et al. |
2018 |
2018,103 |
669 |
Two-current correlations in the pion on the lattice |
Bali, Gunnar S. |
2018 |
2018,105 |
670 |
Emerging chromo-natural inflation |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2018 |
2018,106 |
671 |
High scale electroweak phase transition : Baryogenesis & symmetry non-restoration |
Baldes, Iason et al. |
2018 |
2018,109 |
672 |
The DESY II test beam facility |
Diener, R. et al. |
2018 |
2018,111 |
673 |
Effects of energy spread on brightness and coherence of undulator sources |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2018 |
2018,112 |
674 |
Relativity and synchrotron radiation : critical reexamination of existing theory |
2017 |
2018,113 |
675 |
The top-quark window on compositeness at future lepton colliders |
Durieux, Gauthier et al. |
2018 |
2018,114 |
676 |
Threshold resummation in rapidity for colorless particle production at LHC |
Banerjee, P. et al. |
2018 |
2018,115 |
677 |
Fusing vectors into scalars at high energy lepton colliders |
Buttazzo, Dario et al. |
2018 |
2018,116 |
678 |
Power corrections for N-jettiness subtractions at O ([Alpha]s) |
Ebert, M. A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,120 |
679 |
MBnumerics: numerical integration of Mellin-Barnes integrals in physical regions |
Usovitsch, J. et al. |
2018 |
2018,121 |
680 |
Dark Matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation and Bound-state decay at finite temperature |
Binder, Tobias et al. |
2018 |
2018,123 |
681 |
Classical nonrelativistic effective field theory and the role of gravitational interactions |
Eby, J. et al. |
2018 |
2018,124 |
682 |
Magnetized orbifolds and localized flux |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2018 |
2018,167 |
683 |
Low-scale leptogenesis with three heavy neutrinos |
Abada, Asmaa et al. |
2018 |
2018,174 |
684 |
Conformal symmetry of QCD in d-dimensions |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2018 |
2018,175 |
685 |
New axion searches at flavor factories |
Vidal, Xabier Cid et al. |
2018 |
2018,183 |
686 |
Singleton portals to the twin sector |
Bishara, F. et al. |
2018 |
2018,187 |
687 |
Pole mass determination in presence of heavy particles |
Bahl, H. |
2018 |
2018,188 |
688 |
Jet veto resummation with jet rapidity cuts |
Michel, J. K. L. et al. |
2018 |
2018,189 |
689 |
Amplitudes in the multi-regge limit of N=4 SYM |
Del Duca, Vittorio et al. |
2018 |
2018,190 |
690 |
The fate of the littlest Higgs model with T-parity under 13 TeV LHC data |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2018 |
2018,191 |
691 |
Exclusive top threshold matching at lepton colliders |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2018 |
2018,192 |
692 |
The role of positron polarization for the initial 250 GeV stage of the ILC |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2018 |
2018,193 |
693 |
Proof of sum rules for double parton distributions in QCD |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2018 |
2018,195 |
694 |
From quantum curves to topological string partition functions |
Coman-Lohi, Ioana et al. |
2018 |
2018,198 |
695 |
Homeopathic dark matter or How diluted heavy substances produce high energy cosmic rays |
Cirelli, Marco et al. |
2018 |
2018,200 |
696 |
Control of SU(3) symmetry breaking effects in calculations of B meson decay constant |
Hollitt, S. |
2018 |
2018,201 |
697 |
Two-loop evolution equations for flavor-singlet light-ray operators |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2019 |
2018,202 |
698 |
Combinatorial quantisation of GL(1/1) Chern-Simons Theory I: The Torus |
Aghaei, Nezhla et al. |
2018 |
2018,203 |
699 |
Factorisation of soft gluons in multiparton scattering |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2018 |
2018,204 |
700 |
Axion properties in GUTs |
Ernst, Anne et al. |
2018 |
2018,205 |
701 |
A fresh look at the calculation of tunneling actions in multi-field potentials |
Espinosa, J. R. et al. |
2018 |
2018,206 |
702 |
Subleading power rapidity divergences and power corrections for qT |
Ebert, M. A. et al. |
2018 |
2018,207 |
703 |
Generic dijet soft functions at two-loop order: correlated emissions |
Bell, Guido et al. |
2018 |
2018,209 |
704 |
Simplified models of flavourful leptoquarks |
Medeiros Varzielas, Ivo de et al. |
2019 |
2018,210 |
705 |
Thraxions: ultralight throat axions |
Hebecker, Arthur et al. |
2018 |
2018,212 |
706 |
Cluster adjacency and the four-loop NMHV heptagon |
Drummond, James et al. |
2018 |
2018,214 |
707 |
MSSM Higgs Benchmark Scenarios for Run 2 and Beyond: the low tan [beta] region |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2019 |
2018,219 |
708 |
The strange quark contribution to the spin of the nucleon |
2018 |
2018,220 |
709 |
A higgs boson at 96 GeV?! |
Heinemyer, S. et al. |
2018 |
2018,221 |
710 |
Constraining the inert doublet model using vector boson fusion |
Dercks, Daniel et al. |
2018 |
2018,222 |
711 |
Chiral anomaly and Schwinger effect in non-abelian gauge theories |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2018 |
2018,223 |
712 |
Puffy dark matter |
Chu, Xiaoyong et al. |
2019 |
2018,225 |
713 |
Five-loop contributions to low-N non-singlet anomalous dimensions in QCD |
Herzog, F. et al. |
2018 |
2018,227 |
714 |
Precision calculations in the MSSM Higgs-boson sector with FeynHiggs 2.14 |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2018 |
2018,179 |
715 |
Supersymmetric models in light of improved Higgs mass calculations |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2018 |
2018,182 |
716 |
Revisiting the dilatation operator of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point |
Liendo, P. |
2017 |
2017,002 |
717 |
Web2cHMI: a multi-modal native user interface implementation for accelerator operations and maintenance applications |
Bacher, R. |
2017 |
2017,006 |
718 |
Revisiting fine-tuning in the MSSM |
Ross, Graham G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,008 |
719 |
Simplified dark matter models with two Higgs doublets ; 1: Pseudoscalar mediators |
Bauer, Martin et al. |
2017 |
2017,010 |
720 |
The potential of the ILC for discovering new particles |
2017 |
2017,012 |
721 |
Double hard scattering without double counting |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2017 |
2017,013 |
722 |
Transverse momentum in double parton scattering: factorisation, evolution and matching |
Buffing, M. G. A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,014 |
723 |
The photon PDF from high-mass Drell Yan data at the LHC |
Giuli, Francesco |
2017 |
2017,015 |
724 |
Hunting the dark Higgs |
Duerr, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,016 |
725 |
Ratios of helicity amplitudes for exclusive 0 electroproduction on transversely polarized proton |
2017 |
2017,017 |
726 |
The leptonic future of the Higgs |
Durieux, Gauthier et al. |
2017 |
2017,018 |
727 |
Electromagnetic form factors at large momenta from lattice QCD |
2017 |
2017,019 |
728 |
alpha s from Hadron multiplicities via SUSY-like relation between anomalous dimensions |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,020 |
729 |
Gravitational waves from the asymmetric-dark-matter generating phase transition |
Baldes, Iason |
2017 |
2017,021 |
730 |
Impact of CP-violating interference effects on MSSM Higgs searches |
Fuchs, Elina et al. |
2017 |
2017,022 |
731 |
Interference effects in MSSM Higgs searches at the LHC |
Fuchs, Elina et al. |
2017 |
2017,023 |
732 |
Review of LHC dark matter searches |
Kahlhoefer, Felix |
2017 |
2017,024 |
733 |
Charm production and QCD analysis at HERA and LHC |
Zenaiev, O. |
2017 |
2017,025 |
734 |
Long multiplet bootstrap |
Cornagliotto, Martina et al. |
2017 |
2017,026 |
735 |
Nucleon structure functions from lattice operator product expansion |
Chambers, A. J. |
2017 |
2017,027 |
736 |
Wigner functions for angle and orbital angular momentum : operators and dynamics |
Kastrup, H. A. |
2017 |
2017,028 |
737 |
2D CFT blocks for the 4D class Sk theories |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2017 |
2017,029 |
738 |
Exact deconstruction of the 6D (2,0) theory |
Hayling, J. et al. |
2017 |
2017,030 |
739 |
Establishing the isolated standard model |
Wells, James D. et al. |
2017 |
2017,031 |
740 |
Two-loop master integrals for the leading QCD corrections to the Higgs coupling to a W pair and to the triple gauge couplings ZWW and gamma* WW |
Di Vita, S. et al. |
2017 |
2017,032 |
741 |
Improved determination of the Higgs mass in the MSSM with heavy superpartners |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2017 |
2017,033 |
742 |
Asymmetric thermal-relic dark matter : Sommerfeld-enhanced freeze-out, annihilation signals and unitarity bounds |
Baldes, Iason et al. |
2017 |
2017,034 |
743 |
Search for Dirac and Majorana sterile neutrinos in trilepton events at the LHC |
Dib, Claudio O. et al. |
2017 |
2017,035 |
744 |
A review of gravitational waves from cosmic domain walls |
Saikawa, K. |
2017 |
2017,036 |
745 |
Higher-twist B-meson distribution amplitudes in HQET |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,037 |
746 |
On possible small-x effects in the Kaluza-Klein graviton an radion production at high energies |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2016 |
2017,038 |
747 |
Prompt charmonia production and polarization at LHC in the NRQCD with kT-factorization ; Part 3: J/psi meson |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2017 |
2017,039 |
748 |
Study of heavy meson production in p-PB collision sqrtS=5.02 TeV in the general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme |
Kramer, Gustav et al. |
2017 |
2017,040 |
749 |
NLO QCD corrections to off-shell $tbart$ and $tbartH$ at the ILC |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2017 |
2017,041 |
750 |
Generic calculation of two-body partial decay widths at the full one-loop level |
Goodsell, Mark D. et al. |
2017 |
2017,042 |
751 |
Measurement of D* production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2017 |
2017,043 |
752 |
A global view on the Higgs self-coupling |
Di Vita, S. et al. |
2017 |
2017,044 |
753 |
Three-loop evolution equation for flavor-nonsinglet operators in off-forward kinemetics |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,045 |
754 |
Phenomenological comparison of models with extended Higgs sectors |
2017 |
2017,046 |
755 |
Radiation by moving charges |
2017 |
2017,047 |
756 |
Running of the charm-quark mass from HERA deep-inelastic scattering data |
Gizhko, Andrii |
2017 |
2017,048 |
757 |
Minimally extended SILH |
Chala, Mikael et al. |
2017 |
2017,049 |
758 |
Baryonic Higgs at the LHC |
Duerr, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,050 |
759 |
Investigation into the limits of perturbation theory at low Q2 using HERA deep inelastic scattering data |
Abt, Iris |
2017 |
2017,051 |
760 |
Dark matter self-interactions from a general spin-0 mediator |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2017 |
2017,052 |
761 |
Extracting the top-quark running mass using tt + 1-jet events produced at the Large Hadron Collider |
Fuster, J. |
2017 |
2017,053 |
762 |
Automatic tuning of free electron lasers |
Agapov, Ilya et al. |
2017 |
2017,054 |
763 |
Probing new light force-mediators by isotope shift spectroscopy |
Berengut, Julian C. |
2017 |
2017,055 |
764 |
QCD-induced electroweak phase transition |
Harling, Benedict von et al. |
2017 |
2017,056 |
765 |
Mass spectrum of spin-1/2 pentaquarks with a cc? component and their anticipated discovery modes in b-baryon decays |
Ali, A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,057 |
766 |
Likelihood analysis of the pMSSM11 in light of LHC 13-TeV data |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2017 |
2017,059 |
767 |
Optical surface properties and their RF limitations of European XFEL cavities |
Wenskat, Marc |
2017 |
2017,060 |
768 |
Automated optical inspection and image analysis of superconducting radio-frequency cavities |
Wenskat, Marc |
2017 |
2017,061 |
769 |
What is a parton shower? |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2017 |
2017,063 |
770 |
Two-loop top and bottom Yukawa corrections to the Higgs-boson masses in the complex MSSM |
Paßehr, Sebastian et al. |
2017 |
2017,065 |
771 |
On-shell neutral Higgs bosons in the NMSSM with complex parameters |
Domingo, F. et al. |
2017 |
2017,067 |
772 |
Analysis of multibunch free electron laser operation |
Hellert, Thorsten et al. |
2017 |
2017,069 |
773 |
Three-loop massive tadpoles and polylogarithms through weight six |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,070 |
774 |
Exotics: heavy pentaquarks and tetraquarks |
Ali, A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,071 |
775 |
Reconciling EFT and hybrid calculations of the light MSSM Higgs-boson mass |
Bahl, H. et al. |
2017 |
2017,072 |
776 |
Prompt neutrinos from atmospheric charm in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme |
Benzke, Michael et al. |
2017 |
2017,073 |
777 |
Euclidean mirrors : enhanced vacuum decay from reflected instantons |
Akal, Ibrahim et al. |
2017 |
2017,074 |
778 |
Phenomenology of the inflation-inspired NMSSM at the electroweak scale |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor et al. |
2018 |
2017,075 |
779 |
The Higgs vacuum uplifted : revisiting the electroweak phase transition with a second Higgs doublet |
Dorsch, G. C. et al. |
2017 |
2017,076 |
780 |
Studies of the diffractive photoproduction of isolated photons at HERA |
2017 |
2017,077 |
781 |
An étude on global vacuum energy sequester |
D'Amico, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,080 |
782 |
Seven lessons from manyfield inflation in random potentials |
Dias, Mafalda et al. |
2017 |
2017,082 |
783 |
Software compensation in particle flow reconstruction |
Tran, Huong Lan |
2017 |
2017,083 |
784 |
Efficient model for low-energy transverse beam dynamics in a nine-cell 1.3 GHz cavity |
Hellert, Thorsten et al. |
2017 |
2017,084 |
785 |
Effective description of dark matter self-interactions in small dark matter haloes |
Kummer, Janis et al. |
2017 |
2017,089 |
786 |
A new approach to the BFKL mechanism : application to high-precision HERA data |
Kowalski, H. et al. |
2017 |
2017,090 |
787 |
On radiation emission from a microbunched beam with wavefront tilt and its experimental observation |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,093 |
788 |
CP-violation for electroweak baryogenesis from dynamical CKM matrix |
Bruggisser, Sebastian et al. |
2017 |
2017,094 |
789 |
Higher spin currents in the critical O(N) vector model at 1/N2 |
Manashov, A. N. et al. |
2017 |
2017,095 |
790 |
Enabling rootless linux containers in multi-user environments: the udocker tool |
Gomes, Jorge et al. |
2017 |
2017,096 |
791 |
Framework for evolution in double parton scattering |
Buffing, M. G. A. |
2017 |
2017,097 |
792 |
FMFT: fully massive four-loop tadpoles |
Pikelner, Andrey |
2017 |
2017,098 |
793 |
Squark production in R-symmetric SUSY with Dirac gluinos: NLO corrections |
Dießner, Philip et al. |
2017 |
2017,100 |
794 |
Impact of the heavy quark matching scales in PDF fits |
2017 |
2017,101 |
795 |
Heavy Higgs searches: flavour matters |
Gori, Stefania et al. |
2017 |
2017,103 |
796 |
A new look at the Y Tetraquarks and [Omega]c Baryons in the Diquark Model |
Ali, A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,104 |
797 |
Fibre inflation and [alpa]-attractors |
Kallosh, Renata et al. |
2017 |
2017,105 |
798 |
Four-loop non-singlet splitting functions in the planar limit and beyond |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2017 |
2017,106 |
799 |
A case study of quark-gluon discrimination at NNLL' in comparison to parton showers |
Mo, Jonathan et al. |
2017 |
2017,111 |
800 |
Towards de Sitter from 10D |
Moritz, Jakob et al. |
2017 |
2017,112 |
801 |
Exploring light mediators with low-threshold direct detection experiments |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2017 |
2017,113 |
802 |
Stellar recipes for axion hunters |
Giannotti, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,116 |
803 |
Pole inflation in Jordan frame supergravity |
Saikawa, K. et al. |
2017 |
2017,117 |
804 |
Collinear and TMD Quark and Gluon Densities from Parton Branching Solution of QCD Evolution Equations |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2017 |
2017,118 |
805 |
Threshold and jet radius joint resummation for single-inclusive jet production |
Liu, X. et al. |
2017 |
2017,119 |
806 |
Improved formalism for precision Higgs coupling fits |
Barklow, Timothy L. |
2017 |
2017,120 |
807 |
Inclusive Higgs boson production at the LHC in the kT-factorization approach |
Abdulov, N. A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,121 |
808 |
Precision constraints on the top-quark effective field theory at future lepton colliders |
Durieux, Gauthier |
2017 |
2017,123 |
809 |
Neutrino masses, leptogenesis and dark matter from small lepton number violation? |
Abada, Asmaa et al. |
2017 |
2017,124 |
810 |
Associated production of Z bosons and b-jets at the LHC in the combined kT + collinear QCD factorization approach |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2017 |
2017,126 |
811 |
Revised constraints and Belle II sensitivity for visible and invisible axion-like particles |
Dolan, M. J. et al. |
2017 |
2017,127 |
812 |
N-jettiness subtractions for gg [right arrow] H at subleading power |
Moult, Ian et al. |
2017 |
2017,128 |
813 |
Optimizing Higgs factories by modifying the recoil mass |
Gu, Jiayin et al. |
2017 |
2017,129 |
814 |
Learning from Higgs physics at future Higgs factories |
Gu, Jiayin |
2017 |
2017,130 |
815 |
A global view on the Higgs self-coupling at lepton colliders |
Gu, Jiayin |
2017 |
2017,131 |
816 |
Low scale supersymmetry at the LHC with jet and missing energy signature |
Demidov, S. V. et al. |
2017 |
2017,132 |
817 |
Collinear and transverse momentum dependent parton densities obtained with a parton branching method |
Lelek, A. |
2017 |
2017,134 |
818 |
Analysis of the cool down related cavity performance of the European XFEL vertical acceptance tests |
Wenskat, Marc et al. |
2017 |
2017,135 |
819 |
Feasibility of track-based multiple scattering tomography |
Jansen, Hendrik et al. |
2017 |
2017,136 |
820 |
Determination of the strong coupling constant ?s(mZ) in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements |
2017 |
2017,137 |
821 |
ttbb hadroproduction with massive bottom quarks with PowHel |
Bevilacqua, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,138 |
822 |
Axion as a non-WIMP dark matter candidate |
Saikawa, K. |
2017 |
2017,141 |
823 |
Relativity and accelerator engineering |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,143 |
824 |
Five-loop renormalisation of QCD in covariant gauges |
Cetyrkin, K. G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,144 |
825 |
Light Higgs from pole attractor |
Matsedonskyi, Oleksii et al. |
2017 |
2017,145 |
826 |
Wigner functions for the pair angle and orbital angular momentum : possible applications in quantum information theories |
Kastrup, H. A. |
2017 |
2017,147 |
827 |
New LHC bound on low-mass diphoton resonances |
Mariotti, A. et al. |
2017 |
2017,148 |
828 |
Demonstration of the length stability requirements for ALPS II with a high finesse 10m cavity |
Põld, Jan Hendrik et al. |
2017 |
2017,149 |
829 |
Lepton flavor violating dilepton dijet signatures from sterile neutrinos at proton colliders |
Antusch, Stefan et al. |
2018 |
2017,151 |
830 |
Physics case for the 250 GeV stage of the international linear collider |
2017 |
2017,155 |
831 |
Likelihood analysis of the sub-GUT MSSM in light of LHC 13-TeV data |
Costa, J. C. |
2017 |
2017,156 |
832 |
Fully-differential top-pair production at a lepton collider: from threshold to continuum |
Bach, Fabian |
2017 |
2017,158 |
833 |
Quantum tunnelling from vacuum in multidimensions |
Akal, Ibrahim et al. |
2017 |
2017,159 |
834 |
Double parton scattering - theory overview |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2017 |
2017,161 |
835 |
Gravitational collapse in the Schrödinger-Poisson system |
Garny, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,162 |
836 |
Towards deconstruction of the type D (2, 0) theory |
Bourget, Antoine et al. |
2017 |
2017,163 |
837 |
Heavy-flavor parton distributions without heavy-flavor matching prescriptions |
Bertone, Valerio et al. |
2017 |
2017,168 |
838 |
Effect of reheating on predictions following multiple-field inflation |
Hotinli, Selim C. |
2017 |
2017,169 |
839 |
Non-SUSY WIMPS: simplified models and dark matter LHC |
Morgante, Enrico |
2017 |
2017,171 |
840 |
Pp [right arrow] A [right arrow] Zh and the wrong-sign limit of the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model |
Ferreira, P. M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,173 |
841 |
The CP-violating 2HDM in light of a strong first order electroweak phase transition and implications for Higgs pair production |
Basler, Philipp et al. |
2017 |
2017,174 |
842 |
Bootstrapping the (A1, A2) Argyres-Douglas theory |
Cornagliotto, Martina et al. |
2017 |
2017,175 |
843 |
From spinning conformal blocks to matrix Calogero-Sutherland models |
Schomerus, V. et al. |
2017 |
2017,177 |
844 |
Integrability of conformal blocks ; 1: Calogero-Sutherland scattering theory |
Isachenkov, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,178 |
845 |
Jets and threshold summation in Deductor |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2017 |
2017,179 |
846 |
The International Linear Collider Machine Staging Report 2017 : addendum to the International Linear Collider Technical Design Report published in 2013 |
2017 |
2017,180 |
847 |
Charmed states and flavour symmetry breaking |
Horsley, R. |
2017 |
2017,181 |
848 |
Efficient operators for studying higher partial waves |
Wu, Jia-jun et al. |
2017 |
2017,182 |
849 |
Correction exponents in the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model at 1/N2 |
Manashov, A. N. et al. |
2017 |
2017,183 |
850 |
Low energy properties of SU (2) gauge theory with Nf= 3/2 flavours of adjoint fermions |
Bergner, Georg et al. |
2017 |
2017,184 |
851 |
Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations : a community white paper |
2017 |
2017,185 |
852 |
Instanton counting in class Sk |
Bourton, T. et al. |
2017 |
2017,189 |
853 |
Double inflation as a single origin of primordial black holes for all dark matter and LIGO observations |
Inomata, Keisuke et al. |
2017 |
2017,190 |
854 |
Fuchsia and master integrals for energy-energy correlations at NLO in QCD |
Gituliar, Oleksandr et al. |
2017 |
2017,191 |
855 |
The fate of the littlest Higgs model with T-parity under 13 TeV LHC data |
Dercks, Daniel et al. |
2018 |
2017,192 |
856 |
Charmonia production from b-hadron decays at LHC with kT-factorization: J/ps, ps (2S) and J/ps + Z |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2017 |
2017,196 |
857 |
Probing light top partners with CP violation |
Panico, Giuliano et al. |
2017 |
2017,197 |
858 |
Measurement of jet properties in CMS |
Connor, Patrick L. S. |
2017 |
2017,198 |
859 |
SL (2, C) Gustafson integrals |
Derkacev, S. E. et al. |
2017 |
2017,200 |
860 |
The C2HDM revisited |
Fontes, Duarte et al. |
2017 |
2017,207 |
861 |
Primordial black holes for the LIGO events in the axion-like curvaton model |
Ando, Kenta et al. |
2017 |
2017,209 |
862 |
Protecting the axion with local baryon number |
Duerr, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,210 |
863 |
BBN constraints on MeV-scale dark sectors - part I, sterile decays |
Hufnagel, M. et al. |
2017 |
2017,211 |
864 |
Axion predictions in SO(10) x U(1)PQ models |
Ernst, Anne et al. |
2018 |
2017,213 |
865 |
Machine learning as an instrument for data unfolding |
Glazov, Aleksandr A. |
2018 |
2017,214 |
866 |
Detuning related coupler kick variation of a superconducting nine-cell 1.3 GHz cavity |
Hellert, Thorsten et al. |
2018 |
2017,215 |
867 |
The jet mass distribution after soft drop |
Marzani, S. et al. |
2017 |
2017,217 |
868 |
Derivatives of Horn-type hypergeometric functions with respect to their parameters |
Bytev, Vladimir V. et al. |
2017 |
2017,219 |
869 |
Flavour physics without flavour symmetries |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2017 |
2017,220 |
870 |
Texture zeros and hierarchical masses from flavour (mis)alignment |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor et al. |
2017 |
2017,221 |
871 |
Calculations with off-shell matrix elements, TMD parton densities and TMD parton showers |
Bury, Marcin et al. |
2017 |
2017,222 |
872 |
Inflation from high-scale supersymmetry breaking |
Domcke, Valerie et al. |
2017 |
2017,223 |
873 |
Super Gaussian enhancers in the Schwinger mechanism |
Akal, Ibrahim |
2017 |
2017,224 |
874 |
Special functions, transcendentals and their numerics |
Ablinger, J. et al. |
2017 |
2017,225 |
875 |
Resummation of Goldstone infrared divergences: a proof to all orders |
Espinosa, J.R. et al. |
2017 |
2017,226 |
876 |
Gravitational radiation from a bulk flow model |
Konstandin, T. |
2017 |
2017,227 |
877 |
A warped relaxion |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2017 |
2017,228 |
878 |
Electroweak phase transition and baryogenesis in composite Higgs models |
Bruggisser, Sebastian et al. |
2018 |
2017,229 |
879 |
Expected neutrino fluence from short gamma-ray burst 170817 A and off-axis angle constraints |
Biehl, D. et al. |
2017 |
2017,230 |
880 |
Asymmetric dark matter: residual annihilations and self-interactions |
Baldes, Iason et al. |
2017 |
2017,232 |
881 |
Toda conformal blocks, quantum groups, and flat connections |
Coman, Ioana et al. |
2017 |
2017,233 |
882 |
DarkBit: a GAMBIT module for computing dark matter observables and likelihoods |
2017 |
2017,235 |
883 |
GAMBIT: The global and modular beyond-the-standard-model inference tool |
2017 |
2017,236 |
884 |
The role of positron polarization for the inital 250 GeV stage of the international linear collider |
2018 |
2017,237 |
885 |
Automated calculation of dijet soft functions in the presence of jet clustering effects |
Bell, Guido et al. |
2018 |
2017,238 |
886 |
Universality at large transverse spin in defect CFT |
Lemos, Madalena et al. |
2017 |
2017,239 |
887 |
An adiabatic phase-matching accelerator |
Lemery, F. et al. |
2017 |
2017,240 |
888 |
Thermal and hydrodynamic studies for micro-channel cooling for large area silicon sensors in high energy physics experiments |
Flaschel, Nils et al. |
2017 |
2017,005 |
889 |
Opportunities for two-color experiments at the SASE3 undulator line of the European XFEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,068 |
890 |
Search for singly charged Higgs in vector boson scattering at the ep colliders |
Azuelos, G. et al. |
2017 |
2017,150 |
891 |
Performance and optimization of support vector machines in high-energy physics classification problems |
Sahin, M. Ö |
2016 |
2016,004 |
892 |
Testing ATLAS Z+MET excess with LHC run 2 |
Lu, X. et al. |
2016 |
2016,005 |
893 |
Measurement of the cross-section ratio sps(2S)/sJps(1S) in deep inelastic exclusive ep scattering at HERA |
2016 |
2016,008 |
894 |
Status of diboson production in NNLO QCD |
Grazzini, M., 1968- et al. |
2016 |
2016,010 |
895 |
N-relaxion |
Fonseca, N. et al. |
2016 |
2016,011 |
896 |
Production of massless bottom jets in pp and pp collisions at next-to-leading order of QCD |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2016 |
2016,013 |
897 |
An experimental hint for gravitational CP violation |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2016 |
2016,014 |
898 |
Wgamma and Zgamma production at the LHC in NNLO QCD |
Grazzini, M., 1968- |
2016 |
2016,015 |
899 |
Misconception regarding conventional coupling of fields and particles in XFEL Ccodes |
Geloni, G. |
2016 |
2016,017 |
900 |
mr: a C++ library for the matching and running of the standard model parameters |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2016 |
2016,019 |
901 |
Counting master integrals: integration by parts vs. functional equations |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2016 |
2016,020 |
902 |
Scalar potential from higher derivative N=1 superspace |
Ciupke, David |
2016 |
2016,021 |
903 |
De Sitter vacua and supersymmetry breaking in six-dimensional flux compactifications |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2016 |
2016,022 |
904 |
Assessing the role of nuclear effects in the interpretation of the MiniBooNE low-energy anomaly |
Ericson, M. |
2016 |
2016,023 |
905 |
Rapidity renormalized TMD soft and beam functions at two loops |
Lübbert, T. |
2016 |
2016,024 |
906 |
Precision tools and models to narrow in on the 750 GeV diphoton resonance |
Staub, Florian |
2016 |
2016,025 |
907 |
Superintegrability of d-dimensional conformal blocks |
Isachenkov, M. |
2016 |
2016,026 |
908 |
Alternative glues for the production of ATLAS silicon strip modules for the phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS inner detector |
Poley, Luise |
2016 |
2016,027 |
909 |
Light stop mass limits from Higgs rate measurements in the MSSM : is MSSM electroweak baryogenesis still alive after all? |
Liebler, Stefan |
2016 |
2016,001 |
910 |
Photons, photon jets and dark photons at 750 GeV and beyond |
Dasgupta, Basudeb |
2016 |
2016,028 |
911 |
Planck-scale gravity test at PETRA : letter of intent |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2016 |
2016,029 |
912 |
De Sitter vacua from an anomalous gauge symmetry |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2016 |
2016,030 |
913 |
The BSM physics case of the ILC |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2016 |
2016,031 |
914 |
Top physics in WHIZARD |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2016 |
2016,032 |
915 |
Automation of NLO processes and decays and POWHEG matching in WHIZARD |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2016 |
2016,033 |
916 |
Making extreme computations possible with virtual machines |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2016 |
2016,034 |
917 |
Limits of the effective quark radius from inclusive ep scattering at HERA |
2016 |
2016,035 |
918 |
Top physics at high-energy Lepton colliders : summary of TopLC15, IFIC Valencia, 30th June-2nd July, 2015 |
2016 |
2016,038 |
919 |
Combined QCD and electroweak analysis of HERA data |
2016 |
2016,039 |
920 |
Recommendations for PDF usage in LHC predictions |
Accardi, Alberto |
2016 |
2016,041 |
921 |
On mono-W signatures in spin-1 simplified models |
Haisch, Ulrich |
2016 |
2016,042 |
922 |
Structure of Kähler potential for D-term inflationary attractor models |
Nakayama, Kazunori |
2016 |
2016,043 |
923 |
Impact of jet veto resummation on slepton searches |
Tackmann, F. J. |
2016 |
2016,044 |
924 |
B±c decays into tetraquarks |
Ali, A. |
2016 |
2016,045 |
925 |
Characterisation of silicon microstrip detectors for the ATLAS phase-II upgrade with a micro-focused X-ray beam |
2016 |
2016,047 |
926 |
Double parton scattering in the ultraviolet: addressing the double counting problem |
Diehl, Markus |
2016 |
2016,048 |
927 |
Unifying inflation with the axion, dark matter, baryogenesis and the seesaw mechanism |
Ballesteros, Guillermo |
2016 |
2016,049 |
928 |
Search for QCD instanton-induced processes at HERA in the high-Q² domain |
2016 |
2016,050 |
929 |
Factorization and resummation for jet processes |
2016 |
2016,052 |
930 |
Deciphering the CP nature of the 750 GeV resonance |
Chala, Mikael |
2016 |
2016,054 |
931 |
Performance of the EUDET-type beam telescopes |
Jansen, Hendrik |
2016 |
2016,055 |
932 |
Analytical formulas for short bunch wakes in a flat dechirper |
Bane, Karl |
2016 |
2016,056 |
933 |
Precise Higgs mass calculations in (non-)minimal supersymmetry at both high and low scales |
Athron, Peter |
2016 |
2016,057 |
934 |
Studies on GEM modules for a large prototype TPC for the ILC |
Tsionou, D. |
2016 |
2016,058 |
935 |
A time projection chamber with GEM-based readout |
2016 |
2016,059 |
936 |
FormCalc 9 and extensions |
Hahn, Thomas |
2016 |
2016,060 |
937 |
SusHi Bento: beyond NNLO and the heavy-top limit |
Harlander, Robert V. |
2016 |
2016,061 |
938 |
On the MSSM Higgsino mass and fine tuning |
Ross, Graham G. |
2016 |
2016,062 |
939 |
Combined electroweak and QCD fit to HERA data |
Abt, Iris |
2016 |
2016,063 |
940 |
Study of HERA ep data at low Q2 and low xBj and the need for higher-twist corrections to standard pQCD evolution |
Abt, I. |
2016 |
2016,064 |
941 |
Search for a narrow baryonic state decaying to pK0S and p?K0S in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2016 |
2016,065 |
942 |
Two-loop master integrals for the mixed EW-QCD virtual corrections to Drell-Yan scattering |
Bonciani, Roberto |
2016 |
2016,066 |
943 |
On the validity of the effective field theory approach to SM precision tests |
Contino, Roberto |
2016 |
2016,067 |
944 |
A first-order electroweak phase transition in the standard model from varying Yukawas |
Baldes, Iason |
2016 |
2016,068 |
945 |
Plateau inflation from random non-minimal coupling |
Broy, B. J. |
2016 |
2016,069 |
946 |
New forces and the 750 GeV resonance |
Duerr, M. |
2016 |
2016,070 |
947 |
Confining continuous manipulations of accelerator beamline optics |
Amstutz, P. |
2016 |
2016,071 |
948 |
Enabling technologies for silicon microstrip tracking detectors at the HL-LHC |
2016 |
2016,072 |
949 |
Simple emergent power spectra from complex inflationary physics |
Dias, Mafalda |
2016 |
2016,073 |
950 |
W±Z production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD |
Grazzini, M. |
2016 |
2016,074 |
951 |
W+W- production at the LHC: fiducial cross sections and distributions in NNLO QCD |
Grazzini, M. |
2016 |
2016,075 |
952 |
Matched predictions for the bbH cross section at the 13 TeV LHC |
Bonvini, M. |
2016 |
2016,076 |
953 |
Distinuishing Dirac/Majorana sterile neutrinos at the LHC |
Dib, Claudio O. |
2016 |
2016,077 |
954 |
A determination of mc(mc) from HERA data using a matched heavy-flavor scheme |
2016 |
2016,078 |
955 |
A critical experimental test of synchrotron radiation theory with 3rd generation light source |
Geloni, G. |
2016 |
2016,079 |
956 |
Factorization for jet radius logarithms in jet mass spectra at the LHC |
Kolodrubetz, Daniel |
2016 |
2016,080 |
957 |
A BHLS model based moment analysis of muon g - 2, and its use for lattice QCD evaluation of ? had |
Benayoun, M. |
2016 |
2016,081 |
958 |
An integrability primer for the Gauge-gravity correspondence : an introduction |
Bombardelli, D. |
2016 |
2016,083 |
959 |
Addressing the strong CP problem with quark mass ratios |
Díaz-Cruz, J. L. |
2016 |
2016,084 |
960 |
Sharing but not caring: dark matter and the baryon asymmetry of the universe |
Bernal, N. |
2016 |
2016,085 |
961 |
Exploiting jet binning to indentify the initial state of high-mass resonances |
Ebert, M. A. |
2016 |
2016,086 |
962 |
Employing helicity amplitudes for resummation in SCET |
Moult, Ian |
2016 |
2016,087 |
963 |
Underlying event sensitive observables in Drell-Yan production using GENEVA |
Alioli, S. |
2016 |
2016,088 |
964 |
On asymptotics and resurgent structures of enumerative Gromov-Witten invariants |
Couso-Santamaría, R. |
2016 |
2016,089 |
965 |
Mulitquark hadrons : a new facet of QCD |
Ali, A. |
2016 |
2016,090 |
966 |
Summing threshold logs in a parton shower |
Nagy, Zoltán |
2016 |
2016,091 |
967 |
A unified explanation for dark matter and electroweak baryogenesis with direct detection and gravitational wave signatures |
Chala, Mikael |
2016 |
2016,092 |
968 |
Constraints on Z models from LHC dijet searches |
Fairbairn, Malcolm |
2016 |
2016,093 |
969 |
Probing axions with the neutrino signal from the next galactic Supernova |
Fischer, Tim |
2016 |
2016,094 |
970 |
Psi (2S) and gamma (3S) hadroproduction in the parton Reggeization approach : yield, polarization, and the role of fragmentation |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2016 |
2016,095 |
971 |
Top quark mass effects in Higgs boson pair production up to NNLO |
Hoff, J. |
2016 |
2016,096 |
972 |
New physics/resonances in vector boson scattering at the LHC |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2016 |
2016,097 |
973 |
Scattering of W and Z bosons at high-energy lepton colliders |
Fleper, Christian |
2016 |
2016,098 |
974 |
Nucleon matrix elements using the variational method in lattice QCD |
Dragos, J. |
2016 |
2016,099 |
975 |
The effective bootstrap |
Castedo Echeverri, A. |
2016 |
2016,100 |
976 |
Exploring the nearly degenerate stop region with sbottom decays |
An, Haipeng |
2016 |
2016,101 |
977 |
Heavy quark symmetry and weak decays of the b-baryons in pentaquarks with a c¯c component |
Ali, A. |
2016 |
2016,102 |
978 |
Alpha' inflation: moduli stabilisation and observable tensors from higher derivatives |
Cicoli, Michele |
2016 |
2016,103 |
979 |
Non-equilibrium random matrix : transition probabilities |
Pedro, F. G. |
2016 |
2016,104 |
980 |
Lattice QCD for Cosmology |
2016 |
2016,105 |
981 |
MS-on-Shell quark mass relation up to four Loops in QCD and a general SU (N) gauge group |
2016 |
2016,106 |
982 |
Differential Higgs boson pair production at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD |
Florian, Daniel de |
2016 |
2016,107 |
983 |
Reply to "Comment on testing Planck-scale gravity with accelerators" |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2016 |
2016,109 |
984 |
Non-singlet coefficient functions for charged-current deep-inelastic scattering to the third order in QCD |
Davies, Joshua |
2016 |
2016,110 |
985 |
Cosmological constraints on dark matter annihilation and decay : cross-correlation analysis of the extragalactic y-ray background and cosmic shear |
Shirasaki, M. |
2016 |
2016,112 |
986 |
How to save the WIMP: global analysis of a dark matter model with two s-channel mediators |
Duerr, M. |
2016 |
2016,113 |
987 |
A new view on vacuum stability in the MSSM |
Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor |
2016 |
2016,114 |
988 |
Systematics of the multi-Regge three-loop symbol |
Bargheer, Till |
2016 |
2016,115 |
989 |
Single-top production in the s-channel and the top-quark mass |
Alechin, S. I. |
2016 |
2016,118 |
990 |
The two-loop electroweak bosonic corrections to sin2effb |
Dubovyk, I. |
2016 |
2016,119 |
991 |
The new ABMP16 PDFs |
Alechin, S. I. |
2016 |
2016,121 |
992 |
Strongly interacting light dark matter |
Bruggisser, Sebastian |
2016 |
2016,122 |
993 |
˜The last gasp of dark matter effective theory |
Bruggisser, Sebastian |
2016 |
2016,123 |
994 |
Dark matter and observable lepton flavour violation |
Heurtier, Lucien |
2016 |
2016,127 |
995 |
Evidence of Wigner rotation phenomena in the beam splitting experiment at the LCLS |
Geloni, G. |
2016 |
2016,128 |
996 |
Determination of the top-quark mass from hadro-production of single top-quarks |
Alechin, S. I. |
2016 |
2016,130 |
997 |
Studying generalised dark matter interactions with extended halo-independent methods |
Kahlhoefer, Felix |
2016 |
2016,132 |
998 |
Rare B-meson decays at the crossroads |
Ali, A. |
2016 |
2016,134 |
999 |
The spectrum and mass anomalous dimension of SU (2) adjoint QCD with two Dirac flavours |
Bergner, Georg |
2016 |
2016,135 |
1000 |
Soft functions for generic jet algorithms and observables at hadron colliders |
Bertolini, D. |
2017 |
2016,137 |
1001 |
Corrugated structure insertion for extending the SASE bandwidth up to 3% at the European XFEL |
Zagorodnov, I. |
2016 |
2016,138 |
1002 |
Non-thermal axion dark radiation and constraints |
Mazumdar, Anupam |
2016 |
2016,139 |
1003 |
NLO QCD predictions for off-shell tt and tt H production and decay at a linear collider |
Chokoufe Nejad, Bijan |
2016 |
2016,140 |
1004 |
Moduli backreaction on inflationary attractors |
Roest, Diederik |
2016 |
2016,143 |
1005 |
Interplay of infrared divergences and gauge-dependence of the effective potential |
Espinosa, J. R. |
2016 |
2016,144 |
1006 |
Implications of the 750 GeV gamma-gamma resonance as a case study for the International Linear Collider |
2016 |
2016,145 |
1007 |
Distributions for neutral Higgs production in the NMSSM |
Liebler, Stefan |
2016 |
2016,146 |
1008 |
New results on massive 3-loop Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering |
Ablinger, J. |
2016 |
2016,149 |
1009 |
Top quark mass calibration for Monte Carlo event generators |
Butenschön, M. |
2016 |
2016,150 |
1010 |
The light and heavy Higgs interpretation of the MSSM |
Bechtle, Philip |
2016 |
2016,151 |
1011 |
Prompt neutrino fluxes in the atmosphere with PROSA parton distribution functions |
2016 |
2016,152 |
1012 |
CP violation in multibody decays of beauty baryons |
Durieux, Gauthier |
2016 |
2016,153 |
1013 |
Two-loop beam and soft functions for rapidity-dependent jet vetoes |
Gangal, Shireen |
2016 |
2016,154 |
1014 |
Likelihood analysis of the minimal AMSB model |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2016 |
2016,155 |
1015 |
Likelihood analysis of supersymmetric SU(5) GUTs |
2016 |
2016,156 |
1016 |
Flavor cosmology: dynamical Yukawas in the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism |
Baldes, Iason |
2016 |
2016,157 |
1017 |
Runaway relaxion monodromy |
McAllister, Liam |
2016 |
2016,159 |
1018 |
Gauge-independent scales related to the standard model vacuum instability |
Espinosa, J. R. |
2016 |
2016,161 |
1019 |
Prompt charmonia production and polarization at LHC in the NRQCD with kT-factorization ; Part 2: xc mesons |
Baranov, S. P. |
2016 |
2016,163 |
1020 |
Probing proton intrinsic charm in photon or Z boson production accompanied by heavy jets at LHC |
Lipatov, A. V. |
2016 |
2016,164 |
1021 |
Reconsideration of the inclusive prompt photon production at LHC with kT factorization |
Lipatov, A. V. |
2016 |
2016,165 |
1022 |
Associated production of electroweak bosons and heavy mesons at LHCb and the prospects to observe double parton interactions |
Baranov, S. P. |
2016 |
2016,166 |
1023 |
Circular polarization opportunities at the SASE3 undulator line of the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. |
2016 |
2016,167 |
1024 |
Empirical optimization of undulator tapering at FLASH2 and comparison with numerical simulations |
2016 |
2016,168 |
1025 |
String theory and the dark glueball problem |
Halverson, J. |
2016 |
2016,170 |
1026 |
Numerical evaluation of the bispectrum in multiple field inflation |
Dias, Mafalda |
2016 |
2016,171 |
1027 |
Inflation from nilpotent Kähler corrections |
McDonough, Evan |
2016 |
2016,172 |
1028 |
Matching uncertainties in the prediction of the Higgs boson transverse momentum in the SM and beyond |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2016 |
2016,173 |
1029 |
Soft-gluon resolution scale in QCD evolution equations |
Hautmann, F. |
2017 |
2016,174 |
1030 |
The theoretical physics ecosystem behind the discovery of the Higgs boson |
Wells, James D. |
2017 |
2016,176 |
1031 |
Effective field theory and unitarity in vector Boson scattering |
Sekulla, Marco |
2016 |
2016,177 |
1032 |
Testing the parton evolution with the use of two-body final states |
Baranov, S. P. |
2016 |
2016,180 |
1033 |
Corrections to ns and nt from high scale physics |
Broy, B. J. |
2016 |
2016,181 |
1034 |
Breit-Wigner approximation for propagators of mixed unstable states |
Fuchs, Elina |
2016 |
2016,182 |
1035 |
Standard model-axion-seesaw-Higgs portal inflation : five problems of particle physics and cosmology solved in one stroke |
Ballesteros, Guillermo |
2016 |
2016,184 |
1036 |
PDFs, alphas, and Quark masses from global fits |
Alechin, S. I. |
2016 |
2016,185 |
1037 |
Phase of N=4 SYM, S-duality and nilpotent cones |
Balasubramanian, Aswin |
2016 |
2016,186 |
1038 |
Characterization of optical systems for the ALPS II experiment |
Spector, A. D. |
2016 |
2016,187 |
1039 |
Covariant diagrams for one-loop matching |
Zhang, Zhengkang |
2016 |
2016,188 |
1040 |
On the interpretation of triple gauge coupling measurements in W pair production |
Zhang, Zhengkang |
2016 |
2016,189 |
1041 |
Phenomenology of on-shell Higgs production in the MSSM with complex parameters |
Liebler, Stefan |
2016 |
2016,190 |
1042 |
Confronting SUSY models with LHC data via electroweakino production |
Arina, Chiara |
2016 |
2016,193 |
1043 |
On the coupling of fields and particles in accelerator and plasma physics |
Geloni, G. |
2016 |
2016,194 |
1044 |
SM*A*S*H |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2016 |
2016,195 |
1045 |
Probing intergalactic magnetic fields with simulations of electromagnetic cascades |
Batista, Rafael Alves |
2016 |
2016,196 |
1046 |
Higher-spin currents in the Gross-Neveu model at 1/n2 |
Manashov, A. N. |
2016 |
2016,197 |
1047 |
Factorization and resummation for massive quark effects in exclusive Drell-Yan |
Pietrulewicz, P. |
2017 |
2016,199 |
1048 |
Measurement of jet production cross sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2016 |
2016,200 |
1049 |
Double parton scattering for pertubative transverse momenta |
Buffing, M. G. A. |
2016 |
2016,201 |
1050 |
Search for heavy sterile neutrinos in trileptons at the LHC |
Dib, Claudio O. |
2017 |
2016,202 |
1051 |
Effective field theory for magnetic compactifications |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2016 |
2016,206 |
1052 |
Double parton scattering in the ultraviolet: addressing the double counting problem |
Diehl, Markus |
2016 |
2016,208 |
1053 |
A second Higgs doublet in the early universe: baryogenesis and gravitational waves |
Dorsch, G. C. |
2016 |
2016,213 |
1054 |
Resummation of transverse monumentum distributions in distribution space |
Ebert, M. A. |
2016 |
2016,215 |
1055 |
Resummation improved rapidity spectrum for gluon fusion Higgs production |
Ebert, M. A. |
2017 |
2016,216 |
1056 |
Hard two-photon contributions to elastic lepton-proton scattering determined by the OLYMPUS experiment |
2016 |
2016,217 |
1057 |
Investigations into the impact of bond pads and p-stop implants on the detection efficiency of silicon micro-strip sensors |
Poley, Luise |
2016 |
2016,218 |
1058 |
Fuchsia: a tool for reducting differential equations for Feynman master integrals to epsilon form |
Gituliar, Oleksandr |
2017 |
2016,219 |
1059 |
Cosmological evolution of Yukawa couplings: the 5D perspective |
Harling, Benedict von |
2017 |
2016,221 |
1060 |
Inflation with a graceful exit in a random landscape |
Pedro, F. G. |
2016 |
2016,224 |
1061 |
Strong constraints on self-interacting dark matter with light mediators |
Bringmann, Torsten |
2017 |
2016,226 |
1062 |
Subleading power corrections for N-jettiness substractions |
Moult, Ian |
2017 |
2016,229 |
1063 |
Spin chains and Gustafsons integrals |
Derkacev, S. E. |
2016 |
2016,230 |
1064 |
Dipole model analysis of highest precision HERA data, including very low Q2's |
Luszczak, A. |
2016 |
2016,231 |
1065 |
Gustafson integrals for SL(2, C) spin magnet |
Derkacev, S. E. |
2016 |
2016,232 |
1066 |
On the b-quark running mass in QCD and the SM |
Bednyakov, A. V. |
2016 |
2016,234 |
1067 |
Analytical solution to DGLAP integro-differential equation in a simple toy-model with a fixed gauge coupling |
Álvarez, Gustavo |
2016 |
2016,235 |
1068 |
Alternative dark matter candidates: axions |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2017 |
2016,236 |
1069 |
Bootstrapping N=3 superconformal theories |
Lemos, Madalena |
2016 |
2016,237 |
1070 |
Flavour mixings in flux compactifications |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2017 |
2016,238 |
1071 |
Harmony of spinning conformal blocks |
Schomerus, V. |
2016 |
2016,239 |
1072 |
Flavour breaking effects in the pseudoscalar meson decay constants |
2016 |
2016,241 |
1073 |
Heptagons from the Steinmann cluster bootstrap |
Dixon, Lance J. |
2016 |
2016,242 |
1074 |
First operation of a harmonic lasing self-seeded free electron laser |
Schneidmiller, E. A. |
2016 |
2016,243 |
1075 |
Higgs-Boson masses and mixing matrices in the NMSSM: analysis of on-shell calculations |
Drechsel, Peter |
2016 |
2016,244 |
1076 |
Four-point functions with at twist |
Bargheer, Till |
2017 |
2016,248 |
1077 |
Counting the number of master-integrals for sunrise-type Feynman diagrams via Mellin-Barnes representation |
Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu. |
2017 |
2016,249 |
1078 |
HYPERDIRE : HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction : mathematica-based packages for the differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions : Lauricella function Fc of three variables |
Bytev, Vladimir V. |
2017 |
2016,250 |
1079 |
Explicit calculation of multi-fold contour integrals of certain ratios of Euler gamma functions ; Part 1 |
2016 |
2016,240 |
1080 |
Two-loop conformal generators for leading-twist operators in QCD |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2016 |
2016,012 |
1081 |
Improved estimates of the B(s) [right arrow] V V decays in perturbative QCD approach |
Zou, Zhi-Tian et al. |
2015 |
2015,001 |
1082 |
Looking for dark matter on the light side |
Döbrich, Babette |
2015 |
2015,003 |
1083 |
Accurate and efficient spin integration for particle accelerators |
Abell, D. T. et al. |
2015 |
2015,009 |
1084 |
A detailed and unified treatment of spin-orbit systems using tools distilled from the theory of bundles |
Heinemann, Klaus et al. |
2015 |
2015,010 |
1085 |
Observable effects of general new scalar particles |
Blas, Jorge de et al. |
2015 |
2015,011 |
1086 |
Quark mass relations to four-loop order |
Marquard, P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,013 |
1087 |
Challenges for large-field inflation and moduli stabilization |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2015 |
2015,014 |
1088 |
Two-loop top-Yukawa-coupling corrections to the charged Higgs-boson mass in the MSSM |
Hollik, Wolfgang et al. |
2015 |
2015,017 |
1089 |
The electric dipole moment of the neutron from 2 + 1 flavor lattice QCD |
Guo, F. K. |
2015 |
2015,018 |
1090 |
Thermal blocking of preheating |
Lerner, R. N. et al. |
2015 |
2015,019 |
1091 |
Constraints on decaying dark matter from the extragalactic gamma-ray background |
Ando, Shin'ichiro et al. |
2015 |
2015,020 |
1092 |
Theoretical computation of the polarization characteristics of an x-ray free-electron laser with planar undulator |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,021 |
1093 |
Charge symmetry violation in the electromagnetic form factors of the proton |
2015 |
2015,022 |
1094 |
An informal summary of a new formalism for classifying spin-orbit systems using tools distilled from the theory of bundles |
Heinemann, K. et al. |
2015 |
2015,024 |
1095 |
Emerging jets |
Schwaller, Pedro et al. |
2015 |
2015,026 |
1096 |
Electroweak vacuum stability and finite quadratic radiative corrections |
Masina, Isabella et al. |
2015 |
2015,027 |
1097 |
A quartz Cherenkov detector for Compton-polarimetry at future e+e- colliders |
List, Jenny et al. |
2015 |
2015,028 |
1098 |
Neutral Higgs production at proton colliders in the CP-conserving NMSSM |
Liebler, Stefan |
2015 |
2015,029 |
1099 |
Results from the solar hidden photon search (SHIPS) |
Schwarz, Matthias et al. |
2015 |
2015,030 |
1100 |
Two-loop electroweak threshold corrections in the standard model |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2015 |
2015,032 |
1101 |
Impact of heavy-flavour production cross sections measured by the LHCb experiment on parton distribution functions at low x |
2015 |
2015,034 |
1102 |
QCD analysis of W- and Z-boson production at Tevatron |
2015 |
2015,035 |
1103 |
Constraining dark sectors with monojets and dijets |
Chala, Mikael et al. |
2015 |
2015,036 |
1104 |
Combination of differential D*± cross-section measurement in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2015 |
2015,037 |
1105 |
Conformal constraints for anomalous dimensions of leading twist operators |
Manashov, A. N. et al. |
2015 |
2015,038 |
1106 |
Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic e±p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data |
2015 |
2015,039 |
1107 |
Natural inflation and moduli stabilization in heterotic orbifolds |
Rühle, Fabian et al. |
2015 |
2015,040 |
1108 |
A new tool for the study of the CP-violating NMSSM |
Domingo, F. |
2015 |
2015,041 |
1109 |
Spectral zeta function and non-perturbative effects in ABJM Fermi-gas |
Hatsuda, Y. |
2015 |
2015,042 |
1110 |
Off-shell effects in Higgs decays to heavy gauge bosons and signal-background interference in Higgs decays to photons at a linear collider |
Liebler, Stefan |
2015 |
2015,043 |
1111 |
Associated W±D(*) production at the LHC and prospects to observe double parton interactions |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,044 |
1112 |
Probing bino-gluino coannihilation at LHC |
Nagata, Natsumi et al. |
2015 |
2015,045 |
1113 |
The pMSSM10 after LHC Run 1 |
Vries, K. J. de |
2015 |
2015,046 |
1114 |
Composite dark sectors |
Carmona, Adrián et al. |
2015 |
2015,047 |
1115 |
Bifid throats for axion monodromy inflation |
Retolaza, Ander et al. |
2015 |
2015,048 |
1116 |
Indirect probe of electroweak-interacting particles at future lepton colliders |
Harigaya, Keisuke et al. |
2015 |
2015,050 |
1117 |
Constraints on small-scale cosmological fluctuations from SNe lensing dispersion |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2015 |
2015,053 |
1118 |
Wino dark matter in light of the AMS-02 2015 data |
Ibe, Masahiro et al. |
2015 |
2015,054 |
1119 |
Towards Higgs inflation in the MSSM |
Terada, Takahiro |
2015 |
2015,055 |
1120 |
Integrable light-cone lattice discretizations from the universal R-matrix |
Meneghelli, Carlo et al. |
2015 |
2015,057 |
1121 |
On the interpretation of dark matter self-interactions in Abell 3827 |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2015 |
2015,058 |
1122 |
On [gamma]5 in higher-order QCD calculations and the NNLO evolution of the polarized valence distribution |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2015 |
2015,061 |
1123 |
Electroweak corrections to Z-boson hadroproduction at finite transverse momentum |
Hollik, Wolfgang et al. |
2015 |
2015,063 |
1124 |
Towards three-loop QCD corrections to the time-like splitting functions |
Gituliar, Oleksandr et al. |
2015 |
2015,064 |
1125 |
Employing helicity amplitudes for resummation |
Moult, Ian et al. |
2015 |
2015,065 |
1126 |
N-jettiness subtractions for NNLO QCD calculations |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. et al. |
2015 |
2015,066 |
1127 |
The Higgs transverse momentum distribution in gluon fusion as multiscale problem |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2015 |
2015,067 |
1128 |
Chiral fermions and anomaly cancellation on orbifolds with Wilson lines and flux |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2015 |
2015,068 |
1129 |
Precise predictions for the Higgs-Boson masses in the NMSSM |
Drechsel, Peter et al. |
2015 |
2015,069 |
1130 |
Production of exclusive dijets in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2015 |
2015,070 |
1131 |
Periodic poisson solver for particle tracking |
Dohlus, Martin et al. |
2015 |
2015,071 |
1132 |
A Monte-Carlo simulation of the equilibrium beam polarization in ultra-high energy electron (positron) storage rings |
Duan, Zhe et al. |
2015 |
2015,072 |
1133 |
Improved prediction for the mass of the W boson in the NMSSM |
Stål, Oscar et al. |
2015 |
2015,073 |
1134 |
Bose-Einstein correlations in hadron-pairs from lepto-production on nuclei ranging from hydrogen to xenon |
2015 |
2015,074 |
1135 |
Higher-derivative supergravity and moduli stabilization |
Ciupke, David et al. |
2015 |
2015,076 |
1136 |
Large N non-perturbative effects in N = 4 superconformal Chern-Simons theories |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2015 |
2015,078 |
1137 |
Resummations and non-perturbative corrections |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2015 |
2015,079 |
1138 |
Moduli backreaction and supersymmetry breaking in string-inspired inflation models |
Dudas, E. et al. |
2015 |
2015,080 |
1139 |
Phenomenological analysis of Higgs boson production throught gluon fusion in association with jets |
Greiner, Nicolas et al. |
2015 |
2015,081 |
1140 |
Infinite number of MSSMs from heterotic line bundles? |
Groot Nibbelink, S. et al. |
2015 |
2015,082 |
1141 |
Line operators in theories of class S, quantized moduli space of flat connections, and Toda field theory |
Coman, Ioana et al. |
2015 |
2015,083 |
1142 |
Estimation of uncertainties from missing higher orders in perturbative calculations |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2015 |
2015,084 |
1143 |
Charm, beauty and top at HERA |
Behnke, Olaf et al. |
2015 |
2015,085 |
1144 |
Three-point correlator of twist-2 operators in BFKL limit |
Balitsky, Ian et al. |
2015 |
2015,086 |
1145 |
XCone - N-jettiness as an exclusive cone jet algorithm |
Stewart, Iain W. et al. |
2015 |
2015,087 |
1146 |
The PDF4LHC report on PDFs and LHC data - results from run I and preparation for run II |
Rojo, J. |
2015 |
2015,088 |
1147 |
The hunt for axions |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2015 |
2015,89 |
1148 |
Relativistic corrections to J/psi polarization in photo- and hadroproduction |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,092 |
1149 |
Applying exclusion likelihoods from LHC searches to extended Higgs sectors |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2015 |
2015,93 |
1150 |
Physics case for the international linear collider |
2015 |
2015,094 |
1151 |
Split symmetries |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2015 |
2015,095 |
1152 |
Resurgence of the cusp anomalous dimension |
Dorigoni, Daniele et al. |
2015 |
2015,096 |
1153 |
hhjj production at the LHC |
Dolan, Matthew J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,097 |
1154 |
Variable flavor number scheme for final state jets in DIS |
Hoang, A. H. et al. |
2015 |
2015,098 |
1155 |
Exact instanton expansion of ABJM partition function |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2015 |
2015,101 |
1156 |
ILC operating scenarios |
2015 |
2015,102 |
1157 |
Probing bino-wino coannihilation at the LHC |
Nagata, Natsumi et al. |
2015 |
2015,103 |
1158 |
Complete nonrelativistic-QCD prediction for prompt double J/Psi hadroproduction |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,104 |
1159 |
ATLAS Z excess in minimal supersymmetric standard model |
Lu, Xiaochuan et al. |
2015 |
2015,105 |
1160 |
Surface operators and separation of variables |
Frenkel, Edward et al. |
2015 |
2015,106 |
1161 |
Lepton fluxes from atmospheric charm revisited |
Garzelli, Maria Vittoria et al. |
2015 |
2015,107 |
1162 |
Evolution equation for the higher-twist B-meson distribution amplitude |
Braun, V. M. et al. |
2015 |
2015,108 |
1163 |
Probing positron gravitation at HERA |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2015 |
2015,109 |
1164 |
Renormalization group constraints on new top interactions from electroweak precision data |
Blas, J. de et al. |
2015 |
2015,110 |
1165 |
Transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions : status and prospects |
Angeles-Martinez, R. |
2015 |
2015,111 |
1166 |
Electroweak corrections for LHC processes |
Chiesa, Mauro et al. |
2015 |
2015,113 |
1167 |
Reinterpretation of the Starobinsky model |
Asaka, Takehiko et al. |
2015 |
2015,114 |
1168 |
Pole inflation - shift symmetry and universal corrections |
Broy, B. J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,115 |
1169 |
WIMP dark matter and unitarity-conserving inflation via a Gauge singlet scalar |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2015 |
2015,117 |
1170 |
Towards a worldsheet description of N = 8 supergravity |
Lipstein, Arthur et al. |
2015 |
2015,118 |
1171 |
Vacuum energy sequestering and conformal symmetry |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2015 |
2015,119 |
1172 |
Exclusive p0 meson photoproduction with a leading neutron at HERA |
2015 |
2015,120 |
1173 |
Higgs mass predictions of public NMSSM spectrum generators |
Staub, Florian |
2015 |
2015,122 |
1174 |
Comments on exact quantization conditions and non-perturbative topological strings |
Hatsuda, Y. |
2015 |
2015,124 |
1175 |
Calabi-Yau compactifications of non-supersymmetric heterotic string theory |
Blaszczyk, Michael et al. |
2015 |
2015,125 |
1176 |
(MS)SM-like models on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds from all three heterotic string theories |
Groot Nibbelink, S. et al. |
2015 |
2015,126 |
1177 |
Implementation of the O(a2t) MSSM Higgs-mass corrections in FeynHiggs |
Hahn, Thomas et al. |
2015 |
2015,127 |
1178 |
Factorization and resummation for generic hierarchies between jets |
Pietrulewicz, P. et al. |
2016 |
2015,129 |
1179 |
Testing ATLAS diboson excess with dark matter searches at LHC |
Liew, Seng Pei et al. |
2015 |
2015,130 |
1180 |
Stability of the electroweak vacuum: gauge independence and advanced precision |
Bednyakov, A. V. et al. |
2015 |
2015,131 |
1181 |
Supersymmetric dark matter after LHC run 1 |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele |
2015 |
2015,132 |
1182 |
Light-by-light-type corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment at four-loop order |
Kurz, Alexander et al. |
2015 |
2015,133 |
1183 |
Calculation of Wakefields in 2D rectangular structures |
Zagorodnov, I. et al. |
2015 |
2015,134 |
1184 |
Drell-Yan production at NNLL'+NNLO matched to parton showers |
Alioli, S. et al. |
2015 |
2015,136 |
1185 |
Resummation and matching of b-quark mass effects in bb?H production |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2015 |
2015,137 |
1186 |
Hard matching for boosted tops at two loops |
Hoang, A. H. et al. |
2015 |
2015,139 |
1187 |
Novel opportunities for sub-meV inelastic X-ray scattering at high-repetition rate self-seeded X-ray free-electron lasers |
Chubar, Oleg et al. |
2015 |
2015,140 |
1188 |
Scheme to increase the output average spectral flux of the European XFEL at 14.4 keV |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,141 |
1189 |
Spin decoherence in electron storage rings - more from a simple model |
Barber, Desmond P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,142 |
1190 |
The FLASHforward facility at DESY |
Aschikhin, A. |
2015 |
2015,143 |
1191 |
Master integrals for the four-loop Sudakov form factor |
Boels, Rutger H. et al. |
2015 |
2015,144 |
1192 |
Non-simplified SUSY - t-coannihilation at LHC and ILC |
Berggren, Mikael |
2015 |
2015,145 |
1193 |
Treating jet correlations in high pile-up at hadron colliders |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2015 |
2015,147 |
1194 |
On the soft limit of the large scale structure power spectrum - UV dependence |
Garny, M. et al. |
2015 |
2015,148 |
1195 |
Transverse-target-spin asymmetry in exclusive w-meson electroproduction |
2015 |
2015,149 |
1196 |
SU(3) breaking in hyperon transition vector form factors |
Shanahan, P. E. |
2015 |
2015,150 |
1197 |
Axion cosmology, lattice QCD and the dilute instanton gas |
Borsányi, Szabolcs |
2015 |
2015,151 |
1198 |
The behaviour of the green function for the BFKL pomeron with running coupling |
Kowalski, H. et al. |
2015 |
2015,152 |
1199 |
Isospin splittings of meson and baryon masses from three-flavor lattice QCD + QED |
Horsley, R. |
2015 |
2015,153 |
1200 |
Wilson flow and scale setting from lattice QCD |
2015 |
2015,154 |
1201 |
Resummation ambiguities in the Higgs transverse-momentum spectrum in the standard model and beyond |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2015 |
2015,155 |
1202 |
Disconnected contributions to the spin of the nucleon |
Chambers, A. J. |
2015 |
2015,156 |
1203 |
Next-to-next-to-leading order contributions to inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering and determination of a8 |
Biekötter, Thomas et al. |
2015 |
2015,157 |
1204 |
QED effects in the pseudoscalar meson sector |
2015 |
2015,158 |
1205 |
Review of lattice supersymmetry and gauge-gravity duality |
Joseph, Anosh |
2015 |
2015,160 |
1206 |
Iso-spin asymmetry of quark distributions and implications for single top-quark production at the LHC |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2015 |
2015,161 |
1207 |
Classification of shift-symmetric no-scale supergravities |
Ciupke, David et al. |
2015 |
2015,162 |
1208 |
Single-superfield helical-phase inflation |
Ketov, Sergej V. et al. |
2015 |
2015,163 |
1209 |
Stress-tensor OPE in N = 2 superconformal theories |
Liendo, P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,164 |
1210 |
Starobinsky-type inflation from a'-corrections |
Broy, B. J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,166 |
1211 |
LHC forward physics |
2015 |
2015,167 |
1212 |
Probing the top-quark width through ratios of resonance contributions of e+e- [right arrow] W+W-bb |
Liebler, Stefan et al. |
2015 |
2015,169 |
1213 |
A calibration system for compton polarimetry at e+e- linear colliders |
Vormwald, Benedikt et al. |
2015 |
2015,170 |
1214 |
Boosted Higgs channels |
Schlaffer, Matthias J. |
2015 |
2015,172 |
1215 |
Matching NLO QCD corrections in WHIZARD with the POWHEG scheme |
Chokoufe Nejad, Bijan et al. |
2015 |
2015,174 |
1216 |
Automated NLO QCD corrections with WHIZARD |
Weiss, Christian et al. |
2015 |
2015,175 |
1217 |
QCD NLO with Powheg matching and top threshold matching in WHIZARD |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2016 |
2015,176 |
1218 |
Prompt charmonia production and polarization at LHC in the NRQCD with kT-factorization ; Part 1 : ps(2S) meson |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,177 |
1219 |
Inclusive photoproduction of bottom quarks for low and medium pT in the general-mass variable-flavour-number-scheme |
Kramer, Gustav et al. |
2015 |
2015,178 |
1220 |
NMSSM interpretations of the observed Higgs signal |
Domingo, F. et al. |
2015 |
2015,179 |
1221 |
Nonlinear lepton-photon interactions in external background fields |
Akal, Ibrahim et al. |
2016 |
2015,180 |
1222 |
The invariant polarisation-tensor field for deuterons in storage rings and the Bloch equation for the polarisation-tensor density |
Barber, Desmond P. |
2015 |
2015,181 |
1223 |
Implications of unitarity and gauge invariance for simplified dark matter models |
Kahlhoefer, Felix et al. |
2015 |
2015,182 |
1224 |
Resonances at the LHC beyond the Higgs : the scalar/tensor case |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2015 |
2015,183 |
1225 |
Bootstrapping N = 2 chiral correlators |
Lemos, Madalena et al. |
2015 |
2015,184 |
1226 |
WISPDMX : a holoscope for WISP dark matter between 0.8-2 eV |
Nguyen, Le Hoang et al. |
2015 |
2015,185 |
1227 |
Cancellation of Glauber gluon exchange in the double Drell-Yan process |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2015 |
2015,187 |
1228 |
Cosmologically safe QCD axion without fine-tuning |
Yamada, Masaki et al. |
2015 |
2015,189 |
1229 |
Calibration of the top-quark Monte-Carlo mass |
Kieseler, Jan et al. |
2015 |
2015,190 |
1230 |
Gamma-ray excess and the minimal dark matter model |
Duerr, M. et al. |
2015 |
2015,191 |
1231 |
The uniqueness of the invariant polarisation-tensor field for spin-1 particles in storage rings |
Barber, Desmond P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,192 |
1232 |
GM2Calc: precise MSSM prediction for (g-2) of the muon |
Athron, Peter |
2015 |
2015,193 |
1233 |
Spontaneous baryogenesis from asymmetric inflation |
Takahashi, F. et al. |
2015 |
2015,194 |
1234 |
Affleck-dine leptogenesis and its backreaction to inflation dynamics |
Yamada, Masaki |
2015 |
2015,195 |
1235 |
Exact bremsstrahlung and effective couplings |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2015 |
2015,196 |
1236 |
Designing and testing inflationary models with Bayesian networks |
Price, Layne C. et al. |
2015 |
2015,199 |
1237 |
On the scattering of gluons in the GKP string |
Bianchi, Lorenzo et al. |
2015 |
2015,200 |
1238 |
Possible resolution of the domain wall problem in the NMSSM |
Mazumdar, Anupam |
2015 |
2015,207 |
1239 |
Effect of aberration of light in X-ray free electron lasers |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,208 |
1240 |
Extracting as from scaling violations in light-hadron fragmentation functions |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2015 |
2015,210 |
1241 |
Three-point correlator of twist-2 light-ray operators in N=4 SYM in BFKL approximation |
Balitsky, Ian et al. |
2015 |
2015,211 |
1242 |
Improved determination of hadron matrix elements using the variational method |
2015 |
2015,212 |
1243 |
Applications of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem in hadron structure |
Chambers, A. J. |
2015 |
2015,214 |
1244 |
Affleck-Dine baryogenesis just after inflation |
Yamada, Masaki |
2015 |
2015,215 |
1245 |
Suppressing the QCD axion abundance by hidden monopoles |
Kawasaki, Masahiro et al. |
2015 |
2015,216 |
1246 |
The light bound state of supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills theory |
Bergner, Georg et al. |
2015 |
2015,221 |
1247 |
Possible solution of the quarkonium polarization problem |
Baranov, S. P. |
2015 |
2015,222 |
1248 |
Potential NRQCD for unequal masses and the Bc spectrum at N3LO |
Peset, Clara et al. |
2015 |
2015,223 |
1249 |
Determining the scale in lattice QCD |
2015 |
2015,224 |
1250 |
Dynamical approach to MPI in W+dijet and Z+dijet production within the Pythia event generator |
Blok, B. et al. |
2015 |
2015,226 |
1251 |
Rényi entropy and conformal defects |
Bianchi, Lorenzo et al. |
2015 |
2015,229 |
1252 |
N=2 central charge bounds from 2d chiral algebras |
Lemos, Madalena et al. |
2015 |
2015,230 |
1253 |
Signatures of top flavour-changing dark matter |
D'Hondt, J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,231 |
1254 |
Prompt double J/psi production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC |
Baranov, S. P. et al. |
2015 |
2015,232 |
1255 |
Exact zero vacuum energy in twisted SU(N) principal chiral field |
Leurent, S. et al. |
2015 |
2015,233 |
1256 |
Rare Z decays and neutrino flavor universality |
Durieux, Gauthier et al. |
2015 |
2015,235 |
1257 |
Modulated electron bunch with amplitude front tilt in an undulator |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2015 |
2015,236 |
1258 |
ALPtraum: ALP production in proton beam dump experiments |
Döbrich, Babette et al. |
2015 |
2015,237 |
1259 |
Vacuum stability and supersymmetry at high scales with two Higgs doublets |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2016 |
2015,238 |
1260 |
Hierarchical vs. degenerate 2HDM : the LCH run 1 legacy at the onset of run 2 |
Dorsch, G. C. et al. |
2016 |
2015,240 |
1261 |
Axion monodromy and the weak gravity conjecture |
Hebecker, Arthur et al. |
2015 |
2015,242 |
1262 |
Axion monodromy inflation with warped KK-modes |
Hebecker, Arthur et al. |
2015 |
2015,244 |
1263 |
Cool WISPs for stellar cooling excesses |
Giannotti, M. et al. |
2015 |
2015,245 |
1264 |
Detectable gravitational waves from very strong phase transitions in the general NMSSM |
Huber, Stephan J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,247 |
1265 |
Spectral curves of N = 1 theories of Sk |
Coman, Ioana et al. |
2015 |
2015,248 |
1266 |
Quantisation of super Teichmüller theory |
Aghaei, Nezhla et al. |
2015 |
2015,249 |
1267 |
Axion dark matter in the post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scenario |
Ringwald, Andreas et al. |
2015 |
2015,250 |
1268 |
Line bundle embeddings for heterotic theories |
Groot Nibbelink, S. et al. |
2016 |
2015,251 |
1269 |
Searching for supersymmetry scalelessly |
Schlaffer, Matthias J. et al. |
2015 |
2015,252 |
1270 |
Summary of workshop on Future Physics with HERA Data |
2015 |
2015,253 |
1271 |
Baryon octet distribution amplitudes in Wandzura-Wilczek approximation |
Anikin, I. V. et al. |
2015 |
2015,254 |
1272 |
A resonance without resonance: scrutinizing the diphoton excess at 750 GeV |
Kim, Jong Soo et al. |
2015 |
2015,255 |
1273 |
Tricking Landau-Yang : how to obtain the diphoton excess from a vector resonance |
Chala, Mikael et al. |
2016 |
2015,256 |
1274 |
The two-loop symbol of all multi-Regge regions |
Bargheer, Till et al. |
2015 |
2015,257 |
1275 |
Improving the lattice axial vector current |
Horsley, R. et al. |
2015 |
2015,213 |
1276 |
Dynamical approach to MPI four-jet production in Pythia |
Blok, B. et al. |
2015 |
2015,225 |
1277 |
Introduction to GPDs and TMDs |
Diehl, Markus |
2015 |
2015,234 |
1278 |
Possible future HERA analyses |
Geiser, Achim |
2015 |
2015,241 |
1279 |
Top partner searches and composite Higgs models |
Matsedonskyi, Oleksii et al. |
2015 |
2015,243 |
1280 |
The quark beam function at two loops |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. et al. |
2014 |
2014,001 |
1281 |
Magnetic form factors of the octet baryons from lattice QCD and chiral extrapolation |
2014 |
2014,002 |
1282 |
Accelerator experiments contradicting general relativity |
2014 |
2014,003 |
1283 |
The gluon beam function at two loops |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. et al. |
2014 |
2014,004 |
1284 |
Hybrid inflation in the complex plane |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2014 |
2014,005 |
1285 |
Two-loop electroweak threshold corrections to the bottom and top Yukawa couplings |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,006 |
1286 |
All-order renormalization of propagator matrix for Majorana fermions with inter-generation mixing |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2014 |
2014,007 |
1287 |
Dissecting soft radiation with factorization |
Stewart, Iain W. et al. |
2014 |
2014,008 |
1288 |
Fastlim: a fast LHC limit calculator |
Papucci, Michele et al. |
2014 |
2014,010 |
1289 |
Isomonodromic tau-functions from Liouville conformal blocks |
Iorgov, N. et al. |
2014 |
2014,012 |
1290 |
Revisiting radiation pattern in e+ e- collisions |
Fischer, N. et al. |
2014 |
2014,014 |
1291 |
Quantifying the 'naturalness' of the curvaton model |
Lerner, R. N. et al. |
2014 |
2014,015 |
1292 |
Electric form factors of the octet baryons from lattice QCD and chiral extrapolation |
2014 |
2014,016 |
1293 |
7 keV sterile neutrino dark matter from split flavor mechanism |
Ishida, H. et al. |
2014 |
2014,017 |
1294 |
The quest for an intermediate-scale accidental axion and further ALPs |
Dias, A. G. et al. |
2014 |
2014,020 |
1295 |
The 7 ke V axion dark matter and the X-ray line signal |
Higaki, T. et al. |
2014 |
2014,022 |
1296 |
A 3.55 keV hint for decaying axion-like particle dark matter |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2014 |
2014,023 |
1297 |
All-order renormalization of propagator matrix for unstable Dirac fermions |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2014 |
2014,024 |
1298 |
Prospects for CW and LP operation of the European XFEL in hard X-ray regime |
Brinkmann, R. et al. |
2014 |
2014,025 |
1299 |
Probing the standard model with Higgs signal rates from the Tevatron, the LHC and a future ILC |
Bechtle, P. et al. |
2014 |
2014,026 |
1300 |
Torus partition functions and spectra of gauged linear sigma models |
Groot Nibbelink, S. et al. |
2014 |
2014,027 |
1301 |
Chiral primaries in strange metals |
Isachenkov, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,028 |
1302 |
Majorana dark matter with a coloured mediator: collider vs direct and indirect searches |
Garny, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,029 |
1303 |
Supersymmetric moduli stabilization and high-scale inflation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2014 |
2014,031 |
1304 |
Experimental tests of particle flow calorimetry |
Sefkow, Felix et al. |
2015 |
2014,032 |
1305 |
Solving the tension between high-scale inflation and axion isocurvature perturbations |
Higaki, T. et al. |
2014 |
2014,033 |
1306 |
NNLO QCD contribution of the electromagnetic dipole operator to B [right arrow] Xsgg with a massive strange quark |
Asatrian, H. M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,034 |
1307 |
Measurement of Feynman-x spectra of photons and neutrons in the very forward direction in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2014 |
2014,035 |
1308 |
Indirect determination of the strange nucleon form factors from lattice QCD |
2014 |
2014,036 |
1309 |
Calculation of the transverse parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order |
Gehrmann, Thomas et al. |
2014 |
2014,037 |
1310 |
Dark matter versus h [right arrow] yy and h [right arrow] yZ with supersymmetric triplets |
Arina, Chiara et al. |
2014 |
2014,039 |
1311 |
Towards precise predictions for Higgs-boson production in the MSSM |
Bagnaschi, Emanuele et al. |
2014 |
2014,040 |
1312 |
Neutralinos betray their singlino nature at the ILC |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid et al. |
2014 |
2014,041 |
1313 |
Towards discrimination of MSSM and NMSSM scenarios at colliders |
Porto, Stefano et al. |
2014 |
2014,042 |
1314 |
Testing nonlinear-QED at the future linear collider with an intense laser |
Hartin, Anthony et al. |
2014 |
2014,043 |
1315 |
Simplified models for vector boson scattering at ILC and CLIC |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2014 |
2014,044 |
1316 |
WHIZARD 2.2 for linear colliders |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2014 |
2014,045 |
1317 |
Prediction of the light CP-even Higgs-boson mass of the MSSM: towards the ILC precision |
Hahn, Thomas et al. |
2014 |
2014,046 |
1318 |
The full potential of the baseline SASE undulators of the European XFEL |
Agapov, Ilya et al. |
2014 |
2014,047 |
1319 |
Prompt-photon plus jet associated photoproduction at HERA in the parton reggeization approach |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,050 |
1320 |
String theoretic QCD axions in the light of PLANCK and BICEP2 |
Choi, Kiwoon et al. |
2014 |
2014,051 |
1321 |
Updated Higgs cross section at approximate N3LO |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,052 |
1322 |
Deep inelastic cross-section measurements at large y with the ZEUS Detector at HERA |
2014 |
2014,053 |
1323 |
Parton distribution functions at LO, NLO and NNLO with correlated uncertainties between orders |
2014 |
2014,054 |
1324 |
Determination of strange sea quark distributions from fixed-target and collider data |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2014 |
2014,055 |
1325 |
A Feynman-Hellmann approach to the spin structure of hadrons |
2014 |
2014,056 |
1326 |
Wilson loop OPE, analytic continuation and multi-Regge limit |
Hatsuda, Y. |
2014 |
2014,057 |
1327 |
Quantum Wronskian approach to six-point gluon scattering amplitudes at strong coupling |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2014 |
2014,058 |
1328 |
TMDlib and TMDplotter: library and plotting tools for transverse-momentum-dependent parton distributions version 1.0.0 |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2014 |
2014,059 |
1329 |
The CCFM uPDF evolution uPDFevolv version 1.0.00 |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2014 |
2014,060 |
1330 |
Phenomenology of kT-factorization for inclusive Higgs boson production at LHC |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,062 |
1331 |
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at LHC and TMD quark densities of the proton |
Baranov, Sergej P. et al. |
2014 |
2014,063 |
1332 |
R2log R quantum corrections and the inflationary observables |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2014 |
2014,064 |
1333 |
Hierarchical axion inflation |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2014 |
2014,065 |
1334 |
Chaotic inflation in supergravity after Planck and BICEP2 |
Kallosh, Renata et al. |
2014 |
2014,066 |
1335 |
Glauber gluons and multiple parton interactions |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. |
2014 |
2014,067 |
1336 |
A calculation of the three-loop helicity-dependent splitting functions in QCD |
Vogt, A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,068 |
1337 |
Boosted Higgs shapes |
Schlaffer, Matthias J. et al. |
2014 |
2014,069 |
1338 |
Spin transport and polarimetry in the beam delivery system of the international linear collider |
Beckmann, Marc et al. |
2014 |
2014,071 |
1339 |
F-theory duals of singular heterotic K3 models |
Lüdeling, Christoph et al. |
2014 |
2014,072 |
1340 |
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at NNLO QCD with parton showers |
Höche, Stefan et al. |
2014 |
2014,073 |
1341 |
NLO Monte Carlo predictions for heavy-quark production at the LHC : pp collisions in ALICE |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2014 |
2014,074 |
1342 |
Resummed Higgs cross section at N3LL |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,075 |
1343 |
Heptagon amplitude in the multi-Regge regime |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2014 |
2014,076 |
1344 |
Top-quark pair production at hadron colliders: differential cross section and phenomenological applications with DiffTop |
Guzzi, Marco et al. |
2014 |
2014,077 |
1345 |
The powers of monodromy |
McAllister, Liam et al. |
2014 |
2014,078 |
1346 |
Measurement of D* photoproduction at three different centre-of-mass energies at HERA |
2014 |
2014,082 |
1347 |
Measurement of beauty and charm production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA and measurement of the beauty-quark mass |
2014 |
2014,083 |
1348 |
Relativistic corrections to prompt J/ps photo- and hadroproduction |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2014 |
2014,084 |
1349 |
Hadroproduction of electroweak gauge boson plus jets and TMD parton density functions |
Dooling, S. et al. |
2014 |
2014,085 |
1350 |
Further studies of the photoproduction of isolated photons with a jet at HERA |
2014 |
2014,086 |
1351 |
Measurement of multijet production in ep collisions at high Q2 and determination of the strong coupling ?s |
2014 |
2014,089 |
1352 |
Confronting Higgs couplings from D-term extensions and natural SUSY at the LHC and ILC |
McGarrie, Moritz et al. |
2014 |
2014,090 |
1353 |
The exact effective couplings of 4D N = 2 Gauge Theories |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,091 |
1354 |
Taming infrared divergences in the effective potential |
Elias-Miró, J. et al. |
2014 |
2014,093 |
1355 |
Probing compositeness with Higgs boson decays at the LHC |
Homann, Maria et al. |
2014 |
2014,094 |
1356 |
Precise predictions for B [right arrow] Xc[tau-ypsilon] decay distributions |
Ligeti, Zoltan et al. |
2014 |
2014,095 |
1357 |
Transverse polarization of [Lambda] hyperons from quasi-real photoproduction on nuclei |
2014 |
2014,097 |
1358 |
The chaotic regime of D-term inflation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2014 |
2014,099 |
1359 |
Large-field inflation and supersymmetry breaking |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2014 |
2014,100 |
1360 |
HYPERDIRE - HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction : mathematica-based packages for the differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions : Horn-type hypergeometric functions of two variables |
Bytev, Vladimir V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,102 |
1361 |
Higgs mixing in the NMSSM and light Higgsinos |
Jeong, K. S. et al. |
2014 |
2014,103 |
1362 |
Renormalization-group improved fully differential cross sections for top pair production |
Broggio, Alessandro et al. |
2014 |
2014,104 |
1363 |
Leading large-x logarithms of the quark-gluon contributions to inclusive Higgs-boson and lepton-pair production |
Lo Presti, N. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,106 |
1364 |
Closing the stop gap |
Czakon, Michal |
2014 |
2014,107 |
1365 |
Axions and axion-like particles |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2014 |
2014,108 |
1366 |
CP violation in bilinear R-parity violation and its consequences for the early universe |
Chériguène, Asma et al. |
2014 |
2014,109 |
1367 |
Beyond the t-channel approximation: next-to-leading order QCD corrections to electroweak Higgs boson plus three jet production at the LHC |
Campanario Pallás, Francisco et al. |
2014 |
2014,110 |
1368 |
Axino dark matter in moduli-induced baryogenesis |
Ishiwata, K. |
2014 |
2014,114 |
1369 |
Spin density matrix elements in exclusive [omega] electroproduction on 1H and 2H targets at 27.5 GeV beam energy |
2014 |
2014,116 |
1370 |
Just enough inflation: power spectrum modifications at large scales |
Cicoli, Michele et al. |
2014 |
2014,117 |
1371 |
Towards natural inflation in string theory |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2014 |
2014,118 |
1372 |
Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion at NNLO QCD with parton showers |
Höche, Stefan et al. |
2014 |
2014,119 |
1373 |
Conventional versus single-ladder-splitting contributions to double parton scattering production of two quarkonia, two Higgs bosons and cccc |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. et al. |
2014 |
2014,120 |
1374 |
The global electroweak fit at NNLO and prospects for the LHC and ILC |
2014 |
2014,124 |
1375 |
From Boltzmann equations to steady wall velocities |
Konstandin, T. et al. |
2014 |
2014,127 |
1376 |
Brightness of synchrotron radiation from undulators and bending magnets |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2014 |
2014,129 |
1377 |
Off-shell effects in Higgs processes at a linear collider and implications for the LHC |
Liebler, Stefan et al. |
2015 |
2014,133 |
1378 |
Effects of color reconnection on tt final states at the LHC |
Argyropoulos, S. et al. |
2014 |
2014,134 |
1379 |
The cosmic ray antiproton background for AMS-02 |
Kappl, Rolf et al. |
2014 |
2014,138 |
1380 |
Inflation with Fayet-Iliopoulos terms |
Wieck, C. et al. |
2014 |
2014,139 |
1381 |
Considerations concerning the generalization of the Dirac equations to unstable fermions |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,140 |
1382 |
Top partner discovery in the T [right arrow] tZ channel at the LHC |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2014 |
2014,141 |
1383 |
High-energy vector boson scattering after the Higgs discovery |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2014 |
2014,142 |
1384 |
Structure formation with massive neutrinos: going beyond linear theory |
Blas, Diego et al. |
2014 |
2014,143 |
1385 |
Renormalization of local quark-bilinear operators for Nf = 3 flavors of SLiNC fermions |
Constantinou, M. |
2014 |
2014,145 |
1386 |
Precision determination of the top-quark mass |
Moch, Sven-Olaf |
2014 |
2014,147 |
1387 |
String cosmology - large-field inflation in string theory |
Westphal, Alexander |
2014 |
2014,149 |
1388 |
The power spectrum of inflationary attractors |
Broy, B. J. et al. |
2014 |
2014,150 |
1389 |
Resummation prescriptions and ambiguities in SCET vs. direct QCD : Higgs production as a case study |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,154 |
1390 |
Differential cross sections for top pair production at the LHC |
Guzzi, Marco et al. |
2014 |
2014,155 |
1391 |
Discovery of the hard spectrum VHE [gamma]-ray source HESS J1641-463 |
2014 |
2014,156 |
1392 |
The three-loop splitting functions in QCD: the helicity-dependent case |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2014 |
2014,157 |
1393 |
Toda 3-point functions from topological strings ; [1] |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,160 |
1394 |
Optimization of a high efficiency FEL amplifier |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,161 |
1395 |
High-gradient operators in the psl(2|2) Gross-Neveu model |
Cagnazzo, A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,162 |
1396 |
A new and unifying approach to spin dynamics and beam polarization in storage rings |
Heinemann, K. et al. |
2014 |
2014,163 |
1397 |
Revisiting the SN1987A gamma-ray limit on ultralight axion-like particles |
Payez, Alexandre et al. |
2014 |
2014,164 |
1398 |
First sensitivity limits of the ALPS TES detector |
Dreyling-Eschweiler, J. |
2014 |
2014,165 |
1399 |
Hidden photon dark matter search with a large metallic mirror |
Döbrich, Babette et al. |
2014 |
2014,166 |
1400 |
Possibilities for reduction of transverse projected emittances by partial removal of transverse to longitudinal beam correlations |
Balandin, Vladimir et al. |
2014 |
2014,167 |
1401 |
Mass of decaying wino from AMS-02- 2014 |
Ibe, Masahiro et al. |
2014 |
2014,168 |
1402 |
Chiral ring of strange metals: the multicolor limit |
Isachenkov, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,169 |
1403 |
The fully-differential quark beam function at NNLO |
Gaunt, Jonathan R. et al. |
2014 |
2014,170 |
1404 |
Analytic structure of the n = 7 scattering amplitude in N = 4 SYM theory in multi-Regge kinematics: conformal Regge cut contribution |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2014 |
2014,171 |
1405 |
A novel approach to nonperturbative renormalization of singlet and nonsinglet lattice operators |
2014 |
2014,172 |
1406 |
Light-shining-through-walls with lasers |
Januschek, F. |
2014 |
2014,176 |
1407 |
Model-independent production of a top-philic resonance at the LHC |
Greiner, Nicolas et al. |
2014 |
2014,177 |
1408 |
An introduction to PYTHIA 8.2 |
Sjöstrand, Torbjörn |
2014 |
2014,178 |
1409 |
A fresh look on the limit on ultralight axion-like particles from SN1987A |
Payez, Alexandre |
2014 |
2014,179 |
1410 |
Higgsino dark matter in high-scale supersymmetry |
Nagata, Natsumi et al. |
2014 |
2014,180 |
1411 |
Topological strings from quantum mechanics |
Grassi, Alba et al. |
2014 |
2014,181 |
1412 |
Quantization conditions and functional equations in ABJ(M) theories |
Grassi, Alba et al. |
2014 |
2014,182 |
1413 |
GoSam 2.0: automated one loop calculations within and beyond the standard model |
Greiner, Nicolas |
2014 |
2014,183 |
1414 |
Slepton pair production in association with a jet : NLO-QCD corrections and parton-shower effects |
Jäger, Barbara et al. |
2014 |
2014,184 |
1415 |
Anomalous top charged-current contact interactions in single top production at the LHC |
Bach, Fabian et al. |
2014 |
2014,185 |
1416 |
Inclusive B-meson production at small pT in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2015 |
2014,186 |
1417 |
Production of massless charm jets in pp collisions at next-to-leading order of QCD |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2014 |
2014,187 |
1418 |
HERAFitter : open source QCD fit project |
Alechin, S. I. |
2014 |
2014,188 |
1419 |
Modern particle physics event generation with WHIZARD |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2014 |
2014,189 |
1420 |
WISP dark matter eXperiment and prospects for broadband dark matter searches in the 1 ueV-10meV mass range |
Horns, D. et al. |
2014 |
2014,191 |
1421 |
Characterization, 1064 nm photon signals and background events of a tungsten TES detector for the ALPS experiment |
Dreyling-Eschweiler, J. et al. |
2015 |
2014,193 |
1422 |
Interference effects in BSM processes with a generalised narrow-width approximation |
Fuchs, Elina et al. |
2014 |
2014,194 |
1423 |
Interference effects of neutral MSSM Higgs bosons with a generalised narrow-width approximation |
Fuchs, Elina |
2014 |
2014,195 |
1424 |
Nucleon PDF separation with the collider and fixed-target data |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2014 |
2014,196 |
1425 |
TMD parton densities in associated real and virtual photon and jet production at LHC |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,197 |
1426 |
Open charm production in the parton Reggeization approach : from Tevatron to LHC |
Nefedov, M. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,199 |
1427 |
Measurement of dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2014 |
2014,200 |
1428 |
Electroweakly-interacting Dirac dark matter |
Nagata, Natsumi et al. |
2014 |
2014,201 |
1429 |
Multiple hard scattering and parton correlations in the proton |
Diehl, Markus |
2014 |
2014,205 |
1430 |
Simple, parallel, high-performance virtual machines for extreme computations |
Chokoufe Nejad, Bijan et al. |
2014 |
2014,206 |
1431 |
The Bethe roots of Regge cuts in strongly coupled N = 4 SYM theory |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2014 |
2014,208 |
1432 |
Influence of topology on the scale setting |
Bergner, Georg et al. |
2014 |
2014,210 |
1433 |
Fiber-base duality and global symmetry enhancement |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,212 |
1434 |
The elusive gluon |
Chala, Mikael et al. |
2014 |
2014,213 |
1435 |
Extracting hidden-photon dark matter from an LC-circuit |
Arias, Paola et al. |
2014 |
2014,214 |
1436 |
On soft limits of large-scale structure correlation functions |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2014 |
2014,215 |
1437 |
nc production at the LHC challenges nonrelativistic-QCD factorization |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,219 |
1438 |
Disentangling the f(R) - duality |
Broy, B. J. et al. |
2014 |
2014,222 |
1439 |
A lattice determination of Sigma - Lambda mixing |
2014 |
2014,220 |
1440 |
Drifting oscillations in axion monodromy |
Flauger, Raphael et al. |
2014 |
2014,225 |
1441 |
Top pair threshold production at a linear collider with WHIZARD |
Bach, Fabian et al. |
2014 |
2014,227 |
1442 |
Collider limits on leptophilic interactions |
Aguila, Francisco del et al. |
2014 |
2014,228 |
1443 |
Spectra of sigma models on semi-symmetric spaces |
Cagnazzo, A. et al. |
2015 |
2014,229 |
1444 |
Determining Sigma - Lambda mixing |
2014 |
2014,231 |
1445 |
B-meson production in the parton Reggeization approach at Tevatron and the LHC |
Karpishkov, A. V. et al. |
2014 |
2014,233 |
1446 |
Hidden-beauty charged tetraquarks and heavy quark spin conservation |
Ali, A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,234 |
1447 |
Brightness of synchrotron radiation from wigglers |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2014 |
2014,235 |
1448 |
Toda 3-point functions from topological strings ; 2 |
Isachenkov, M. et al. |
2014 |
2014,236 |
1449 |
Grand unification and subcritical hybrid inflation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2014 |
2014,237 |
1450 |
A taste of dark matter - flavour constraints on pseudoscalar mediators |
Dolan, Matthew J. et al. |
2014 |
2014,238 |
1451 |
Statistical properties of the radiation from SASE FEL operating in a post-saturation regime with and without undulator tapering |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2014 |
2014,239 |
1452 |
Rapidity-dependent jet vetoes |
Gangal, Shireen et al. |
2014 |
2014,240 |
1453 |
Physics at the e+e- linear collider |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid |
2015 |
2014,241 |
1454 |
Diffractive dijet production with a leading proton in ep collisions at HERA |
2014 |
2014,242 |
1455 |
Connected and disconnected quark contributions to hadron spin |
Chambers, A. J. |
2014 |
2014,243 |
1456 |
Pentaquark [Theta]+ search at HERMES |
2014 |
2014,245 |
1457 |
Relavistic corrections to prompt J/[Psi] photo- and hardproduction |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2014 |
2014,246 |
1458 |
A dynamical study of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional in QCD |
Dalla Brida, Mattia et al. |
2014 |
2014,247 |
1459 |
Secondary production of massive quarks in thrust |
Hoang, A. H. et al. |
2014 |
2014,249 |
1460 |
Effects of subleading color in a parton shower |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2014 |
2014,250 |
1461 |
Perspectives of imaging of single protein molecules with the present design of the European XFEL ; part 1: X-ray source, beamline optics and instrument simulations |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2014 |
2014,137 |
1462 |
Higgs production in gluon fusion beyond NNLO |
Ball, Richard D. et al. |
2013 |
2013,001 |
1463 |
Positron source simulations for ILC 1 TeV upgrade |
Ushakov, Andriy et al. |
2013 |
2013,002 |
1464 |
Recent developments in HiggsBounds and a preview of HiggsSignals |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2013 |
2013,004 |
1465 |
The scale of soft resummation in SCET vs perturbative QCD |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2013 |
2013,005 |
1466 |
Effective field theory analysis of new physics in e+e-[right arrow] W+W- at a linear collider |
Buchalla, G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,007 |
1467 |
Bottom mass from nonrelativistic sum rules at NNLL |
Stahlhofen, Maximilian |
2013 |
2013,008 |
1468 |
The QED contribution to J/psi plus light hadrons production at B-factories |
He, Z.-G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,009 |
1469 |
Instanton bound states in ABJM theory |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2013 |
2013,010 |
1470 |
Average and dispersion of the luminosity-redshift relation in the concordance model |
Ben-Dayan, Ido |
2013 |
2013,011 |
1471 |
Measurement of charged particle spectra in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2013 |
2013,012 |
1472 |
Wake monochromator in asymmetric and symmetric Bragg and Laue geometry for self-seeding the European X-ray FEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,013 |
1473 |
Implications of LHC search results on the W boson mass prediction in the MSSM |
Heinemeyer, Sven et al. |
2013 |
2013,015 |
1474 |
Chiral magnetic effect and holography |
Kirsch, Ingo et al. |
2013 |
2013,016 |
1475 |
Nucleon axial charge and pion decay constant from two-flavor lattice QCD |
2013 |
2013,017 |
1476 |
Field distribution analysis in deflecting structures |
Paramonov, V. V. |
2013 |
2013,018 |
1477 |
A model independent determination of the B [right arrow] X8[gamma] decay rate |
Bernlochner, Florian Urs et al. |
2013 |
2013,019 |
1478 |
Impact of SUSY-QCD corrections on neutralino-stop co-annihilation and the neutralino relic density |
Harz, Julia et al. |
2013 |
2013,023 |
1479 |
MSSM Higgs boson searches at the LHC : benchmark scenarios after the discovery of a Higgs-like particle |
Carena, Marcela et al. |
2013 |
2013,024 |
1480 |
Nucleon form factors, generalized parton distributions and quark angular momentum |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2013 |
2013,025 |
1481 |
On the relation between the modular double of Uq(sl(2R)) and the quantum Teichmüller theory |
Nidaiev, Iurii et al. |
2013 |
2013,026 |
1482 |
Supersymmetric gauge theories, quantization of Mflat, and conformal field theory |
Teschner, J. et al. |
2013 |
2013,027 |
1483 |
Measurement of D± production in deep inelastic ep scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA |
2013 |
2013,028 |
1484 |
NLO uncertainties in Higgs + 2 jets from gluon fusion |
Gangal, Shireen et al. |
2013 |
2013,029 |
1485 |
Any light particle search II technical design report |
Bähre, Robin |
2013 |
2013,030 |
1486 |
Chiral superfluidity for the heavy ion collisions |
Kalaydzhyan, Tigran |
2013 |
2013,031 |
1487 |
Topological and magnetic properties of the QCD vacuum probed by overlap fermions |
Braguta, V. V. et al. |
2013 |
2013,032 |
1488 |
Cosmic R-string in thermal history |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2013 |
2013,033 |
1489 |
The HERMES recoil detector |
2013 |
2013,034 |
1490 |
Quantum transport and electroweak baryogenesis |
Konstandin, T. |
2013 |
2013,036 |
1491 |
Positivity bounds on double parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2013 |
2013,037 |
1492 |
Instability of colliding metastable strings |
Hiramatsu, Takashi et al. |
2013 |
2013,039 |
1493 |
Grating monochromator for soft X-ray self-seeding the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,040 |
1494 |
Extended global symmetries for 4d N |
Gahramanov, Ilmar et al. |
2013 |
2013,041 |
1495 |
Focus point gauge mediation in product group unification |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2013 |
2013,042 |
1496 |
The scale of inflation in the landscape |
Pedro, F. G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,044 |
1497 |
Quantized Abelian principal connections on Lorentzian manifolds |
Benini, Marco et al. |
2013 |
2013,045 |
1498 |
Perturbatively improving RI-MOM renormalization constants |
Constantinou, M. |
2013 |
2013,046 |
1499 |
5D maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills in 4D superspace: applications |
McGarrie, Moritz |
2013 |
2013,048 |
1500 |
Finite-width effects in unstable-particle production at hadron colliders |
Falgari, Pietro et al. |
2013 |
2013,049 |
1501 |
The gravitational wave spectrum from cosmological B - L breaking |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2013 |
2013,050 |
1502 |
Unique heavy lepton signature at e+e- linear collider with polarized beams |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid et al. |
2013 |
2013,051 |
1503 |
Light stops emerging in WW cross section measurements? |
Rolbiecki, Krzysztof et al. |
2013 |
2013,052 |
1504 |
Measurement of D*± production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2013 |
2013,054 |
1505 |
Methods for evaluating physical processes in strong external fields at e+e- colliders : furry picture and quasi-classical approach |
Porto, Stefano et al. |
2013 |
2013,055 |
1506 |
Dimension 7 operators in the b [right arrow] s transition |
Chalons, Guillaume et al. |
2013 |
2013,056 |
1507 |
NLO NRQCD disfavors the interpretation of X (3872) as Xcl(2P) |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2013 |
2013,057 |
1508 |
Elastic and proton-dissociative photoproduction of J/psi mesons at HERA |
2013 |
2013,058 |
1509 |
Signal-background interference effects for gg [right arrow] H [right arrow] W+W- beyond leading order |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2013 |
2013,059 |
1510 |
On the non-linear scale of cosmological perturbation theory |
Blas, Diego et al. |
2013 |
2013,060 |
1511 |
Planar undulator motion excited by a fixed traveling wave - quasiperiodic averaging, normal forms and the FEL pendulum |
Ellison, James A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,061 |
1512 |
Towards the spectrum of low-lying particles in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory |
Bergner, Georg et al. |
2013 |
2013,065 |
1513 |
Heterotic moduli stabilization |
Cicoli, Michele et al. |
2013 |
2013,066 |
1514 |
Two-fold Mellin-Barnes transforms of Usyukina-Davydychev functions |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,067 |
1515 |
The evolution of helical cosmic magnetic fields as predicted by MHD closure theory |
Saveliev, A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,068 |
1516 |
Dijet azimuthal decorrelations at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach |
Nefedov, Maxim A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,070 |
1517 |
HYPERDIRE - HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction : MATHEMATICA based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions pFp-1, F1, F2, F3, F4 |
Bytev, Vladimir V. et al. |
2013 |
2013,071 |
1518 |
Towards NNLL resummation - hard matching coefficients for squark and gluino hadroproduction |
Beenakker, Wim et al. |
2013 |
2013,072 |
1519 |
Heterotic non-Abelian orbifolds |
Fischer, Maximilian et al. |
2013 |
2013,075 |
1520 |
Evading the Lyth bound in hybrid natural inflation |
Hebecker, Arthur et al. |
2013 |
2013,076 |
1521 |
Average gluon and quark jet multiplicities at higher orders |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2013 |
2013,079 |
1522 |
Strong signatures of right-handed compositeness |
Redi, Michele et al. |
2013 |
2013,080 |
1523 |
Measurement of the luminosity in the ZEUS experiment at HERA II |
Adamczyk, Leszek |
2013 |
2013,081 |
1524 |
Superspace conformal field theory |
Quella, Thomas et al. |
2013 |
2013,082 |
1525 |
Self-dual continuous seroes of representations for Uq(sl(2)) and Uq(osp(1|2)) |
Hadasz, Leszek et al. |
2013 |
2013,083 |
1526 |
Combining higher-order resummation with multiple NLO calculations and parton showers in the Geneva Monte Carlo framework |
Alioli, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,086 |
1527 |
Extended no-scale structure and [alpha]2 corrections to the type IIB action |
Pedro, F. G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,087 |
1528 |
Single-top t-channel production with off-shell and non-resonant effects |
Papanastasiou, A. S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,088 |
1529 |
The quest for axions and other new light particles |
Baker, K. |
2013 |
2013,089 |
1530 |
More on hypercharge portal into the dark sector |
Domingo, F. et al. |
2013 |
2013,090 |
1531 |
The value of H0 in the inhomogeneous universe |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2014 |
2013,091 |
1532 |
All-order renormalization of propagator matrix for fermionic system with flavor mixing |
Kniehl, B. A. |
2013 |
2013,094 |
1533 |
Hidden photons in connection to dark matter |
Andreas, Sarah et al. |
2013 |
2013,095 |
1534 |
Non-perturbative effects and the refined topological string |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2013 |
2013,096 |
1535 |
ABJM Wilson loops in arbitrary representations |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2013 |
2013,097 |
1536 |
Tackling light higgsinos at the ILC |
Berggren, Mikael et al. |
2013 |
2013,098 |
1537 |
Hidden SUSY from precision gauge unification |
Krippendorf, Sven et al. |
2013 |
2013,099 |
1538 |
The charged Higgs boson mass of the MSSM in the Feynman-diagrammatic approach |
Frank, Markus et al. |
2013 |
2013,100 |
1539 |
Proposal for a scheme to generate 10 TW-level femtosecond X-ray pulses for imaging single protein molecules at the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,101 |
1540 |
The Starobinsky model from superconformal D-term inflation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2013 |
2013,102 |
1541 |
MCPLOTS - a particle physics resource based on volunteer computing |
Karneyeu, A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,104 |
1542 |
Moduli destabilization via gravitational collapse |
Hwang, Dong-il et al. |
2013 |
2013,105 |
1543 |
Measurement of charm fragmentation fractions in photoproduction at HERA |
2013 |
2013,106 |
1544 |
Hadroproduction of [gamma](nS) above BB thresholds and implications for Yb(10890) |
Ali, A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,107 |
1545 |
Extension of SASE bandwidth up to 2% as a way to increase the efficiency of protein structure determination bx X-ray nanocrystallography at the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,109 |
1546 |
HiggsBounds-4 - improved tests of extended Higgs sectors against exclusion bounds from LEP, the Tevatron and the LHC |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2013 |
2013,110 |
1547 |
Multiparton interactions : theory and experimental findings |
Diehl, Markus |
2013 |
2013,111 |
1548 |
Correlation effects in multiple hard scattering |
Diehl, Markus |
2013 |
2013,112 |
1549 |
From form factors to generalized parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus |
2013 |
2013,113 |
1550 |
Little Higgs model limits from LHC - input for snowmass 2013 |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2013 |
2013,114 |
1551 |
Internal bremsstrahlung signatures in light of direct dark matter searches |
Garny, M. et al. |
2013 |
2013,115 |
1552 |
An approximate N3LO cross section for Higgs production in gluon fusion |
Bonvini, M. |
2013 |
2013,116 |
1553 |
Inclusive cross sections in ME+PS merging |
Plätzer, Simon |
2013 |
2013,118 |
1554 |
Post LHC8 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics |
Baer, Howard et al. |
2013 |
2013,120 |
1555 |
Jet pT resummation in Higgs production at NNLL'+NNLO |
Stewart, I. W. et al. |
2013 |
2013,122 |
1556 |
Littlest Higgs with T-parity : status and prospects |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2013 |
2013,123 |
1557 |
EPOS LHC : test of collective hadronization with LHC data |
Pierog, T. et al. |
2013 |
2013,125 |
1558 |
Generalized bootstrap equations and possible implications for the NLO Odderon |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2013 |
2013,126 |
1559 |
The SU(3) beta function from numerical stochastic perturbation theory |
Horsley, R. et al. |
2013 |
2013,127 |
1560 |
Bilinear R parity violation at the ILC - neutrino physics at colliders |
List, Jenny et al. |
2013 |
2013,128 |
1561 |
The universal Racah-Wigner symbol for Uq(osp(1|2)) |
Pawelkiewicz, Michal et al. |
2013 |
2013,129 |
1562 |
Simplified models for new physics in vector boson scattering - input for snowmass 2013 |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2013 |
2013,132 |
1563 |
Purified SASE undulator configuration to enhance the performance of the soft X-ray beamline at the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,135 |
1564 |
Simplified SUSY at the ILC |
Berggren, Mikael |
2013 |
2013,136 |
1565 |
Non-simplified SUSY - t-coannihilation at LHC and ILC |
Berggren, Mikael et al. |
2013 |
2013,137 |
1566 |
Proposal to generate 10 TW level femtosecond x-ray pulses from a baseline undulator in conventional SASE regime at the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,138 |
1567 |
Higgs as a gluon trigger |
Cipriano, Pedro Miguel Ribeiro et al. |
2013 |
2013,139 |
1568 |
Non-universal gaugino masses and fine tuning implications for SUSY searches in the MSSM and the GNMSSM |
Kaminska, Anna et al. |
2013 |
2013,140 |
1569 |
Top-quark production at the LHC - differential cross section and phenomenological applications |
Guzzi, Marco et al. |
2013 |
2013,141 |
1570 |
NMSSM with gravitino dark matter to be tested at LHC |
Hasenkamp, Jasper et al. |
2013 |
2013,142 |
1571 |
A note on discrete R symmetries in Z6-II orbifolds with with Wilson lines |
Nilles, Hans-Peter et al. |
2013 |
2013,143 |
1572 |
Electroweak Higgs plus three jet production at NLO QCD |
Campanario Pallás, Francisco et al. |
2013 |
2013,144 |
1573 |
RAMBO on diet |
Plätzer, Simon |
2013 |
2013,145 |
1574 |
Obtaining high degree of circular polarization at X-ray FELs via a reverse undulator taper |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,147 |
1575 |
Spectra of coset sigma models |
Candu, Constantin et al. |
2013 |
2013,148 |
1576 |
Light third-generation squarks from flavour gauge messengers |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2013 |
2013,152 |
1577 |
Precise calculation of the dileption invariant-mass spectrum and the decay rate in B± [right arrow] pi±my+my- in the SM |
Ali, A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,153 |
1578 |
B-physics with Nf = 2 Wilson fermions |
Bernardoni, Fabio |
2013 |
2013,154 |
1579 |
Accidental inflation from Kähler uplifting |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2013 |
2013,155 |
1580 |
No-scale D-term inflation with stabilized moduli |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2013 |
2013,157 |
1581 |
Inclusive J/phi and phi(2S) production from b-hadron decay in pp[Macron] and pp collisions |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2013 |
2013,159 |
1582 |
What's new in ALPS-II |
Döbrich, Babette |
2013 |
2013,160 |
1583 |
Cosmological perturbation theory at three-loop order |
Blas, Diego et al. |
2013 |
2013,161 |
1584 |
Nonlinear undulator tapering in conventional SASE regime at baseline electron beam parameters as a way to optimize the radiation characteristics of the European XFEL |
Serkez, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,162 |
1585 |
Low-l CMB power loss in string inflation |
Pedro, F. G. et al. |
2013 |
2013,163 |
1586 |
WISPers from the dark side : radio probes of axions and hidden photons |
Horns, D. et al. |
2013 |
2013,164 |
1587 |
Phenomenology of threshold corrections for inclusive jet production at hadron colliders |
Kumar, Meduri C. et al. |
2013 |
2013,165 |
1588 |
Constraining the primordial power spectrum from SNIa lensing dispersion |
Ben-Dayan, Ido et al. |
2013 |
2013,166 |
1589 |
Detecting an infrared photon within an hour - transition-edge detector at ALPS-II |
Dreyling-Eschweiler, J. et al. |
2013 |
2013,167 |
1590 |
The top-antitop threshold at the ILC : NNLL QCD uncertainties |
Hoang, A. H. et al. |
2013 |
2013,168 |
1591 |
Graceful exit from Higgs G-inflation |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2013 |
2013,169 |
1592 |
More on cosmological constraints on spontaneous R-symmetry breaking models |
Hamada, Yuta et al. |
2013 |
2013,170 |
1593 |
En-gauging naturalness |
Bharucha, Aoife et al. |
2013 |
2013,171 |
1594 |
Constraining ALPs with linear and circular polarisation measurements of quasar light |
Payez, Alexandre |
2013 |
2013,172 |
1595 |
A minimal supersymmetric model of particle physics and the early universe |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2013 |
2013,173 |
1596 |
A low Fermi scale from a simple gaugino-scalar mass relation |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2013 |
2013,174 |
1597 |
Integrability in N = 2 superconformal gauge theories |
Pomoni, E. |
2013 |
2013,175 |
1598 |
Non-Lagrangian theories from brane junctions |
Bao, Ling et al. |
2013 |
2013,176 |
1599 |
Inclusive charmed-meson production from botton hadron decays at the LHC |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2013 |
2013,177 |
1600 |
Overview on low-flux detectors |
Seggern, Jan Eike von |
2013 |
2013,178 |
1601 |
Ultralight particle dark matter |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2013 |
2013,179 |
1602 |
The minimal curvaton-higgs model |
Enqvist, Kari et al. |
2013 |
2013,180 |
1603 |
Axions as hot and cold dark matter |
Jeong, K. S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,181 |
1604 |
NNLO contributions to jet photoproduction and determination of as |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2013 |
2013,182 |
1605 |
Dark matter - a light move |
Redondo, Javier et al. |
2013 |
2013,184 |
1606 |
Herwig++ 2.7 release note |
Bellm, Jürgen |
2013 |
2013,186 |
1607 |
Transverse target single-spin asymmetry in inclusive electroproduction of charged pions and kaons |
2013 |
2013,187 |
1608 |
Beam-helicity asymmetry in associated electroproduction of real photons ep [right arrow] egammapiN in the delta-resonance region |
2013 |
2013,188 |
1609 |
Perturbatively improving renormalization constants |
Constantinou, M. |
2013 |
2013,190 |
1610 |
Constraints on light mediators : confronting dark matter searches with B physics |
Schmidt-Hoberg, Kai et al. |
2013 |
2013,192 |
1611 |
Matching fully differential NNLO calculations and parton showers |
Alioli, S. et al. |
2013 |
2013,194 |
1612 |
The exited hexagon reloaded |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2013 |
2013,197 |
1613 |
Search for C = + charmonium states in e+e- [right arrow] gamma + X at BEPCH/BESIII |
Chao, Kuang-Ta et al. |
2013 |
2013,198 |
1614 |
N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice : 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory LATTICE 2013, July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, Germany |
Bergner, Georg et al. |
2013 |
2013,200 |
1615 |
Computing three-point functions for short operators |
Bargheer, Till et al. |
2013 |
2013,201 |
1616 |
Analytic structure of the n = 7 scattering amplitude in N = 4 SYM theory at multi-Regge kinematics : conformal Regge pole contribution |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2013 |
2013,209 |
1617 |
Measurement of inclusive ep cross sections at high Q2 at [square root]s = 225 and 252 GeV and of the longitudinal proton structure function FL at HERA |
2013 |
2013,211 |
1618 |
Different charges in the same bunch train at the European XFEL |
Kot, Yauhen et al. |
2013 |
2013,215 |
1619 |
SU(3) flavour breaking and baryon structure |
2013 |
2013,219 |
1620 |
SU(3) flavour symmetry breaking and charmed states |
2013 |
2013,220 |
1621 |
Electromagnetic splitting of quark and pseudoscalar meson masses from dynamical QCD + QED |
2013 |
2013,221 |
1622 |
NLO QCD corrections to electroweak Higgs boson plus three jet production at the LHC |
Campanario Pallás, Francisco |
2013 |
2013,226 |
1623 |
The role of plasma instabilities in the propagation of gamma-rays from distant blazars |
Saveliev, A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,230 |
1624 |
Very boosted Higgs in gluon fusion |
Grojean, Christophe et al. |
2013 |
2013,233 |
1625 |
Photoproduction of isolated photons, inclusively and with a jet, at HERA |
2013 |
2013,234 |
1626 |
Moduli-induced baryogenesis |
Ishiwata, K. et al. |
2013 |
2013,235 |
1627 |
Summing large-N towers in colours flow evolution |
Plätzer, Simon |
2013 |
2013,237 |
1628 |
The OLYMPUS experiment |
2013 |
2013,238 |
1629 |
Parton distribution functions in the context of parton showerds |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2014 |
2013,240 |
1630 |
A parton shower based on factorization of the quantum density matrix |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2014 |
2013,241 |
1631 |
Ordering variable for parton showers |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2014 |
2013,242 |
1632 |
Correlations in double parton distributions : effects of evolution |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2014 |
2013,243 |
1633 |
Combining resummed Higgs predictions across jet bins |
Boughezal, Radja et al. |
2013 |
2013,244 |
1634 |
Measurement of neutral current e+-p cross sections at high Bjorken x with the ZEUS detector |
2013 |
2013,245 |
1635 |
Reevaluation of the parton distribution of strange quarks in the nucleon |
2013 |
2013,246 |
1636 |
High-precision predictions for the light CP-even Higgs Boson Mass of the MSSM |
Hahn, Thomas et al. |
2014 |
2013,248 |
1637 |
Implications of improved Higgs mass calculations for supersymmetric models |
Buchmueller, O. |
2014 |
2013,249 |
1638 |
The CMSSM and NUHM1 after LHC Run 1 |
Buchmueller, O. |
2014 |
2013,250 |
1639 |
On moduli spaces in AdS4 supergravity |
Alwis, Senarath de et al. |
2013 |
2013,252 |
1640 |
A precision study of the fine tuning in the DiracNMSSM |
Kaminska, Anna et al. |
2014 |
2013,256 |
1641 |
Integrability and Wilson loops - the wavy line contour |
Cagnazzo, A. |
2013 |
2013,257 |
1642 |
Sharpening mT2 cusps - the mass determination of semi-invisibly decaying particles from a resonance |
Harland-Lang, Lucian A. et al. |
2013 |
2013,258 |
1643 |
Rational F-theory GUTs without exotics |
Krippendorf, Sven et al. |
2014 |
2013,259 |
1644 |
Transverse momentum dependent gluon density from DIS precision data |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2013 |
2013,261 |
1645 |
HiggsSignals: confronting arbitrary Higgs sectors with measurements at the Tevatron and the LHC |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2013 |
2013,078 |
1646 |
J/[psi] polarization at Tevatron and LHC - nonrelativistic-QCD factorization at the crossroads |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,001 |
1647 |
Dirac tensor with heavy photon |
Bytev, Vladimir V. et al. |
2012 |
2012,003 |
1648 |
Asymmetric dark matter from spontaneous cogenesis in the supersymmetric standard model |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2012 |
2012,004 |
1649 |
Recent progress for linear collider SM/BSM Higgs/electroweak symmetry breaking calculations |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2012 |
2012,005 |
1650 |
Super-Higgs in superspace |
McGarrie, Moritz et al. |
2012 |
2012,006 |
1651 |
Threshold resummation in SCET vs. perturbative QCD : an analytic comparison |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,007 |
1652 |
The Fermi scale as a focus point of high-scale gauge mediation |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2012 |
2012,009 |
1653 |
Parton shower evolution with subleading color |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2012 |
2012,010 |
1654 |
General broken lines as advanced track fitting method |
Kleinwort, Claus |
2012 |
2012,011 |
1655 |
Fast particle tracking with wake fields |
Dohlus, Martin et al. |
2012 |
2012,012 |
1656 |
Inclusive charmed-meson production at the CERN LHC |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,013 |
1657 |
Physics on smallest scales - an introduction to minimal length phenomenology |
Sprenger, Martin et al. |
2012 |
2012,014 |
1658 |
Consistent on shell renormalisation of electroweakinos in the complex MSSM : LHC and LC predictions |
Bharucha, Aoife et al. |
2012 |
2012,015 |
1659 |
Discriminating Z' from anomalous trilinear gauge coupling signatures in e+e- [right arrow] W+W- at ILC with polarized beams |
Andreev, V. V. et al. |
2012 |
2012,016 |
1660 |
Depolarization in the ILC linac-to-ring positron beamline |
Kovalenko, Valentyn et al. |
2012 |
2012,017 |
1661 |
Polarized positrons for the ILC - update on simulations |
Ushakov, A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,018 |
1662 |
Spin tracking at the ILC positron source |
Kovalenko, Valentyn et al. |
2012 |
2012,019 |
1663 |
Introducing an interface between FeynRules and WHIZARD |
Christensen, Neil D. et al. |
2012 |
2012,020 |
1664 |
On quantum effects in spontaneous emission by a relativistic electron beam in an undulator |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,022 |
1665 |
Counting master integrals: integration-by-parts vs. procedure with effective mass |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,024 |
1666 |
On the existence of tunneling bounce solutions in piecewise linear potentials |
Dutta, Koushik et al. |
2012 |
2012,025 |
1667 |
CP violation in D0 [right arrow] (K-K+, [Pi]- [Pi]+) from diquarks |
Chen, Chuan-Hung et al. |
2012 |
2012,027 |
1668 |
On stability of the electroweak vacuum and the Higgs portal |
Lebedev, Oleg |
2012 |
2012,028 |
1669 |
WIMP dark matter from gravitino decays and leptogenesis |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2012 |
2012,032 |
1670 |
Bottom-flavored hadrons from top-quark decay at next-to-leading order in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,033 |
1671 |
Self-seeding scheme for the soft X-ray line in European XFEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,034 |
1672 |
6j symbols for the modular double, quantum hyperbolic geometry, and supersymmetric gauge theories |
Teschner, J. et al. |
2012 |
2012,035 |
1673 |
Cold dark matter from the hidden sector |
Arias, Paola |
2012 |
2012,036 |
1674 |
First moments of the nucleon generalized parton distributions from lattice QCD |
Sternbeck, André |
2012 |
2012,038 |
1675 |
Evaluation of the strong coupling constant as using the ATLAS inclusive jet cross-section data |
Malaescu, B. et al. |
2012 |
2012,039 |
1676 |
Beam-helicity and beam-charge asymmetries associated with deeply virtual Compton scattering on the unpolarised proton |
2012 |
2012,040 |
1677 |
Inclusive measurement of diffractive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2012 |
2012,041 |
1678 |
Anisotropic hydrodynamics, holography and the chiral magnetic eect |
Gahramanov, Ilmar et al. |
2012 |
2012,042 |
1679 |
Generalized Higgs inflation |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2012 |
2012,043 |
1680 |
Evading the pulsar constraints on the cosmic string tension in supergravity inflation |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2012 |
2012,044 |
1681 |
Inclusive-jet photoproduction at HERA and determination af [alpha]s |
2012 |
2012,045 |
1682 |
Irregular singularities in Liouville theory and Argyres-Douglas type gauge theories, I |
Gaiotto, D. et al. |
2012 |
2012,046 |
1683 |
Origin of family symmetries |
Nilles, Hans-Peter et al. |
2012 |
2012,047 |
1684 |
Elliptic hypergeometric integrals and t'Hooft anomaly matching conditions |
Spiridonov, V. P. et al. |
2012 |
2012,048 |
1685 |
Pulse-front tilt caused by the use of a grating monochromator and self-seeding of soft X-ray FELs |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,051 |
1686 |
Charge symmetry breaking in spin dependent parton distributions and the Bjorken sum rule |
2012 |
2012,052 |
1687 |
Compendium of eigenmodes in third harmonic cavities for FLASH and the XFEL |
Shinton, Ian Reginald Roy et al. |
2012 |
2012,053 |
1688 |
New limits on hidden photons from past electron beam dumps |
Andreas, Sarah et al. |
2012 |
2012,054 |
1689 |
The threshold region for Higgs production in gluon fusion |
Bonvini, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,057 |
1690 |
The type IIB string axiverse and its low-energy phenomenology |
Cicoli, Michele et al. |
2012 |
2012,058 |
1691 |
Measurement of beauty and charm photoproduction using semi-muonic decays in dijet events at HERA |
2012 |
2012,059 |
1692 |
WHIZARD @ LCFORUM 2012 : a status report |
Reuter, Jürgen |
2012 |
2012,061 |
1693 |
Azimuthal distributions of charged hadrons, pions, and kaons produced in deep-inelastic scattering off unpolarized protons and deuterons |
2012 |
2012,060 |
1694 |
Determination of the integrated luminosity at HERA using elastic QED Compton events |
2012 |
2012,062 |
1695 |
Transverse energy-energy correlations in next-to-leading order in [alpha]s at the LHC |
Ali, A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,063 |
1696 |
Anatomy of maximal stop mixing in the MSSM |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2012 |
2012,064 |
1697 |
Wilson loops to 20th order numerical stochastic perturbation theory |
2012 |
2012,065 |
1698 |
Supersymmetric models with light higgsinos |
Brümmer, Felix |
2012 |
2012,066 |
1699 |
A toy model for single field open inflation |
Vaudrevange, Pascal M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,067 |
1700 |
Mellin-Barnes representations of Feynman diagrams, linear systems of differential equations, and polynomial solutions |
Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu. et al. |
2012 |
2012,068 |
1701 |
Harmonic lasing in X-ray FELs |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,070 |
1702 |
Ward identities for amplitudes with reggeized gluons |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2012 |
2012,071 |
1703 |
Measurement of beauty photoproduction near threshold using di-electron events with the H1 detector at HERA |
2012 |
2012,072 |
1704 |
On the gauge dependence of vacuum transitions at finite temperature |
Garny, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,073 |
1705 |
Higgs boson mass and new physics |
Bezrukov, Fedor et al. |
2012 |
2012,074 |
1706 |
Subleading-Nc improved parton showers |
Plätzer, Simon et al. |
2012 |
2012,075 |
1707 |
Herwig++ 2.6 release note |
Arnold, K. [und 12 weitere] |
2012 |
2012,076 |
1708 |
Search for first-generation leptoquarks at HERA |
2012 |
2012,077 |
1709 |
A lattice study of the glue in the nucleon |
2012 |
2012,079 |
1710 |
Linear bosonic and fermionic quantum gauge theories on curved spacetimes |
Hack, Thomas-Paul et al. |
2012 |
2012,080 |
1711 |
TMD PDFs : a Monte Carlo implementation for the sea quark distribution |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2012 |
2012,081 |
1712 |
Conceptual design of an undulator system for a dedicated bio-imaging beamline at the European X-ray FEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,082 |
1713 |
Extracting gluino endpoints with event topology patterns |
Pietsch, N. et al. |
2012 |
2012,083 |
1714 |
Constraints on hadronically decaying dark matter |
Garny, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,084 |
1715 |
BFKL evolution as a communicator between small and large energy scales |
Kowalski, H. et al. |
2012 |
2012,085 |
1716 |
Post LHC7 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics |
Baer, Howard et al. |
2012 |
2012,086 |
1717 |
Solution to Bethe-Salpeter equation via Mellin-Barnes transform |
Allendes, Pedro et al. |
2012 |
2012,087 |
1718 |
Imaging partons in exclusive scattering processes |
Diehl, Markus |
2012 |
2012,088 |
1719 |
Measurements of isolated photons accompanied by jets in deep inelastic ep scattering |
2012 |
2012,089 |
1720 |
Constraints on the topology of the universe : extension to general geometries |
Vaudrevange, Pascal M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,090 |
1721 |
Forward-backward asymmetry of B [right arrow] Kjl+l- decays in SM and new physics models |
Lü, Cai-Dian et al. |
2012 |
2012,093 |
1722 |
Isospin breaking in octet baryon mass splittings |
2012 |
2012,094 |
1723 |
Beam-helicity asymmetry arising from deeply virtual compton scattering measured with kinematically complete event reconstruction |
2012 |
2012,095 |
1724 |
CRPropa 2.0 - a public framework for propagating high energy nuclei, secondary gamma rays and neutrinos |
Kampert, Karl-Heinz et al. |
2012 |
2012,097 |
1725 |
Scattering phases for meson and baryon resonances on general moving-frame lattices |
Göckeler, Meinulf |
2012 |
2012,098 |
1726 |
First LHC constraints on neutralinos |
Dreiner, Herbert K. et al. |
2012 |
2012,099 |
1727 |
Combined inclusive diffractive cross sections measured with forward proton spectrometers in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2012 |
2012,100 |
1728 |
Eigenmode simulations of third harmonic superconducting accelerating cavities for FLASH and the European XFEL |
Zhang, Pei et al. |
2012 |
2012,101 |
1729 |
Production of one or two vector mesons in peripheral high-energy collisions of heavy ions |
Ahmadov, A. I. et al. |
2012 |
2012,102 |
1730 |
QCD in the color-flow representation |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2012 |
2012,103 |
1731 |
Resummation properties of jet vetoes at the LHC |
Tackmann, F. J. et al. |
2012 |
2012,104 |
1732 |
Nucleon mass and sigma term from lattice QCD with two light fermion flavors |
2012 |
2012,105 |
1733 |
Tensor modes on the string theory landscape |
Westphal, Alexander |
2012 |
2012,106 |
1734 |
Inclusive deep inelastic scattering at high Q2 with longitudinally polarised lepton beams at HERA |
2012 |
2012,107 |
1735 |
The [mu] term and neutrino masses |
Chen, Mu-Chen et al. |
2012 |
2012,108 |
1736 |
Higher order mode spectra and the dependence of localized dipole modes on the transverse beam position in third harmonic superconducting cavities at FLASH |
Zhang, Pei et al. |
2012 |
2012,109 |
1737 |
On semiclassical analysis of pure spinor superstring in an AdS5 x S5 background |
Aisaka, Yuri et al. |
2012 |
2012,110 |
1738 |
Decaying vs annihilating dark matter in light of a tentative gamma-ray line |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2012 |
2012,112 |
1739 |
The top quark and Higgs boson masses and the stabiloity of the elctroweak vacuum |
Alechin, S. I. et al. |
2012 |
2012,113 |
1740 |
Confronting the MSSM and the NMSSM with the discovery of a signal in the two photon channel at the LHC |
Benbrik, R. et al. |
2012 |
2012,114 |
1741 |
The CMSSM and NUHM1 in light of 7 TeV LHC, Bs [right arrov] [mu]+[mu]- and XENON100 data |
Buchmueller, O. |
2012 |
2012,115 |
1742 |
Constraining compressed supersymmetry using leptonic signatures |
Rolbiecki, Krzysztof et al. |
2012 |
2012,116 |
1743 |
Characterising WIMPs at a future e+e- linear collider |
Bartels, Christoph et al. |
2012 |
2012,117 |
1744 |
Low-mass Higgs decays to four leptons at one loop and beyond |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,119 |
1745 |
Closing in on mass-degenerate dark matter scenarios with antiprotons and direct detection |
Garny, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,120 |
1746 |
Extension of self-seeding scheme with single crystal monochromator to lower energy ; 5 keV as a way to generate multi-TW scale pulses at the European XFEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,121 |
1747 |
Multi-Regge limit of the n-gluon bubble ansatz |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2012 |
2012,122 |
1748 |
Helmholtz alliance linear collider forum : proceedings of the workshops Hamburg, Munich, Hamburg 2010-2012, Germany |
2013 |
2012,123 |
1749 |
Higgs, moduli problem, baryogenesis and large volume compactifications |
Higaki, Tetsutaro et al. |
2012 |
2012,124 |
1750 |
Chiral superfluidity of the quark-gluon plasma |
Kalaydzhyan, Tigran |
2012 |
2012,126 |
1751 |
From Baxter Q-operators to local charges |
Frassek, Rouven et al. |
2012 |
2012,127 |
1752 |
General resonance mediation |
McGarrie, Moritz |
2012 |
2012,128 |
1753 |
TUnfold, an algorithm for correcting migration effects in high energy physics |
Schmitt, Stefan |
2012 |
2012,129 |
1754 |
Voisin-Borcea manifolds and heterotic orbifolds models |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2012 |
2012,130 |
1755 |
Time evolution of the large-scale tail of non-helical primordial magnetic fields with back-reaction of the turbulent medium |
Saveliev, A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,131 |
1756 |
Singularities, swallowtails and Dirac points : an analysis for families of Hamiltonians and applications to wire networks, especially the Gyroid |
Kaufmann, Ralph M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,132 |
1757 |
Re-gauging groupoid, symmetries and degeneracies for graph Hamiltonians and applications to the Gyroid wire network |
Kaufmann, Ralph M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,133 |
1758 |
Correlations in multi-parton interactions |
Kasemets, Tomas |
2012 |
2012,134 |
1759 |
Jet production and the inelastic pp cross section at the LHC |
Grebenyuk, Anastasia et al. |
2012 |
2012,135 |
1760 |
Planck scale gravity test with accelerators |
Gharibyan, Vahagn |
2012 |
2012,140 |
1761 |
MSSM parameter determination via chargino production at the LC: NLO corrections |
Bharucha, Aoife et al. |
2012 |
2012,141 |
1762 |
A study of beam position diagnostics with beam-excited dipole higher order modes using a downconverter test electronics in third harmonic 3.9 GHz superconducting accelerating cavities at FLASH |
Zhang, Pei et al. |
2012 |
2012,143 |
1763 |
Production of the excited charm mesons D1 and D*2 at HERA |
2012 |
2012,144 |
1764 |
Measurement of high-Q2 neutral current deep inelastic e+p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA |
2012 |
2012,145 |
1765 |
Building an explicit de Sitter |
Louis, Jan et al. |
2012 |
2012,146 |
1766 |
Classification of symmetric toroidal orbifolds |
Fischer, Maximilian et al. |
2012 |
2012,147 |
1767 |
Superconformal D-term inflation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2012 |
2012,149 |
1768 |
B decays into a scalar/tensor meson in pursuit of determining the CKM angle [gamma] |
Wang, Wei |
2012 |
2012,150 |
1769 |
Searching for axions and ALPs from string theory |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2012 |
2012,151 |
1770 |
b [right arrow] s decays in a model with z-mediated flavor changing neutral current |
Alok, Ashutosh Kumar et al. |
2012 |
2012,153 |
1771 |
The electroweak fit of the standard model after the discovery of a new boson at the LHC |
2012 |
2012,154 |
1772 |
Renormalization group improved bottom mass from [Upsilon] sum rules at NNLL order |
Hoang, A. H. et al. |
2012 |
2012,155 |
1773 |
NLL resummation for the static potential in N = 4 SYM Theory |
Stahlhofen, Maximilian |
2012 |
2012,156 |
1774 |
Multiplicities of charged pions and kaons from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering by the proton and the deuteron |
2012 |
2012,157 |
1775 |
Can R-parity violation hide vanilla supersymmetry at the LHC? |
Asano, Masaki et al. |
2012 |
2012,158 |
1776 |
Optimization of a dedicated bio-imaging beamline at the European X-ray FEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2012 |
2012,159 |
1777 |
Gluon and quark jet multiplicities at N3LO+NNLL |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2012 |
2012,160 |
1778 |
NLO corrections to the kernel of the BKP-equations |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2012 |
2012,161 |
1779 |
Higgs-Yukawa model in chirally-invariant lattic field theory |
Bulava, John |
2012 |
2012,162 |
1780 |
Reconstruction of Higgs bosons in the di-tau channel via 3-prong decay |
Gripaios, Ben M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,163 |
1781 |
Liouville's imaginary shadow |
Schomerus, V. et al. |
2012 |
2012,165 |
1782 |
Longitudinal momentum shifts, showering and nonperturbative corrections in matched NLO-shower event generators |
Dooling, S. et al. |
2012 |
2012,166 |
1783 |
Production of Z0 bosons in elastic and quasi-elastic ep collisions at HERA |
2012 |
2012,168 |
1784 |
Isolated prompt photon pair production at hadron colliders with kT-factorization |
Lipatov, A. V. |
2012 |
2012,169 |
1785 |
Exploring the role of axions and other WISPs in the dark universe |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2012 |
2012,170 |
1786 |
Holography for general gauge mediation |
McGarrie, Moritz |
2012 |
2012,171 |
1787 |
Combination and QCD analysis of charm production cross section measurements in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2012 |
2012,172 |
1788 |
A possible upgrade of FLASH for harmonic lasing down to 1.3 nm |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,173 |
1789 |
On the spin-dependent sensitivity of XENON100 |
Garny, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,174 |
1790 |
Long-lived higgsinos as probes of gravitino dark matter at the LHC |
Bobrovskyi, S. et al. |
2012 |
2012,175 |
1791 |
Angular correlations in the double drell-yan process |
Kasemets, Tomas et al. |
2012 |
2012,176 |
1792 |
Can the 125 GeV Higgs be the little Higgs? |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2012 |
2012,177 |
1793 |
A fat gluino in disguise |
Reuter, Jürgen et al. |
2012 |
2012,178 |
1794 |
Metastable electroweak vacuum: implications for inflation |
Lebedev, Oleg et al. |
2012 |
2012,179 |
1795 |
Combining fixed-order helicity amplitudes with resummation using SCET |
Stewart, Iain W. et al. |
2012 |
2012,180 |
1796 |
Perturbative subtraction of lattice artifacts in the computation of renormalization constants |
Constantinou, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,181 |
1797 |
String constraints on discrete symmetries in MSSM type II quivers |
Anastasopoulos, Pascal et al. |
2012 |
2012,182 |
1798 |
Interparticle correlations in the production of J/[psi] pairs in proton-proton collisions |
Baranov, Sergej P. et al. |
2012 |
2012,183 |
1799 |
Superconformal indices and partition functions for supersymmetric field theories |
Gahramanov, Ilmar et al. |
2012 |
2012,184 |
1800 |
Anomalous dimensions in deformed WZW models on supergroups |
Candu, Constantin et al. |
2012 |
2012,186 |
1801 |
Spin-k/2-spin-k/2 SU (2) two-point functions on the torus |
Kirsch, Ingo et al. |
2012 |
2012,189 |
1802 |
Unquenched simulations of four-nucleon interactions |
Montvay, I. |
2012 |
2012,194 |
1803 |
A TQFT of Turaev-Viro type on shaped triangulations |
Kashaev, Rinat et al. |
2012 |
2012,195 |
1804 |
Instanton effects in ABJM theory from Fermi gas approach |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2012 |
2012,196 |
1805 |
Null-polygonal minimal surfaces in AdS4 from perturbed W minimal models |
Hatsuda, Y. et al. |
2012 |
2012,197 |
1806 |
Leptogenesis: theory & neutrino masses |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2012 |
2012,198 |
1807 |
MSSM interpretations of the LHC discovery: light or heavy Higgs? |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2012 |
2012,200 |
1808 |
Systematic approach to thermal leptogenesis |
Frossard, Tibor et al. |
2012 |
2012,202 |
1809 |
Enhanced diphoton rates at Fermi and the LHC |
Schmidt-Hoberg, Kai et al. |
2012 |
2012,203 |
1810 |
Twisting wire scanner |
Gharibyan, Vahagn et al. |
2012 |
2012,204 |
1811 |
Neutralino-stop co-annihilation into electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons at one loop |
Harz, J. et al. |
2012 |
2012,205 |
1812 |
One-loop effects on MSSM parameter determination via chargino production at the LHC |
Bharucha, Aoife et al. |
2012 |
2012,207 |
1813 |
Tree-loop duality relation beyond single poles |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2012 |
2012,208 |
1814 |
A novel self-supporting GEM-based amplification structure for a time projection chamber at the ILC |
Behnke, Ties et al. |
2012 |
2012,212 |
1815 |
Controlling inclusive cross sections in parton shower + matrix element merging |
Plätzer, Simon |
2012 |
2012,215 |
1816 |
Resonant non-Gaussianity with equilateral properties |
Gwyn, Rhiannon et al. |
2012 |
2012,216 |
1817 |
Update on hidden sectors with dark forces and dark matter |
Andreas, Sarah |
2012 |
2012,217 |
1818 |
Cosmological constraints on spontaneous R-symmetry breaking models |
Hamada, Yuta et al. |
2012 |
2012,218 |
1819 |
Cosmic R-string, R-tube und vacuum instability |
Eto, Minoru et al. |
2012 |
2012,219 |
1820 |
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at high energies in the Parton Reggeization Approach |
Nefedov, Maxim A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,220 |
1821 |
Combining higher-order resummation with multiple NLO calculations and parton showers in GENEVA |
Alioli, S. et al. |
2012 |
2012,221 |
1822 |
Jet mass spectra in Higgs + one jet at NNLL |
Jouttenus, Teppo T. et al. |
2013 |
2012,222 |
1823 |
Lattice Hamiltonian approach to the massless Schwinger model: precise extraction of the mass gap |
Cichy, Krzysztof et al. |
2012 |
2012,223 |
1824 |
Light-cone distribution amplitudes of the ground state bottom baryons in HQET |
Ali, A. et al. |
2012 |
2012,225 |
1825 |
Measurement of inelastic J/[psi] and [psi]' photoproduction at HERA |
2012 |
2012,226 |
1826 |
Searching for WISPy cold dark matter with a dish antenna |
Horns, D. et al. |
2012 |
2012,227 |
1827 |
Harmonic R-matrices for scattering amplitudes and spectral regularization |
Ferro, Livia et al. |
2012 |
2012,228 |
1828 |
The effects of flavour symmetry breaking on hadron matrix elements |
Cooke, A. N. et al. |
2012 |
2012,229 |
1829 |
The heterotic MiniLandscape and the 126 GeV Higgs boson |
Badziak, Marcin et al. |
2012 |
2012,230 |
1830 |
Light non-degenerate squarks at the LHC |
Mahbubani, Rakhi et al. |
2012 |
2012,231 |
1831 |
BSM photon interaction for ALPS-II and beyond |
Döbrich, Babette |
2012 |
2012,234 |
1832 |
Next-to-leading-order tests of NRQCD factorization with J/[psi] yield and polarization |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2012 |
2012,235 |
1833 |
Hidden photons in beam dump experiments and in connection with dark matter |
Andreas, Sarah |
2012 |
2012,238 |
1834 |
On chromoelectronic (super)conductivity of the Yang-Mills vacuum |
Cernodub, M. N. et al. |
2012 |
2012,240 |
1835 |
Schoen manifold with line bundles as resolved magnetized orbifolds |
Groot Nibbelink, S. et al. |
2012 |
2012,242 |
1836 |
Inclusive lepton production from heavy-hadron decay in pp collisions at the LHC |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2012 |
2012,243 |
1837 |
On the difference between the pole and the MS masses of the top quark at the electroweak scale |
Jegerlehner, Fred et al. |
2012 |
2012,244 |
1838 |
Relations between canonical and non-canonical inflation |
Gwyn, Rhiannon et al. |
2012 |
2012,245 |
1839 |
Finding all flux vacua in an explicit example |
Martínez Pedrera, Danny Manuel et al. |
2012 |
2012,246 |
1840 |
Color-kinematic duality for form factors |
Boels, Rutger H. et al. |
2012 |
2012,248 |
1841 |
Higher order constraints on the Higgs production rate from fixed-target DIS data |
Alekhina, S. et al. |
2011 |
2011,001 |
1842 |
Improved sensitivity to charged Higgs searches in top quark decays t [right arrow] bH+ [right arrow] b([tau] + [nu] [tau]) at the LHC using tau polarisation and multivariate techniques |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2011 |
2011,003 |
1843 |
Angular integrals in d dimensions |
Somogyi, G´abor |
2011 |
2011,004 |
1844 |
Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA using decays into electrons |
2011 |
2011,005 |
1845 |
Introducing HiggsBounds 2.0.0 |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2011 |
2011,006 |
1846 |
Reflective optical system for time-resolved electron bunch measurements at PITZ |
Rosbach, K. et al. |
2011 |
2011,007 |
1847 |
[Rho] 0 - [gamma] mixing in the neutral channel pion form factor F (e) [pi] (s) and its role in comparing e + e - with [tau] spectral functions |
Jegerlehner, Fred et al. |
2011 |
2011,008 |
1848 |
Improvement of the crossed undulator design for effective circular polarization control in X-ray FELs |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2011 |
2011,009 |
1849 |
easyDiracGauginos |
Abel, Steven et al. |
2011 |
2011,010 |
1850 |
An FPGA-based torus communication network |
Pivanti, Marcello et al. |
2011 |
2011,011 |
1851 |
One-loop helicity amplitudes for tt- production at hadron colliders |
Badger, Simon et al. |
2011 |
2011,012 |
1852 |
Observational consequences of chaotic inflation with nonminimal coupling to gravity |
Linde, Andrei et al. |
2011 |
2011,013 |
1853 |
Quark mixing renormalization effects in the determination of |Vtq| |
Almasy, Andrea A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,014 |
1854 |
Towards matter inflation in heterotic string theory |
Antusch, Stefan et al. |
2011 |
2011,015 |
1855 |
HiggsBounds 2.0.0 : confronting neutral and charged Higgs sector predictions with exclusion bounds from LEP and the Tevatron |
Bechtle, P. et al. |
2011 |
2011,016 |
1856 |
Early spin determination at the LHC? |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid et al. |
2011 |
2011,017 |
1857 |
Herwig++ 2.5 release note |
2011 |
2011,018 |
1858 |
QCD in the [delta]-regime |
2011 |
2011,019 |
1859 |
Theoretical considerations on multiparton interactions in QCD |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2011 |
2011,021 |
1860 |
Fluid/gravity model for the chiral magnetic effect |
Kalaydzhyan, Tigran et al. |
2011 |
2011,022 |
1861 |
Improved constraints on cosmological parameters from SNIa data |
2011 |
2011,023 |
1862 |
Baryon axial charges and momentum fractions with Nf = 2 + 1 dynamical fermions |
2011 |
2011,024 |
1863 |
Towards four-flavour dynamical simulations |
Herdoiza, Gregorio |
2011 |
2011,025 |
1864 |
Finite temperature phase transition with two flavors of improved Wilson fermions |
2011 |
2011,026 |
1865 |
Ultrahigh-energy neutrino-nucleon deep-inelastic scattering and the Froissart bound |
Illarionov, Alexey Yu. et al. |
2011 |
2011,027 |
1866 |
An exact tunneling solution in a simple realistic landscape |
Dutta, Koushik et al. |
2011 |
2011,028 |
1867 |
Production of the exotic 1 - - hadrons [phi](2170), X(4260) and Y b (10890) at the LHC and Tevatron via the Drell-Yan mechanism |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2011 |
2011,029 |
1868 |
Flavour blindness and patterns of flavour symmetry breaking in lattice simulations of up, down and strange quarks |
2011 |
2011,030 |
1869 |
Continuum limit of gl(M|N) spin chains |
Candu, Constantin |
2011 |
2011,031 |
1870 |
O([alpha] s) heavy flavor corrections to charged current deep-inelastic scattering in Mellin space |
2011 |
2011,032 |
1871 |
The echo-enabled harmonic generation options for FLASH II |
Deng, Haixiao et al. |
2011 |
2011,034 |
1872 |
Integrability of a family of quantum field theories related to sigma models |
Ridout, David et al. |
2011 |
2011,036 |
1873 |
Thermodynamic limit of particle-hole form factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg chain |
2011 |
2011,037 |
1874 |
Leading-order hadronic contribution to g-2 from lattice QCD |
2011 |
2011,038 |
1875 |
Generation of attosecond soft x-ray pulses in a longitudinal space charge amplifier |
Dohlus, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,040 |
1876 |
Testing string vacua in the lab : from a hidden CMB to dark forces in flux compactifications |
2011 |
2011,042 |
1877 |
Dijet photoproduction of massless charm jets at next-to-leading order of QCD |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2011 |
2011,043 |
1878 |
Search for lepton flavour violation at HERA |
2011 |
2011,044 |
1879 |
Two-flavor QCD correction to lepton magnetic moments at leading-order in the electromagnetic coupling |
2011 |
2011,047 |
1880 |
Self-seeding scheme with gas monochromator for narrow-bandwidth soft X-ray FELs |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2011 |
2011,049 |
1881 |
[Alpha]s (M 2 Z) in NNLO analyses of deep-inelastic world data |
2011 |
2011,050 |
1882 |
On supersymmetric effective theories of axion |
Higaki, Tetsutaro et al. |
2011 |
2011,053 |
1883 |
2HDMC - a two Higgs doublet model calculator |
Rathsman, Johan et al. |
2011 |
2011,054 |
1884 |
Gas-filled cell as a narrow bandwidth bandpass filter in the VUV wavelength range |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2011 |
2011,055 |
1885 |
Superspace parafermions |
Candu, Constantin et al. |
2011 |
2011,058 |
1886 |
A method for untriggered time-dependent searches for multiple flares from neutrino point sources |
Góra, D. et al. |
2011 |
2011,059 |
1887 |
Generating [mu] and B[mu] in models with Dirac Gauginos |
Benakli, Karim et al. |
2011 |
2011,061 |
1888 |
New exclusion limits for dark gauge forces from beam-dump data |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2011 |
2011,062 |
1889 |
Fully double-logarithm-resummed cross sections |
2011 |
2011,064 |
1890 |
A Mellin space program for W± and Z0 production at NNLO |
Kovacíková, Petra |
2011 |
2011,068 |
1891 |
One-loop adjoint masses for non-supersymmetric intersecting branes |
2011 |
2011,069 |
1892 |
Light higgsinos as heralds of higher-dimensional unication |
Brümmer, F. et al. |
2011 |
2011,070 |
1893 |
Flavour violating up-squark decays at LHC |
2011 |
2011,071 |
1894 |
On form factors of the conjugated field in the non-linear Schrödinger model |
Kozlowski, K. K. |
2011 |
2011,072 |
1895 |
Anisotropic modulus stabilisation : strings at LHC scales with micron-sized extra dimensions |
Cicoli, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,073 |
1896 |
Higgs portal inflation |
Lebedev, Oleg et al. |
2011 |
2011,075 |
1897 |
NLO QCD corrections to the production of two bottom-antibottom pairs at the LHC |
2011 |
2011,079 |
1898 |
The effects of betatron motion on the preservation of FEL microbunching |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2011 |
2011,081 |
1899 |
Natural SUSY endures |
Papucci, Michele et al. |
2011 |
2011,193 |
1900 |
BFKL equation for the adjoint representation of the gauge group in the next-to-leading approximation at N = 4 SUSY |
Fadin, Viktor S., 1942- et al. |
2011 |
2011,191 |
1901 |
Explicit thin-lens solution for an arbitrary four by four uncoupled beam transfer matrix |
Balandin, Vladimir et al. |
2011 |
2011,192 |
1902 |
Higgs-induced lepton flavor violation |
Goudelis, Andreas et al. |
2011 |
2011,194 |
1903 |
Multiparton interactions and multiparton distributions in QCD |
Diehl, Markus |
2011 |
2011,195 |
1904 |
Elements of a theory for multiparton interactions in QCD |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2011 |
2011,196 |
1905 |
Nonperturbative QCD corrections to electroweak observables |
Renner, Dru B. et al. |
2012 |
2011,197 |
1906 |
Charm current-current correlators in twisted mass lattice QCD |
Jansen, K. et al. |
2011 |
2011,198 |
1907 |
Anomalous scaling in the random-force-driven Burgers equation : a Monte Carlo study |
Mesterházy, David, 1986- et al. |
2011 |
2011,199 |
1908 |
Analytical studies of constraints on the performance for EEHG FEL seed lasers |
Geloni, G., 1975- et al. |
2011 |
2011,200 |
1909 |
Analysis of B [right arrow] K*j([right arrow] K[pi])µ+µ- in the higher kaon resonance region |
Lü, Cai-Dian et al. |
2011 |
2011,201 |
1910 |
Entropy, baryon asymmetry and dark matter from heavy neutrino decays |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2011 |
2011,002 |
1911 |
Phenomenology of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenarios with non-minimal flavour violation |
Fuks, Benjamin et al. |
2011 |
2011,020 |
1912 |
What if the LHC does not find supersymmetry in the [sqrt]s=7 TeV run? |
Bechtle, Philip |
2011 |
2011,039 |
1913 |
World data of J/ps production consolidate NRQCD factorization at NLO |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,046 |
1914 |
Integrable spin chains and scattering amplitudes |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2011 |
2011,051 |
1915 |
Collinear and Regge behavior of 2 [right arrow] 4 MHV amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2011 |
2011,052 |
1916 |
Squark and gluino hadroproduction |
Beenakker, Wim |
2011 |
2011,060 |
1917 |
Effective action for the Regge processes in gravity |
Lipatov, L. N., 1943- |
2011 |
2011,065 |
1918 |
Measurement of D*+- meson production and determination of Fcc2 at low Q2 in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2011 |
2011,066 |
1919 |
Measurement of heavy-quark jet photoproduction at HERA |
2011 |
2011,067 |
1920 |
Recombination within multi-chain contributions in pp scattering |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2011 |
2011,074 |
1921 |
Euclidean Monte Carlo simulation of nuclear interactions |
Montvay, I., 1940- et al. |
2011 |
2011,076 |
1922 |
Quasi-stable neutralinos at the LHC |
Bobrovskyi, S. et al. |
2011 |
2011,077 |
1923 |
Splitting strings on integrable backgrounds |
Vicedo, Benoit |
2011 |
2011,078 |
1924 |
Distorted mass edges at LHC from supersymmetric leptoquarks |
Reuter, Jürgen, 1974- et al. |
2011 |
2011,082 |
1925 |
Measurement of the diffractive longitudinal structure function FDL at HERA |
2011 |
2011,084 |
1926 |
Open b production at LHC and parton shower effects |
Jung, H. et al. |
2011 |
2011,086 |
1927 |
Counting master integrals: integration by parts vs. differential reduction |
Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu. et al. |
2011 |
2011,087 |
1928 |
String moduli inflation : an overview |
Cicoli, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,088 |
1929 |
Neutralino dark matter with a light Higgs |
Goudelis, Andreas |
2011 |
2011,089 |
1930 |
Benchmark models, planes lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC |
2012 |
2011,090 |
1931 |
Quantum gravity phenomenology : achievements and challenges |
Liberati, Stefano et al. |
2011 |
2011,091 |
1932 |
High intensity Compton scattering in a strong plane wave field of general form |
Hartin, Anthony et al. |
2011 |
2011,092 |
1933 |
Measurement of photon production in the very forward direction in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2011 |
2011,093 |
1934 |
Upgraded breaking of the HLS model - a full solution to the ? - e+e- and decay issues and its consequences on g - 2 VMD estimates |
Benayoun, M. |
2011 |
2011,095 |
1935 |
Note on moduli stabilization, supersymmetry breaking and axiverse |
Higaki, T., 2011- et al. |
2011 |
2011,094 |
1936 |
Circular polarization control for the European XFEL in the soft X-ray regime |
Geloni, G., 1975- et al. |
2011 |
2011,096 |
1937 |
On the relevance of sharp gamma-ray features for indirect dark matter searches |
Bringmann, Torsten, 1974- et al. |
2011 |
2011,097 |
1938 |
Flavour violating gluino three-body decays at LHC |
Bartl, A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,098 |
1939 |
Impact of squark flavour violation on neutralino dark matter |
Herrmann, Björn et al. |
2011 |
2011,099 |
1940 |
Measurement of double-spin asymmetries associated with deeply virtual Compton scattering on a transversely polarized hydrogen target |
2011 |
2011,100 |
1941 |
Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC |
Heinemeyer, Sven et al. |
2011 |
2011,101 |
1942 |
Dirac and Pauli form factors from lattice QCD |
2011 |
2011,102 |
1943 |
Toric K3-fibred Calabi-Yau manifolds with del Pezzo divisors for string compactifications |
Cicoli, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,103 |
1944 |
Measurement of CP asymmetries in neutralino production at the ILC |
Kittel, Olaf et al. |
2011 |
2011,105 |
1945 |
Diffuse galactic gamma rays at intermediate and high latitudes: Constraints on the ISM properties ; 1 |
Cholis, Ilias et al. |
2011 |
2011,106 |
1946 |
Updated status of the global electroweak fit and constraints on new physics |
2011 |
2011,107 |
1947 |
Flavor and CP invariant composite Higgs models |
Redi, Michele |
2011 |
2011,109 |
1948 |
What the neutron knows about the top at the LHC |
Kamenik, Jernej F. |
2011 |
2011,110 |
1949 |
Worldsheet operator product expansions and p-point functions in AdS3/CFT2 |
Kirsch, Ingo, 1975- |
2011 |
2011,111 |
1950 |
Improved squark and gluino mass limits from searches for supersymmetry at hadron colliders |
Beenakker, Wim |
2011 |
2011,112 |
1951 |
Search for contact interactions in e+-p collisions at HERA |
2011 |
2011,114 |
1952 |
Single jet and prompt-photon inclusive production with multi-Regge kinematics : from Tevatron to LHC |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2013 |
2011,115 |
1953 |
Gaugino mass mixing in SUSY GUTs with two Abelian gauge groups |
Braam, Felix et al. |
2011 |
2011,116 |
1954 |
A no-go theorem for the consistent quantization of the massive gravitino on Robertson-Walker spacetimes and arbitrary spin 3/2 fields on general curved spacetimes |
Hack, Thomas-Paul et al. |
2011 |
2011,118 |
1955 |
Supersymmetry and dark matter in light of LHC 2010 and Xenon100 data |
Weiglein, Georg |
2011 |
2011,119 |
1956 |
Multidimensional study of hadronization in nuclei |
2011 |
2011,120 |
1957 |
A sufficient condition for de Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory |
Rummel, Markus et al. |
2011 |
2011,121 |
1958 |
Search for first generation leptoquarks in ep collisions at HERA |
2011 |
2011,123 |
1959 |
Monte Carlo tuning in the presence of matching |
Cooper, B. et al. |
2011 |
2011,124 |
1960 |
VBFNLO: a parton level Monte Carlo for processes with electroweak bosons - manual for version 2.5.0 |
Arnold, K. |
2011 |
2011,125 |
1961 |
WHIZARD - simulating multi-particle processes at LHC and ILC |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2011 |
2011,126 |
1962 |
Light NMSSM Higgs bosons in SUSY cascade decays at the LHC |
Stål, Oscar et al. |
2011 |
2011,128 |
1963 |
If no Higgs then what? |
Falkowski, Adam et al. |
2011 |
2011,132 |
1964 |
Scheme for generating and transporting THz radiation to the X-ray experimental floor at LCLS baseline |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2011 |
2011,134 |
1965 |
Antiprotons from dark matter annihilation in the galaxy : astrophysical uncertainties |
Evoli, Carmelo et al. |
2011 |
2011,135 |
1966 |
Theory overview on spectroscopy |
Ali, A. |
2011 |
2011,136 |
1967 |
Cosmology of Ho?ava-Lifshitz f(R) gravity |
Chakrabarti, Sayan K. et al. |
2011 |
2011,137 |
1968 |
Potential of the FLASH FEL technology for the construction of a kW-scale light source for the next generation lithography |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,138 |
1969 |
Emittance growth and tune spectra at PETRA III |
Wanzenberg, R. |
2011 |
2011,140 |
1970 |
A multi-channel THz and infrared spectrometer for femtosecond electron bunch diagnostics by single-shot spectroscopy of coherent radiation |
Wesch, Stephan et al. |
2011 |
2011,141 |
1971 |
Timelike single-logarithm-resummed splitting functions |
Albino, S. et al. |
2011 |
2011,142 |
1972 |
Prompt J/psi production at LHC : new evidence for the kT-factorization |
Baranov, Sergej P. et al. |
2011 |
2011,143 |
1973 |
Finding new relationships between hypergeometric functions by evaluating Feynman integrals |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,145 |
1974 |
The Sudakov veto algorithm reloaded |
Plätzer, Simon et al. |
2011 |
2011,146 |
1975 |
ExSample - a library for sampling Sudakov-type distributions |
Plätzer, Simon |
2011 |
2011,147 |
1976 |
Indirect evidence for new physics at the 10 TeV scale |
Kowalski, Henri et al. |
2011 |
2011,149 |
1977 |
Theory-data comparisons for jet measurements in hadron-induced processes |
Wobisch, Markus et al. |
2011 |
2011,150 |
1978 |
The supersymmetric flavour problem in 5D GUTs and its consequences for LHC phenomenology |
Brümmer, Felix et al. |
2011 |
2011,151 |
1979 |
Photon beam properties at the European XFEL |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,152 |
1980 |
Probing dark matter decay and annihilation with Fermi LAT observations of nearby galaxy clusters |
Huang, X. et al. |
2011 |
2011,155 |
1981 |
Probing nonrelativistic QCD factorization in polarized J/psi photoproduction at next-to-leading order |
Butenschoen, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,157 |
1982 |
Inclusive B-meson production at the LHC in the GM-VFN scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,158 |
1983 |
Dark matter and dark forces from a supersymmetric hidden sector |
Andreas, Sarah et al. |
2011 |
2011,159 |
1984 |
The overshoot problem in inflation after tunneling |
Dutta, Koushik et al. |
2011 |
2011,160 |
1985 |
Supersymmetry in light of 1/fb of LHC data |
Buchmüller, O. |
2011 |
2011,161 |
1986 |
Dipole showers and automated NLO matching in Herwig++ |
Plätzer, Simon et al. |
2011 |
2011,162 |
1987 |
Prospects for searching axion-like particle dark matter with dipole, toroidal and wiggler magnets |
Baker, Oliver K. |
2011 |
2011,163 |
1988 |
Tetraquark interpretation of the charged bottomonium-like states Zb±(10610) and Zb±(10650) and implications |
Ali, A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,164 |
1989 |
Production of transform-limited X-ray pulses through self-seeding at the European X-ray FEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2011 |
2011,165 |
1990 |
Measurement of dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA |
2011 |
2011,166 |
1991 |
More exact tunneling solutions in scalar field theory |
Dutta, Koushik et al. |
2011 |
2011,167 |
1992 |
Hyperon sigma terms for 2 + 1 quark flavours |
2011 |
2011,168 |
1993 |
Nucleon sigma terms for 2 + 1 quark flavours |
2011 |
2011,169 |
1994 |
Illuminating WISPs with photons |
Arias, Paola et al. |
2011 |
2011,170 |
1995 |
Violations of Lorentz invariance in the neutrino sector after OPERA |
Maccione, Luca et al. |
2011 |
2011,172 |
1996 |
Predicting th13 and the neutrino mass scale from quark lepton mass hierarchies |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2011 |
2011,173 |
1997 |
Spontaneous B - L breaking as the origin of the hot early universe |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2012 |
2011,174 |
1998 |
NNLL resummation for squark-antisquark pair production at the LHC |
Beenakker, Wim et al. |
2011 |
2011,175 |
1999 |
Fractal dimension of the topological charge density distribution in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics |
Bujvidovic, Pavel V. et al. |
2011 |
2011,176 |
2000 |
Dark forces and dark matter in a hidden sector |
Andreas, Sarah |
2011 |
2011,178 |
2001 |
Moduli stabilisation for chiral global models |
Cicoli, Michele et al. |
2011 |
2011,179 |
2002 |
Investigation of beauty production and parton shower effects at LHC |
Jung, H. et al. |
2011 |
2011,180 |
2003 |
Phase transition and monopole production in supergravity inflation |
Kamada, Kohei et al. |
2011 |
2011,182 |
2004 |
Measurement of the azimuthal correlation between the most forward jet and the scattered positron in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2011 |
2011,183 |
2005 |
Kinetic mixing of U(1)s in heterotic orbifolds |
Goodsell, Mark D. et al. |
2011 |
2011,184 |
2006 |
Multi-parton interactions at the LHC |
Bartalini, P. |
2011 |
2011,185 |
2007 |
Measurement of the t dependence in exclusive photoproduction of [gamma] (1S) mesons at HERA |
2011 |
2011,186 |
2008 |
The orbifolder - a tool to study the low energy effective theory of heterotic orbifolds |
Nilles, Hans-Peter et al. |
2011 |
2011,187 |
2009 |
Measuring the masses of a pair of semi-invisibly decaying particles in central exclusive production with forward proton tagging |
Harland-Lang, Lucian et al. |
2011 |
2011,188 |
2010 |
Determining g with B decays into a scalar/tensor meson |
Wang, Wei |
2011 |
2011,189 |
2011 |
Automated one-loop calculations with GOSAM |
Cullen, Gavin |
2011 |
2011,203 |
2012 |
Search for single-top production in ep collisions at HERA |
2011 |
2011,204 |
2013 |
Scaled momentum distributions for K0S and Lambda/Lambda [overline] in DIS at HERA |
2011 |
2011,205 |
2014 |
Renormalization in general theories with inter-generation mixing |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,210 |
2015 |
An analytic initial-state parton shower |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2011 |
2011,214 |
2016 |
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at high energies in the kT-factorization approach |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2011 |
2011,216 |
2017 |
Indirect searches for gravitino dark matter |
Grefe, Michael |
2011 |
2011,217 |
2018 |
Exclusive electroproduction of two pions at HERA |
2011 |
2011,220 |
2019 |
Solar hidden photon search |
Schwarz, Matthias et al. |
2011 |
2011,223 |
2020 |
Extension of self-seeding to hard X-rays > 10 keV as a way to increase user access at the European XFEL |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2011 |
2011,224 |
2021 |
WISPy cold dark matter |
Arias, Paola et al. |
2012 |
2011,226 |
2022 |
Factorization of heavy-to-light baryonic transitions in SCET |
Wang, Wei |
2011 |
2011,228 |
2023 |
Test of the law of gravitation at small accelerations |
Meyer, H. |
2011 |
2011,231 |
2024 |
Determining the helicity structure of third generation resonances |
Papaefstathiou, Andreas et al. |
2011 |
2011,232 |
2025 |
A novel technique for measuring masses of a pair of semi-invisibly decaying particles |
Harland-Lang, Lucian et al. |
2011 |
2011,233 |
2026 |
An update on distribution amplitudes of the nucleon and its parity partner |
2011 |
2011,234 |
2027 |
Associated production of Z and neutral Higgs bosons at the CERN Large Hadron Collider |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2011 |
2011,239 |
2028 |
Implications of LHC searches for Higgs-portal dark matter |
Djouadi, Abdelhak et al. |
2011 |
2011,240 |
2029 |
Higgs and supersymmetry |
Buchmueller, O. |
2011 |
2011,242 |
2030 |
Interpreting the LHC Higgs search results in the MSSM |
Heinemeyer, Sven et al. |
2011 |
2011,243 |
2031 |
Scheme for generating and transporting THz radiation to the X-ray experimental hall at the European XFEL |
Decking, W. et al. |
2011 |
2011,244 |
2032 |
The strange and light quark contributions to the nucleon mass from lattice QCD |
2011 |
2011,245 |
2033 |
The strangeness contribution to the proton spin from lattice QCD |
2011 |
2011,246 |
2034 |
Enhancement of associated H+-W-+ production in the NMSSM |
Enberg, R. et al. |
2011 |
2011,247 |
2035 |
Measurement of inclusive and dijet D* meson cross sections in photoproduction at HERA |
2011 |
2011,248 |
2036 |
Measurement of the virtual-photon asymmetry A2 and the spin-structure function g2 of the proton |
2011 |
2011,249 |
2037 |
Combining high-scale inflation with low-energy SUSY |
Antusch, S. et al. |
2011 |
2011,250 |
2038 |
NNLL resummation for squark-antisquark production |
Beenakker, W. et al. |
2011 |
2011,254 |
2039 |
Subleading Nc improved parton showers |
Plätzer, Simon et al. |
2011 |
2011,255 |
2040 |
LHC constraints on Yukawa unification in SO(10) |
Badziak, Marcin et al. |
2011 |
2011,256 |
2041 |
Dark matter annihilations into two light fermions and one gauge boson - general analysis and antiproton constraints |
Garny, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,257 |
2042 |
Polarisation at HERA : reanalysis of the HERA II polarimeter data |
Sobloher, B. et al. |
2012 |
2011,259 |
2043 |
Status of the Inert Doublet Model and the role of multileptons at the LHC |
Gustafsson, Michael et al. |
2011 |
2011,261 |
2044 |
Forward jets and energy flow in hadronic collisions |
Deak, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,262 |
2045 |
Leptogenesis from first principles in the resonant regime |
Garny, M. et al. |
2011 |
2011,264 |
2046 |
Searching for light higgsinos with b-jets and missing leptons |
Bobrovskyi, S. et al. |
2011 |
2011,221 |
2047 |
Local causal structures, Hadamard states and the principle of local covariance in quantum field theory |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2010 |
2010,001 |
2048 |
On the initial conditions and solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equations in a cosmological scenario |
Pinamonti, Nicola |
2010 |
2010,002 |
2049 |
Cohomological reduction of sigma models |
2010 |
2010,003 |
2050 |
Scheme for femtosecond-resolution pump-probe experiments at XFELs with two-color ten GW-level X-ray pulses |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,004 |
2051 |
The potential for extending the spectral range accessible to the European XFEL down to 0.05 nm |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,005 |
2052 |
Scheme for simultaneous generation of three-color ten GW-level X-ray pulses from baseline XFEL undulator and multi-user distribution system for XFEL laboratory |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,006 |
2053 |
Higher-order predictions for splitting functions and coefficient functions from physical evolution kernels |
2010 |
2010,007 |
2054 |
Ultrafast X-ray pulse measurement method |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,008 |
2055 |
The top-quark’s running mass |
Moch, S. et al. |
2010 |
2010,009 |
2056 |
Control of the amplification process in baseline XFEL undulator with mechanical SASE switchers |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,010 |
2057 |
Possible operation of the European XFEL with ultra-low emittance beams |
Brinkmann, R. et al. |
2010 |
2010,011 |
2058 |
A recursive approach to the reduction of tensor Feynman integrals |
2010 |
2010,012 |
2059 |
A method for tuning parameters of Monte Carlo generators and its application to the determination of the unintegrated gluon density |
2010 |
2010,013 |
2060 |
Pion in a Box |
2010 |
2010,014 |
2061 |
Light hidden-sector U(1)s in string compactifications |
Goodsell, Mark et al. |
2010 |
2010,015 |
2062 |
The low-energy frontier of particle physics |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2010 |
2010,016 |
2063 |
Diffractive open charm production at DESY HERA : experiment versus two-gluon exchange model |
Baranov, S. P. |
2010 |
2010,017 |
2064 |
Status and prospects for the calculation of hadron structure from lattice QCD |
Renner, Dru B. |
2010 |
2010,019 |
2065 |
Cut-and-join operators and N = 4 super Yang-Mills |
Brown, T. W. |
2010 |
2010,020 |
2066 |
Leading-order determination of the gluon polarization from high-pT hadron electroproduction |
2010 |
2010,021 |
2067 |
Upper Higgs boson mass bounds from a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model |
Gerhold, P. et al. |
2010 |
2010,022 |
2068 |
Errors in measuring transverse and energy jitter by beam position monitors |
Balandin, V. et al. |
2010 |
2010,023 |
2069 |
Inclusive b and b anti-b production with quasi-multi-Regge kinematics at the Tevatron |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,025 |
2070 |
Factorization breaking in high-transverse-momentum charged-hadron production at the Tevatron? |
Albino, S. et al. |
2010 |
2010,026 |
2071 |
Differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions from Feynman diagrams : one-variable case |
2010 |
2010,027 |
2072 |
The [mu]-problem, the NMSSM and string theory |
Ramos-Sánchez, Saúl |
2010 |
2010,028 |
2073 |
Tuning the strange quark mass in lattice simulations |
2010 |
2010,029 |
2074 |
New ALPS results on hidden-sector lightweights |
2010 |
2010,030 |
2075 |
Mueller Navelet jets at LHC – complete next-to-leading BFKL calculation |
2010 |
2010,031 |
2076 |
Construction and commissioning of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter prototype |
2010 |
2010,032 |
2077 |
Scheme for generation of highly monochromatic X-rays from a baseline XFEL undulator |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,033 |
2078 |
Inclusive-jet cross sections in NC DIS at HERA and a comparison of the kT, anti-kT and SIScone jet algorithms |
2010 |
2010,034 |
2079 |
Challenges and opportunities for the next generation of photon regeneration experiments |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2010 |
2010,035 |
2080 |
A light scalar WIMP through the Higgs portal and CoGeNT |
2010 |
2010,036 |
2081 |
Non-perturbative renormalization of quark bilinear operators with Nf = 2 (tmQCD) Wilson fermions and the tree-level improved gauge action |
2010 |
2010,037 |
2082 |
Gravitino dark matter and the ILC |
Covi, L. |
2010 |
2010,038 |
2083 |
Ultra high energy photons as probes of Lorentz symmetry violations in stringy space-time foam models |
Maccione, Luca et al. |
2010 |
2010,039 |
2084 |
Perturbative and nonperturbative renormalization in lattice QCD |
2010 |
2010,040 |
2085 |
The transverse spin structure of the pion at short distances |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2010 |
2010,041 |
2086 |
Higgs production via vector-boson fusion at NNLO in QCD |
2010 |
2010,042 |
2087 |
Diffractive dijet photoproduction in ep collisions at HERA |
2010 |
2010,043 |
2088 |
Dirac gauginos, gauge mediation and unification |
Benakli, K. et al. |
2010 |
2010,044 |
2089 |
Prospects of measuring the CKM matrix element |Vts| at the LHC |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2010 |
2010,045 |
2090 |
Exclusive leptoproduction of real photons on a longitudinally polarised hydrogen target |
2010 |
2010,046 |
2091 |
Measurement of beauty production in DIS and F2bb extraction at ZEUS |
2010 |
2010,047 |
2092 |
Using the longitudinal space charge instability for generation of VUV and X-ray radiation |
Schneidmiller, E. A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,048 |
2093 |
Exploring the nucleon structure from first principles of QCD |
2010 |
2010,050 |
2094 |
Introduction to non-perturbative heavy quark effective theory |
Sommer, R. |
2010 |
2010,051 |
2095 |
A simple method for controlling the line width of SASE X-ray FELs |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,053 |
2096 |
Light hadrons from lattice QCD with light (u, d), strange and charm dynamical quarks |
2010 |
2010,054 |
2097 |
Computing K and D meson masses with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass lattice QCD |
2010 |
2010,055 |
2098 |
Supersymmetric leptogenesis with a light hidden sector |
2010 |
2010,056 |
2099 |
Nucleon, delta and omega excited state spectra in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD |
2010 |
2010,057 |
2100 |
Impact of squark generation mixing on the search for squarks decaying into fermions at LHC |
2010 |
2010,059 |
2101 |
Signatures of bosonic squark decays in non-minimally flavour-violating supersymmetry |
Bruhnke, Matthias et al. |
2010 |
2010,060 |
2102 |
Using HERA data to determine the infrared behaviour of the BFKL amplitude |
2010 |
2010,061 |
2103 |
Revisiting fifth forces in the Galileon model |
Burrage Clare et al. |
2010 |
2010,062 |
2104 |
High frequency impedances in European XFEL |
Dohlus, Martin et al. |
2010 |
2010,063 |
2105 |
Measurement of D + and [Lambda] + C production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2010 |
2010,064 |
2106 |
Measuring the running top-quark mass |
Langenfeld, Ulrich et al. |
2010 |
2010,066 |
2107 |
Calculating multileg one-loop processes : the case of gg rightarrow ttgg |
Diakonidis, Theodoros et al. |
2010 |
2010,067 |
2108 |
Broken R-parity in the sky and at the LHC |
2010 |
2010,068 |
2109 |
Constraints on a very light CP-odd Higgs of the NMSSM and other axion-like particles |
2010 |
2010,069 |
2110 |
Some variations of the reduction of one-loop Feynman tensor integrals |
Fleischer, Jochem et al. |
2010 |
2010,073 |
2111 |
The running coupling of QCD with four flavors |
Tekin, Fatih et al. |
2010 |
2010,075 |
2112 |
Tetraquark-based analysis and predictions of the cross sections and distributions for the processes e + e - [right arrow] [Upsilon](1S)([pi]+[pi] - , K + K - , [eta][pi] 0) near [Upsilon](5S) |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2010 |
2010,076 |
2113 |
News on Ambre and CSectors |
2010 |
2010,077 |
2114 |
Coupled scalar fields in a flat FRW universe : renormalisation |
Baacke, Jürgen et al. |
2010 |
2010,079 |
2115 |
Measurement of charm and beauty jets in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2010 |
2010,083 |
2116 |
A lightweight field cage for a large TPC prototype for the ILC |
2010 |
2010,084 |
2117 |
Deformations of quantum field theories on spacetimes with Killing vector fields |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2010 |
2010,085 |
2118 |
Effects of transversity in deep-inelastic scattering by polarized protons |
2010 |
2010,087 |
2119 |
Suppression factors in diffractive photoproduction of dijets |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2010 |
2010,088 |
2120 |
HATHOR : HAdronic Top and Heavy quarks crOss section calculatoR |
2010 |
2010,091 |
2121 |
QCD analysis of the polarized world data |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2010 |
2010,092 |
2122 |
Momentum reconstruction at the LHC for probing CP-violation in the stop sector |
Moortgat-Pick, G. et al. |
2010 |
2010,094 |
2123 |
Measurement of the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering cross section with a leading proton at HERA |
2010 |
2010,095 |
2124 |
NNLO jet cross sections by subtraction |
Somogyi, G. et al. |
2010 |
2010,096 |
2125 |
Addendum to: implications of the measurements of Bs - Bs- mixing on SUSY models |
Ko, P. et al. |
2010 |
2010,097 |
2126 |
From world-sheet supersymmetry to super target spaces |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2010 |
2010,098 |
2127 |
Predicting supersymmetry |
Heinemeyer, S. et al. |
2010 |
2010,099 |
2128 |
FeynHiggs 2.7 |
2010 |
2010,100 |
2129 |
Reconciling J/[psi] production at HERA, RHIC, Tevatron, and LHC with NRQCD factorization at next-to-leading order |
Butenschön, Mathias et al. |
2010 |
2010,101 |
2130 |
A semi-analytical modelling of multistage bunch compression with collective effects |
Zagorodnov, Igor et al. |
2010 |
2010,102 |
2131 |
Update of the NNLO PDFs in the 3-, 4-, and 5-flavour schemes |
Alekhin, Sergey et al. |
2010 |
2010,103 |
2132 |
Parton distributions for LHC |
Alekhin, S. |
2010 |
2010,104 |
2133 |
Worldsheet four-point functions in AdS3/CFT2 |
Cardona, Carlos A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,105 |
2134 |
The electroweak sector of the NMSSM at the one-loop level |
Staub, Florian et al. |
2010 |
2010,106 |
2135 |
The CCFM Monte Carlo generator CASCADE version 2.2.0 |
2010 |
2010,107 |
2136 |
Scheme for generation of fully-coherent, TW power level hard X-ray pulses from baseline undulators at the European X-ray FEL |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,108 |
2137 |
The O([alpha] 3 s) massive operator matrix elements of O(n f) for the structure function F 2(x,Q 2) and transversity |
2010 |
2010,109 |
2138 |
Proton hexality in local grand unification |
2010 |
2010,111 |
2139 |
Dark energy from quantum matter |
2010 |
2010,113 |
2140 |
Chameleon induced atomic afterglow |
Brax, Philippe et al. |
2010 |
2010,114 |
2141 |
One-loop Yukawa couplings in local models |
Conlon, Joseph P. et al. |
2010 |
2010,115 |
2142 |
Closed flux tubes and their string description in D=3+1 SU(N) gauge theories |
Athenodorou, Andreas et al. |
2010 |
2010,116 |
2143 |
CP-violation in SUSY cascades at the LHC |
Tattersall, Jamie et al. |
2010 |
2010,117 |
2144 |
Threshold-improved predictions for charm production in deep-inelastic scattering |
2010 |
2010,118 |
2145 |
On higher-order flavour-singlet splitting and coefficient functions at large x |
2010 |
2010,121 |
2146 |
Logarithmic O([alpha] 3 s) contributions to the DIS heavy flavor Wilson coefficients at Q 2 >> m 2 |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2010 |
2010,122 |
2147 |
Mandelstam cuts and light-like Wilson loops in N = 4 SUSY |
Lipatov, L. N. et al. |
2010 |
2010,124 |
2148 |
Analytic properties of high energy production amplitudes in N = 4 SUSY |
Lipatov, L. N. |
2010 |
2010,125 |
2149 |
Kaon and D meson masses with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass lattice QCD |
2010 |
2010,127 |
2150 |
Matter and dark matter from false vacuum decay |
Buchmüller, W. et al. |
2010 |
2010,128 |
2151 |
Measurement of high-Q2 charged current deep inelastic scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA |
2010 |
2010,129 |
2152 |
The PLUTO experiment at DORIS (DESY) and the discovery of the gluon (a recollection) |
Stella, Bruno R. et al. |
2010 |
2010,130 |
2153 |
Inverse Compton gamma-rays from Galactic dark matter annihilation : anisotropy signatures |
Zhang, Le et al. |
2010 |
2010,131 |
2154 |
Galileon inflation |
2010 |
2010,132 |
2155 |
Cost-effective way to enhance the capabilities of the LCLS baseline |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,133 |
2156 |
Heavy flavour production at Tevatron and parton shower effects |
2010 |
2010,134 |
2157 |
Anomaly mediation in superstring theory |
Conlon, Joseph P. et al. |
2010 |
2010,135 |
2158 |
Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries associated with deeply virtual Compton scattering on a longitudinally polarized deuterium target |
2010 |
2010,136 |
2159 |
Status of sub-GeV hidden particle searches |
Andreas, Sarah et al. |
2010 |
2010,137 |
2160 |
Improving the discovery potential of future light-shining-through-a-wall experiments |
2010 |
2010,139 |
2161 |
Effects of a potential fourth fermion generation on the upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds |
Gerhold, Philipp et al. |
2010 |
2010,141 |
2162 |
Forward instrumentation for ILC detectors |
2010 |
2010,142 |
2163 |
Supersymmetric mass spectra for gravitino dark matter with a high reheating temperature |
2010 |
2010,143 |
2164 |
Numerical evaluation of tensor Feynman integrals in Euclidean kinematics |
2010 |
2010,144 |
2165 |
A complete algebraic reduction of one-loop tensor Feynman integrals |
Fleischer, J. et al. |
2010 |
2010,145 |
2166 |
Optimizing light-shining-through-a-wall experiments for axion and other WISP searches |
2010 |
2010,147 |
2167 |
On moduli stabilisation and de Sitter vacua in MSSM heterotic orbifolds |
Parameswaran, Susha L. et al. |
2010 |
2010,148 |
2168 |
NLO and parton showers : the POWHEG-BOX |
Alioli, Simone |
2010 |
2010,149 |
2169 |
Critical slowing down and error analysis in lattice QCD simulations |
Schaefer, Stefan et al. |
2010 |
2010,151 |
2170 |
BSM Higgs physics at the LHC in the forward proton mode |
2010 |
2010,152 |
2171 |
Supersymmetric QCD corrections to e+e- rightarrow tbH- and the Bernstein-Tkachov method of loop integration |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,153 |
2172 |
Higgs production via weak boson fusion in the standard model and the MSSM |
Figy, Terrance et al. |
2010 |
2010,154 |
2173 |
Atomic precision tests and light scalar couplings |
Brax, Philippe et al. |
2010 |
2010,156 |
2174 |
Excited hexagon Wilson loops for strongly coupled N = 4 SYM |
Bartels, J. et al. |
2010 |
2010,157 |
2175 |
Approximate KMS states for scalar and spinor fields in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2010 |
2010,160 |
2176 |
Renormalisation of composite operators in lattice QCD : perturbative versus nonperturbative |
2010 |
2010,161 |
2177 |
Supersymmetric leptogenesis and light hidden sectors |
Weniger, Christoph |
2010 |
2010,162 |
2178 |
Impedance scaling for small angle transitions |
Stupakov, G. et al. |
2010 |
2010,163 |
2179 |
Parton distribution uncertainties using smoothness prior |
Glazov, A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,164 |
2180 |
Way to increase the user access at the LCLS baseline |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,165 |
2181 |
Anomalous coupling of scalars to gauge fields |
2010 |
2010,167 |
2182 |
Higher order corrections to Higgs boson decays in the MSSM with complex parameters |
Williams, Karina E. et al. |
2011 |
2010,168 |
2183 |
Inclusive dijet cross sections in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2010 |
2010,170 |
2184 |
The Chiral Magnetic Effect and chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) quenched lattice gauge theory |
2010 |
2010,171 |
2185 |
Determination of the static potential with dynamical fermions |
2011 |
2010,172 |
2186 |
BFKL approach and six-particle MHV amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills |
Lipatov, L. N. et al. |
2010 |
2010,173 |
2187 |
Very high order lattice perturbation theory for Wilson loops |
2010 |
2010,174 |
2188 |
Light shining through walls |
Redondo, Javier et al. |
2010 |
2010,175 |
2189 |
Resonance parameters of the [rho]-meson from lattice QCD |
Feng, Xu et al. |
2011 |
2010,176 |
2190 |
A new moving frame to extract scattering phases in lattice QCD |
Feng, Xu et al. |
2011 |
2010,177 |
2191 |
Measurement of the energy dependence of the total photon-proton cross section at HERA |
2010 |
2010,178 |
2192 |
Higgs boson mass bounds in the presence of a very heavy fourth quark generation |
Gerhold, P. et al. |
2010 |
2010,180 |
2193 |
Search for squarks in R-parity violating supersymmetry in ep collisions at HERA |
2010 |
2010,181 |
2194 |
Effects of a potential fourth fermion generation on the Higgs boson mass bounds |
Gerhold, Philipp et al. |
2010 |
2010,182 |
2195 |
Leading order hadronic contribution to g-2 from twisted mass QCD |
2010 |
2010,183 |
2196 |
NNLO benchmarks for Gauge and Higgs boson production at TeV hadron colliders |
2010 |
2010,184 |
2197 |
A symbolic summation approach to Feynman integral calculus |
2010 |
2010,185 |
2198 |
Pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD |
2010 |
2010,186 |
2199 |
Overlap valence quarks on a twisted mass sea |
2010 |
2010,187 |
2200 |
Low lying baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted quarks |
2010 |
2010,188 |
2201 |
Strange and charmed baryons using Nf=2 twisted mass QCD |
2010 |
2010,189 |
2202 |
Nucleon matrix elements with Nf=2+1+1 maximally twisted fermions |
2011 |
2010,190 |
2203 |
A subtraction scheme for computing QCD jet cross sections at NNLO : integrating the iterated singly-unresolved subtraction terms |
Bolzoni, Paolo et al. |
2011 |
2010,191 |
2204 |
Running of the SF-coupling with four massless flavours |
Sommer, Rainer et al. |
2010 |
2010,192 |
2205 |
Metastable supersymmetry breaking without scales |
Brümmer, Felix |
2011 |
2010,195 |
2206 |
MHV amplitude for 3 rightarrow 3 gluon scattering in Regge limit |
Bartels, J. et al. |
2010 |
2010,197 |
2207 |
CP violation with Higgs-dependent Yukawa couplings |
Lebedev, Oleg |
2011 |
2010,198 |
2208 |
Generation of doublet spectral lines at self-seeded X-ray FELs |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,199 |
2209 |
Simple exercises to flatten your potential |
2011 |
2010,201 |
2210 |
Impact of squark generation mixing on the search for squarks and gluinos at LHC |
2010 |
2010,202 |
2211 |
Hyperon form factors from Nf=2+1 QCD |
2010 |
2010,203 |
2212 |
Nucleon form factors and structure functions from Nf=2 clover fermions |
2011 |
2010,204 |
2213 |
Light hadrons from Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions |
2011 |
2010,205 |
2214 |
Radiative corrections to neutralino annihilation : recent developments |
Herrmann, Björn |
2010 |
2010,206 |
2215 |
Momentum dependence of the topological susceptibility with overlap fermions |
2010 |
2010,207 |
2216 |
Performance of the fast beam conditions monitor BCM1F of CMS in the first running periods of LHC |
2010 |
2010,208 |
2217 |
Autocorrelations in hybrid Monte Carlo simulations |
Schaefer, Stefan et al. |
2010 |
2010,210 |
2218 |
Frequentist analysis of the parameter space of minimal supergravity |
2011 |
2010,211 |
2219 |
Heavy-quark deep-inelastic scattering with a running mass |
Alekhin, S. et al. |
2010 |
2010,212 |
2220 |
Constrained potential method for false vacuum decays |
Park, Jae-hyeon |
2010 |
2010,213 |
2221 |
Metastability bounds on flavour-violating trilinear soft terms in the MSSM |
Park, Jae-hyeon |
2010 |
2010,214 |
2222 |
Jets and QCD |
Ali, A. et al. |
2010 |
2010,215 |
2223 |
Nucleon electromagnetic form factors in twisted mass lattice QCD |
2011 |
2010,216 |
2224 |
BSM Higgs physics in the exclusive forward proton mode at the LHC |
2011 |
2010,217 |
2225 |
Charge symmetry breaking in parton distribution functions from lattice QCD |
2011 |
2010,219 |
2226 |
Gravity waves from the non-renormalizable electroweak vacua phase transition |
Greenwood, Eric et al. |
2010 |
2010,221 |
2227 |
Flavour symmetry breaking and tuning the strange quark mass for 2+1 quark flavours |
2010 |
2010,222 |
2228 |
Dark matter electron anisotropy : a universal upper limit |
Borriello, Enrico et al. |
2010 |
2010,223 |
2229 |
Lorentz invariance violation and chemical composition of ultra high energy cosmic rays |
Saveliev, Andrey et al. |
2011 |
2010,224 |
2230 |
Design and construction of a Cherenkov detector for compton polarimetry at the ILC |
2010 |
2010,225 |
2231 |
Riemann-Hilbert approach to the time-dependent generalized sine kernel |
Kozlowski, K. K. |
2010 |
2010,227 |
2232 |
Measurement of the inclusive e+-p scattering cross section at high inelasticity y and of the structure function FL |
2010 |
2010,228 |
2233 |
Ratios of helicity amplitudes for exclusive [rho] 0 electroproduction |
2011 |
2010,229 |
2234 |
Large-distance and long-time asymptotic behavior of the reduced density matrix in the non-linear Schrödinger model |
Kozlowski, K. K. |
2010 |
2010,230 |
2235 |
Magnetic-field-induced insulator-conductor transition in quenched lattice gauge theory |
2010 |
2010,231 |
2236 |
Holographic dual of a boost-invariant plasma with chemical potential |
Kalaydzhyan, Tigran et al. |
2011 |
2010,232 |
2237 |
Jet pair production in POWHEG |
2010 |
2010,233 |
2238 |
Charged Higgs production via vector-boson fusion at NNLO in QCD |
2010 |
2010,235 |
2239 |
Tools for charged Higgs bosons |
Stål, Oscar |
2010 |
2010,236 |
2240 |
Hunting dark matter gamma-ray lines with the Fermi LAT |
Vertongen, Gilles et al. |
2011 |
2010,237 |
2241 |
On the [sigma]([chi]c1)/[sigma]([chi]c2) ratio in the k t-factorization approach |
Baranov, S. P. |
2010 |
2010,238 |
2242 |
Self-seeded operation of the LCLS hard X-ray FEL in the long-bunch mode |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,239 |
2243 |
Continuum limit of overlap valence quarks on a twisted mass sea |
Cichy, Krzysztof et al. |
2010 |
2010,240 |
2244 |
Electromagnetic response of a highly granular hadronic calorimeter |
2010 |
2010,241 |
2245 |
Impact of polarized e- and e+ beams at a future linear collider and a Z-factory: Fundamentals in polarization and electroweak precision physics ; Part 1 |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid |
2010 |
2010,242 |
2246 |
Impact of polarized e- and e+ beams at a future linear collider and a Z-factory: Physics beyond the standard model ; Part 2 |
Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid |
2010 |
2010,243 |
2247 |
QCD analysis of the polarized deep-inelastic world data |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2010 |
2010,244 |
2248 |
Nf=2+1+1 flavours of twisted mass quarks : cut-off effects at tree-level of perturbation theory |
Luschevskaya, E. V. et al. |
2011 |
2010,245 |
2249 |
Light Higgs bosons in phenomenological NMSSM |
2010 |
2010,246 |
2250 |
Study of tau-pair production at HERA |
2011 |
2010,250 |
2251 |
Circular polarization control for the LCLS baseline in the soft X-ray regime |
Geloni, Gianluca et al. |
2010 |
2010,252 |
2252 |
Correlation functions of one-dimensional bosons at low temperature |
Kozlowski, K. K. et al. |
2010 |
2010,254 |
2253 |
Top, GigaZ, MegaW |
Heinemeyer, Sven et al. |
2010 |
2010,112 |
2254 |
Multiple interactions and generalized parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus |
2010 |
2010,120 |
2255 |
Precision calculation of processes used for luminosity measurement at the ZEUS experiment |
Haas, T. et al. |
2011 |
2010,150 |
2256 |
Forward-central jet correlations at the Large Hadron Collider |
Deak, M. et al. |
2010 |
2010,179 |
2257 |
Quantum leptogenesis I |
Anisimov, A. et al. |
2011 |
2010,218 |
2258 |
Prospects for the direct detection of the cosmic neutrino background |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2009 |
2009,001 |
2259 |
Determining the closed forms of the O(alpha3s) anomalous dimensions and Wilson coefficients from Mellin moments by means of computer algebra |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2009 |
2009,002 |
2260 |
The multiple zeta value data mine |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2009 |
2009,003 |
2261 |
A precision measurement of the inclusive ep scattering cross section at HERA |
2009 |
2009,005 |
2262 |
Supersymmetric solutions for non-relativistic holography |
Donos, Aristomenis et al. |
2009 |
2009,006 |
2263 |
Angular distributions of leptons from J/psi's produced in 920 GeV fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions |
2009 |
2009,007 |
2264 |
Open charm hadroproduction and the charm content of the proton |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,008 |
2265 |
General perturbations for braneworld compactifications and the six dimensional case |
Parameswaran, S. L. et al. |
2009 |
2009,009 |
2266 |
Combining triggers in HEP data analysis |
Lendermann, Victor et al. |
2009 |
2009,010 |
2267 |
Possible resolution of the B [right arrow] - pipi, piK puzzles |
Li, Hsiang-nan et al. |
2009 |
2009,013 |
2268 |
Axinos as dark matter particles |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2009 |
2009,017 |
2269 |
Integrability for the full spectrum of planar AdS/CFT |
Gromov, Nikolaj et al. |
2009 |
2009,018 |
2270 |
The integrable structure of nonrational conformal field theory |
Bycko, Andrej G. et al. |
2009 |
2009,019 |
2271 |
Integrability of scattering amplitudes in N |
Lipatov, L. N. |
2009 |
2009,020 |
2272 |
Accions |
Choi, K.-S. et al. |
2009 |
2009,021 |
2273 |
Active galactic nuclei shed light on axion-like-particles |
Burrage, Clare et al. |
2009 |
2009,023 |
2274 |
Search for gauge extensions of the MSSM at the LHC |
Ali, A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,024 |
2275 |
Electroproduction of the N*(1535) resonance at large momentum transfer |
Braun, V. M. |
2009 |
2009,25 |
2276 |
Light moduli in almost no-scale models |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2009 |
2009,026 |
2277 |
R-parity violating right-handed neutrino in gravitino dark matter scenario |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2009 |
2009,027 |
2278 |
Polarimeters and energy spectrometers for the ILC beam delivery system |
Boogert, Stewart |
2009 |
2009,028 |
2279 |
Semileptonic form factors D [right arrow] pi, K and B [right arrow] pi, K from a fine lattice |
2009 |
2009,029 |
2280 |
Gluino polarization at the LHC |
Krämer, Michael et al. |
2009 |
2009,030 |
2281 |
Euclidean Epstein-Glaser renormalization |
Keller, Kai J. |
2009 |
2009,031 |
2282 |
Jet production in ep collisions at high Q2 and determination of alpha s |
2009 |
2009,032 |
2283 |
Comment on "gauge invariance and kT-factorization of exclusive processes" |
Li, Hsiang-nan et al. |
2009 |
2009,035 |
2284 |
Exclusive photoproduction of [Ypsilon] mesons at HERA |
2009 |
2009,036 |
2285 |
Hidden laser communications through matter : an application of meV-scale hidden photons |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2009 |
2009,037 |
2286 |
Cosmic rays from leptophilic dark matter decay via kinetic mixing |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2009 |
2009,039 |
2287 |
Search for excited quarks in ep collisions at HERA |
2009 |
2009,040 |
2288 |
Exact spectrum of anomalous dimensions of planar N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory : TBA and excited states |
Gromov, Nikolaj et al. |
2009 |
2009,041 |
2289 |
Beam polarization at the ILC : the physics impact and the accelerator solutions |
Aurand, Bastian |
2009 |
2009,042 |
2290 |
Saturation and linear transport equation |
Kutak, K. |
2009 |
2009,043 |
2291 |
Touching on the gluon polarization in the Durham Pomeron |
Baranov, Sergej P. |
2009 |
2009,045 |
2292 |
Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at HERA |
2009 |
2009,046 |
2293 |
Medium-modified DGLAP evolution of fragmentation functions from large to small x |
Albino, S. et al. |
2009 |
2009,047 |
2294 |
Distinguishing spins in decay chains with photons at the large hadron collider |
Ehrenfeld, Wolfgang et al. |
2009 |
2009,048 |
2295 |
Search for single top quark production at HERA |
2009 |
2009,050 |
2296 |
Relevance of the quark component in prompt photon and electroweak gauge boson production at high energies |
Baranov, Sergej P. et al. |
2009 |
2009,051 |
2297 |
Automated generation of lattice QCD Feynman rules |
Hart, A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,052 |
2298 |
Functional equations for one-loop master integrals for heavy-quark production and Bhabha scattering |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,054 |
2299 |
Probing gravitino dark matter with PAMELA and Fermi |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2009 |
2009,055 |
2300 |
Measurement of charm and beauty production in deep inelastic ep scattering from decays into muons at HERA |
2009 |
2009,056 |
2301 |
Resonant laser power build-up in ALPS : a "light-shining-through-walls" experiment |
Ehret, Klaus |
2009 |
2009,058 |
2302 |
Scaled momentum distributions of charged particles in dijet photoproductions at HERA |
2009 |
2009,59 |
2303 |
Undulator-based production of polarized positrons |
Alexander, G. et al. |
2009 |
2009,061 |
2304 |
Gravitino dark matter and general neutralino NLSP |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2009 |
2009,062 |
2305 |
Solutions of type IIB and D=11 supergravity with Schrödinger(z) symmetry |
Donos, Aristomenis et al. |
2009 |
2009,067 |
2306 |
Method for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of ultrashort relativistic electron bunches |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2009 |
2009,069 |
2307 |
Heavy-quark pair production in polarized photon-photon collisions at next-to-leading order : fully integrated total cross sections |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,070 |
2308 |
Constraining resonant photon-axion conversions in the early universe |
Mirizzi, Alessandro et al. |
2009 |
2009,071 |
2309 |
Multi-lepton production at high transverse momentum at HERA |
2009 |
2009,072 |
2310 |
tmLQCD - a program suite to simulate Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD |
Jansen, Karl et al. |
2009 |
2009,73 |
2311 |
Medium-modified average multiplicity and multiplicity fluctuations in jets |
Pérez-Ramos, Redamy |
2009 |
2009,074 |
2312 |
Gravitino dark matter in gravity mediation |
Kersten, Jörn et al. |
2009 |
2009,076 |
2313 |
Measurement of J/[psi] helicity distributions in inelastic photoproduction at HERA |
2009 |
2009,077 |
2314 |
Soft gluon resummation for the production of gluino-gluino and squark-antisquark pairs at the LHC |
Kulesza, Anna et al. |
2009 |
2009,078 |
2315 |
Galactic signatures of decaying dark matter |
Zhang, Le et al. |
2009 |
2009,079 |
2316 |
Searching for axion-like-particles in the sky |
Burrage, C. |
2009 |
2009,080 |
2317 |
Anatomy of the pQCD approach to the baryonic decays [Lambda]b [right arrow] p[pi], pK |
Lü, Cai-Dian et al. |
2009 |
2009,081 |
2318 |
Transverse momentum broadening of hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering on nuclei |
2009 |
2009,082 |
2319 |
Decaying dark matter in light of the PAMELA and fermi LAT data |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2009 |
2009,083 |
2320 |
Observation of the hadronic final state charge asymmetry in high Q2 deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2009,084 |
2321 |
Heavy flavours - working group summary |
Ali, A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,085 |
2322 |
Small-x behavior of the structure function F2 and its slope [delta] ln F2/[delta] ln(1/x) for "frozen" and analytic strong-coupling constants |
Cveti?, Gorazd et al. |
2009 |
2009,086 |
2323 |
International large detector : letter of intent |
2010 |
2009,087 |
2324 |
Observation of the naive-T-odd Sivers effect in deep-inelastic scattering |
2009 |
2009,089 |
2325 |
On staggered indecomposable Virasoro modules |
Kytölä, Kalle et al. |
2010 |
2009,090 |
2326 |
Associated production of Higgs boson and heavy quarks at the LHC : predictions with the kt-factorization |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2009 |
2009,091 |
2327 |
Diffractive electroproduction of p and ph mesons at HERA |
2009 |
2009,093 |
2328 |
Exclusive p0 electroproduction on transversely polarized protons |
2009 |
2009,094 |
2329 |
Measurement of the charm and beauty structure functions using the H1 vertex detector at HERA |
2009 |
2009,096 |
2330 |
Review of high energy diffraction in real and virtual photon proton scattering at HERA |
Wolf, Günter |
2009 |
2009,098 |
2331 |
Chargino and neutralino separation with the ILD experiment |
Suehara, T. et al. |
2009 |
2009,099 |
2332 |
Pion transition form factor in kT factorization |
Li, Hsiang-nan et al. |
2009 |
2009,100 |
2333 |
Rigorous construction and Hadamard property of the Unruh state in Schwarzschild spacetime |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2009 |
2009,105 |
2334 |
Single-spin azimuthal asymmetry in exclusive electroproduction of [pi]+ mesons on transversely polarized protons |
2009 |
2009,106 |
2335 |
Schrödinger invariant solutions of type IIB with enhanced supersymmetry |
Donos, Aristomenis et al. |
2009 |
2009,107 |
2336 |
Multi-leptons with high transverse momentum at HERA |
2009 |
2009,108 |
2337 |
Deeply virtual Compton scattering and its beam charge asymmetry in e+-p collisions at HERA |
2009 |
2009,109 |
2338 |
Constraining SUSY models with Fittino using measurements before, with and beyond the LHC |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2009 |
2009,110 |
2339 |
N=2 superconformal symmetry in super coset models |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2010 |
2009,111 |
2340 |
Analysis of coherence properties of 3-rd generation synchrotron sources and free-electron lasers |
Vartanyants, Ivan A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,114 |
2341 |
Radiatively corrected lepton energy distributions in top quark decays t [right arrow] bW+ [right arrow] b(l+nyl) and t [right arrow] bH+ [right arrow] b(t+nyt) and single charged prong energy distributions from subsequent t+ decays |
Ali, A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,115 |
2342 |
On inflation in the presence of a gaugino condensate |
Lebedev, Oleg et al. |
2009 |
2009,116 |
2343 |
Search for a two-photon exchange contribution to inclusive deep-inelastic scattering |
2009 |
2009,117 |
2344 |
Regge limit of R-current correlators in AdS supergravity |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2009 |
2009,118 |
2345 |
Forward jet production at the Large Hadron Collider |
Deak, M. et al. |
2009 |
2009,119 |
2346 |
The sigma model on complex projective superspaces |
Candu, Constantin et al. |
2009 |
2009,120 |
2347 |
Feasibility, engineering aspects and physics reach of microwave cavity experiments searching for hidden photons and axions |
Caspers, Fritz et al. |
2009 |
2009,121 |
2348 |
Naturally light hidden photons in LARGE volume string compactifications |
Goodsell, Mark D. et al. |
2009 |
2009,123 |
2349 |
Prospects for the study of the t[Tilde]-system in SPS1a' at the ILC |
Bechtle, Philip et al. |
2009 |
2009,124 |
2350 |
Dynamics of moduli and gaugino condensates in an expanding universe |
Papineau, Chloé et al. |
2010 |
2009,126 |
2351 |
Twist expansion of the nucleon structure functions, F2 and FL, in the DGLAP improved saturation model |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2009 |
2009,127 |
2352 |
Diffraction and vector mesons working group summary |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2009 |
2009,128 |
2353 |
Survival probability for diffractive dijet production in pp[overbar] collisions from next-to-leading order calculations |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2009 |
2009,130 |
2354 |
Late time CMB anisotropies constrain mini-charged particles |
Burrage, Clare et al. |
2009 |
2009,132 |
2355 |
Detecting gamma-ray anisotropies from decaying dark matter : prospects for Fermi LAT |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2009 |
2009,134 |
2356 |
Prompt photons in photoproduction at HERA |
2010 |
2009,135 |
2357 |
Orthopositronium lifetime at O(alpha) and O(alpha3lnalpha) in closed form |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,136 |
2358 |
Measurement of J/psi photoproduction at large momentum transfer at HERA |
2009 |
2009,137 |
2359 |
Measurement of dijet photoproduction for events with a leading neutron at HERA |
2009 |
2009,139 |
2360 |
Events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum and measurement of W production at HERA |
2009 |
2009,140 |
2361 |
Measurement of isolated photon production in deep inelastic ep scattering |
2010 |
2009,142 |
2362 |
Separation of contributions from deeply virtual Compton scattering and its interference with the Bethe-Heitler process in measurements on a hydrogen target |
2009 |
2009,143 |
2363 |
Complete next-to-leading-order corrections to J/psi photoproduction in nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2009 |
2009,144 |
2364 |
The J/psi way to nuclear structure |
Caldwell, Allen et al. |
2009 |
2009,145 |
2365 |
Local grand unification and string theory |
Nilles, Hans-Peter et al. |
2009 |
2009,147 |
2366 |
Unified interpretation of cosmic-ray nuclei and antiproton recent measurements |
Di Bernardo, Giuseppe et al. |
2009 |
2009,148 |
2367 |
Lorentz violation - motivation and new constraints |
Liberati, Stefano et al. |
2009 |
2009,149 |
2368 |
Planck-scale Lorentz violation constrained by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays |
Maccione, Luca et al. |
2009 |
2009,150 |
2369 |
A combined interpretation of cosmic ray nuclei and antiproton high energy measurements |
Evoli, Carmelo et al. |
2009 |
2009,151 |
2370 |
Probing the finite temperature phase transition with Nf = 2 nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions |
2009 |
2009,157 |
2371 |
Combined measurement and QCD analysis of the inclusive e±p scattering cross sections at HERA |
2010 |
2009,158 |
2372 |
Initial time singularities and admissible initial states for a system of coupled scalar fields |
Baacke, Jürgen et al. |
2009 |
2009,161 |
2373 |
Jet production in ep collisions at low Q2 and determination of [alpha]s |
2010 |
2009,162 |
2374 |
Higgs production as a probe of dark energy interactions |
Brax, Philippe et al. |
2009 |
2009,163 |
2375 |
Neutrino signals from dark matter decay |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2009 |
2009,164 |
2376 |
Measurement of the D*± meson production cross section and Fcc[overbar]2 at high Q2 in ep scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2009,165 |
2377 |
A non-perturbative operator product expansion |
Bietenholz, Wolfgang |
2009 |
2009,166 |
2378 |
Wilson loops in very high order lattice perturbation theory |
Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael et al. |
2009 |
2009,167 |
2379 |
Possible cosmogenic neutrino constraints on Planck-scale Lorentz violation |
Mattingly, David M. et al. |
2010 |
2009,168 |
2380 |
Gauge theory loop operators and Liouville theory |
Drukker, Nadav et al. |
2009 |
2009,169 |
2381 |
The Sine-Gordon model revisited 1 |
Niccoli, Giuliano et al. |
2010 |
2009,170 |
2382 |
Results from 2+1 flavours of SLiNC fermions |
2009 |
2009,172 |
2383 |
Lattice investigations of nucleon structure at light quark masses |
2009 |
2009,196 |
2384 |
Gravitino dark matter |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2009 |
2009,181 |
2385 |
Dark matter decay and cosmic rays |
Weniger, Christoph |
2009 |
2009,183 |
2386 |
Simulations of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory |
Demmouche, Kamel et al. |
2009 |
2009,184 |
2387 |
Measurement of leading neutron production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2009,185 |
2388 |
Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries associated with deeply virtual Compton scattering on an unpolarized deuterium target |
2009 |
2009,189 |
2389 |
Nuclear-mass dependence of azimuthal beam-helicity and beam-charge asymmetries in deeply virtual Compton scattering |
2009 |
2009,190 |
2390 |
A QCD analysis of ZEUS diffractive data |
2009 |
2009,191 |
2391 |
A case for hidden bb[overbar] tetraquarks based on e+e- [right arrow] bb[overbar] cross section between [square root]s = 10.54 and 11.20 GeV |
Ali, A. et al. |
2010 |
2009,192 |
2392 |
Neutrino signature of Inert Doublet dark matter |
Andreas, Sarah |
2009 |
2009,193 |
2393 |
High energy behavior of a six-point R-current correlator in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2009 |
2009,200 |
2394 |
On the transverse momentum in Z-boson production in a virtuality ordered parton shower |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2009 |
2009,201 |
2395 |
Symanzik improvement of lattice QCD with four flavours of Wilson quarks |
2009 |
2009,203 |
2396 |
Two-photon annihilation into octet meson pairs - symmetry relations in the handbag approach |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2009 |
2009,204 |
2397 |
Global analysis of general SU(2) x SU(2) x U(1) models with precision data |
Hsieh, Ken et al. |
2010 |
2009,205 |
2398 |
Non-hermitian spin chains with inhomogeneous coupling |
Bycko, Andrej G. |
2009 |
2009,206 |
2399 |
Predictions for mt and Mw in minimal supersymmetric models |
Buchmueller, O. |
2009 |
2009,207 |
2400 |
Quark structure from the lattice operator product expansion |
2009 |
2009,208 |
2401 |
Y-system and quasi-classical strings |
Gromov, Nikolaj |
2009 |
2009,209 |
2402 |
Exact AdS/CFT spectrum : Konishi dimension at any coupling |
Gromov, Nikolaj et al. |
2010 |
2009,210 |
2403 |
Diphoton production at Tevatron in the quasi-multi-Regge-kinematics approach |
Saleev, V. A. |
2009 |
2009,212 |
2404 |
The NMSSM and string theory |
Lebedev, Oleg et al. |
2009 |
2009,213 |
2405 |
Real emission and virtual exchange of gravitons and unparticles in Pythia8 |
Ask, S. et al. |
2009 |
2009,214 |
2406 |
Searching for axion-like particles with active-galactic nuclei |
Burrage, Clare et al. |
2009 |
2009,215 |
2407 |
On the relation between hybrid and pure spinor string theory |
Gerigk, Sebastian et al. |
2009 |
2009,216 |
2408 |
R-current six-point correlators in AdS5 supergravity |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2010 |
2009,217 |
2409 |
Analytic result for the one-loop scalar pentagon integral with massless propagators |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2010 |
2009,218 |
2410 |
On the unitary transformation between non-quasifree and quasifree state spaces and its application to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes |
Gottschalk, Hanno et al. |
2009 |
2009,219 |
2411 |
Constraining decaying dark matter with Fermi LAT gamma-rays |
Zhang, Le et al. |
2010 |
2009,220 |
2412 |
Intense gamma-ray lines from hidden vector dark matter decay |
Arina, Chiara et al. |
2010 |
2009,221 |
2413 |
A tetraquark interpretation of the BELLE data on the anomalous y(1S)pi+pi- and y(2S)pi+pi- production near the y(5S) resonance |
Ali, A. et al. |
2009 |
2009,222 |
2414 |
Leptogenesis from quantum interference in a thermal bath |
Anisimov, Aleksej Pavlovic et al. |
2010 |
2009,223 |
2415 |
Statistical and coherence properties of radiation from X-ray free electron lasers |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2009 |
2009,224 |
2416 |
Inelastic production of J/psi mesons in photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2010 |
2009,225 |
2417 |
Reconstruction of Baxter Q-operator from Sklyanin SOV for cyclic representations of integrable quantum models |
Niccoli, G. |
2010 |
2009,227 |
2418 |
Light hidden U(1)s from string theory |
Goodsell, Mark D. |
2009 |
2009,228 |
2419 |
Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2009,229 |
2420 |
The extended algebra of observables for dirac fields and the trace anomaly of their stress-energy tensor |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2009 |
2009,049 |
2421 |
Pole mass, width, and propagators of unstable fermions |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,001 |
2422 |
Heavy-quark contributions to the ratio FL/F2 at low x |
Illarionov, Alexey Yu. et al. |
2008 |
2008,002 |
2423 |
Successfully combining SUGRA hybrid inflation and moduli stabilisation |
Davis, Stephen C. et al. |
2008 |
2008,003 |
2424 |
SUGRA chaotic inflation and moduli stabilisation |
Davis, Stephen C. et al. |
2008 |
2008,004 |
2425 |
Rigid supersymmetry with boundaries |
Belyaev, Dmitry V. et al. |
2008 |
2008,005 |
2426 |
Stable cosmological models driven by a free quantum scalar field |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2008 |
2008,006 |
2427 |
A new treatment of mixed virtual and real IR-singularities |
Gluza, Janusz et al. |
2008 |
2008,007 |
2428 |
Next-to-next-to-leading order O([alpha]4s) results for heavy quark pair production in quark-antiquark collisions: the one-loop squared contributions |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
2008 |
2008,008 |
2429 |
A search for excited neutrinos in e-p collisions at HERA |
2008 |
2008,009 |
2430 |
Dominant two-loop electroweak corrections to the hadroproduction of a pseudoscalar Higgs boson and its photonic decay |
Brod, Joachim et al. |
2008 |
2008,010 |
2431 |
Deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering at Q2 values from 25 to 320 GeV2 with the ZEUS forward plug calorimeter |
2008 |
2008,011 |
2432 |
Finite temperature behaviour of the ISS-uplifted KKLT model |
Papineau, Chloé |
2008 |
2008,012 |
2433 |
Small extra dimensions from the interplay of gauge and supersymmetry breaking |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2008 |
2008,013 |
2434 |
Twisted mass, overlap and Creutz fermions: cut-off effects at tree-level of perturbation theory |
Cichy, Krzysztof et al. |
2008 |
2008,014 |
2435 |
BFKL Pomeron, Reggeized gluons and Bern-Dixon-Smirnov amplitudes |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2009 |
2008,015 |
2436 |
Inclusive 1-jet production cross section at small x in QCD: multiple interactions |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2008 |
2008,016 |
2437 |
QCD-instantons and conformal space-time inversion symmetry |
Klammer, D. et al. |
2008 |
2008,017 |
2438 |
Constraints on the rare tau decays from [my] [right arrow] e[gamma] in the supersymmetric see-saw model |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2008 |
2008,018 |
2439 |
Hard QCD at hadron colliders |
Moch, Sven-Olaf |
2008 |
2008,019 |
2440 |
Non-thermal fixed points: effective weak-coupling for strongly correlated systems far from equilibrium |
Berges, Jürgen et al. |
2008 |
2008,020 |
2441 |
Ghost contributions to charmonium production in polarized high-energy collisions |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2008 |
2008,021 |
2442 |
Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarks : simulation and analysis details |
2008 |
2008,022 |
2443 |
Matches and mismatches in the descriptions of semi-inclusive processes at low and high transverse momentum |
Bacchetta, Alessandro et al. |
2008 |
2008,023 |
2444 |
Multi-jet cross sections in charged current e+-p scattering at HERA |
2008 |
2008,024 |
2445 |
Observation of polarized positrons from an undulator-based source |
Alexander, G. |
2008 |
2008,025 |
2446 |
Kinetic mixing of the photon with hidden U(1)s in string phenomenology |
Abel, Steven A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,026 |
2447 |
Theoretical status and prospects for top-quarks pair production at hadron colliders |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2008 |
2008,027 |
2448 |
Evidence for the discrete asymptotically-free BFKL Pomeron from HERA data |
Ellis, John et al. |
2008 |
2008,028 |
2449 |
Two-loop massive operator matrix elements for unpolarized heavy flavor production to O(e) |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2008 |
2008,029 |
2450 |
Squark cascade decays to charginos/neutralinos: gluon radiation |
Horsky, R. et al. |
2008 |
2008,030 |
2451 |
Evidence for a transverse single-spin asymmetry in leptoproduction of [pi]+[pi]- pairs |
2008 |
2008,031 |
2452 |
Light baryon masses with dynamical twisted mass fermions |
Alexandrou, Constantia |
2008 |
2008,032 |
2453 |
Inflation with non-minimal coupling: metric vs. Palatini formulations |
Bauer, Florian et al. |
2008 |
2008,033 |
2454 |
Perturbative determination of csw for plaquette and Symanzik gauge action and stout link clover fermions |
Horsley, R. et al. |
2008 |
2008,034 |
2455 |
The number density of a charged relic |
Berger, Carola F. et al. |
2008 |
2008,035 |
2456 |
Energy dependence of the charged multiplicity in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2008 |
2008,036 |
2457 |
Two-loop electroweak fermionic corrections to sin2[theta]bbeff |
Awramik, M. et al. |
2009 |
2008,037 |
2458 |
de Sitter vacua in no-scale supergravities and Calabi-Yau string models |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2008 |
2008,038 |
2459 |
Nucleon distribution amplitudes from lattice QCD |
Göckeler, Meinulf et al. |
2008 |
2008,039 |
2460 |
Information resources in high-energy physics : surveying the present landscape and charting the future course |
Gentil-Beccot, Anne et al. |
2008 |
2008,040 |
2461 |
Boundary correlators in supergroup WZNW models |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2008 |
2008,042 |
2462 |
Scaling test of two-flavor O([alpha])-improved lattice QCD |
Della Morte, Michele et al. |
2008 |
2008,043 |
2463 |
Four point function of R-currents in N = 4 SYM in the Regge limit at weak coupling |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2008 |
2008,044 |
2464 |
Signatures of a hidden cosmic microwave background |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2008 |
2008,045 |
2465 |
On search for eV hidden sector photons in Super-Kamiokande and CAST experiments |
Gninenko, Sergej N. et al. |
2008 |
2008,046 |
2466 |
Study of micro pixel photon counter for the application to positron emission tomography |
D'Ascenzo, N. et al. |
2008 |
2008,047 |
2467 |
Antimatter signatures of gravitino dark matter decay |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2008 |
2008,048 |
2468 |
Racetrack inflation and cosmic strings |
Brax, Ph. et al. |
2008 |
2008,049 |
2469 |
Low-scale gaugino mass unification |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2008 |
2008,050 |
2470 |
Lepton-flavour violation in the light of leptogenesis and muon g - 2 |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2008 |
2008,051 |
2471 |
Search for excited electrons in ep collisions at HERA |
2008 |
2008,052 |
2472 |
Measurement of the proton structure function FL(x,Q2) at low x |
2008 |
2008,053 |
2473 |
Innovation in scholarly communication : vision and projects from high-energy physics |
Heuer, Rolf-Dieter et al. |
2008 |
2008,054 |
2474 |
Froggatt-Nielsen hierarchy and the neutrino mass matrix |
Kamikado, Hiroshi et al. |
2008 |
2008,055 |
2475 |
Beauty photoproduction using decays into electrons at HERA |
2008 |
2008,056 |
2476 |
Angular correlations in multi-jet final states from k -dependent parton showers |
Hautmann, F. et al. |
2008 |
2008,057 |
2477 |
AKK update: improvements from new theoretical input and experimental data |
Albino, Simon et al. |
2008 |
2008,058 |
2478 |
Constraints on modular inflation in supergravity and string theory |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2008 |
2008,059 |
2479 |
Signals of doubly-charged Higgsinos at the CERN large hadron collider |
Demir, Durmus A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,060 |
2480 |
The low energy frontier: probes with photons |
Redondo, Javier |
2008 |
2008,061 |
2481 |
The FZZ-duality conjecture - a proof |
Hikida, Yasuaki et al. |
2008 |
2008,062 |
2482 |
Z and W+- production associated with quark-antiquark pair in kT-factorization at the LHC |
Deak, M. et al. |
2008 |
2008,063 |
2483 |
Multi-lepton production at high transverse momenta in ep collisions at HERA |
2008 |
2008,065 |
2484 |
Inclusive K0SK0S resonance production in ep collisions at HERA |
2008 |
2008,068 |
2485 |
Searching hidden-sector photons inside a superconducting box |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2008 |
2008,069 |
2486 |
Conformal generally covariant quantum field theory: the scalar field and its Wick products |
Pinamonti, Nicola |
2009 |
2008,070 |
2487 |
Two-loop electroweak corrections to the A0[gamma][gamma] and A0gg couplings of the CP-Odd Higgs boson |
Brod, Joachim et al. |
2008 |
2008,071 |
2488 |
N = 4 supersymmetric Yang Mills scattering amplitudes at high energies : the Regge cut contribution |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2009 |
2008,073 |
2489 |
Review of factorization breaking in diffractive photoproduction of dijets |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2008 |
2008,074 |
2490 |
Higgs versus matter in the heterotic landscape |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2008 |
2008,075 |
2491 |
Squarks and gluinos at a Te V e+e- collider : testing the identity of Yukawa and gauge couplings in SUSY-QCD |
Brandenburg, A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,076 |
2492 |
Measurement of diffractive scattering of photons with large momentum transfer at HERA |
2009 |
2008,077 |
2493 |
Study of charm fragmentation into D*+- mesons in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2008 |
2008,080 |
2494 |
On the perturbative stability of the QCD predictions for the ratio R = FL/FT in heavy-quark leptoproduction |
Ivanov, N. Ya. et al. |
2008 |
2008,081 |
2495 |
Orthopositronium lifetime: analytic results on O([alpha]) and O([alpha]3ln[alpha]) |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,085 |
2496 |
Search for events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum and a measurement of W production at HERA |
2009 |
2008,089 |
2497 |
Towards all-order Laurent expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions around rational values of parameters |
Kalmykov, Mikhail Yu. et al. |
2008 |
2008,090 |
2498 |
Production of excited charm and charm-strange mesons at HERA |
2009 |
2008,093 |
2499 |
Production of the charmonium states Xc1 and Xc2 in proton nucleus interactions at [square root]s = 41.6 GeV |
2008 |
2008,094 |
2500 |
Strangeness production at low Q2 in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2008,095 |
2501 |
Threshold resummation for squark-antisquark and gluino-pair production at the LHC |
Kulesza, Anna et al. |
2008 |
2008,096 |
2502 |
Enhanced symmetries of orbifolds from moduli stabilization |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2008 |
2008,098 |
2503 |
Executive summary of the Workshop on Polarisation and Beam Energy Measurement at the ILC |
2008 |
2008,099 |
2504 |
Angular correlations in three-jet events in ep collisions at HERA |
2008 |
2008,100 |
2505 |
Deeply virtual Compton scattering on a virtual pion target |
Amrath, D. et al. |
2008 |
2008,103 |
2506 |
AdS solutions through transgression |
Donos, Aristomenis et al. |
2008 |
2008,104 |
2507 |
Probing hidden sector photons through the Higgs window |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2008 |
2008,105 |
2508 |
On the advancements of conformal transformations and their associated symmetries in geometry and theoretical physics |
Kastrup, H. A. |
2008 |
2008,107 |
2509 |
Inclusive D*-meson production in ep scattering at low Q2 in the GM-VFN scheme at NLO |
Kramer, Gustav et al. |
2009 |
2008,109 |
2510 |
Diffraction and forward physics: from HERA to LHC |
Diehl, Markus |
2008 |
2008,110 |
2511 |
Some news about generalised parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus |
2008 |
2008,111 |
2512 |
Testing the Majorana nature of gluinos and neutralinos |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2008 |
2008,113 |
2513 |
Theoretical constraints on the rare tau decays in the MSSM |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2008 |
2008,114 |
2514 |
Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD |
Jansen, Karl et al. |
2008 |
2008,115 |
2515 |
Theory of edge radiation |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2008 |
2008,118 |
2516 |
Unstable gravitino dark matter and neutrino flux |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2009 |
2008,122 |
2517 |
Principal chiral model on superspheres |
Mitev, V. et al. |
2008 |
2008,123 |
2518 |
Nonequilibrium dynamics of scalar fields in a thermal bath |
Anisimov, A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,124 |
2519 |
What HERA may provide? |
Jung, H. |
2008 |
2008,125 |
2520 |
Clover improvement for stout-smeared 2+1 flavour SLiNC fermions: perturbative results |
Horsley, R. et al. |
2008 |
2008,126 |
2521 |
Superparticle mass window from leptogenesis and decaying gravitino dark matter |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2008 |
2008,127 |
2522 |
Hidden gauginos of an unbroken U(1) : cosmological constraints and phenomenological prospects |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2008 |
2008,128 |
2523 |
Measurement of beauty production from dimuon events at HERA |
2008 |
2008,129 |
2524 |
Bounds on very weakly interacting sub-eV particles (WISPs) from cosmology and astrophysics |
Redondo, Javier |
2008 |
2008,130 |
2525 |
Heavy-quark pair production in gluon fusion at next-to-next-to-leading O([alpha]4s) order: one-loop squared contributions |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,131 |
2526 |
A measurement of the Q2, W and t dependences of deeply virtual Compton scattering at HERA |
2009 |
2008,132 |
2527 |
Non-perturbative improvement of stout-smeared three flavour clover fermions |
Cundy, N. |
2009 |
2008,141 |
2528 |
D-branes and doubled geometry |
Albertsson, Cecilia et al. |
2009 |
2008,142 |
2529 |
Spectrum of 4d N = 1 SYM on the lattice with light dynamical Wilson gluinos |
Demmouche, Kamel et al. |
2008 |
2008,143 |
2530 |
Hadron spectrum of QCD with one quark flavor |
Farchioni, Federico et al. |
2008 |
2008,144 |
2531 |
NNLO corrections to B [right arrow] Xulv in the shape-function region |
Asatrian, H. M. et al. |
2008 |
2008,145 |
2532 |
Explicit TE/TM scheme for particle beam simulations |
Dohlus, Martin et al. |
2008 |
2008,146 |
2533 |
AdS3 xw (S3 x S3 x S1) solutions of type IIB string theory |
Donos, Aristomenis et al. |
2008 |
2008,147 |
2534 |
From axions to other WISPs |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2008 |
2008,149 |
2535 |
New relationships between Feynman integrals |
Tarasov, Oleg |
2008 |
2008,150 |
2536 |
BFKL Pomeron and Bern-Dixon-Smirnov amplitudes in N = 4 SUSY |
Lipatov, L. N. |
2008 |
2008,153 |
2537 |
Massive hidden photons as lukewarm dark matter |
Redondo, Javier et al. |
2008 |
2008,154 |
2538 |
Quark mixing renormalization effects in the determination of the CKM parameters |Vij| |
Almasy, Andrea A. et al. |
2009 |
2008,155 |
2539 |
On-shell renormalization of the mixing matrices in Majorana neutrino theories |
Almasy, Andrea A. et al. |
2009 |
2008,156 |
2540 |
A novel formulation of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix renormalization |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,157 |
2541 |
Revisting the global electroweak fit of the standard model and beyond with Gfitter |
Flächer, H. et al. |
2008 |
2008,160 |
2542 |
Transverse momentum of partons : from low to high pT |
Diehl, Markus |
2008 |
2008,165 |
2543 |
Mixing of photons with massive spin-two particles in a magnetic field |
Biggio, Carla et al. |
2008 |
2008,167 |
2544 |
Events with isolated leptons and missing transverse momentum and measurement of W production at HERA |
2009 |
2008,170 |
2545 |
Measurement of the inclusive ep scattering cross section at low Q2 and x at HERA |
2009 |
2008,171 |
2546 |
Inclusive photoproduction of p0, K*0 and [phi] mesons at HERA |
2009 |
2008,172 |
2547 |
A general search for new phenomena at HERA |
2009 |
2008,173 |
2548 |
Deep inelastic scattering with leading protons or large rapidity gaps at HERA |
2009 |
2008,175 |
2549 |
Leading proton production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2008 |
2008,176 |
2550 |
Measurement of charged current deep inelastic scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised electron beam at HERA |
2009 |
2008,177 |
2551 |
Subjet distributions in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2008 |
2008,178 |
2552 |
V0 production in p+A collisions at [square root]s = 41.6 GeV |
2009 |
2008,179 |
2553 |
Kinematic distributions and nuclear effects of J/ production in 920 GeV fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions |
2008 |
2008,180 |
2554 |
Mathematical framework for fast and rigorous track fit for the ZEUS detector |
Spiridonov, Aleksandr A. |
2008 |
2008,182 |
2555 |
The discovery potential of laser polarization experiments |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2008 |
2008,183 |
2556 |
Strong-coupling constant at three loops in momentum subtraction scheme |
Cetyrkin, K. G. et al. |
2008 |
2008,184 |
2557 |
Color-octet scalars of n=2 supersymmetry at the LHC |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2009 |
2008,188 |
2558 |
Large hierarchies from approximate R symmetries |
Kappl, Rolf et al. |
2008 |
2008,189 |
2559 |
Status of the ALPS experiment |
Ehret, Klaus |
2008 |
2008,192 |
2560 |
Finite volume spectrum of 2D field theories from Hirota dynamics |
Gromov, Nikolaj et al. |
2009 |
2008,193 |
2561 |
Open charm production at high energies and the quark reggeization hypothesis |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2008 |
2008,194 |
2562 |
The GL(1|1)-symplectic fermion correspondence |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2008 |
2008,195 |
2563 |
Direct numerical integration of one-loop Feynman diagrams for N-photon amplitudes |
Gong, Wei et al. |
2008 |
2008,196 |
2564 |
Constructing de Sitter vacua in no-scale string models without uplifting |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2009 |
2008,198 |
2565 |
Distinguished quantum states in a class of cosmological spacetimes and their Hadamard property |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2008 |
2008,199 |
2566 |
The fate of unstable gauge flux compactifications |
Burgess, C. P. et al. |
2009 |
2008,200 |
2567 |
Measurement of D+- and D0 production in deep inelastic scattering using a lifetime tag at HERA |
2008 |
2008,201 |
2568 |
Measurement of high-Q2 neutral current deep inelastic e-p scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised electron beam at HERA |
2009 |
2008,202 |
2569 |
Spin density matrix elements in exclusive p0 electroproduction on 1H and 2H targets at 27.5 GeV beam energy |
2009 |
2008,203 |
2570 |
Inclusive photoproduction of D*+- mesons at next-to-leading order in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2009 |
2008,204 |
2571 |
Microwave background constraints on mixing of photons with hidden photons |
Mirizzi, Alessandro et al. |
2009 |
2008,205 |
2572 |
Collider constraints on interactions of dark energy with the standard model |
Brax, Philippe et al. |
2009 |
2008,207 |
2573 |
Final state dipole showers and the DGLAP equation |
Nagy, Zoltán et al. |
2009 |
2008,208 |
2574 |
Measurement of the charm fragmentation function in D* photoproduction at HERA |
2009 |
2008,209 |
2575 |
Measurement of beauty photoproduction using decays into muons in dijet events at HERA |
2009 |
2008,210 |
2576 |
Anomaly-induced inflaton decay and gravitino-overproduction problem |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2007 |
2007,001 |
2577 |
O(G2Fm4t) two-loop electroweak correction to Higgs-boson decay to bottom quarks |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2007 |
2007,003 |
2578 |
New constraints on oscillations in the primordial spectrum of inflationary perturbations |
Hamann, Jan et al. |
2007 |
2007,004 |
2579 |
Non-perturbative improvement of the axial current with three dynamical flavors and the Iwasaki gauge action |
2007 |
2007,005 |
2580 |
Analytic solutions for marginal deformations in open string field theory |
Kiermaier, Michael et al. |
2008 |
2007,007 |
2581 |
Diquark correlations in baryons on the lattice with overlap quarks |
Babich, Ronald et al. |
2007 |
2007,008 |
2582 |
Search for lepton flavour violation in ep collisions at HERA |
2007 |
2007,009 |
2583 |
Lattice measurement of BBs with a chiral light quark action |
Blossier, B. |
2007 |
2007,010 |
2584 |
Leading neutron energy and pt distributions in deep inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA |
2007 |
2007,011 |
2585 |
Measurement of D*± meson production in e±p scattering at low Q2 |
2007 |
2007,012 |
2586 |
Production and detection of axion-like particles in a HERA dipole magnet - letter-of-intent for the ALPS experiment |
Ehret, Klaus |
2007 |
2007,014 |
2587 |
Exclusive J/psi and [gamma] hadroproduction and the QCD odderon |
Bzdak, A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,015 |
2588 |
Relation between the pole and the minimally subtracted mass in dimensional regularization and dimensional reduction to three-loop order |
Marquard, P. et al. |
2007 |
2007,016 |
2589 |
The azimuthal decorrelation of jets widely separated in rapidity as a test of the BFKL kernel |
Sabio Vera, Agustín et al. |
2007 |
2007,017 |
2590 |
Tests of QCD factorisation in the diffractive production of dijets in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA |
2007 |
2007,018 |
2591 |
Retrofitted gravity mediation without the gravitino-overproduction problem |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2007 |
2007,019 |
2592 |
Increasing effective number of neutrinos by decaying particles |
Ichikawa, Kazuhide et al. |
2007 |
2007,020 |
2593 |
Charmless non-leptonic Bs decays to PP, PV and VV final states in the pQCD approach |
Ali, A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,021 |
2594 |
Optical approximation in the theory of geometric impedance |
Stupakov, Gennady et al. |
2007 |
2007,022 |
2595 |
Impedance calculations of non-axisymmetric transitions using the optical approximation |
Bane, Karl et al. |
2007 |
2007,023 |
2596 |
Two-loop formfactors in theories with mass gap and Z-boson production |
Kotikov, Anatoly V. et al. |
2007 |
2007,024 |
2597 |
Hypercubic smeared links for dynamical fermions |
Hasenfratz, Anna et al. |
2007 |
2007,025 |
2598 |
Two-loop massive operator matrix elements and unpolarized heavy flavor production at asymptotic values Q2 >> m2 |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2007 |
2007,026 |
2599 |
The Sivers single-spin asymmetry in photon-jet production |
Bacchetta, Alessandro et al. |
2007 |
2007,028 |
2600 |
Collider signatures of gravitino dark matter with a sneutrino NLSP |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2007 |
2007,029 |
2601 |
Seesaw neutrinos from the heterotic string |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2007 |
2007,030 |
2602 |
Undulator radiation in a waveguide |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2007 |
2007,031 |
2603 |
Exclusive electroproduction of pion pairs |
Warkentin, Nikolaus et al. |
2007 |
2007,032 |
2604 |
Evolution equations for extended dihadron fragmentation functions |
Ceccopieri, Federico A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,034 |
2605 |
Examining the identity of Yukawa with gauge couplings in supersymmetric QCD at LHC |
Freitas, Ayres et al. |
2008 |
2007,035 |
2606 |
Transverse polarization of l and l? hyperons in quasireal photoproduction |
2007 |
2007,036 |
2607 |
AMBRE - a Mathematica package for the construction of Mellin-Barnes representations for Feynman integrals |
Gluza, Janusz et al. |
2008 |
2007,037 |
2608 |
Analyzing Bs - B[overbar]s mixing : non-perturbative contributions to bag parameters from sum rules |
Mannel, Thomas et al. |
2007 |
2007,038 |
2609 |
Diffractive photoproduction of D*± (2010) at HERA |
2007 |
2007,039 |
2610 |
Comparative analysis of non-perturbative effects in B [right arrow] Xul[ny][overbar]l decays |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,040 |
2611 |
Electroweak corrections to large transverse momentum production of W bosons at the LHC |
Kühn, Johann H. et al. |
2007 |
2007,041 |
2612 |
Area-preserving diffeomorphisms in gauge theory on a non-commutative plane : a lattice study |
Bietenholz, Wolfgang et al. |
2007 |
2007,043 |
2613 |
Strings for quantumchromodynamics |
Schomerus, V. |
2007 |
2007,044 |
2614 |
Search for Baryonic resonances decaying to xi? in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,045 |
2615 |
Analytic solutions for marginal deformations in open superstring field theory |
Okawa, Yuji |
2007 |
2007,047 |
2616 |
Vector meson production from a polarized nucleon |
Diehl, Markus |
2007 |
2007,049 |
2617 |
Hadronization in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering on nuclei |
2007 |
2007,050 |
2618 |
Measurement of ground motion in various sites |
Bialowons, Wilhelm et al. |
2007 |
2007,051 |
2619 |
Measurement of D mesons production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,052 |
2620 |
Two-loop fermionic corrections to massive Bhabha scattering |
Actis, Stefano et al. |
2007 |
2007,053 |
2621 |
Particle interpretations of the PVLAS data |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2007 |
2007,054 |
2622 |
Real analytic solutions for marginal deformations in open superstring field theory |
Okawa, Yuji |
2007 |
2007,56 |
2623 |
Lattice renormalisation of o(a) improved heavy-light operators |
Blossier, Benoit |
2007 |
2007,057 |
2624 |
Theory of nonlinear harmonic generation in free-electron lasers with helical wigglers |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2007 |
2007,058 |
2625 |
Non-perturbative renormalization of the chromo-magnetic operator in heavy quark effective theory and the B * - B mass splitting |
2007 |
2007,59 |
2626 |
Gravitino dark matter from inflaton decay |
Takahashi, F. |
2007 |
2007,060 |
2627 |
Inflaton decay in supergravity |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2007 |
2007,061 |
2628 |
Multijet production at low chiBj in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,062 |
2629 |
The phase structure of a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model for small and for large values of the Yukawa coupling contant |
Gerhold, Philipp et al. |
2007 |
2007,063 |
2630 |
Charged particle production in high Q2 deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,065 |
2631 |
Finite-mass effects on inclusive B-meson hadroproduction |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,066 |
2632 |
Long-lived staus from cosmic rays |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,067 |
2633 |
On Newton's law in supersymmetric braneworld models |
Palma, Gonzalo A. |
2007 |
2007,068 |
2634 |
Bose-Einstein correlations of charged and neutral kaons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,069 |
2635 |
Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA |
2007 |
2007,070 |
2636 |
Luminosity determination at HERA-B |
2007 |
2007,071 |
2637 |
Local SU(5) unification from the heterotic string |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2007 |
2007,072 |
2638 |
Measurement of inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering at high Q2 and determination of the strong coupling |
2007 |
2007,073 |
2639 |
Free fermion resolution of supergroup WZNW models |
Quella, Thomas et al. |
2007 |
2007,074 |
2640 |
H+3 WZNW model from Liouville field theory |
Hikida, Yasuaki et al. |
2008 |
2007,075 |
2641 |
Monte Carlo methods in quantum field theory |
Montvay, I. |
2007 |
2007,076 |
2642 |
Hadron masses in QCD with one quark flavour |
Farchioni, Federico et al. |
2007 |
2007,078 |
2643 |
Extending the reach of axion-photon regeneration experiments towards larger masses with phase shift plates |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2007 |
2007,081 |
2644 |
Closed string tachyons on AdS orbifolds and dual Yang-Mills instantons |
Hikida, Yasuaki et al. |
2007 |
2007,085 |
2645 |
Longitudinal impedance and wake from XFEL undulators : impact on current-enhanced SASE schemes |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2007 |
2007,087 |
2646 |
Light from the hidden sector : experimental signatures of paraphotons |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,088 |
2647 |
High-ET dijet photoproduction at HERA |
2007 |
2007,092 |
2648 |
Exclusive meson production at NLO |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,093 |
2649 |
Dispersion representations for hard exclusive processes : beyond the born approximation |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,094 |
2650 |
Vibration diagnostics instrumentation for ILC |
Bertolini, Alessandro |
2007 |
2007,095 |
2651 |
Probing new physics in the neutrinoless double beta decay using electron angular correlation |
Ali, A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,097 |
2652 |
Cross sections for hard exclusive electroproduction of ?+ mesons on a hydrogen target |
2007 |
2007,098 |
2653 |
A cavity experiment to search for hidden sector photons |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2007 |
2007,099 |
2654 |
Forward-jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,100 |
2655 |
Three- and four-jet final states in photoproduction at HERA |
2007 |
2007,102 |
2656 |
Electroweak corrections to W-boson hadroproduction at finite transverse momentum |
Hollik, Wolfgang et al. |
2007 |
2007,103 |
2657 |
Automatizing the application of Mellin-Barnes representations for Feynman integrals |
Gluza, Janusz et al. |
2007 |
2007,104 |
2658 |
Collins fragmentation function for pions and kaons in a spectator model |
Bacchetta, Alessandro et al. |
2007 |
2007,105 |
2659 |
New global fit to the total photon-proton cross-section sL+T and to the structure function F2 |
Gabbert, Dominik et al. |
2007 |
2007,107 |
2660 |
Branes in the GL(1|1) WZNW-model |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2007 |
2007,109 |
2661 |
Exact marginality in open string field theory : a general framework |
Kiermaier, Michael et al. |
2007 |
2007,110 |
2662 |
Electroweak corrections to hadronic production of W bosons at large transverse momenta |
Kühn, Johann H. et al. |
2007 |
2007,112 |
2663 |
The azimuthal decorrelation of forward jets in deep inelastic scattering |
Sabio Vera, Agustín et al. |
2007 |
2007,113 |
2664 |
Dijet cross sections and parton densities in diffractive DIS at HERA |
2007 |
2007,115 |
2665 |
Next-to-leading order corrections in exclusive meson production |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,117 |
2666 |
Exclusive p0 production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,118 |
2667 |
Measurement of D0, D+, D+s and D*+ production in fixed target 920 GeV proton-nucleus collisions |
2007 |
2007,119 |
2668 |
The spin structure of the pion |
2007 |
2007,120 |
2669 |
Towards B [right arrow] V[gamma] decays at NNLO in SCET |
Ali, A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,124 |
2670 |
Dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,126 |
2671 |
Towards mirror symmetry à la SYZ for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds |
Grange, Pascal et al. |
2007 |
2007,127 |
2672 |
Gamma-rays from decaying dark matter |
Bertone, Gianfranco et al. |
2007 |
2007,128 |
2673 |
Suppression of supergravity anomalies in conformal sequestering |
Endo, Motoi |
2007 |
2007,129 |
2674 |
General marginal deformations in open superstring field theory |
Kiermaier, Michael et al. |
2007 |
2007,130 |
2675 |
The design and performance of the ZEUS micro vertex detector |
2007 |
2007,131 |
2676 |
Path integral approach for quantum motion on spaces of non-constant curvature according to Koenigs - three dimensions |
Grosche, Christian |
2007 |
2007,132 |
2677 |
Path integral representations on the complex sphere |
Grosche, Christian |
2007 |
2007,133 |
2678 |
Gauge-Higgs unification from the heterotic string |
Schmidt, Jonas |
2007 |
2007,136 |
2679 |
Localized eigenmodes of the overlap operator and their impact on the eigenvalue distribution |
Hasenfratz, Anna et al. |
2007 |
2007,139 |
2680 |
CP violation and neutrino masses and mixings from quark mass hierarchies |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2007 |
2007,141 |
2681 |
Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering and its t-dependence at HERA |
2007 |
2007,142 |
2682 |
Cosmological implications of a supersymmetric extension of the Brans-Dicke theory |
Catena, Riccardo |
2007 |
2007,143 |
2683 |
Inflaton decay in supergravity and gravitino problem |
Takahashi, F. |
2007 |
2007,144 |
2684 |
Axion-dilaton cosmology and dark energy |
Catena, Riccardo et al. |
2007 |
2007,145 |
2685 |
Entropy production by Q-ball decay for diluting long-lived charged particles |
Kasuya, Shinta et al. |
2007 |
2007,146 |
2686 |
Measurement of isolated photon production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2007,147 |
2687 |
Large x resummation in Q2 evolution |
Albino, Simon et al. |
2007 |
2007,151 |
2688 |
Phases of N = 2 theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with boundary |
Herbst, Manfred et al. |
2008 |
2007,154 |
2689 |
Dark matter in gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking using metastable vacua |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2007 |
2007,156 |
2690 |
Gamma ray spectrum from gravitino dark matter decay |
Ibarra, Alejandro et al. |
2008 |
2007,158 |
2691 |
Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA |
2007 |
2007,161 |
2692 |
Alpenglow : a signature for chameleons in axion-like particle search experiments |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,162 |
2693 |
Dynamical simulations with HYP-link Wilson fermions |
Schaefer, Stefan et al. |
2007 |
2007,163 |
2694 |
Decays of mesons with charm quarks on the lattice |
Ali Khan, Arifa et al. |
2007 |
2007,168 |
2695 |
Perturbative determination of csw with Symanzik improved gauge action and stout smearing |
Horsley, R. et al. |
2007 |
2007,170 |
2696 |
Relaxing neutrino mass bounds by a running cosmological constant |
Bauer, Florian et al. |
2007 |
2007,174 |
2697 |
Short distance modifications to Newton's law in SUSY braneworld scenarios |
Palma, Gonzalo A. |
2007 |
2007,175 |
2698 |
Gravitino dark matter with broken R-parity |
Ibarra, Alejandro |
2007 |
2007,184 |
2699 |
A momentum space analysis of the triple Pomeron vertex in pQCD |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2007 |
2007,185 |
2700 |
Baryogenesis - 40 years later |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2007 |
2007,186 |
2701 |
D-term uplifted racetrack inflation |
Brax, Ph et al. |
2007 |
2007,187 |
2702 |
BCFT and ribbon graphs as tools for open/closed string dualities |
Gili, Valeria L. et al. |
2007 |
2007,188 |
2703 |
Gauge symmetry, t-duality and doubled geometry |
Hull, C. M. et al. |
2007 |
2007,189 |
2704 |
Structure constants of the OSP(1|2) WZNW model |
Hikida, Yasuaki et al. |
2008 |
2007,190 |
2705 |
Implications of HERA measurements for LHC |
Diehl, Markus |
2007 |
2007,194 |
2706 |
Some numerical studies of the evolution of generalized parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2008 |
2007,195 |
2707 |
Study of micro pixel photon counters for a high granularity scintillator-based hadron calorimeter |
D'Ascenzo, N. et al. |
2007 |
2007,196 |
2708 |
Baryon scattering at high energies : wave function, impact factor, and gluon radiation |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2007 |
2007,198 |
2709 |
Determining heavy mass parameters in supersymmetric SO(10) models |
Deppisch, Frank et al. |
2008 |
2007,199 |
2710 |
Three- and four-jet production at low x at HERA |
2007 |
2007,200 |
2711 |
Patterns of flavor signals in supersymmetric models |
Goto, Toru et al. |
2008 |
2007,201 |
2712 |
Laser experiments explore the hidden sector |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007,207 |
2713 |
Tensor calculus for supergravity on a manifold with boundary |
Belyaev, Dmitry V. et al. |
2007 |
2007,208 |
2714 |
Form factors and other measures of strangeness in the nucleon |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2007 |
2007, 209 |
2715 |
The robustness of ns ; ?0.95 racetrack inflation |
Brax, Ph. et al. |
2007 |
2007,210 |
2716 |
Helioscope bounds on hidden sector photons |
Redondo, Javier |
2007 |
2007,211 |
2717 |
Theoretical interest in B-meson physics at the B factories, Tevatron and the LHC |
Ali, Ahmed |
2007 |
2007,212 |
2718 |
Dirac neutrino masses from generalized supersymmetry breaking |
Demir, Durmus A. et al. |
2007 |
2007,213 |
2719 |
Concepts of electroweak symmetry breaking and Higgs physics |
Gomez-Bock, M. et al. |
2007 |
2007,214 |
2720 |
Charmed-meson fragmentation functions with finite-mass corrections |
Kneesch, Torben et al. |
2007 |
2007,215 |
2721 |
On string solutions of Bethe equations in N |
Bycko, Andrej G. et al. |
2007 |
2007,216 |
2722 |
Cosmological horizons and reconstruction of quantum field theories |
Dappiaggi, Claudio et al. |
2007 |
2007,218 |
2723 |
A simple method for timing an XFEL source to high-power lasers |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2007 |
2007,221 |
2724 |
Baxterization of GLq(2) and its application to the Liouville model and some other models on a lattice |
Bycko, Andrej G. |
2008 |
2007,222 |
2725 |
Measurement of parton distributions of strange quarks in the nucleon from charged-kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering on the deuteron |
2008 |
2007,223 |
2726 |
Isomorphism of critical and off-critical operator spaces in two-dimensional quantum field theory |
Delfino, Gesualdo et al. |
2007 |
2007,224 |
2727 |
Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries with respect to both beam charge and transverse target polarization in exclusive electroproduction of real photons |
2007 |
2007,225 |
2728 |
Boundary spectra in superspace s-models |
Quella, Thomas et al. |
2007 |
2007,226 |
2729 |
ATF2 proposal ; vol. 2 |
2006 |
2006,001 |
2730 |
B [right arrow] K*l+l- decay on soft-collinear effective theory |
Ali, A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,002 |
2731 |
Exclusive Higgs boson production at the LHC: hard rescattering corrections |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2006 |
2006,003 |
2732 |
Deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering at the LHC |
Dainton, J. B. et al. |
2006 |
2006,006 |
2733 |
The spectrometer system for measuring ZEUS luminosity at HERA |
Helbich, M. |
2005 |
2006,08 |
2734 |
Gauged N=4 supergravities |
Schön, Jonas et al. |
2008 |
2006,009 |
2735 |
Heavy Higgs resonances for the neutralino relic density in the Higgs decoupling limit of the CP-noninvariant minimal supersymmetric standard model |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2006 |
2006,011 |
2736 |
ILC: physics scenarios |
Kilian, W. et al. |
2006 |
2006,012 |
2737 |
Quantum A[infinite]-structures for open-closed topological strings |
Herbst, Manfred |
2006 |
2006,013 |
2738 |
Moduli-induced gravitino problem |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,014 |
2739 |
Measurement of high-Q2 deep inelastic scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA |
2006 |
2006,015 |
2740 |
Neutralino production and decay at an e+e- linear collider with transversely polarized beams |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2006 |
2006,016 |
2741 |
Generalized N=1 orientifold compactifications and the Hitchin functionals |
Benmachiche, Iman et al. |
2006 |
2006,017 |
2742 |
Exact expressions for quantum corrections to spinning strings |
Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura |
2006 |
2006,018 |
2743 |
Charmonium production at high energy in the kT-factorization approach |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,019 |
2744 |
Photoproduction of dijets with high transverse momenta at HERA |
2006 |
2006,020 |
2745 |
Diffractive photoproduction of p mesons with large momentum transfer at HERA |
2006 |
2006,023 |
2746 |
Instanton geometry and quantum A[infinity] structure on the elliptic curve |
Herbst, Manfred et al. |
2006 |
2006,024 |
2747 |
BFKL pomeron in string models |
Danilov, G. S. et al. |
2006 |
2006,025 |
2748 |
Polarization of [Lambda] and [Anti-Lambda] in 920 GeV fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions |
2006 |
2006,027 |
2749 |
Higher derivatives and brane-localised kinetic terms in gauge theories on orbifolds |
Ghilencea, Dumitru M. et al. |
2006 |
2006,028 |
2750 |
Tau lepton production in ep collisions at HERA |
2006 |
2006,029 |
2751 |
A strategy for implementing non-perturbative renormalisation of heavy-light four-quark operators in the static approximation |
Palombi, Filippo et al. |
2006 |
2006,030 |
2752 |
Two-loop matching coefficients for heavy quark currents |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,031 |
2753 |
Constraint on right-handed squark mixings from Bs - Bs mass difference |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,033 |
2754 |
Gravitino overproduction in inflaton decay |
Kawasaki, Masahiro et al. |
2006 |
2006,034 |
2755 |
Moduli/inflaton mixing with supersymmetry breaking field |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,035 |
2756 |
Statistical optics approach to the design of beamlines for synchrotron radiation |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2006 |
2006,037 |
2757 |
Search for doubly-charged Higgs boson production at HERA |
2006 |
2006,038 |
2758 |
Measurement of charm and beauty dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA using the H1 vertex detector |
2006 |
2006,039 |
2759 |
Single top production at HERA in the standard model and its minimal supersymmetric extension |
Hollik, Wolfgang et al. |
2007 |
2006,041 |
2760 |
Event shapes in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2006 |
2006,042 |
2761 |
Search for a narrow baryonic resonance decaying to K0sp or K0sp in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2006 |
2006,044 |
2762 |
Long-lived staus at neutrino telescopes |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2006 |
2006,046 |
2763 |
Remarks on twisted noncommutative quantum field theory |
Zahn, Jochen Wolfgang |
2006 |
2006,047 |
2764 |
Diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA |
2006 |
2006,048 |
2765 |
Measurement and QCD analysis of the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering cross section at HERA |
2006 |
2006,049 |
2766 |
SASE FEL with energy-chirped electron beam and its application for generation of attosecond pulses |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2006 |
2006,051 |
2767 |
Small x phenomenology - summary of the 3rd Lund Small X Workshop in 2004 |
2006 |
2006,052 |
2768 |
NNLO analysis of unpolarized DIS structure functions |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2006 |
2006,053 |
2769 |
Distinguishing Little-Higgs product and simple group models at the LHC and ILC |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2006 |
2006,055 |
2770 |
Bosonic corrections to the effective weak mixing angle at O([alpha]2) |
Awramik, M. et al. |
2006 |
2006,057 |
2771 |
N=1 domain wall solutions of massive type II supergravity as generalized geometries |
Louis, Jan et al. |
2006 |
2006,058 |
2772 |
Supersymmetric standard model from the heterotic string (II) |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2007 |
2006,059 |
2773 |
Dispersion relations in the noncommutative [phi]3 and Wess-Zumino model in the Yang-Feldman formalism |
Döscher, Claus et al. |
2007 |
2006,060 |
2774 |
Spin-dependent potentials from lattice QCD |
Koma, Yoshiaki et al. |
2007 |
2006,061 |
2775 |
Nonperturbative determination of the QCD potential at O(1/m) |
Koma, Yoshiaki et al. |
2006 |
2006,062 |
2776 |
Cosmological acceleration: dark energy or modified gravity? |
Bludman, Sidney A. |
2006 |
2006,063 |
2777 |
Eluding the BBN constraints on the stable gravitino |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2006 |
2006,064 |
2778 |
Towards a measurement of the two-photon decay width of the Higgs boson at a photon collider |
Mönig, Klaus et al. |
2007 |
2006,065 |
2779 |
The neutralino sector in the U(1)-extended supersymmetric standard model |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2006 |
2006,066 |
2780 |
Squarks and sleptons between branes and bulk - gaugino mediation and gravitino dark matter in an SO(10) orbifold GUT |
Kersten, Jörn |
2006 |
2006,067 |
2781 |
We need lab experiments to look for axion-like particles |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2006 |
2006,068 |
2782 |
Instantons in lepton pair production |
Brandenburg, Arnd et al. |
2006 |
2006,069 |
2783 |
K [right arrow] [pi][pi] amplitudes from lattice QCD with a light charm quark |
Giusti, L. et al. |
2007 |
2006,070 |
2784 |
Non-thermal production of dark matter from late-decaying scalar field at intermediate scale |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,071 |
2785 |
The gravitino-overproduction problem in inflationary universe |
Kawasaki, Masahiro et al. |
2006 |
2006,072 |
2786 |
Heavy-quark QCD vacuum polarisation function : analytical results at four loops |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,073 |
2787 |
Strong-coupling constant with flavor thresholds at five loops in the MS scheme |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,074 |
2788 |
Detecting metastable staus and gravitinos at the ILC |
Martyn, Hans-Ulrich |
2006 |
2006,075 |
2789 |
Einstein and Jordan frames reconciled: a frame-invariant approach to scalar-tensor cosmology |
Catena, Riccardo et al. |
2007 |
2006,076 |
2790 |
Constraining pre Big-Bang-Nucleosynthesis expansion using cosmic antiprotons |
Schelke, Mia et al. |
2006 |
2006,077 |
2791 |
The beam-charge azimuthal asymmetry and deeply virtual compton scattering |
2006 |
2006,078 |
2792 |
What measurable zero point fluctuations can(not) tell us about dark energy |
Doran, Michael et al. |
2006 |
2006,079 |
2793 |
Exploring the HMC trajectory-length dependence of autocorrelation times in lattice QCD |
Meyer, H. B. et al. |
2006 |
2006,080 |
2794 |
Indirect methods for wake potential integration |
Zagorodnov, I. |
2006 |
2006,081 |
2795 |
Non-supersymmetric membrane flows from fake supergravity and multi-trace deformations |
Papadimitriou, Ioannis |
2007 |
2006,083 |
2796 |
Beauty photoproduction at HERA: kT-factorization versus experimental data |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2006 |
2006,084 |
2797 |
Deep inelastic beauty production at HERA in the kT-factorization approach |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2006 |
2006,085 |
2798 |
Neutrinoless double beta decay: electron angular correlation as a probe of new physics |
Ali, A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,086 |
2799 |
Photon defects in noncommutative standard model candidates |
Abel, Steven A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,087 |
2800 |
Probing neutrino dark energy with extremely high-energy cosmic neutrinos |
Ringwald, Andreas et al. |
2006 |
2006,088 |
2801 |
Inflation and WMAP three year data: features have a future! |
Covi, Laura et al. |
2006 |
2006,089 |
2802 |
Rare semileptonic meson decays in R-parity violating MSSM |
Ali, A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,090 |
2803 |
Numerical simulation of QCD with u, d, s and c quarks in the twisted-mass Wilson formulation |
Chiarappa, Thomas et al. |
2006 |
2006,092 |
2804 |
Interactions for winding strings in Misner space |
Hikida, Yasuaki |
2006 |
2006,093 |
2805 |
Real and image fields of a relativistic bunch |
Levchenko, B. B. |
2006 |
2006,094 |
2806 |
Exclusive diffractive processes at HERA within the dipole picture |
Kowalski, H. et al. |
2006 |
2006,095 |
2807 |
Production and detection of axion-like particles at the VUV-FEL: letter of intent |
Kötz, Ulrich et al. |
2006 |
2006,098 |
2808 |
Unification without doublet-triplet splitting |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2006 |
2006,099 |
2809 |
Longitudinal spin transfer to the [lambda] hyperon in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering |
2006 |
2006,100 |
2810 |
Determining fundamental parameters of QCD on the lattice |
Sommer, Rainer |
2006 |
2006,101 |
2811 |
Charmed-hadron fragmentation functions from CERN LEP1 revisited |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,102 |
2812 |
NLO event generation for chargino production at the ILC |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2006 |
2006,103 |
2813 |
Bottomonium production in the Regge limit of QCD |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,104 |
2814 |
Polarized light propagating in a magnetic field as a probe of millicharged fermions |
Gies, Holger et al. |
2006 |
2006,105 |
2815 |
Inflaton decay through supergravity effects |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,106 |
2816 |
Fermionic corrections to the three-loop matching coefficient of the vector current |
Marquard, P. et al. |
2006 |
2006,107 |
2817 |
Electroweak two-loop corrections to the effective weak mixing angle |
Awramik, M. et al. |
2006 |
2006,108 |
2818 |
Static forces in d = 2 + 1 SU(N) gauge theories |
Meyer, H. B. |
2006 |
2006,109 |
2819 |
Inclusive D*+- meson cross sections and D*+--jet correlations in photoproduction at HERA |
2006 |
2006,110 |
2820 |
Vacuum birefringence as a probe of Planck scale noncommutativity |
Abel, Steven A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,111 |
2821 |
Non-perturbative renormalisation of left-left four-fermion operators with Neuberger fermions |
Dimopoulos, P. et al. |
2006 |
2006,112 |
2822 |
Path integral approach for superintegrable potentials on spaces of non-constant curvature ; 1: Darboux spaces DI and DII |
Grosche, Christian et al. |
2006 |
2006,113 |
2823 |
NLO inclusive jet production in kT-factorization |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2006 |
2006,115 |
2824 |
Measurement of neutral current cross sections at high Bjorken-x with the ZEUS detector at HERA |
2006 |
2006,116 |
2825 |
A measurement of the [psi]' to J/[psi] production ratio in 920 GeV proton-nucleus interactions |
2006 |
2006,117 |
2826 |
Evaluating two-loop massive operator matrix elements with Mellin-Barnes integrals |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2006 |
2006,118 |
2827 |
Modeling dihadron fragmentation functions |
Bacchetta, Alessandro et al. |
2006 |
2006,119 |
2828 |
Two loop QFT in the making |
Actis, Stefano et al. |
2006 |
2006,121 |
2829 |
Do instantons like a colorful background? |
Gies, Holger et al. |
2006 |
2006,122 |
2830 |
Chiral perturbation theory for nucleon generalized parton distributions |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2006 |
2006,123 |
2831 |
Factorization breaking in dijet photoproduction with a leading neutron |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2006 |
2006,124 |
2832 |
Measurement of prompt photons with associated jets in photoproduction at HERA |
2006 |
2006,125 |
2833 |
Fourier optics treatment of classical relativistic electrodynamics |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2006 |
2006,127 |
2834 |
Inclusive-jet and dijet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2006 |
2006,128 |
2835 |
Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2006 |
2006,129 |
2836 |
Next-to-next-to-leading order O([alpha]2[alpha]2s) results for top quark pair production in photon-photon collisions : the one-loop squared contributions |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
2006 |
2006,130 |
2837 |
Supersymmetric bulk-brane coupling with odd gauge fields |
Belyaev, Dmitry V. |
2006 |
2006,131 |
2838 |
Accelerator cavities as a probe of millicharged particles |
Gies, Holger et al. |
2006 |
2006,132 |
2839 |
Illuminating the hidden sector of string theory by shining light through a magnetic field |
Abel, Steven A. et al. |
2008 |
2006,133 |
2840 |
Prompt J/[psi] plus photon associated electroproduction at DESY HERA |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,136 |
2841 |
Coherence properties of the radiation from X-ray free electron laser |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2006 |
2006,137 |
2842 |
Regularities in hadron systematics, Regge trajectories and a string quark model |
Chekanov, Sergei et al. |
2006 |
2006,138 |
2843 |
Path integral approach for superintegrable potentials on spaces of non-constant curvature ; 2: Darboux spaces DIII and DIV |
Grosche, Christian et al. |
2006 |
2006,139 |
2844 |
Path integral approach for quantum motion on spaces of non-constant curvature according to Koenigs |
Grosche, Christian |
2006 |
2006,140 |
2845 |
Simple approach to renormalize the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,141 |
2846 |
Precise determination of the spin structure function g1 of the proton, deuteron and neutron |
2006 |
2006,142 |
2847 |
Probing nucleon structure on the lattice |
Göckeler, Meinulf |
2006 |
2006,143 |
2848 |
Search for stop production in R-parity-violating supersymmetry at HERA |
2007 |
2006,144 |
2849 |
Sum rules and cutoff effects in Wilson lattice QCD |
Meyer, H. B. |
2006 |
2006,145 |
2850 |
The WZNW model on PSU(1, 1|2) |
Götz, Gerhard et al. |
2007 |
2006,147 |
2851 |
Gauge coupling unification in a 6D SO(10) orbifold GUT |
Lee, Hyun M. |
2006 |
2006,148 |
2852 |
Spontaneous non-thermal leptogenesis in high-scale inflation models |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2006 |
2006,149 |
2853 |
Field theory and standard model |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2006 |
2006,151 |
2854 |
Status Report on ILDG activities |
Jansen, Karl |
2006 |
2006,152 |
2855 |
On the phase structure of a chiral invariant Higgs-Yukawa model |
Gerhold, Philipp et al. |
2007 |
2006,153 |
2856 |
Planar two-loop master integrals for massive Bhabha scattering: Nf = 1 and Nf = 2 |
Actis, Stefano et al. |
2007 |
2006,154 |
2857 |
T-duality with H-flux : non-commutativity, T-folds and G x G structure |
Grange, Pascal et al. |
2006 |
2006,155 |
2858 |
Dark matter from Gaugino mediation |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2006 |
2006,158 |
2859 |
A brief account of B [right arrow] K*l+l- decay in soft-collinear effective theory |
Ali, A. |
2006 |
2006,159 |
2860 |
Overlap fermions on a twisted mass sea |
Bär, O. et al. |
2006 |
2006,160 |
2861 |
Trajectory length and autocorrelation times - Nf = 2 simulations in the Schrödinger functional |
Meyer, H. B. et al. |
2006 |
2006,161 |
2862 |
A new model for the collective beam-beam interaction |
Ellison, James A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,162 |
2863 |
Iterative methods for overlap and twisted mass fermions |
Chiarappa, Thomas et al. |
2006 |
2006,163 |
2864 |
Diffractive open charm production in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA |
2006 |
2006,164 |
2865 |
Heavy quark effective theory computation of the mass of the bottom quark |
Della Morte, Michele et al. |
2008 |
2006,165 |
2866 |
Measurement of open beauty production at HERA in the D*[my] final state |
2007 |
2006,166 |
2867 |
On the equivalence of Reggeon field theory in zero transverse dimensions and reaction-diffusion processes |
Bondarenko, S. et al. |
2006 |
2006,167 |
2868 |
Simulating at realistic quark masses: pseudoscalar decay constants and chiral logarithms |
Göckeler, Meinulf et al. |
2006 |
2006,169 |
2869 |
Distribution amplitudes of pseudoscalar mesons |
Braun, V. M. |
2006 |
2006,170 |
2870 |
Solution of the H+3 model on a disc |
Hosomichi, Kazuo et al. |
2007 |
2006,171 |
2871 |
Multi-step stochastic correction in dynamical fermion updating algorithms |
Scholz, Enno E. et al. |
2006 |
2006,172 |
2872 |
First results with two light flavours of quarks with maximally twisted mass |
Jansen, Karl et al. |
2006 |
2006,173 |
2873 |
mb and fBs from a combination of HQET and QCD |
Guazzini, Damiano et al. |
2006 |
2006,174 |
2874 |
Algorithms for dynamical overlap fermions |
Schaefer, Stefan |
2006 |
2006,175 |
2875 |
Nucleon structure in the chiral regime with domain wall fermions on an improved staggered sea |
Edwards, Robert G. et al. |
2006 |
2006,176 |
2876 |
The curvature of Fp2(x, Q2) as a probe of the range of validity of perturbative QCD evolutions in the small-x region |
Glück, M. et al. |
2006 |
2006,178 |
2877 |
Phase transitions of large N orbifold gauge theories |
Hikida, Yasuaki |
2009 |
2006,179 |
2878 |
Nucleon form factors: probing the chiral limit |
Göckeler, Meinulf |
2006 |
2006,183 |
2879 |
Axinos as cold dark matter |
Covi, Laura |
2006 |
2006,184 |
2880 |
The Pomeranchuk singularity and vector boson reggeization in electroweak theory |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2006 |
2006,185 |
2881 |
fastNLO: fast pQCD calculations for PDF fits |
Kluge, Thomas et al. |
2006 |
2006,186 |
2882 |
B [right arrow] ([rho],w)[gamma] decays and CKM phenomenology |
Ali, A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,187 |
2883 |
The need for purely laboratory-based axion-like particle searches |
Jaeckel, Joerg et al. |
2006 |
2006,188 |
2884 |
NLO simulations of chargino production at the ILC |
Kilian, Wolfgang et al. |
2006 |
2006,189 |
2885 |
Entropy growth and the dark energy equation of state |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2006 |
2006,190 |
2886 |
Gravity and quantum fields in discrete space-times |
Bauer, Florian |
2006 |
2006,191 |
2887 |
Twisted mass QCD thermodynamics : first results on apeNEXT |
Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael et al. |
2006 |
2006,192 |
2888 |
Supersymmetry on the rocks |
Ahlers, Markus |
2006 |
2006,193 |
2889 |
Local transformations of units in Scalar-Tensor cosmology |
Catena, Riccardo et al. |
2006 |
2006,195 |
2890 |
Generalized parton distributions for the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2006 |
2006,196 |
2891 |
Confronting fragmentation function universality with single hadron inclusive production at HERA and e+e- colliders |
Albino, Simon et al. |
2007 |
2006,197 |
2892 |
Analytic solutions for tachyon condensation with general projectors |
Okawa, Yuji et al. |
2006 |
2006,199 |
2893 |
Gauge coupling unification in six dimensions |
Lee, Hyun M. |
2007 |
2006,200 |
2894 |
On the SU(2|1) WZNW model and its statistical mechanics applications |
Saleur, Hubert et al. |
2006 |
2006,201 |
2895 |
The gravitino-overproduction problem in inflaton decay |
Kawasaki, Masahiro et al. |
2006 |
2006,202 |
2896 |
Exotic neutrino interactions in cosmic rays |
Ahlers, Markus |
2006 |
2006,203 |
2897 |
Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering at small transverse momentum |
Bacchetta, Alessandro et al. |
2007 |
2006,204 |
2898 |
How robust are inflation model and dark matter constraints from cosmological data? |
Hamann, Jan et al. |
2006 |
2006,205 |
2899 |
Simple on-shell renormalization framework for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2007 |
2006,207 |
2900 |
A new look at the quantum mechanics of the harmonic oscillator |
Kastrup, H. A. |
2007 |
2006,209 |
2901 |
Probing the variation of relic neutrino masses with extremely high-energy cosmic neutrinos |
Schrempp, Lily |
2006 |
2006,210 |
2902 |
Aspects of a supersymmetric Brans-Dicke theory |
Catena, Riccardo |
2007 |
2006,211 |
2903 |
Constraint on the effective number of neutrino species from the WMAP and SDSS LRG power spectra |
Ichikawa, Kazuhide et al. |
2007 |
2006,212 |
2904 |
Conformally coupled scalars, instantons and vacuum instability in AdS4 |
Haro, Sebastian de et al. |
2007 |
2006,213 |
2905 |
Bottom production cross section from double muonic decays of b-flavoured hadrons in 920 GeV proton-nucleus collisions |
Abt, Iris |
2006 |
2006,214 |
2906 |
Photoproduction of events with rapidity gaps between jets at HERA |
2007 |
2006,215 |
2907 |
Charm photoproduction at HERA : kT-factorization versus experimental data |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2006 |
2006,217 |
2908 |
Multi-trace deformations in AdS/CFT : exploring the vacuum structure of the deformed CFT |
Papadimitriou, Ioannis |
2007 |
2006,218 |
2909 |
New boundary conditions for the c = -2 ghost system |
Creutzig, Thomas et al. |
2006 |
2006,219 |
2910 |
Spin motion at and near orbital resonance in storage rings with Siberian Snakes ; 1: At orbital resonance |
Barber, D. P. et al. |
2006 |
2006,220 |
2911 |
On the particle interpretation of the PVLAS data : neutral versus charged particles |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2006 |
2006,221 |
2912 |
Longitudinal wake field for an electron beam accelerated through a ultra-high field gradient |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2006 |
2006,222 |
2913 |
Measurement of K0S, [lambda] and [antilambda] production at HERA |
2007 |
2006,226 |
2914 |
Beam-spin asymmetries in the azimuthal distribution of pion electroproduction |
2006 |
2006,227 |
2915 |
Photon regeneration plans |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2006 |
2006,228 |
2916 |
Transverse-momentum dependent functions in semi-inclusive DIS |
Bacchetta, Alessandro |
2006 |
2006,229 |
2917 |
Neutrino dark energy - revisiting the stability issue |
Eggers Bjælde, Ole et al. |
2008 |
2006,230 |
2918 |
On relative contributions of fusion and fragmentation mechanisms in J/[psi] photoproduction at high energy |
Saleev, Vladimir A. et al. |
2006 |
2006,231 |
2919 |
Hints on the high-energy seesaw mechanism from the low-energy neutrino spectrum |
Casas, J. A. et al. |
2007 |
2006,232 |
2920 |
The next-to-ladder approximation for Dyson-Schwinger equations |
Bierenbaum, Isabella et al. |
2007 |
2006,233 |
2921 |
Two-loop virtual top-quark effect on Higgs-boson decay to bottom quarks |
Butenschön, M. et al. |
2006 |
2006,235 |
2922 |
[Tau] polarization in SUSY cascade decays |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2006 |
2006,237 |
2923 |
Isolated lepton events at HERA : SUSY R-parity violation? |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2007 |
2006,238 |
2924 |
Spin analysis of supersymmetric particles |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2006 |
2006,239 |
2925 |
Production of D*+- mesons with dijets in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2006,240 |
2926 |
Jet-radius dependence of inclusive-jet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2007 |
2006,241 |
2927 |
The decay of the inflaton in no-scale supergravity |
Endo, Motoi et al. |
2007 |
2006,242 |
2928 |
Leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
2006 |
2006,243 |
2929 |
Gravitino dark matter in R-parity breaking vacua |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2008 |
2006,244 |
2930 |
Transverse spin structure of the nucleon from lattice QCD simulations |
Göckeler, Meinulf |
2006 |
2006,245 |
2931 |
The outer tracker detector of the HERA-B experiment ; part 3: Operation and performance |
2007 |
2006,246 |
2932 |
Heavy quarkonium spectrum and production/annihilation rates to order [Beta]3 0 [Alpha] 3 s |
Penin, A. A. et al. |
2005 |
2005,001 |
2933 |
Measurement of beauty production at HERA using events with muons and jets |
2005 |
2005,004 |
2934 |
Exclusive production of pentaquarks in the scaling regime |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2005 |
2005,005 |
2935 |
Signatures of axinos and gravitinos at colliders |
Brandenburg, A. et al. |
2005 |
2005,006 |
2936 |
Study of deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering with the ZEUS forward plug calorimeter |
2005 |
2005,011 |
2937 |
Running neutrino mass parameters in see-saw scenarios |
Antusch, Stefan et al. |
2005 |
2005,013 |
2938 |
Search for lepton-flavor violation at HERA |
2005 |
2005,016 |
2939 |
Forward jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering and low-x parton dynamics at HERA |
2005 |
2005,017 |
2940 |
Search for pentaquarks decaying to [Xi][pi] in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2005 |
2005,018 |
2941 |
Multijet production in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA and determination of [Alpha]s |
2005 |
2005,019 |
2942 |
Fragmentation functions for light charged hadrons with complete quark flavour separation |
Albino, Simon et al. |
2005 |
2005,022 |
2943 |
Flavour violation in general supergravity |
Chankowski, Piotr H. et al. |
2005 |
2005,023 |
2944 |
On the one-loop Kähler potential in five-dimensional brane-world supergravity |
Falkowski, Adam |
2005 |
2005,024 |
2945 |
Softness of supersymmetry breaking on the orbifold T2/Z2 |
Lee, Hyun M. |
2005 |
2005,025 |
2946 |
Heavy quark and quarkonium production at CERN LEP2: kt-factorization versus data |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2004 |
2005,027 |
2947 |
A determination of the lambda parameter from full lattice QCD |
2005 |
2005,028 |
2948 |
Renormalisation of one-link quark operators for overlap fermions with Lüscher-Weisz gauge action |
2005 |
2005,029 |
2949 |
Collinear subtractions in hadroproduction of heavy quarks |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2005 |
2005,030 |
2950 |
Leptogenesis as the origin of matter |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2005 |
2005,031 |
2951 |
Paraxial Green's functions in synchrotron radiation theory |
Geloni, G. et al. |
2005 |
2005,032 |
2952 |
Spin tune in the single resonance model with a pair of Siberian snakes |
Barber, D. P. et al. |
2005 |
2005,035 |
2953 |
N = 1 reductions of N = 2 supergravity in the presence of tensor multiplets |
D'Auria, Riccardo et al. |
2005 |
2005,036 |
2954 |
On the analysis of lepton scattering on longitudinally or transversely polarized protons |
Diehl, Markus et al. |
2005 |
2005,037 |
2955 |
Exclusive electroproduction of [phi] mesons at HERA |
2005 |
2005,038 |
2956 |
Measurement of charm and beauty photoproduction at HERA using D* [my] correlations |
2005 |
2005,040 |
2957 |
Effective actions for massive Kaluza-Klein states on AdS3 x S3 x S3 |
Hohm, Olaf et al. |
2005 |
2005,041 |
2958 |
Neutrinos as a diagnostic of cosmic ray Galactic/extra-galactic transition |
Ahlers, Markus et al. |
2005 |
2005,042 |
2959 |
Top quark pair production and decay at a polarized photon collider |
Brandenburg, A. et al. |
2005 |
2005,043 |
2960 |
Aspects of the Stueckelberg extension |
Körs, Boris et al. |
2005 |
2005,044 |
2961 |
How to detect big bang relic neutrinos? |
Ringwald, Andreas |
2005 |
2005,045 |
2962 |
Generalizing the DGLAP evolution of fragmentation functions to the smallest x values |
Albino, S. et al. |
2005 |
2005,047 |
2963 |
Resummation of soft gluon logarithms in the DGLAP evolution of fragmentation functions |
Albino, S. et al. |
2005 |
2005,048 |
2964 |
An NLO QCD analysis of inclusive cross-section and jet-production data from the ZEUS experiment |
2005 |
2005,050 |
2965 |
Soft supersymmetry breaking in KKLT flux compactification |
Choi, Kiwoon et al. |
2005 |
2005,052 |
2966 |
Z-bursts from the Virgo cluster |
Ringwald, Andreas et al. |
2005 |
2005,053 |
2967 |
D0, D+, D+s, and [Lambda]+c fragmentation functions from CERN LEP1 |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2005 |
2005,054 |
2968 |
Diffractive parton distributions from perturbative QCD |
Martin, Alan D. et al. |
2005 |
2005,055 |
2969 |
Gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking in six dimensions |
Falkowski, Adam et al. |
2005 |
2005,056 |
2970 |
More on the finite size mass shift formula for stable particles |
Koma, Yoshiaki et al. |
2005 |
2005,057 |
2971 |
Instantons in the non-linear sigma model |
Albert, H. |
2005 |
2005,058 |
2972 |
Spin-3/2 pentaquark resonance signature in lattice QCD |
Lasscock, B. G. et al. |
2005 |
2005,060 |
2973 |
Measurement of inelastic J/[psi] production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2005 |
2005,071 |
2974 |
Higher derivative operators from transmission of supersymmetry breaking on [Sigma] 1/[Zeta] 2 |
Ghilencea, D. M. et al. |
2005 |
2005,073 |
2975 |
Quantum corrections to spinning strings in AdS5 x S5 and Bethe ansatz : a comparative study |
Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura et al. |
2006 |
2005,108 |
2976 |
Measurement of Fcc2 and Fbb2 at low Q2 and x using the H1 vertex detector at HERA |
2005 |
2005,110 |
2977 |
Eternal inflation with [alpha]'-corrections |
Westphal, Alexander |
2005 |
2005,118 |
2978 |
Inclusive jet cross sections and dijet correlations in D*+- photoproduction at HERA |
2005 |
2005,132 |
2979 |
Higher derivative operators from Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking on T2/Z2 |
Ghilencea, Dumitru M. et al. |
2005 |
2005,144 |
2980 |
Determining the Stau Trilinear Coupling A[tau] in Supersymmetric Higgs Decays |
Ch'oe, Sŏng-yŏl et al. |
2005 |
2005,150 |
2981 |
Hot QCD, k-strings and the adjoint monopole gas model |
Korthals Altes, Chris P. et al. |
2005 |
2005,154 |
2982 |
B0 - B-0 mixing in the static approximation from the Schrödinger functional and twisted mass QCD |
Palombi, Filippo et al. |
2005 |
2005,156 |
2983 |
Prompt photon hadroproduction at high energies in the kT-factorization approach |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2005 |
2005,157 |
2984 |
The GL(1|1) WZW-Model : from supergeometry to logarithmic CFT |
Schomerus, V. et al. |
2005 |
2005,186 |
2985 |
On the determination of low-energy constants for [Delta]S=1 transitions |
Giusti, L. et al. |
2005 |
2005,198 |
2986 |
Factorizable electroweak O(α) corrections for top quark pair production and decay at a linear e+ e- collider |
Kołodziej, Karol et al. |
2006 |
2005,199 |
2987 |
The longitudinal heavy quark structure function FQQ̄L in the region Q2 >> m2 at O(a3s) |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2006 |
2005,202 |
2988 |
Fragmentation functions for K0S and [Lambda] with complete quark flavour separation |
Albino, Simon et al. |
2005 |
2005,209 |
2989 |
One-loop amplitudes for four-point functions with two external massive quarks and two external massless partons up to O([epsilon]2) |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
2006 |
2005,220 |
2990 |
Sudakov resummations at higher orders |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
2005 |
2005,226 |
2991 |
Measurement of the J/[psi] production cross section in 920 GeV/c fixed-target proton-nucleus interactions |
2005 |
2005,232 |
2992 |
Improved measurement of the bb̄ production cross section in 920 GeV fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions |
2005 |
2005,233 |
2993 |
Nf=2 lattice QCD and chiral perturbation theory |
Scorzato, L. |
2005 |
2005,235 |
2994 |
Unintegrated gluon distributions in D*+- and dijet associated photoproduction at HERA |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2005 |
2005,252 |
2995 |
Measurement of the [Upsilon] production cross section in 920 GeV fixed-target proton-nucleus collisions |
2006 |
2005,253 |
2996 |
Laurent series expansion of a class of massive scalar one-loop integrals up to O(e2) in terms of multiple polylogarithms |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
2006 |
2005,254 |
2997 |
Three-loop matching of the dipole operators for b [right arrow] s[gamma] and b [right arrow] sg |
Misiak, Mikolaj et al. |
2004 |
2004,001 |
2998 |
An analytical expression for the non-singlet structure functions at small x in the double logarithmic approximation |
Lublinsky, Michael |
2004 |
2004,002 |
2999 |
Isolated lepton production at colliders |
Diaconu, Cristinel |
2004 |
2004,006 |
3000 |
Pattern recognition and event reconstruction in particle physics experiments |
Mankel, R. |
2004 |
2004,008 |
3001 |
Low-energy couplings of QCD from current correlators near the chiral limit |
Giusti, L. et al. |
2004 |
2004,009 |
3002 |
Supergravity at colliders |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2004 |
2004,010 |
3003 |
Factorization breaking in diffractive dijet photoproduction |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
2004 |
2004,011 |
3004 |
Design formulas for short-wavelength FELs |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2004 |
2004,012 |
3005 |
Terawatt-scale sub-10-fs laser technology - key to generation of GW-level attosecond pulses in X-ray free electron laser |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2004 |
2004,013 |
3006 |
Strong neutrino-nucleon interactions at ultrahigh energies as a solution to the GZK puzzle |
Fodor, Zoltán et al. |
2004 |
2004,014 |
3007 |
Chiral perturbation theory for partially quenched twisted mass lattice QCD |
Münster, Gernot et al. |
2004 |
2004,015 |
3008 |
Observation of isolated high-ET photons in deep inelastic scattering |
2004 |
2004,016 |
3009 |
Improved surface treatment of the superconducting TESLA cavities |
Lilje, L. |
2004 |
2004,017 |
3010 |
Achievement of 35 MV/m in the superconducting nine-cell cavities for TESLA |
Lilje, L. |
2004 |
2004,018 |
3011 |
QCD evolution and skewedness effects in color dipole description of DVCS |
Favart, L. et al. |
2004 |
2004,019 |
3012 |
Probing CP violation with the deuteron electric dipole moment |
Lebedev, Oleg et al. |
2004 |
2004,020 |
3013 |
The continuum limit of the quark mass step scaling function in quenched lattice QCD |
Guagnelli, M. et al. |
2004 |
2004,022 |
3014 |
Associated production of bottomonia and Higgs bosons at hadron colliders |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
2004 |
2004,023 |
3015 |
On the plane-wave cubic vertex |
Lucietti, James et al. |
2005 |
2004,024 |
3016 |
Top quark pair production and decay at hadron colliders |
Bernreuther, Werner et al. |
2004 |
2004,026 |
3017 |
Surface superconductivity in niobium for superconducting RF cavities |
Casalbuoni, Sara et al. |
2004 |
2004,027 |
3018 |
Numerical evaluation of phase space integrals by sector decomposition |
Binoth, Thomas et al. |
2004 |
2004,030 |
3019 |
Frontiers in cosmic rays |
Anchordoqui, Luis A. et al. |
2004 |
2004,031 |
3020 |
Measurement of anti-deuteron photoproduction and a search for heavy stable charged particles at HERA |
2004 |
2004,032 |
3021 |
Gauged supergravities in three dimensions : a panoramic overview |
Wit, Bernard de et al. |
2004 |
2004,033 |
3022 |
Neutralino dark matter in supergravity theories with non-universal scalar and gaugino masses |
Cerdeño, D. G. et al. |
2004 |
2004,034 |
3023 |
An analysis of the time dependent CP asymmetry in B [right arrow] [pi][pi] decays in the standard model |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2004 |
2004,036 |
3024 |
Study of the pion trajectory in the photoproduction of leading neutrons at HERA |
2004 |
2004,037 |
3025 |
Evidence for a narrow anti-charmed baryon state |
2004 |
2004,038 |
3026 |
The evolution of hadron spectra in the modified leading logarithm approximation |
Albino, S. et al. |
2004 |
2004,039 |
3027 |
Two-loop electroweak correction of O(GFM2t) to the Higgs-boson decay into photons |
Fugel, Frank et al. |
2004 |
2004,040 |
3028 |
Gravitino and goldstino at colliders |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2004 |
2004,043 |
3029 |
Reconstructing supersymmetric theories by coherent LHC/LC analyses |
Allanach, B. C. et al. |
2004 |
2004,044 |
3030 |
A new technique to generate 100 GW-level attosecond X-ray pulses from the X-ray SASE FELs |
Saldin, E. L. et al. |
2004 |
2004,045 |
3031 |
Quark mass dependence of pseudoscalar masses and decay constants on a lattice |
Farchioni, Federico et al. |
2004 |
2004,046 |
3032 |
Tracking quintessence would require two cosmic coincidences |
Bludman, Sidney A. |
2004 |
2004,050 |
3033 |
Forward [pi]° production and associated transverse energy flow in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA |
2004 |
2004,051 |
3034 |
Exclusive electroproduction of J/ mesons at HERA |
2004 |
2004,052 |
3035 |
The dependence of dijet production on photon virtuality in ep collisions at HERA |
2004 |
2004,053 |
3036 |
Supersymmetric WZW models and twisted K-theory of SO(3) |
Braun, Volker et al. |
2004 |
2004,054 |
3037 |
H/A Higgs mixing in CP-noninvariant supersymmetric theories |
Ch'oe, Song-yol et al. |
2004 |
2004,055 |
3038 |
Evidence for a narrow baryonic state decaying to K0sp and K0sp in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2004 |
2004,056 |
3039 |
RPC as a detector for high granularity digital hadron calorimetry |
Ammosov, V. et al. |
2004 |
2004,057 |
3040 |
Higher spin symmetry and N = 4 SYM |
Beisert, Niklas et al. |
2004 |
2004,058 |
3041 |
Fermions and supersymmetry breaking in the interval |
Gersdorff, G. v. et al. |
2004 |
2004,059 |
3042 |
Dilaton destabilization at high temperature |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2004 |
2004,062 |
3043 |
K-theoretical boundary rings in N = 2 coset models |
Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura |
2004 |
2004,063 |
3044 |
Implication of the B [right arrow] (p,w)[gamma] branching ratios for the CKM phenomenology |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
2004 |
2004,065 |
3045 |
SUSY parameter analysis at TeV and Planck scales |
Allanach, B. C. et al. |
2004 |
2004,066 |
3046 |
Interactions of reggeized gluons in the Möbius representation |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
2004 |
2004,067 |
3047 |
Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
2004 |
2004,070 |
3048 |
W boson production at large transverse momentum |
Kidonakis, Nikolaos et al. |
2004 |
2004,071 |
3049 |
The neutrino mass window for baryogenesis |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
2003 |
2003,001 |
3050 |
The role of polarized positrons and electrons in revealing fundamental interactions at the Linear Collider |
2005 |
2003,059 |
3051 |
Higgs boson production at hadron colliders in the kT-factorization approach |
Lipatov, A. V. et al. |
2005 |
2002,020 |
3052 |
QCD potential and tt threshold cross section : status report |
Jeżabek, M. et al. |
1998 |
1998,009 |
3053 |
Inclusive B-meson production in e+e- and pp̄ collisions |
Binnewies, Janko et al. |
1998 |
1998,012 |
3054 |
High-[Epsilon][Tau] inclusive jet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA |
1998 |
1998,018 |
3055 |
The perturbative QCD potential and the tt̄-threshold |
Jeżabek, M. et al. |
1998 |
1998,019 |
3056 |
Hadron spectra and spectral moments in the decay B → Xs[lepton]+[lepton]- using HQET |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,025 |
3057 |
Perturbative QCD- and power-corrected hadron spectra and spectral moments in the decay B → Xs[lepton]+[lepton]- |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,030 |
3058 |
Phenomenological profiles of the inclusive hadron spectra in the decay B → Xs[lepton]+[lepton]- |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,031 |
3059 |
Color octet contribution to J/[psi] production at a photon linear collider |
Japaridze, G. et al. |
1998 |
1998,032 |
3060 |
Searching for new physics in b → ssd̄ decays |
Huitu, Katri et al. |
1998 |
1998,037 |
3061 |
Experimental tests of factorization in charmless non-leptonic two-body B decays |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,041 |
3062 |
Resolved photon processes in DIS and small x dynamics |
Jung, H. et al. |
1998 |
1998,051 |
3063 |
Inclusive direct CP-asymmetries in charmless B±-decays |
Nierste, Ulrich |
1998 |
1998,053 |
3064 |
CP-violating asymmetries in charmless non-leptonic decays B → PP, PV, VV in the factorization approach |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,056 |
3065 |
Analytic tools to brane technology in N=2 gauge theories with matter |
Ketov, Sergej V. |
1998 |
1998,059 |
3066 |
The complete solution of the classical SL(2,R)/U(1) gauged WZNW field theory |
Müller, Uwe et al. |
1998 |
1998,062 |
3067 |
Measurement of the proton spin structure function g1p with a pure hydrogen target |
1998 |
1998,072 |
3068 |
Differential (2+1) jet event rates and determination of αs in deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
1998 |
1998,075 |
3069 |
Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: I̮+cc and I̮++cc |
Kiselev, Vladimir Valerievič et al. |
1998 |
1998,079 |
3070 |
Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: I̮+cc and I̮++cc |
Gershtein, S. S. et al. |
1999 |
1998,080 |
3071 |
Gauged B-3L[tau] and baryogenesis |
Ma, Ernest et al. |
1998 |
1998,082 |
3072 |
Measurement of inclusive D*± and associated dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA |
1998 |
1998,085 |
3073 |
Charmonium suppression in lead-lead collisions : is there a break in the J/[psi] cross-section? |
Armesto, N. et al. |
1998 |
1998,086 |
3074 |
Measurement of elastic [Upsilon] photoproduction at HERA |
1998 |
1998,089 |
3075 |
Exact mass dependent two-loop ᾱs(Q2) in the background MOM renormalization scheme |
Jegerlehner, Fred et al. |
1998 |
1998,093 |
3076 |
Exclusive electroproduction of [rho]0 and J/[psi] mesons at HERA |
1999 |
1998,107 |
3077 |
Inclusive and diffractive structure functions at small x |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
1998 |
1998,113 |
3078 |
ZEUS results on the measurement and phenomenology of F2 at low x and low Q2 |
1998 |
1998,121 |
3079 |
Nucleon form factors and O(a) improvement |
Capitani, S. |
1998 |
1998,124 |
3080 |
Perturbative QCD- and power-corrected hadron spectra and spectral moments in the decay [Beta] → [Chi]s[lepton]+[lepton]- |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,127 |
3081 |
On the Drell-Levy-Yan relation to 0(α2s) |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
2000 |
1998,144 |
3082 |
γ photoproduction at HERA compared to estimates of perturbative QCD |
Martin, A. D. et al. |
1999 |
1998,156 |
3083 |
Process Z → h(A) + γ in the 2HDM and the experimental constraints from LEP |
Krawczyk, Maria et al. |
1998 |
1998,177 |
3084 |
Observation of a coherence length effect in exclusive p0 electroproduction |
1998 |
1998,178 |
3085 |
γ polarization at HERA-B |
Charčilava, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,183 |
3086 |
A theoretical reappraisal of branching ratios and CP asymmetries in the decays B → (Xd,Xs)l+l- and determination of the CKM parameters |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1998,187 |
3087 |
Diffractive photoproduction of γ at HERA |
Frankfurt, L. L. et al. |
1999 |
1998,196 |
3088 |
Lifetimes of I̮+bc and I̮0bc baryons |
Kiselev, Vladimir Valerievič et al. |
1999 |
1998,212 |
3089 |
Structure functions |
Doyle, Anthony T. |
1998 |
1998,209 |
3090 |
Diffraction and low-Q2 physics including two-photon physics |
Erdmann, Martin |
1999 |
1998,209 b |
3091 |
Theory of small x deep inelastic scattering : NLO evaluations, and low Q2 analysis |
Adel, K. et al. |
1997 |
1997,088 |
3092 |
Interacting quantum fields in curved space : renormalizability of [phi]4 |
Brunetti, R. et al. |
1997 |
1997,005 |
3093 |
Jet shapes in ep and pp̄ collisions in NLO QCD |
Klasen, M. et al. |
1997 |
1997,002 |
3094 |
Search of stop, sbottom [tau]-sneutrino, and stau at an e+e- linear collider with √s=0.5-2 TeV |
Bartl, A. |
1997 |
1997,3 |
3095 |
Summary of physics prospects for polarized nucleon-nucleon scattering at HERA-→N |
Korotkov, V. A. et al. |
1997 |
1997,4 |
3096 |
Resummation of [phi]4 free energy up to an arbitrary order |
Reinbach, Jens et al. |
1997 |
1997,059 |
3097 |
Comparison of ZEUS data with standard model predictions for e+p --> e+X scattering at high x and Q2 |
1997 |
1997,025 |
3098 |
D* production from e+e- to ep collisions in NLO QCD |
Cacciari, Matteo et al. |
1997 |
1997,029 |
3099 |
Coherent description of D*+- production in e+e- and low-q2 ep collisions |
Binnewies, J. et al. |
1997 |
1997,12 |
3100 |
A measurement of the proton structure function F2(x,Q2) at low x and low Q2 at HERA |
1997 |
1997,42 |
3101 |
Color-octet contributions to J/[psi] photoproduction via fragmentation at HERA |
Kniehl, B. A. et al. |
1997 |
1997,36 |
3102 |
Two-loop matching of the dipole operators for b → s[gamma] and b → sg |
Greub, Christoph et al. |
1997 |
1997,040 |
3103 |
Differential cross sections of D*± photoproduction in ep collisions at HERA |
1997 |
1997,26 |
3104 |
Measurement of elastic J/[psi] photoproduction at HERA |
1997 |
1997,60 |
3105 |
Probing anomalous Wtb coupling via single top production at TeV energy [gamma]e colliders |
Boos, E. et al. |
1997 |
1997,45 |
3106 |
Next-to-leading logarithmic results in B→Xs[gamma]a |
Greub, Christoph et al. |
1997 |
1997,71 |
3107 |
Leading logarithmic QCD corrections to the Bs → [gamma gamma] decay rate including long-distance effects through Bs → [phi gamma] → [gamma gamma] |
Hiller, G. et al. |
1998 |
1997,76 |
3108 |
Proton dissociative p and elastic [phi] electroproduction at HERA |
1997 |
1997,82 |
3109 |
Charm quark and D*± cross sections in deeply inelastic scattering at HERA |
Harris, B. W. et al. |
1998 |
1997,111 |
3110 |
High-p⊥ jets in diffractive electroproduction |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
1997 |
1997,99 |
3111 |
Small-x resummations for the structure functions Fp2, FpL and F[gamma]2 |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
1997 |
1997,106 |
3112 |
QCD - instantons in e±P scattering |
Moch, Sven-Olaf et al. |
1997 |
1997,114 |
3113 |
Measurement of the proton structure function F2 and [sigma][gamma]*p tot at low Q2 and very low [Chi] at HERA |
1997 |
1997,135 |
3114 |
Energie-Energie Korrelation in Ordnung α2s |
Ziegenhagen, Thomas |
1997 |
1997,92 |
3115 |
On the resummed gluon anomalous dimension and structure functions at small [chi] |
Blümlein, Johannes et al. |
1998 |
1997,143 |
3116 |
Measurement of inelastic J/[psi] photoproduction at HERA |
1997 |
1997,147 |
3117 |
Observation of isolated high-E[Tau] photons in photoproduction at HERA |
1997 |
1997,146 |
3118 |
[Beta] → [Chi]s [gamma] in the standard model |
Greub, Christoph et al. |
1997 |
1997,144 |
3119 |
On heavy quarks photoproduction and c→D* fragmentation functions |
Cacciari, Matteo |
1997 |
1997,156 |
3120 |
Probing penguin coefficients with the lifetime ratio [tau](Bs)/tau(Bd) |
Keum, Yong-Yeon et al. |
1997 |
1997,120 |
3121 |
Evidence for [Lambda]c(2593)+ production |
1997 |
1997,008 |
3122 |
Low-x physics at HERA |
Levy, Aharon |
1996 |
1997,013 |
3123 |
Lattice renormalization group studies of the two-dimensional O(N) symmetric non-linear [sigma] model |
Xylander, York |
1997 |
1997,17 |
3124 |
Diffractive J/[psi] leptoproduction as a way to measure the polarized gluon distribution |
Ryskin, Michail G. |
1997 |
1997,021 |
3125 |
b → se+e-decay beyond next-to-leading order |
Lü, Cai-Dian et al. |
1997 |
1997,052 |
3126 |
Quartic gauge boson couplings at linear colliders : interplay of WWZ ZZZ production and WW fusion |
Han, Tao et al. |
1998 |
1997,093 |
3127 |
Inclusive single- and dijet rates in next-to-leading order QCD for γ*p and γ*γ collisions |
Pötter, B. |
1999 |
1997,138 |
3128 |
High energy FCNC search through e[my] colliders |
Choi, S. Y. et al. |
1997 |
1997,142 |
3129 |
Measurement of the diffractive structure function F2D(4) at HERA |
1997 |
1997,184 |
3130 |
Determination of the Michel parameters [rho], [xi], and [delta] in [tau]-lepton decays with [tau] → [rho][neutrino] tags |
1997 |
1997,194 |
3131 |
New results for non-perturbative O(a) improvement in light hadrons |
Göckeler, Meinulf |
1997 |
1997,198 |
3132 |
Determination of the CKM angle [gamma] and |Vub/Vcb| from inclusive direct CP asymmetries and branching ratios in charmless B decays |
Lenz, Alexander et al. |
1998 |
1997,208 |
3133 |
Massive quark Production in electron positron annihilation to order α2s |
Četyrkin, K. G. et al. |
1997 |
1997,220 |
3134 |
Photo-production of [psi](2S) mesons at HERA |
1997 |
1997,228 |
3135 |
QED corrections for polarized elastic [muon]e scattering |
Bardin, Dmitrij J. et al. |
1997 |
1997,230 |
3136 |
Inclusive jet production in [gamma]p- and [gamma][gamma] processes : direct and resolved photon cross sections in next-to-leading order QCD |
Klasen, Michael et al. |
1997 |
1997,234 |
3137 |
Contribution of b → sgg through the QCD anomaly in exclusive decays B+- → ([eta]', [eta])(K+-, K*+-) and B0 → ([eta]', [eta])(K0, K*0) |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1997,235 |
3138 |
Predictions for D*+- photoproduction at HERA with new fragmentation functions from LEP1 |
Binnewies, Janko et al. |
1997 |
1997,241 |
3139 |
Production of hard photons and jets in deep inelastic lepton proton scattering at order O([alpha]s) |
Kramer, Gustav et al. |
1997 |
1997,242 |
3140 |
A study of the polarized structure function gp1(x,Q2) and the polarized gluon distribution [Delta]g(x,Q2) at HERA |
De Roeck, Albert et al. |
1998 |
1997,249 |
3141 |
The ALLM parameterization of [sigma]tot([gamma]*p) : an update |
Abramowicz, H. et al. |
2004 |
1997,251 |
3142 |
Inclusive decay rate for B → Xd + γ in next-to-leading logarithmic order and CP asymmetry in the standard model |
Ali, A. et al. |
1998 |
1997,255 |
3143 |
b-quark physics at DORIS |
Wegener, Dietrich |
1998 |
1997,260 |
3144 |
Are charm and high-p⊥ jets the keys to understanding diffraction in DIS |
MacDermott, Martin F. |
1997 |
1996,155 |
3145 |
Measurement of elastic ø photoproduction at HERA |
1996 |
1996,002 |
3146 |
Color-octet contributions to J/[psi] photoproduction |
Cacciari, Matteo et al. |
1996 |
1996,005 |
3147 |
Elastic electroproduction of [pho] and J/[psi] mesons at large Q2 at HERA |
1996 |
1996,023 |
3148 |
Inclusive one- and two-jet cross sections in γγ reactions at e+e- colliders |
Kleinwort, T. et al. |
1996 |
1996,035 |
3149 |
A measurement and QCD analysis of the proton structure function F2([chi], Q2) at HERA |
1996 |
1996,039 |
3150 |
Elastic and inelastic photoproduction of J/[psi] mesons at HERA |
1996 |
1996,037 |
3151 |
Photoproduction of D*± mesons in electron-proton collisions at HERA |
1996 |
1996,055 |
3152 |
Measurement of the reaction [gamma]*p → [phi]p in deep inelastic e+p scattering at HERA |
1996 |
1996,067 |
3153 |
Kink states in P(phi)2-models : (an algebraic approach) |
Schlingemann, Dirk |
1996 |
1996,051 |
3154 |
3-dimensional lattice studies of the electroweak phase transition at M Higgs [approximately] 70 GeV |
Gürtler, M. et al. |
1996 |
1996,113 |
3155 |
NLO predictions for the growth of F2 at small [chi] and comparison with experimental data |
López, C. et al. |
1996 |
1996,087 |
3156 |
Double-logarithmic scaling of the structure function F2 at small x |
Buchmüller, W. et al. |
1996 |
1996,061 |
3157 |
QED radiative corrections in exclusive [rho]0 leptoproduction |
Kurek, Krzysztof |
1996 |
1996,209 |
3158 |
Measurements of the branching ratios for the decays [tau] [right arrow] hadron [pi] 0 [neutrino] and tau [right arrow] hadron pi 0 pi 0 [neutrino] |
1991 |
1991,001 |
3159 |
Gravitational effects of light scalar particles |
Helbig, Thomas |
1991 |
1991,002 |
3160 |
Measurement and analysis of the reaction [gamma] [gamma] [right arrow] 3 [pi] + 3 [pi] - |
1991 |
1991,003 |
3161 |
Characteristics of leptonic signals for Z boson pairs at hadron colliders |
Matsura, T. et al. |
1991 |
1991,004 |
3162 |
Fast simulation of electromagnetic showers in the ZEUS calorimeter |
Peso, J. del et al. |
1991 |
1991,005 |
3163 |
Studies of multihadronic final states in photon-photon interactions |
1991 |
1991,006 |
3164 |
Gravitational anyonization |
Reuter, M. |
1991 |
1991,007 |
3165 |
Berry phase contribution to the vacuum persistence amplitude : effective action approach |
Dittrich, Walter et al. |
1991 |
1991,008 |
3166 |
Local behavior of exactly solvable potentials |
Wehrhahn, R. F. |
1991 |
1991,009 |
3167 |
Infinite abelian subalgebra of W(sl(n)) |
Niedermaier, M. |
1991 |
1991,010 |
3168 |
Phase structure of a U(1) L [Kronecker product] U(1) R symmetric Yukawa-model |
Lin, Lee et al. |
1991 |
1991,011 |
3169 |
On neutrons in uranium scintillator calorimeters (one neutron Monte Carlo) |
Tymieniecka, T. |
1991 |
1991,012 |
3170 |
Minijets and large hadronic backgrounds at e + e - supercolliders |
Drees, Manuel et al. |
1991 |
1991,013 |
3171 |
Exclusive rare B decays in the heavy quark limit |
Ali, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,014 |
3172 |
Numerical analysis of tunneling paths in constant field SU(2) lattice gauge theory |
Bartels, J. et al. |
1991 |
1991,015 |
3173 |
On the Hawking radiation associated with an Oppenheimer-Snyder collapsing star |
Salehi, Hadi |
1991 |
1991,016 |
3174 |
On the quantization of chaos |
Sieber, M. et al. |
1991 |
1991,017 |
3175 |
On the determination of the photon structure function of the proton at HERA |
1991 |
1991,018 |
3176 |
A spin-parity analysis of [gamma] [gamma] [right arrow] [rho] + [rho] - |
1991 |
1991,019 |
3177 |
An SU(2) L [Kronecker product] SU(2) R symmetric Yukawa model in the symmetric phase |
Lin, Lee et al. |
1991 |
1991,020 |
3178 |
Critical acceleration of finite temperature SU(2) gauge simulations |
1991 |
1991,021 |
3179 |
Recent Crystal Ball results on resonance formation in photon-photon collisions |
Karch, Karl-Heinz |
1991 |
1991,022 |
3180 |
Inclusive production of D 0, D + and D * (2010) + mesons in B decays and nonresonant e + e - annihilation at 10.6 GeV |
1991 |
1991,023 |
3181 |
The realm of the vacuum |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1991 |
1991,025 |
3182 |
Construction and beam test of the ZEUS forward and rear calorimeter |
1991 |
1991,026 |
3183 |
Influence of magnetic fields on the response of a uranium scintillator sampling calorimeter |
1991 |
1991,027 |
3184 |
Intermittency and Bose-Einstein correlations in e + e - annihilation |
Podobrin, O. |
1991 |
1991,028 |
3185 |
Factorization of bosonic string scattering amplitudes |
Bolte, J. et al. |
1991 |
1991,029 |
3186 |
The hyperbola billiard : a model for the semiclassical quantization of chaotic systems |
Sieber, Martin |
1991 |
1991,030 |
3187 |
The Monte Carlo program LESKO-F for deep inelastic e + - p [right arrow] e + - X scattering at HERA including QED Bremsstrahlung from the lepton line |
Jadach, Stanislaw et al. |
1991 |
1991,031 |
3188 |
New universality class for superconducting order parameter |
Dobroliubov, M. I. et al. |
1991 |
1991,032 |
3189 |
Periodic instantons and scattering amplitudes |
Khlebnikov, S.Yu. et al. |
1991 |
1991,033 |
3190 |
Heavy Majorana neutrinos in electron-positron and electron-proton collisions |
Buchmüller, W. et al. |
1991 |
1991,034 |
3191 |
Constraints on dynamical symmetry breaking mechanisms from electroweak data |
Ali, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,035 |
3192 |
Transverse and longitudinal multi-bunch feedback systems for PETRA |
Ebert, M. |
1991 |
1991,036 |
3193 |
Quasi Hopf quantum symmetry in quantum theory |
Mack, Gerhard et al. |
1991 |
1991,037 |
3194 |
Associate production of a heavy quark and a gauge boson at e + - p colliders |
Drees, M. et al. |
1991 |
1991,039 |
3195 |
Color confinement, abelian dominance and the dynamics of magnetic monopoles in SU(3) gauge theory |
Brandstaeter, F. et al. |
1991 |
1991,040 |
3196 |
Asymptotic solutions of the evolution equation for the polarized nucleon structure function g 2 (x, Q 2) |
Ali, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,041 |
3197 |
WZW superconformal blocks from three dimensions |
McArthur, I. N. |
1991 |
1991,042 |
3198 |
Field operators for anyons and plektons |
Rehren, Karl-Henning |
1991 |
1991,043 |
3199 |
From classical periodic orbits to the quantization of chaos |
Aurich, R. et al. |
1991 |
1991,044 |
3200 |
A practical introduction to electroweak radiative corrections |
Drees, M. |
1991 |
1991,045 |
3201 |
A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and non-linear classical spin-orbit motion in storage rings |
Barber, D. P. et al. |
1991 |
1991,047 |
3202 |
HERWIG - a Monte Carlo event generator for simulating hadron emission reactions with interfering gluons |
1991 |
1991,048 |
3203 |
A mechanism generating axion hair for Kerr black holes |
Reuter, M. |
1991 |
1991,049 |
3204 |
On the possibility of resonances in longitudinally polarized vector boson scattering |
Veltman, H. et al. |
1991 |
1991,050 |
3205 |
Measurement of the direct photon spectrum from [Upsilon] (1S) decays |
1991 |
1991,051 |
3206 |
Signatures of unstable particles in finite volume |
Lüscher, Martin |
1991 |
1991,052 |
3207 |
Neutrino masses, neutral vector bosons and the scale of B - L breaking |
Buchmüller, W. et al. |
1991 |
1991,053 |
3208 |
Heavy quark production in p[anti]p interaction at collider energies |
1991 |
1991,054 |
3209 |
Observations of [Lambda] c + semileptonic decay |
1991 |
1991,055 |
3210 |
A measurement of [tau](B +)/[tau](B 0) from the lepton and dilepton rates in [Upsilon] (4S) decays |
1991 |
1991,056 |
3211 |
Some topics in ep scattering at HERA: II. Parton distributions in the photon |
1991 |
1991,057 |
3212 |
On semileptonic B decays into longitudinally polarized [rho] mesons |
Manakos, Panagiotis et al. |
1991 |
1991,058 |
3213 |
Renormalization scheme dependence and infrared behaviour in e + e - annihilations and [tau]-lepton decay at the next-to-next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD |
Chyla, J. et al. |
1991 |
1991,059 |
3214 |
Quasi quantum group symmetry and local braid relations in the conformal Ising model |
Mack, Gerhard et al. |
1991 |
1991,060 |
3215 |
Bounds on the top mass from Z decays into b quarks |
Djouadi, Abdelhak |
1991 |
1991,061 |
3216 |
Dirac versus Wigner : towards a universal particle concept in local quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1991 |
1991,062 |
3217 |
Successful inflation in scalar tensor theories of gravity |
Walliser, Dirk |
1991 |
1991,063 |
3218 |
Small-x singlet structure functions from the nonlinear GLR equation |
Kim, V. T. et al. |
1991 |
1991,064 |
3219 |
Heavy quark production in parton model and in QCD |
1991 |
1991,065 |
3220 |
The measurement of D + s and D + meson decays into K * + K - * 0 |
1991 |
1991,066 |
3221 |
[Tau] decays : an experimental review |
Kiesling, C. |
1991 |
1991,067 |
3222 |
A parametrization of [sigma] [Tau] ([gamma] * p) above the resonance region for Q 2 > - 0 |
1991 |
1991,068 |
3223 |
Parametrization of parton distributions in the photon |
Abramowicz, H. et al. |
1991 |
1991,069 |
3224 |
Blockspin and multigrid for staggered fermions in Non-Abelian gauge fields |
Kalkreuter, T. et al. |
1991 |
1991,070 |
3225 |
Theory of multi-bunch feedback systems |
Kohaupt, R. D. |
1991 |
1991,071 |
3226 |
Branching ratios and CP asymmetries in the decay B [right arrow] VV |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1991 |
1991,072 |
3227 |
Semilocal evolution of singlet structure function for GLAP and GLR equation |
Krasny, M. W. et al. |
1991 |
1991,073 |
3228 |
High-energy behaviour in a non-Abelian gauge theory (III) : multiple discontinuities and particle [right arrow] multireggeon vertices |
Bartels, J. |
1991 |
1991,074 |
3229 |
Search for radiative B meson decays |
1991 |
1991,075 |
3230 |
Search for D 0 and B 0 decays into [pi] 0 [pi] 0 |
1991 |
1991,076 |
3231 |
A semiclassical approach to quantum gravity |
Salehi, Hadi |
1991 |
1991,079 |
3232 |
First evidence of [chi] c production in B meson decays |
1991 |
1991,077 |
3233 |
QCD corrections to final state photon bremsstrahlung in e + e - annihilation |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1991 |
1991,078 |
3234 |
Rare decays of B-mesons |
Ali, A. |
1991 |
1991,080 |
3235 |
Intercalibration of the ZEUS high resolution and backing calorimeters |
1991 |
1991,081 |
3236 |
Staircase functions, spectral rigidity and a rule for quantizing chaos |
Aurich, R. et al. |
1991 |
1991,082 |
3237 |
Plastic scintillators in magnetic fields |
1991 |
1991,083 |
3238 |
Measurement of exclusive one-prong and inclusive three-prong branching ratios of the [tau] lepton |
1991 |
1991,084 |
3239 |
Associate J/[psi] + [gamma] production : a clean probe of gluon densities |
Drees, Manuel et al. |
1991 |
1991,085 |
3240 |
Constraints on anomalous WW[gamma] and WW[gamma][gamma] couplings at a 500 GeV linear e + e - collider |
Choi, S. Y. et al. |
1991 |
1991,086 |
3241 |
Generalized nuclearity conditions and the split property in quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1991 |
1991,087 |
3242 |
The average action for scalar fields near phase transitions |
Wetterich, Christof |
1991 |
1991,088 |
3243 |
Measurement of the decay of the [Upsilon] (1S) and [Upsilon] (2S) resonances to muon pairs |
1991 |
1991,089 |
3244 |
A practicable [gamma] 5-scheme in dimensional regularization |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1991 |
1991,090 |
3245 |
A measurement of asymmetry in the decay [Lambda] c + [right arrow] [Lambda][pi] + |
1991 |
1991,091 |
3246 |
Measurement of R and determination of the charged-particle multiplicity in e + e - annihilation at [radical]s around 10 GeV |
1991 |
1991,092 |
3247 |
The package PAKPDF ver. 1.1 of parametrizations of parton distribution functions in the proton |
Charchula, K. |
1991 |
1991,093 |
3248 |
Resonance formation in [gamma][gamma]-collisions |
Karch, Karl-Heinz |
1991 |
1991,094 |
3249 |
Semileptonic decays of bottom baryons at LEP |
Mannel, Thomas et al. |
1991 |
1991,095 |
3250 |
Testing anomalous WW[gamma] couplings in radiative charged current ep scattering |
Helbig, T. et al. |
1991 |
1991,096 |
3251 |
Forward-backward asymmetry of dilepton angular distribution in the decay b [right arrow] s l + l - |
Ali, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,097 |
3252 |
Scaling laws, renormalization group flow and the continuum limit in non-compact lattice QED |
1991 |
1991,098 |
3253 |
Ground-state projection multigrid for propagators in 4-dimensional SU(2) gauge fields |
Kalkreuter, Thomas |
1991 |
1991,099 |
3254 |
KRONOS : a Monte Carlo event generator for higher order electromagnetic radiative corrections to deep inelastic scattering at HERA |
1991 |
1991,100 |
3255 |
The HERA physics program |
Saxon, D. H. |
1991 |
1991,101 |
3256 |
Effects of heavy majorana neutrinos and neutral vector bosons on electroweak observables |
Buchmüller, W. et al. |
1991 |
1991,102 |
3257 |
Dispersion relations for vacuum-polarization functions in electroweak physics |
Kniehl, Bernd A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,103 |
3258 |
Higgs radiation off top quarks in high-energy e + e - colliders |
Djouadi, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,104 |
3259 |
QCD corrections to the HZ[gamma] coupling |
M. Spira et al. |
1991 |
1991,105 |
3260 |
Measuring the weak isospin of b quarks |
Schaile, D. et al. |
1991 |
1991,106 |
3261 |
Higgs boson production in e[gamma] collisions |
Hagiwara, K. et al. |
1991 |
1991,107 |
3262 |
Top quark physics at e + e - linear colliders |
Zerwas, P. M. |
1991 |
1991,108 |
3263 |
Signals of new gauge bosons |
1991 |
1991,109 |
3264 |
Nucleon structure function at small x |
Levin, E. M. |
1991 |
1991,110 |
3265 |
S-matrix approach to the Z line shape |
Leike, A. et al. |
1991 |
1991,111 |
3266 |
A measurement of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of charmed hadrons |
1991 |
1991,112 |
3267 |
On the general theory of quantized fields |
Fredenhagen, Klaus |
1991 |
1991,113 |
3268 |
Physics on future [gamma]p and [gamma]e colliders at TeV energy scale and computer system CompHEP |
1991 |
1991,114 |
3269 |
Two loop quantum gravity |
Ven, Anton E. M. van de |
1991 |
1991,115 |
3270 |
KMS states for Dirac quantum field in Rindler space-time |
Mihalache, G. |
1991 |
1991,116 |
3271 |
Third threshold in the weak interactions? |
Bij, J. J. van der et al. |
1991 |
1991,118 |
3272 |
Heavy baryons in the heavy quark effective theory |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1991 |
1991,119 |
3273 |
A hyperbolic lie algebra from supergravity |
Nicolai, H. |
1991 |
1991,120 |
3274 |
Production of D + s mesons in B decays and determination of f D s |
1991 |
1991,121 |
3275 |
Three mirror pairs of fermion families |
Montvay, I. |
1988 |
1988,001 |
3276 |
A chiral anomaly channel in [tau]-decay II |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1988 |
1988,002 |
3277 |
Radiative corrections to high energy processes and precision tests of the electroweak theory |
Hollik, Wolfgang |
1988 |
1988,003 |
3278 |
Lifetimes of heavy flavor particles from Tasso |
Takashima, Makoto |
1988 |
1988,004 |
3279 |
A search for particles with magnetic charge produces in e+ e- annihilations at [sum] s=35 GeV |
1988 |
1988,005 |
3280 |
Cosmons and fifth forces |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1988 |
1988,6 |
3281 |
The width of the Z boson |
Beenakker, Wim et al. |
1988 |
1988,7 |
3282 |
Shielding in the chiral Schwinger model |
Berger, T. et al. |
1988 |
1988,009 |
3283 |
Radiative pion decay: determination of FA (0) from [tau]-lepton decay data |
Dominguez, C. A. |
1988 |
1988,010 |
3284 |
Observation of the charmed baryon [lambda]C in e+e- annihilation at 10 GeV |
1988 |
1988,011 |
3285 |
Observation of Inclusive B meson decays into [lambda]C+ baryons |
1988 |
1988,012 |
3286 |
Calculation of transverse and longitudinal space charge effects within the framework of the fully six-dimensional fonnalism |
Borchardt, I. et al. |
1988 |
1988,013 |
3287 |
Soft processes in very high energy proton-proton collisions |
Ingelman, G. |
1988 |
1988,014 |
3288 |
Characteristics of heavy flavour production in ep collisions |
Ingelman, G. et al. |
1988 |
1988,020 |
3289 |
A new intermediate range scalar force? |
Wetterich, C. |
1988 |
1988,017 |
3290 |
Gauge fixing and the cosmological constant |
Buchmüller, Wilfried et al. |
1988 |
1988,019 |
3291 |
Fermionic Jacobian and Gauge invariance in the chiral Schwinger model |
Falck, N. K. |
1988 |
1988,021 |
3292 |
Massive neutrinos in gauge theories |
Langacker, Paul |
1988 |
1988,022 |
3293 |
Massive neutrinos |
Langacker, Paul |
1988 |
1988,023 |
3294 |
A new phase for an old theory? |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1988 |
1988,024 |
3295 |
On the connection between the scales of weak and strong interactions |
Wetterich, Christof |
1988 |
1988,025 |
3296 |
Higgs- and W-mass on the lattice at strong gauge coupling |
Wolff, U. |
1988 |
1988,026 |
3297 |
Scaling behavior and volume dependence of the SU(2) topological susceptibility |
Kremer, M. et al. |
1988 |
1988,027 |
3298 |
The sigma-model with Wilson lattice fermions |
Montvay, I. |
1988 |
1988,028 |
3299 |
Einstein gravity from restricted coordinate invariance |
Buchmüller, Wilfried |
1988 |
1988,029 |
3300 |
Caustics in a cubic SU(2) lattice model with anti-periodic boundary conditions |
Raabe, B. |
1988 |
1988,030 |
3301 |
On the periodic orbits of a strongly chaotic system |
Aurich, R. et al. |
1988 |
1988,036 |
3302 |
Lifetimes of charmed mesons |
1988 |
1988,037 |
3303 |
Quantization of restricted gravity |
Dragon, Norbert et al. |
1988 |
1988,038 |
3304 |
The meson spectrum of lattice QCD in first order strong coupling approximation |
Mehamid, Maged |
1988 |
1988,039 |
3305 |
Observation of inclusive Ds production in B mensin decay |
1987 |
1987,001 |
3306 |
The Representation Theory of the Symmetry Group Of Lattice Fermions as a Basis for Kinematics in Lattice QCO |
Schaefer, M. |
1987 |
1987,003 |
3307 |
Chiral Anomaly from the Fokker-Planck Formalism |
Reuter, M. |
1987 |
1987,004 |
3308 |
On the Riemann Theta-Function of Some Trigonal Curve and the Solutions of the Boussinesq Equation and the KP Equation |
Matveev, V.B. |
1987 |
1987,006 |
3309 |
Darboux transformations and coherent interaction of the light pulse with two-level media |
Matveev, V.B. |
1987 |
1987,007 |
3310 |
On a quasiclassical approach on the theory of Bloch electrons in crystals |
Buslaev, V.S. |
1987 |
1987,008 |
3311 |
Gluonium spectrum in QCD |
Dominguez, C.A. |
1987 |
1987,010 |
3312 |
Stability of a colliding beam in a linear collider |
Chin, Y.H. |
1987 |
1987,011 |
3313 |
Searches for supersymmetric particles with the CELLO detector at PETRA |
1987 |
1987,013 |
3314 |
Path integrals on curved manifolds |
Steiner, C. |
1987 |
1987,014 |
3315 |
Charged particles in ZZ2 gauge theories |
Frerlenhagen, K. |
1987 |
1987,015 |
3316 |
A search for hadronic events with low thrust and an isolated lepton |
1987 |
1987,016 |
3317 |
Weak gauge coupling expansion near the critical line in the standard SU(2) Higgs model |
Montvay, I. |
1987 |
1987,019 |
3318 |
A numerical estimate of the upper limit for the Higgs boson mass |
Langguth, W. |
1987 |
1987,020 |
3319 |
Physics at HERA |
Rückl, R. |
1987 |
1987,021 |
3320 |
Quantum chaos and geometry |
Steiner, F. |
1987 |
1987,022 |
3321 |
Topology and dynamics of the confinement mechanism |
Kronfeld, A.S. |
1987 |
1987,023 |
3322 |
Hadron-, electron- and muon-response of a uranium-scintillator calorimeter |
Catanesi, M.G. |
1987 |
1987,027 |
3323 |
Multijet production and the Q2 evolution of the non-singlet nucleon structure function in perturbative QCD |
Fiefd, J.H. |
1987 |
1987,028 |
3324 |
Search for production of charged Higgs particles |
1987 |
1987,030 |
3325 |
Adjusting the cosmological constant dynamically: cosmons and a new force weaker than gravity |
Peccei, J. |
1987 |
1987,026 |
3326 |
Search for leptoquarks and other new particles with lepton-hadron signature in e+e- interactions |
1987 |
1987,031 |
3327 |
Use of 4-dimensional spin methods in the calculation of radiative QCD corrections |
Schuler, G.A. |
1987 |
1987,032 |
3328 |
Heating after higher-dimensional inflation |
Shafi, C. |
1987 |
1987,033 |
3329 |
Absence of anomalies in 2-dimensional non-Abelian chiral gauge theories |
Kramer, G. |
1987 |
1987,034 |
3330 |
The path integral on the Poincaré upper half plane and for Liouville quantum mechanics |
Steiner, F. |
1987 |
1987,035 |
3331 |
A non-linear canonical formalism for the coupled synchro-betatron motion of protons with arbitrary energy |
Barber, D. P. |
1987 |
1987,036 |
3332 |
Two pion production in photon photon collisions |
Bijnens, J. |
1987 |
1987,039 |
3333 |
Upon the determination of heavy quark fragmentation functions in e+e- annihilation |
Z., Johann Reiner von |
1987 |
1987,040 |
3334 |
Performance of a compensating lead-scintillator hadronic calorimeter |
Bernardi, E. |
1987 |
1987,041 |
3335 |
Quark, lepton, and neutrino masses in grand unified theories with local generation group |
Bijnens, Johan |
1987 |
1987,042 |
3336 |
On leading logarithm behaviour of jet cross sections in e+e- annihilation |
Kramer, G. |
1987 |
1987,043 |
3337 |
Scale invariance and spontaneous symmetry breaking |
BuchmUller, W. |
1987 |
1987,051 |
3338 |
The chiral anomaly of antisymmetric tensor fields |
Reuter, M. |
1987 |
1987,053 |
3339 |
On Bell and Leinaas' and Derbenev and Kondratenko's calculations of radiative electron polarization |
Barber, D. P. |
1987 |
1987,049 |
3340 |
Numerical study of finite volume effects in the 4-dimensional Ising model |
Montvay, I. |
1987 |
1987,056 |
3341 |
Simulation of hadronic showers with Monte Carlo codes: comparison with data and first application to the design of the HERA Beam Dump |
Ebeling, Frank |
1987 |
1987,057 |
3342 |
Test program for the ZEUS calorimeter |
Klanner, R. |
1987 |
1987,058 |
3343 |
Chiral anomalies and effective vector meson Lagrangian beyond the tree level |
Maia, Carlos |
1987 |
1987,059 |
3344 |
Search for spinless bosons in e+ e- annihilation |
1985 |
1985, 001 |
3345 |
Integral solution for a mie type potential |
Steiner, F. |
1985 |
1985,002 |
3346 |
Monopole-fermion and dyon-fermion bound states III : monopole-fermion system with j = |q| - 1/2 and large [kappa] |q| |
Osland, Per et al. |
1985 |
1985,003 |
3347 |
Monopole-fermion and dyon-fermion bound states 4: Dyon-fermion system with j = |q| - 1/2 and large [kappa] |q| |
Osland, Per et al. |
1985 |
1985,004 |
3348 |
Correlations and static energies in the standard higgs |
Montvay, I. |
1985 |
1985,005 |
3349 |
New particles and two photon physics |
Schrempp, Fridger |
1985 |
1985,006 |
3350 |
Effective transfer matrix for low lying glueball states in lattice gauge theory |
Münster, Gernot |
1985 |
1985,007 |
3351 |
A confinement criterion for QCD with dynamical quarks |
Fredenhagen, Klaus et al. |
1985 |
1985,008 |
3352 |
More about the su(2) 2+ glueball state |
Kamenzki, H. et al. |
1985 |
1985,009 |
3353 |
Have color octet vector bosons been found? |
Cornet, F. |
1985 |
1985,010 |
3354 |
Multijet events with missing transverse momentum from squark pair production at the CERN pp? collider |
Barger, Vernon et al. |
1985 |
1985,011 |
3355 |
Consequences of models for monojet events from Z boson decay |
Baer, H. et al. |
1985 |
1985,012 |
3356 |
Nonperturbative renormalization of quantum gauge theories |
Kerler, Werner |
1985 |
1985,013 |
3357 |
Search for narrow states coupling to tau pairs in radiative ypsilon decays |
1985 |
1985,014 |
3358 |
Monopole-fermion and dyon-fermion bound states 5: Weakly bound states for the monopole-fermion system |
Osland, Per et al. |
1985 |
1985,015 |
3359 |
Radiation damage of CsI (Tl) crystals in a long term exposure at Petra |
Schlögl, S. et al. |
1985 |
1985,016 |
3360 |
Measurements of tau-lepton production and decay |
1985 |
1985,017 |
3361 |
Measurement of the decay upsilon (2S) ---> pi pi upsilon (1S) |
1985 |
1985,020 |
3362 |
A determination of the muon pair branching ratio of the the upsilon-prime meson |
1985 |
1985,021 |
3363 |
A search for monojet events produced by virtual Z° bosons in e+ e- annihilation at PETRA |
1985 |
1985,022 |
3364 |
On noethers theorem in quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1985 |
1985,023 |
3365 |
Improved continuum limit lattice action for QCD with wilson fermions |
Sheikholeslami, B. et al. |
1985 |
1985,024 |
3366 |
Excited lepton production at LEP and HERA |
Hagiwara, Kaoru et al. |
1985 |
1985,025 |
3367 |
The iterative hopping expansion algorithm for Monto Carlo calculations with very light fermions |
Montvay, I. |
1985 |
1985,026 |
3368 |
Kadanoff-wilson transformations in quantum gauge theories |
Kerler, Werner |
1985 |
1985,027 |
3369 |
On the existence of the real time evolution in Eeuclidean lattice gauge theories |
Fredenhagen, Klaus |
1985 |
1985,028 |
3370 |
A study of photon production in hadronic e+ e- annihilation |
1985 |
1985,029 |
3371 |
Order alpha s2 two-jet cross section in e+ e- annihilation |
Lampe, B. et al. |
1985 |
1985,030 |
3372 |
A classical instanton on a 4-dimensional periodic lattice |
Fox, I. A. et al. |
1985 |
1985,031 |
3373 |
The light gluing scenario |
Barger, Vernon et al. |
1985 |
1985,032 |
3374 |
A measurement of the eta radiative width gamma eta gamma gamma |
1985 |
1985,033 |
3375 |
Observation of antideuteron production in electron positron annihilation at 10 GeV Center of Mass Energy |
1985 |
1985,034 |
3376 |
Computation of the action for on-shell improved lattice gauge theories at weak coupling |
Lüscher, P. et al. |
1985 |
1985,035 |
3377 |
Comparison of 3-jet events with qcd shower models |
1985 |
1985,036 |
3378 |
Search for fractionally charged particles produced in e+ e- annihilation |
1985 |
1985,037 |
3379 |
Influence of the transverse beam sizes on the e rho e rho gamma cross section at HERA |
Kotkin, G. L. et al. |
1985 |
1985,038 |
3380 |
A study of energy-energy correlations in e+ e- annihilations at square root s = 34.6 GeV |
1985 |
1985,039 |
3381 |
Physics possibilities of lepton and hadron colliders |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1985 |
1985,040 |
3382 |
Non-local charges in local quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1985 |
1985,041 |
3383 |
Spin analysis of the X b states |
Skwarnicki, T. |
1985 |
1985,042 |
3384 |
Spin and statistics of quantum topological charges |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1985 |
1985,043 |
3385 |
A general harmonic spin matching formalism for the suppression of depolarisation caused by closed orbit distortion in electron storage rings |
Barber, D. P. et al. |
1985 |
1985,044 |
3386 |
Single wino production in e+ e- collisions |
Martinez, M. et al. |
1985 |
1985,045 |
3387 |
A data processing system based on the 370/e emulator |
Notz, Dieter |
1985 |
1985,046 |
3388 |
Simulation of the transition effect in liquid argon calorimeters |
Flauger, Werner |
1985 |
1985,047 |
3389 |
Direct evidence for w exchange in charmed meson decay |
1985 |
1985,048 |
3390 |
Helium-propane as drift chamber gas |
Zimmermann, W. et al. |
1985 |
1985,049 |
3391 |
The standard higgs-model on the lattice |
Montvay, I. |
1985 |
1985,050 |
3392 |
Tumbling and complementarity in a chiral gauge theory |
Goity, J. et al. |
1985 |
1985,051 |
3393 |
Physics at Hera |
Wolf, G. |
1985 |
1985,052 |
3394 |
An upper limit on the mass of the tau neutrino |
1985 |
1985,054 |
3395 |
General features of jets in e+ e- anihilation |
Mättig, Peter |
1985 |
1985,055 |
3396 |
Local properties of equilibrium states and the particle spectrum in quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1985 |
1985, 056 |
3397 |
A measurement of the total cross section and a study of inclusive muon production for the process e+ e- ? hadrons in the energy range between 39.79 GEV and 46.78 GEV |
1985 |
1985, 057 |
3398 |
Towards a realistic composite model of quarks and leptons |
Li, Xiaoyuan et al. |
1985 |
1985, 058 |
3399 |
Longitudinal and transverse single bunch instabilities induced by orbit dependent higher order mode losses |
Kohaupt, Rolf Dieter |
1985 |
1985, 059 |
3400 |
A search for the supersymmetric charging in e+ e- annihilation at PETRA |
1985 |
1985, 060 |
3401 |
Experimental limit on monojet production in e+ e- annihilation |
1985 |
1985, 061 |
3402 |
2 and 3 cochains in four-dimensional SU(2) gauge theory |
Laursen, M. L. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 062 |
3403 |
A study of three jetevents in e+ e- annihilation intohadrons at 34.6-GeV Center-Of-Mass Energy |
1985 |
1985, 063 |
3404 |
Blocking transformations for lattice fermions |
Carpenter, D. B. |
1985 |
1985, 064 |
3405 |
Tau lepton production and decay at petra energies |
1985 |
1985, 065 |
3406 |
Gamma (5) and infrared dimensional regularization |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 066 |
3407 |
Radiative decays of the upsilon (2S) into the three chi b states |
1985 |
1985, 068 |
3408 |
Inclusive neutral D* production and limits on F* production in e+ e- annihilation at PETRA |
1985 |
1985, 069 |
3409 |
Observation of B meson decay into J/psi |
1985 |
1985, 070 |
3410 |
A measurement of the mean semimuonic branching ratio of B hadrons produced at Petra |
1985 |
1985, 071 |
3411 |
Numerical calculation of hadron masses in lattice quantum chromodynamics |
Montvay, I. |
1985 |
1985, 072 |
3412 |
Recent measurements of two photon muon pair process from mark-j at [square roots] s up to 46.78-GEV |
1985 |
1985, 073 |
3413 |
The data acquisition system for the Jade detector |
Cords, Dieter et al. |
1985 |
1985, 074 |
3414 |
Efficient numerical techniques for perturbative lattice gauge theory computations |
Lüscher, M. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 075 |
3415 |
Classical models of confinement with moving charges |
Lehmann, Harry et al. |
1985 |
1985, 076 |
3416 |
Particle correlation observed in e+ e- annihilations into hadrons at C.M. energies between 29 and 37 GEV |
1985 |
1985, 077 |
3417 |
Non-trivial lattice random surfaces |
Baumann, Bernd et al. |
1985 |
1985, 078 |
3418 |
t-channel factorization description of [gamma gamma]--> V1 V2 |
Alexander, G. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 079 |
3419 |
Study of the reaction gamma gamma --> 2pi+ 2pi- pi0 and upper limits on the production of gamma gamma --> omega omega and gamma gamma --> rho 0 omega |
1985 |
1985, 080 |
3420 |
Evidence for iota production in high-energy e+ e- annihilation |
1985 |
1985, 081 |
3421 |
Correlations between adjoint Polyakov loops |
Berg, Bernd et al. |
1985 |
1985, 082 |
3422 |
Upper limit for the emission of monoenergetic photons in upsilon (1S) and upsilon (2S) meson decay |
1985 |
1985, 083 |
3423 |
Non-linear canonical equations of coupled synchro-betatron motion and their solution within the framework of a non-linear 6-dimensional (symplectic) tracking program for ultra-relativistic protons |
Ripken, G. |
1985 |
1985, 084 |
3424 |
Selectron production in quasielastic electron-proton scattering |
Bartels, Jochen et al. |
1985 |
1985, 085 |
3425 |
A study of energy-energy correlations with Tasso and Pluto |
Barreiro, Fernando |
1985 |
1985, 086 |
3426 |
Search for scalar electrons and photinos in electron-positron annihilations |
Ros, E. |
1985 |
1985, 087 |
3427 |
Upsilon spectroscopy |
Königsmann, Kay |
1985 |
1985, 089 |
3428 |
Electroweak interference effects in e+ e- interactions and selected results on Tau decays |
Naroska, Beate |
1985 |
1985, 090 |
3429 |
On the lambda phi 4 triviality issue in a robertson-walker space-time |
Tarrach Siegel, Rolf |
1985 |
1985, 091 |
3430 |
Scaling and string tension in pure su(2) lattice gauge theory |
Gutbrod, Fritz |
1985 |
1985, 092 |
3431 |
Search for two photon production of resonances decaying into anti-K and K anti-K pi |
1985 |
1985, 093 |
3432 |
Two-state signal at the confinement-Higgs phase transition in the standard su(2) Higgs model |
Langguth, W. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 094 |
3433 |
An alternative interpretation of the Cello Dimuon-Dijet event |
Hagiwara, Kaoru et al. |
1985 |
1985, 095 |
3434 |
Formation of delta (980) and A2 (1320) in photon-photon collisions |
1985 |
1985, 097 |
3435 |
Long range correlations in random number generators and their influence on Monte Carlo simulations |
Filk, Thomas et al. |
1985 |
1985, 098 |
3436 |
Renormalization scheme dependence of electroweak radiative corrections |
Hollik, Wolfgang et al. |
1985 |
1985, 099 |
3437 |
Jet production at high transverse momenta by interactions of two quasi-real photons |
1985 |
1985, 100 |
3438 |
Large missing p(t) events and supersymmetry |
Hagiwara, Kaoru |
1985 |
1985,101 |
3439 |
A preon model with minimal color flavor number and low composite energy scale |
Li, Xiaoyuan |
1985 |
1985, 102 |
3440 |
Mayer expansions for euclidean lattice field theory: convergence properties and relation with perturbation theory |
Pordt, A. |
1985 |
1985, 103 |
3441 |
The pion mass : looking for its origins |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1985 |
1985, 104 |
3442 |
A nonperturbative contribution to the vacuum energy in supersymmetric QCD |
Mizrachi, L. |
1985 |
1985, 105 |
3443 |
Quark and lepton masses in a six-dimensional so(12) model |
Wetterich, Christof |
1985 |
1985, 106 |
3444 |
Dileptons, electroweak charge asymmetry and b anti-b mixings |
Ali, Ahmed |
1985 |
1985, 107 |
3445 |
First evidence for the existence of instantons in the quantized su(2) lattice vacuum |
Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael et al. |
1985 |
1985, 108 |
3446 |
Depolarisation der Elektronenspins in Speicherringen durch nichtlineare Spin-Bahn-Kopplung |
Kewisch, Jörg |
1985 |
1985, 109 |
3447 |
The two photon radiative widths of light mesons as a test of gauge theories with integrally charged quarks |
Field, J. H. |
1985 |
1985. 110 |
3448 |
Exact renormalization group as a scheme for calculations |
Mack, Gerhard |
1985 |
1985, 111 |
3449 |
Sneutrino counting |
Grifols, J. A. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 112 |
3450 |
Mass generation in composite models |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1985 |
1985, 113 |
3451 |
B lifetime measurements from Petra |
Venkataramania, H. |
1985 |
1985, 115 |
3452 |
Heavy flavors in e+ e- interactions |
Eisenberg, Y. |
1985 |
1985, 116 |
3453 |
Current commutators for the nonlinear sigma model with wess-zumino term |
Kramer, Gustav et al. |
1985 |
1985, 117 |
3454 |
On the contribution of torons to the vacuum energy in superyang-mills theory |
Mizrachi, Leah |
1985 |
1985, 118 |
3455 |
Observation of a New Charmed Meson |
1985 |
1985, 119 |
3456 |
Status of the standard model |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1985 |
1985, 121 |
3457 |
Particle structure of gauge theories |
Fredenhagen, Klaus |
1985 |
1985, 120 |
3458 |
Half integer charged hadrons from higher dimensions? |
Wetterich, Christof |
1985 |
1985, 122 |
3459 |
Strong selfcoupling expansion in the lattice regularized standard su(2) higgs model |
Decker, K. et al. |
1985 |
1985, 123 |
3460 |
A derivation of the Derbenev-Kondratenko formula using semi-classical electrodynamics |
Mane, S. R. |
1985 |
1985, 125 |
3461 |
Bose-einstein correlations observed in e+ e- annihilation at a center-of-mass energy of 34-GeV |
1985 |
1985, 126 |
3462 |
HERA variable energy "mini" spin rotator and head on ep collision scheme with choice of electron helicity |
Buon, Jean et al. |
1985 |
1985, 128 |
3463 |
Gauge theories, spontaneous symmetry breaking and electroweak interactions |
Peccei, Roberto D. |
1985 |
1985, 053 |
3464 |
The final states l-+ K+- K+- X in jets as signatures of B(s)0 anti-B(s)0 mixings |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1985 |
1985, 127 |
3465 |
Search for gluinos in decays of the chi(b) (1 3 p 1) meson |
1985 |
1985, 129 |
3466 |
Evidence for exclusive eta(c) production in gamma gamma interactions |
1985 |
1985, 130 |
3467 |
Measurement of R and search for the top quark in e + e - annihilation between 39.8 and 45.2 GeV |
1984 |
1984,001 |
3468 |
On the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations and applications in the field of accelerator physics |
Weiland, Thomas |
1984 |
1984,006 |
3469 |
RACETRACK : a computer code for the simulation of nonlinear particle motion in accelerators |
Wrulich, A. |
1984 |
1984,026 |
3470 |
The renormalization of the electroweak standard model |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1984 |
1984,027 |
3471 |
Production and decay of the F-meson in e + e - annihilation at 10 GeV centre-of-mass energy |
1984 |
1984,043 |
3472 |
Weak interactions : PETRA results |
Martyn, Hans-Ulrich |
1984 |
1984,048 |
3473 |
Test of a high resolution drift chamber prototype |
1984 |
1984,049 |
3474 |
Massive Yang Mills - an effective Lagrangian for composite W + - , Z and new coloured vector bosons |
Schrempp, B. et al. |
1984 |
1984,055 |
3475 |
Comparison of quark and gluon jets |
Schierholz, G. |
1984 |
1984,056 |
3476 |
Charged D * production in e + e - annihilation |
1984 |
1984,059 |
3477 |
A compact and inexpensive radiation monitoring device |
1984 |
1984,063 |
3478 |
Evidence for a narrow massive state in the radiative decays of the upsilon |
1984 |
1984,064 |
3479 |
Upper limits on the production rate of the decuplet baryons [delta] and [sigma] * in e + e - annihilation at 34.4 GeV |
1984 |
1984,065 |
3480 |
Measurements of the radiative width of the [eta]' (958) in two-photon interactions |
1984 |
1984,069 |
3481 |
Photon pair production by e + e - annihilation and search for supersymmetric photinos at energies greater than 40 GeV |
1984 |
1984,072 |
3482 |
Longitudinal jet cross sections in order [alpha] s 2 |
Lampe, B. et al. |
1984 |
1984,079 |
3483 |
The Lanczos method in lattice gauge theories |
1984 |
1984,087 |
3484 |
The production and decay of tau leptons in e + e - annihilation at PETRA energies |
1984 |
1984,091 |
3485 |
Beam dynamics design for the radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) as preinjector of the HERA-Linac III |
Wang, Shu-Hong |
1984 |
1984,092 |
3486 |
Determination of the average lifetime of bottom hadrons |
1984 |
1984,094 |
3487 |
New directions in high energy physics |
Peccei, R. D. |
1984 |
1984,095 |
3488 |
Theoretical implications of recent collider results |
Peccei, R. D. |
1984 |
1984,096 |
3489 |
Longitudinal and transverse wake fields in flat vacuum chambers |
Piwinski, A. |
1984 |
1984,097 |
3490 |
Recent results on the reactions [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] [eta]', A 2, (5[pi]) 0 and upper limits on [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] p 0 [omega] and [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] [omega][omega] production |
Grunhaus, Jacob |
1984 |
1984,099 |
3491 |
An investigation of the process e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - [gamma] |
1984 |
1984,101 |
3492 |
A solenoid spin rotator for large electron storage rings |
1984 |
1984,102 |
3493 |
A study of final states with four charged leptons in e + e - interactions |
1984 |
1984,103 |
3494 |
Heavy quark fragmentation |
Izen, Joseph M. |
1984 |
1984,104 |
3495 |
Compensation of depolarizing effects in electron positron storage rings |
Rossmanith, R. et al. |
1984 |
1984,105 |
3496 |
The ARGUS electron-photon calorimeter ; III: Electron-hadron separation |
1984 |
1984,106 |
3497 |
Experimental tests of gauge theories |
Haidt, D. |
1984 |
1984,108 |
3498 |
On the unique numerical solution of Maxwellian eigenvalue problems in three dimensions |
Weiland, T. |
1984 |
1984,111 |
3499 |
Light leptoquarks |
Schrempp, Barbara et al. |
1984 |
1984,117 |
3500 |
A strong coupling simulation of Euclidean quantum gravity |
Berg, Bernd |
1984 |
1984,119 |
3501 |
Performance of a lead-scintillator sandwich with photodiode readout |
Winter, G.-G. ... |
1984 |
1984,120 |
3502 |
Tests of the standard model with lepton pair production in e + e - reactions |
1984 |
1984,121 |
3503 |
The total cross section [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] hadrons |
Knies, Gerhard |
1984 |
1984,122 |
3504 |
Tests and present status of gauge theories |
Peccei, R. D. |
1984 |
1984,123 |
3505 |
Quantum chromodynamics on the lattice |
Montvay, I. |
1983 |
1983,001 |
3506 |
A search for new heavy leptons at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,002 |
3507 |
On the continuum limit of a Z 4 lattice gauge theory |
Peña, A. et al. |
1983 |
1983,003 |
3508 |
Calculation of the glueball mass spectrum of SU(2) and SU(3) non-abelian lattice gauge theories ; I: Introduction and SU(2) |
Ishikawa, K. et al. |
1983 |
1983,004 |
3509 |
Transverse beam cavity interaction ; Part II: Long range forces (on the computation of resonant modes in cyclindrically symmetric cavities) |
Weiland, T. |
1983 |
1983,005 |
3510 |
QCD and hadron jets : new results from PEP and PETRA |
Wu, Sau Lan |
1983 |
1983,007 |
3511 |
QCD self-energy contribution to the mass-shifts in the 3 P J-states |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1983 |
1983,008 |
3512 |
Axial-vector anomaly for Dirac-Kähler fermions on the lattice |
Göckeler, M. |
1983 |
1983,009 |
3513 |
D * + - production by e + e - annihilation near 34.4 GeV c.m. energy |
1983 |
1983,010 |
3514 |
Recent results in two photon physics from JADE |
Nozaki, T. |
1983 |
1983,011 |
3515 |
Lattice QCD with light quark masses : does chiral symmetry get broken spontaneously? |
1983 |
1983,012 |
3516 |
On bare and induced masses of Susskind fermions |
Mitra, P. et al. |
1983 |
1983,013 |
3517 |
A large polygon drift chamber for the JADE experiment at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,014 |
3518 |
Improved continuum limit in the lattice 0(3) non-linear sigma model |
1983 |
1983,015 |
3519 |
Continuum limit and improved action in lattice theories ; I: Principles and [phi] 4 theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1983 |
1983,016 |
3520 |
Lepton pair production in deep enelastic e-[gamma] scattering |
1983 |
1983,017 |
3521 |
Experimental study of the hadronic photon structure function |
1983 |
1983,018 |
3522 |
[tau] branching ratios and polarization limits in e + e - interactions at [sqrt]s = 34 GeV |
1983 |
1983,019 |
3523 |
Performance of 1 m long/75 mm bore superconducting prototype coils for HERA |
1983 |
1983,020 |
3524 |
Interaction of a fermion with a monopole I |
Wu, Tai Tsun |
1983 |
1983,021 |
3525 |
Monopole catalysis of proton decay |
Walsh, T. F. et al. |
1983 |
1983,022 |
3526 |
The ARGUS muon chambers |
1983 |
1983,025 |
3527 |
A confining SU(2) L x SU(2) R gauge model of the weak interactions |
Schrempp, Barbara et al. |
1983 |
1983,024 |
3528 |
The ARGUS electron/photon calorimeter ; II: Properties of the light collection system of the lead/scintillator shower counters |
1983 |
1983,023 |
3529 |
Continuum limit and improved action in lattice theories ; II: 0(N) nonlinear sigma model in perturbation theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1983 |
1983,026 |
3530 |
Exotic infrared representations of interacting systems |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1983 |
1983,027 |
3531 |
Dependence of the luminosity on various machine parameters and their optimization at PETRA |
Piwinski, A. |
1983 |
1983,028 |
3532 |
Experimental study of inclusive muon spectra at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,029 |
3533 |
Possible open channel effects in the charmonium spectrum |
Barbour, I. M. et al. |
1983 |
1983,030 |
3534 |
Lambda scale for the improved lattice 0(N) non-linear sigma model |
Berg, B. |
1983 |
1983,031 |
3535 |
Simulation of electron spin depolarisation with the computer code SITROS |
Kewisch, Jörg |
1983 |
1983,032 |
3536 |
Scalar electron production in e + e - annihilation |
1983 |
1983,033 |
3537 |
Inclusive production of electrons and muons in multihadronic events at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,034 |
3538 |
Measurement of the processes e + e - [right arrow] e + e - and e + e - [right arrow] [gamma][gamma] at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,035 |
3539 |
Monopole chemistry |
Ruijgrok, Th. W. et al. |
1983 |
1983,036 |
3540 |
Gluon fragmentation in [upsilon](1S) decays |
Bienlein, J. K. |
1983 |
1983,037 |
3541 |
Recent results from JADE on electroweak interactions |
Naroska, Beate |
1983 |
1983,039 |
3542 |
Energy moments for quark jets at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,040 |
3543 |
Kazama-Yang monopole-fermion bound states : (I.) analytic results |
1983 |
1983,041 |
3544 |
Charged particle and neutral kaon production in e + e - annihilation at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,042 |
3545 |
The nonabelian structure of QCD in quarkonium decays |
Streng, K. H. |
1983 |
1983,043 |
3546 |
Higher order QCD corrections to the three-jet cross sections : bare versus dressed jets |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1983 |
1983,044 |
3547 |
Monte Carlo calculation of SU(2) glueball states with Manton's action |
Berg, B. et al. |
1983 |
1983,045 |
3548 |
The screening of colour charge in numerical hopping parameter expansion |
Joos, H. et al. |
1983 |
1983,046 |
3549 |
QED processes in two photon reactions |
Pohl, M. |
1983 |
1983,047 |
3550 |
High-energy pion-proton elastic scattering and the pion form factor |
1983 |
1983,048 |
3551 |
A search for flavour-changing neutral currents in b decay at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,049 |
3552 |
Precise measurement of total cross sections for the process e + e - [right arrow] multihadrons in the cm energy range between 12.0 and 36.4 GeV |
1983 |
1983,050 |
3553 |
The vortex free energy in the screening phase of the Z(2) Higgs model |
Meyer, Hildegard |
1983 |
1983,051 |
3554 |
Dielectric lattice gauge theory |
Mack, Gerhard |
1983 |
1983,052 |
3555 |
Search for magnetic monopoles in electron-positron collisions at 34 GeV c.m. energy |
Musset, P. et al. |
1983 |
1983,053 |
3556 |
Measurement of transverse momenta in e + e - annihilation jets at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,054 |
3557 |
Path integral quantization in the temporal gauge |
Scholz, B. et al. |
1983 |
1983,055 |
3558 |
Monte Carlo calculation of SU(2) glueball states with Symanzik's tree-level improved action |
1983 |
1983,057 |
3559 |
New practicable Siberian snake schemes |
Steffen, K. |
1983 |
1983,058 |
3560 |
Summary of the experimental discussion session |
Spitzer, H. |
1983 |
1983,059 |
3561 |
Model dependence of the electromagnetic corrections to lepton pair production in electron-positron collisions |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1983 |
1983,060 |
3562 |
Calculation of the glueball mass-spectrum of SU(2) and SU(3) non-abelian lattice gauge theories II: SU(3) |
1983 |
1983,061 |
3563 |
Observation of inclusive [eta] production in e + e - annihilation at c.m. energies of 34 GeV |
1983 |
1983,063 |
3564 |
Differential cross sections for [gamma] [gamma] [right arrow] p p - in the c.m. energy range from 2.0 to 3.1 GeV |
1983 |
1983,064 |
3565 |
Progress in measurement and understanding of beam polarization in electron positron storage rings |
1983 |
1983,065 |
3566 |
Inclusive [gamma] and [pi] 0 production in e + e - annihilation at 14, 22, and 34 GeV c.m. energy |
1983 |
1983,066 |
3567 |
Theory of jets in electron-positron annihilation |
Kramer, G. |
1983 |
1983,068 |
3568 |
Unexpected behavior of an order parameter for lattice gauge theories with matter fields |
Meyer, Hildegard |
1983 |
1983,069 |
3569 |
Energy-energy correlations in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. et al. |
1983 |
1983,070 |
3570 |
Observation of [Xi]-, [Xi] - -production in e + e - annihilation |
1983 |
1983,071 |
3571 |
Meson spectrum in quenched QCD on a 16 4 lattice |
Hasenfratz, P. et al. |
1983 |
1983,072 |
3572 |
"Single mode cavities" : a possibility for fighting collective beam instabilities |
Weiland, T. |
1983 |
1983,073 |
3573 |
Estimate of the effect of virtual quark loops on meson masses in lattice QCD |
Montvay, I. |
1983 |
1983,074 |
3574 |
A Dirac-Kähler approach to the two dimensional Wess-Zumino N=2 model on the lattice |
Aratyn, H. et al. |
1983 |
1983,075 |
3575 |
Resonance production in [gamma][gamma] reactions |
Olsson, J. E. |
1983 |
1983,076 |
3576 |
The composite model with five generations of massless leptons and quarks |
Li, Xiaoyuan |
1983 |
1983,077 |
3577 |
The decays P C [right arrow] VP in the group theoretical and quark diagrammatic approaches |
Li, Xiaoyuan et al. |
1983 |
1983,078 |
3578 |
Test of fragmentation models by comparison with 3-jet events produced in e + e - [right arrow] hadrons |
1983 |
1983,079 |
3579 |
Particle distribution in 3-jet events produced by e + e - -annihilation |
1983 |
1983,080 |
3580 |
Measurement of the reaction [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] [pi] + [pi] + [pi] - [pi] - at PETRA |
1983 |
1983,081 |
3581 |
Anomaly free condition and SU(3) C X U(1) em reality in grand unified theories |
Soh, K. S. |
1983 |
1983,082 |
3582 |
The photon in U(1) lattice gauge theory |
Berg, B. et al. |
1983 |
1983,083 |
3583 |
Measurement of the muon pair asymmetry in e + e - annihilation at [sqrt]s = 34.7 GeV |
1983 |
1983,084 |
3584 |
Latest results on hadron production at PETRA |
Rykaczewski, H. |
1983 |
1983,085 |
3585 |
Classical models of confinement |
Lehmann, Harry et al. |
1983 |
1983,086 |
3586 |
Results from CELLO on electroweak interactions |
Grosse-Wiesmann, P. |
1983 |
1983,087 |
3587 |
High P T reactions in photon-photon collisions |
Deuter, A. |
1983 |
1983,088 |
3588 |
An improved measurement of electroweak couplings from e + e - [right arrow] e + e - and e + e - [right arrow] [eta] + [eta] - |
1983 |
1983,089 |
3589 |
Remarks about the counting of [neutrino][neutrino] - generations using the e + e - [right arrow] [gamma]Z 0 process |
Bartels, J. et al. |
1983 |
1983,090 |
3590 |
Continuum limit improved lattice action for pure Yang-Mills theory ; II |
Weisz, P. et al. |
1983 |
1983,091 |
3591 |
Proton capture by magnetic monopoles |
1983 |
1983,092 |
3592 |
Strong evidence for spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in (quenched) QCD |
1983 |
1983,093 |
3593 |
Meson and baryon masses for light Kogut-Susskind quarks on a large lattice |
1983 |
1983,094 |
3594 |
Higher order QCD corrections to the energy-energy correlation function |
Schneider, H. N. et al. |
1983 |
1983,095 |
3595 |
The determination of [alpha] S in e + e - annihilation |
Wolf, G. |
1983 |
1983,096 |
3596 |
Monte Carlo simulations with Symanzik's improved actions in the lattice 0(3) non-linear [sigma]-model |
Berg, B. et al. |
1983 |
1983,098 |
3597 |
Search for new particles |
Yamada, S. |
1983 |
1983,100 |
3598 |
Branching ratio and mass spectrum of the decay [upsilon]' [right arrow] [upsilon] [pi] + [pi] - |
1983 |
1983,101 |
3599 |
Review of e + e - -physics with PETRA |
Lohrmann, E. |
1983 |
1983,102 |
3600 |
Electroweak interference |
Böhm, Albrecht |
1983 |
1983,103 |
3601 |
Fragmentation of quarks and gluons |
Söding, P. |
1983 |
1983,104 |
3602 |
Heavy quarks |
Khoze, V. A. et al. |
1983 |
1983,105 |
3603 |
On the restoration of Lorentz invariance in SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theories |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1983 |
1983,106 |
3604 |
Glueball masses on large lattices |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1983 |
1983,107 |
3605 |
First results from the crystal ball at DORIS II |
Schwarz, A. |
1983 |
1983,108 |
3606 |
Quantitative non-Monte Carlo methods for low-energy QCD |
Münster, G. |
1983 |
1983,109 |
3607 |
Hadron production in deep inelastic lepton scattering |
Janata, Friedrich |
1983 |
1983,110 |
3608 |
Properties of charm jets produced in e + e - annihilation near 34 GeV |
1983 |
1983,114 |
3609 |
Variational determination of the stringtension and the glueball mass in (2+1) dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory for all values of the coupling constant |
Langguth, W. |
1983 |
1983,113 |
3610 |
Scaling of the quark-antiquark potential and improved actions in SU(2) lattice gauge theory |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1983 |
1983,112 |
3611 |
Electroweak inference, neutrino electron scattering and related topics |
Naroska, Beate |
1983 |
1983,111 |
3612 |
Observation of hard processes in collisions of two quasi-real photons |
1983 |
1983,115 |
3613 |
On a relation between finite size effects and elastic scattering processes |
Lüscher, M. |
1983 |
1983,116 |
3614 |
Recent results on e + e - annihilation from PETRA |
Cords, Dieter |
1983 |
1983,117 |
3615 |
Electroweak radiative corrections to the e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - asymmetry |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1983 |
1983,118 |
3616 |
Observation of f meson production in high energy e + e - annihilation |
1983 |
1983,119 |
3617 |
Monte Carlo simulations with Symanzik improved actions |
Berg, B. |
1983 |
1983,120 |
3618 |
Production and muonic decay of heavy quarks in e + e - annihilation at 34.5 GeV |
1983 |
1983,121 |
3619 |
Exclusive production of hadron pairs at large momentum transfer in photon-photon interactions |
1983 |
1983,122 |
3620 |
Detectors for quark and gluon jets at high energies |
Wiik, B. H. |
1983 |
1983,123 |
3621 |
Complete snake and rotator schemes for spin polarization in proton rings and large electron rings |
Steffen, K. |
1983 |
1983,124 |
3622 |
The physical state space of quantum electrodynamics |
Buchholz, Detlev |
1982 |
1982,001 |
3623 |
Charge asymmetry and weak interaction effects in e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - and e + e - [right arrow] [tau] + [tau] - |
1982 |
1982,002 |
3624 |
Production of heavy resonances with electron and muon beams |
1982 |
1982,003 |
3625 |
A study of two photon production of two-body final states with invariant mass greater than 2.0 GeV |
1982 |
1982,004 |
3626 |
Azimuthal dependence of deep inelastic heavy resonance production |
1982 |
1982,005 |
3627 |
Angular distribution of inclusive lepton pairs from heavy quarkonium decay |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
1982 |
1982,006 |
3628 |
A measurement of the reaction e + e - [right arrow] e + e - [eta]' and the radiative with [Gamma] [eta]' [right arrow] [gamma][gamma] at PETRA |
1982 |
1982,007 |
3629 |
Determination of the radiative widths of the [eta]' and A 2 from two photon exchange production |
1982 |
1982,008 |
3630 |
Charged pion production in e + e - annihilation at 14, 22 and 34 GeV c.m. energy |
1982 |
1982,009 |
3631 |
A measurement of [sigma] tot (e + e - [right arrow] hadrons) for c.m. energies between 12.0 and 36.7 GeV |
1982 |
1982,010 |
3632 |
Recent results in electron-positron and lepton-hadron interactions |
Mess, K. H. et al. |
1982 |
1982,011 |
3633 |
Four families of composite quarks and leptons |
Albright, Carl H. et al. |
1982 |
1982,012 |
3634 |
Scale breaking in inclusive charged particle production by e + e - annihilation |
1982 |
1982,013 |
3635 |
Upper limit on beauty lifetime and lower limit on weak mixing angles |
1982 |
1982,014 |
3636 |
Transverse beam cavity interaction ; Part I: Short range forces |
Weiland, T. |
1982 |
1982,015 |
3637 |
Observation of four-jet structure in e + e - -annihilation at [sqrt]s = 33 GeV |
1982 |
1982,016 |
3638 |
An analysis of the charged and neutral energy flow in e + e - hadronic annihilation at 34 GeV, and a determination of the QCD effective coupling constant |
1982 |
1982,017 |
3639 |
Measurement of inclusive [gamma] and [pi] 0 spectra and a comparison of the neutral and charged components in hadronic events in e + e - annihilation at 34 GeV |
1982 |
1982,018 |
3640 |
Measurement of the reaction e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - for 14 < = [sqrt]s < = 36.4 GeV |
1982 |
1982,019 |
3641 |
Measurement of e + e - [right arrow] [tau] + [tau] - at high energy and properties of the [tau] lepton |
1982 |
1982,020 |
3642 |
Scalar lepton search with the CELLO detector at PETRA |
1982 |
1982,021 |
3643 |
A search for charged scalar particles pair produced in e + e - annihilation |
1982 |
1982,023 |
3644 |
SU(3) lattice Monte Carlo calculation of the glueball mass spectrum |
Ishikawa, K. et al. |
1982 |
1982,024 |
3645 |
Application of Gegenbauer integration method to e + e - annihilation process |
Lampe, B. et al. |
1982 |
1982,025 |
3646 |
Optimizing the degree of polarization in PETRA |
1982 |
1982,026 |
3647 |
Search for new particles at PETRA |
Böhm, Albrecht |
1982 |
1982,027 |
3648 |
Numerical studies of phase transitions in SU(N)/Z N lattice gauge theories |
Drouffe, J. M. et al. |
1982 |
1982,028 |
3649 |
Higher order QCD corrections for e + e - annihilation jet cross sections : a reevaluation |
Kramer, G. |
1982 |
1982,029 |
3650 |
The ARGUS electron-photon calorimeter ; I: Detection of low-energy electromagnetic showers |
1982 |
1982,030 |
3651 |
An 0([alpha] s) 2 calculation of energy-energy correlation in e + e - annihilation and comparison with experimental data |
Ali, A. et al. |
1982 |
1982,033 |
3652 |
On the radiative decay of orthoquarkonium via two intermediate gluons : 1 - - (Q Q -) [right arrow] [gamma]+1 + + (q q -) |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1982 |
1982,034 |
3653 |
Properties of gluon jets |
Jones, L. M. et al. |
1982 |
1982,035 |
3654 |
BRS transformation and color confinement |
Nishijima, K. |
1982 |
1982,036 |
3655 |
The hadronic cross section of electron-positron annihilation at 9.5 GeV and the [Upsilon] and [Upsilon]' resonance parameters |
1982 |
1982,037 |
3656 |
Charmed quark fragmentation into charmed hadrons |
Jones, L. M. et al. |
1982 |
1982,038 |
3657 |
Electroweak interactions : recent results from PETRA |
Steffen, P. |
1982 |
1982,039 |
3658 |
Fermions in lattice quantum chromodynamics |
Montvay, I. |
1982 |
1982,040 |
3659 |
Renormalisation group behaviour of 0 + and 2 + glueball masses in SU(2) lattice gauge theory |
1982 |
1982,041 |
3660 |
Note on extremes of SU(n) Higgs potentials |
Chang-qi, Cao |
1982 |
1982,042 |
3661 |
Improved description of the small-x limit of deep inelastic scattering |
Loewe, Marcelo |
1982 |
1982,043 |
3662 |
Continuum limit improved lattice action for pure Yang-Mills theory ; I |
Weisz, P. |
1982 |
1982,044 |
3663 |
The gluon propagator in temporal gauge |
Dahmen, H. D. et al. |
1982 |
1982,045 |
3664 |
Inclusive [rho] 0 production in e + e - annihilation at high energy |
1982 |
1982,046 |
3665 |
Hadronic final states in high energy muon-nucleon scattering, recent results from the EMC |
Brasse, F. W. |
1982 |
1982,047 |
3666 |
3-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory in terms of gauge invariant variables |
Holtkamp, Annette |
1982 |
1982,048 |
3667 |
Introduction to the electroweak theory |
Paschos, Emmanuel A. |
1982 |
1982,049 |
3668 |
A review of two photon physics |
Cooper, Susan |
1982 |
1982,050 |
3669 |
Electroweak effects in e + e - annihilations |
Naroska, B. |
1982 |
1982,051 |
3670 |
Measurement of R in e + e - annihilation for [sqrt]s between 7.4 and 9.4 GeV |
1982 |
1982,052 |
3671 |
Prediction of low-lying oddballs in lattice QCD |
1982 |
1982,053 |
3672 |
Looking for the GUT Monopole |
Walsh, T. F. |
1982 |
1982,054 |
3673 |
Observation of topologically isolated energetic electrons in e + e - interactions |
1982 |
1982,055 |
3674 |
Measurement of the [tau] lifetime |
1982 |
1982,056 |
3675 |
A measurement of charge properties of quark jets at PETRA |
1982 |
1982,058 |
3676 |
Note on the angular analysis of the decay J/[psi] [right arrow] f([right arrow] [pi][pi]) + [gamma] |
Körner, Jürgen G. et al. |
1982 |
1982,059 |
3677 |
Differential 3-jet cross section in e + e - -annihilation and comparison with 2 nd -order predictions of QCD and Abelian vector theory |
1982 |
1982,060 |
3678 |
The influence of fragmentation models on the determination of the strong coupling constant in e + e - annihilation into hadrons |
1982 |
1982,061 |
3679 |
Angular correlations in [gamma] [gamma] [right arrow] [rho] 0 [rho] 0 near threshold |
1982 |
1982,062 |
3680 |
Coupling strengths of weak neutral currents from leptonic final states at 22 and 34 GeV |
1982 |
1982,063 |
3681 |
Experimental study of the photon structure function F 2 in the high Q 2 region |
1982 |
1982,064 |
3682 |
Summary of the sessions on lepton-hadron physics |
Haidt, D. |
1982 |
1982,065 |
3683 |
Electroweak tests at PETRA |
Branson, J. G. |
1982 |
1982,066 |
3684 |
Nonperturbative methods |
Mack, Gerhard |
1982 |
1982,067 |
3685 |
Experimental upper limits for hadronic and axion decays of the [Upsilon](1S) |
1982 |
1982,068 |
3686 |
Search for charged Higgs and technipions at PETRA |
1982 |
1982,069 |
3687 |
Charged hadron composition of the final state in e + e - annihilation at high energies |
1982 |
1982,070 |
3688 |
Production of KK - -pairs in photon-photon collisions and the excitation of the tensor meson f' (1515) |
1982 |
1982,071 |
3689 |
Correlations in electron-positron, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions |
Koch, Wolfgang |
1982 |
1982,072 |
3690 |
Recent results from TASSO at PETRA |
1982 |
1982,073 |
3691 |
The wake field acceleration mechanism |
Voss, G. A. et al. |
1982 |
1982,074 |
3692 |
Comparison of impact-picture predictions with data from CERN pp - collider |
Bourrely, C. et al. |
1982 |
1982,075 |
3693 |
Compensation of the depolarizing effects of solenoids in electron-positron storage rings |
1982 |
1982,076 |
3694 |
Glueball spectroscopy in 4-d SU(3) lattice gauge theory I |
Berg, B. et al. |
1982 |
1982,079 |
3695 |
Investigation of two photon final states in e + e - annihilation at <[sqrt]s> = 34.2 GeV |
1982 |
1982,080 |
3696 |
A calculation of the electromagnetic vacuum polarization in lattice QCD |
Ali, A. et al. |
1982 |
1982,081 |
3697 |
Dirac-Kähler fields and the lattice shape dependence of fermion flavour |
Göckeler, M. |
1982 |
1982,082 |
3698 |
Two-photon interactions |
Cords, Dieter |
1982 |
1982,083 |
3699 |
Weak neutral currents in e + e - experiments |
Böhm, Albrecht |
1982 |
1982,084 |
3700 |
A lattice version of the Wess-Zumino model |
Bartels, J. et al. |
1982 |
1982,085 |
3701 |
Experimental evidence for differences in between quark jets and gluon jets |
1982 |
1982,086 |
3702 |
On investigating the structure of hadrons : lattice Monte Carlo measurements of colour magnetic and electric fields and the topological charge density inside glueballs |
1982 |
1982,087 |
3703 |
On the geometric lattice approximation to a realistic model of QCD |
Becher, P. et al. |
1982 |
1982,088 |
3704 |
Zweig-forbidden radiative orthoquarkonium decays in perturbative QCD |
1982 |
1982,089 |
3705 |
Lepton pair production and search for a new heavy lepton in e + e - annihilation |
1981 |
1981,001 |
3706 |
Luminosity function for two photon processes in the single tagging mode |
Berger, Ch. et al. |
1981 |
1981,002 |
3707 |
Selected topics in e + e - physics |
Wu, Sau Lan |
1981 |
1981,003 |
3708 |
Schrödinger representation and Casimir effect in renormalizable quantum field theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1981 |
1981,004 |
3709 |
Evidence for charged primary partons in e + e - [right arrow] 2 jets |
1981 |
1981,005 |
3710 |
Search for narrow resonances in e + e - annihilation at C.M. energies between 33.0 and 36.72 GeV |
1981 |
1981,006 |
3711 |
Net charge of quark jets in (anti)neutrino interactions |
Teper, M. |
1981 |
1981,007 |
3712 |
Charged hadron production in e + e - annihilation in the [Upsilon] and [Upsilon]' region |
1981 |
1981,008 |
3713 |
Experimental study of jets in electron-positron-annihilation |
1981 |
1981,009 |
3714 |
First results of a calculation of the long range quark-antiquark potential from asymptotic QCD dynamics |
Dahmen, H. D. et al. |
1981 |
1981,010 |
3715 |
Inclusive hadron production in the [Upsilon]-region |
1981 |
1981,011 |
3716 |
Review of electron-positron physics at PETRA |
Duinker, P. |
1981 |
1981,012 |
3717 |
Experimental evidence on QCD |
Söding, P. et al. |
1981 |
1981,013 |
3718 |
Iterated Mayer expansion for classical gases at low temperatures |
Göpfert, Markus et al. |
1981 |
1981,014 |
3719 |
A determination of quark weak couplings at PETRA energies |
1981 |
1981,015 |
3720 |
Measuring the charges of QCD jets |
Maxwell, C. J. et al. |
1981 |
1981,017 |
3721 |
Inclusive K 0 production in e + e - annihilation for 9.3 < [sqrt] s < 31.6 GeV |
1981 |
1981,018 |
3722 |
Inclusive production of baryons in decays of the [Upsilon](9.46) and in quark jets |
Hofmann, W. |
1981 |
1981,019 |
3723 |
A model of deep inelastic polarized electroproduction |
Joshipura, Anjan S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,020 |
3724 |
Measurement of e + e - [right arrow] e + e - and e + e - [right arrow] [gamma][gamma] at energies up to 36.7 GeV |
1981 |
1981,021 |
3725 |
Susskind fermions on a Euclidean lattice |
Sharatchandra, H. S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,022 |
3726 |
Total cross section for inclusive electron scattering in the low Q 2 region |
1981 |
1981,023 |
3727 |
Parton transverse momentum corrections in leptoproduction jet cross sections |
Joshipura, A. S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,024 |
3728 |
Energy carried by gamma rays and neutral particles in multihadron final states at PETRA |
1981 |
1981,025 |
3729 |
Two-photon excitation of the tensor meson f 0 (1270) |
1981 |
1981,026 |
3730 |
Radiative quark mass generation and a fourth quark family |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1981 |
1981,027 |
3731 |
Baryon production in e + e - -annihilation at PETRA |
1981 |
1981,028 |
3732 |
Search for narrow quarkonium states and pair production of heavy quarks at C. M. energies from 33.0 to 36.7 GeV |
1981 |
1981,029 |
3733 |
Tests of QED and electroweak theories at PETRA |
Dittmann, P. et al. |
1981 |
1981,030 |
3734 |
Mini-beta II |
Newman, H. |
1981 |
1981,031 |
3735 |
Implications of dynamical symmetry breaking for high energy experiments |
Ali, A. |
1981 |
1981,032 |
3736 |
Investigation of high P T jets in two-photon interactions |
Cords, Dieter |
1981 |
1981,033 |
3737 |
Difficulties for a simple picture of spontaneous CP violation |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1981 |
1981,034 |
3738 |
Proof of confinement of static quarks in 3-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory for all values of the coupling constant |
Göpfert, Markus et al. |
1981 |
1981,036 |
3739 |
Recent experimental results in [gamma][gamma] interactions |
Field, J. H. |
1981 |
1981,037 |
3740 |
Light composite fermions and anomaly matching revisited |
Albright, Carl H. et al. |
1981 |
1981,038 |
3741 |
[Lambda], [Lambda] - production in e + e - annihilation at 33 GeV centre of mass energy |
1981 |
1981,039 |
3742 |
Superweak CP-violation and right-handed horizontal interactions |
Joshipura, A. S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,040 |
3743 |
Baryon production in QCD jets |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1981 |
1981,041 |
3744 |
On higher order corrections to three-jet cross sections |
Schierholz, G. |
1981 |
1981,042 |
3745 |
Helicity description of e + e - [right arrow] qq - g and e + e - [right arrow] QQ - (1 - - ) [right arrow] ggg on and off the Z 0 : quark, gluon and beam polarization effects |
Körner, Jürgen et al. |
1981 |
1981,043 |
3746 |
Review of e + e - experiments with PLUTO from 3 to 31 GeV |
Criegee, L. et al. |
1981 |
1981,044 |
3747 |
Characteristics of lead-scintillator sampling shower counters for the detection of electrons and photons in the energy range 70 MEV to 6 GEV |
1981 |
1981,045 |
3748 |
A Monte Carlo model to produce baryons in e + e - annihilation |
Meyer, Thomas |
1981 |
1981,046 |
3749 |
DORIS II/III - a 5.8 GeV e + e - storage ring with high luminosity |
Wille, K. |
1981 |
1981,047 |
3750 |
Observation of high P T jets in two-photon interactions |
1981 |
1981,048 |
3751 |
A disorder parameter that tests for confinement in gauge theories with quark fields |
Mack, Gerhard et al. |
1981 |
1981,049 |
3752 |
Multiple bremsstrahlung in gauge theories at high energies ; I: General formalism for quantum electrodynamics |
1981 |
1981,050 |
3753 |
First measurement of the photon structure function F 2 |
1981 |
1981,051 |
3754 |
The renormalization of FF |
Tarrach, R. |
1981 |
1981,052 |
3755 |
High P T hadron production in photon-photon collisions |
1981 |
1981,053 |
3756 |
Energy dependence of event shapes in e + e - annihilation at C.M. energies from 7.7 to 31.6 GeV : (paper presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, July 9-15, 1981) |
1981 |
1981,054 |
3757 |
Preparation of silica aerogel for Cerenkov counters |
Poelz, G. et al. |
1981 |
1981,055 |
3758 |
Fermi pseudopotential in higher dimensions |
Grossmann, Alexander et al. |
1981 |
1981,056 |
3759 |
The 2-dimensional 0(4) symmetric Heisenberg ferromagnet in terms of rotation invariant variables |
Holtkamp, Annette |
1981 |
1981,057 |
3760 |
The QCD effective coupling constant in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. |
1981 |
1981,059 |
3761 |
Phenomenology of the Higgs boson |
Ali, A. |
1981 |
1981,060 |
3762 |
Local observables in non-Abelian gauge theories |
Sharatchandra, H. S. |
1981 |
1981,061 |
3763 |
Infrared dynamics of quantum electrodynamics and the asymptotic behavior of the electron form factor |
Dahmen, H. D. et al. |
1981 |
1981,062 |
3764 |
Measurement of wiretension in drift tubes by resonance in a magnetic field |
Hultschig, H. et al. |
1981 |
1981,065 |
3765 |
Review of mini beta luminosities in PETRA at different energies |
Piwinski, A. |
1981 |
1981,066 |
3766 |
Monopoles, vortices, and confinement |
Mack, G. et al. |
1981 |
1981,067 |
3767 |
Some topics in quantum field theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1981 |
1981,068 |
3768 |
[Pi] 0 production by e + e - annihilation at 14 and 34 GeV c.m. energy |
1981 |
1981,069 |
3769 |
Evidence on the gluon |
Söding, P. |
1981 |
1981,070 |
3770 |
Recent e + e - results from PETRA |
Wu, Sau Lan |
1981 |
1981,071 |
3771 |
Observation of a charge asymmetry in e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - |
1981 |
1981,072 |
3772 |
Recent experimental tests of the electroweak theory |
Branson, James G. |
1981 |
1981,073 |
3773 |
Recent results from PETRA : search for new particles |
Bürger, Jochen |
1981 |
1981,074 |
3774 |
Recent results from PETRA on R, on hadronic final states and on inclusive hadron spectra |
Fest, R. |
1981 |
1981,075 |
3775 |
Recent results from DORIS |
Bienlein, J. K. |
1981 |
1981,076 |
3776 |
Stefan-Boltzmann law at high temperature for the gluon gas |
Montvay, I. et al. |
1981 |
1981,077 |
3777 |
The nonforward QCD ladder diagrams |
Bartels, J. et al. |
1981 |
1981,078 |
3778 |
Proof of Bander's conjecture concerning ambiguities of magnetic flux |
Mitra, P. |
1981 |
1981,079 |
3779 |
Perturbative corrections to Monte Carlo [Lambda]-parameter determinations |
Sharatchandra, H. S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,083 |
3780 |
Constraints on recombination functions from J/[psi] decays |
Jones, L. M. |
1981 |
1981,085 |
3781 |
High energy e + e - interactions |
Wolf, G. |
1981 |
1981,086 |
3782 |
Horizontal gauge interactions and CP-violation in the B 0 -B - 0 system |
Joshipura, A. S. et al. |
1981 |
1981,087 |
3783 |
On the quantitative prediction of bunch lengthening in high energy electron storage rings |
Weiland, T. |
1981 |
1981,088 |
3784 |
The glueball mass spectrum in QCD : first results of a lattice Monte Carlo calculation |
Ishikawa, K. et al. |
1981 |
1981,089 |
3785 |
Test of QED in the reactions e + e - [right arrow] e + e - and e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - at CMS energies from 9.4 to 31.6 GeV |
1980 |
1980,01 |
3786 |
Search for narrow resonances in e + e - annihilation at PETRA |
1980 |
1980,002 |
3787 |
Properties of lattice gauge theory models at low temperatures |
Mack, Gerhard |
1980 |
1980,003 |
3788 |
Search for narrow resonances in e + e - annihilation at C.M. energies between 29.90 and 31.46 GeV |
1980 |
1980,004 |
3789 |
S matrix theory of the massive Thirring model |
Berg, B. |
1980 |
1980,005 |
3790 |
Multigluon effects and < p 2 T > in e + e - -annihilation |
Gutbrod, F. |
1980 |
1980,006 |
3791 |
Contributions of weak interactions to the process e + e - [right arrow] [antineutrino] [tau] X + [neutrino] [tau] X - |
Dahmen, H. D. et al. |
1980 |
1980,007 |
3792 |
Photon-photon collisions and two jet production to order [alpha] S |
Berends, F. A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,008 |
3793 |
High energy behaviour in a Nonabelian Gauge Theory II : first corrections to T n [right arrow] m beyond the leading-lns approximation |
Bartels, J. |
1980 |
1980,009 |
3794 |
Results of machine physics studies on PETRA in 1979 |
1980 |
1980,010 |
3795 |
Selected topics on e + e - physics |
Wolf, Günter |
1980 |
1980,13 |
3796 |
Test of quantum electrodynamics at PETRA |
1980 |
1980,014 |
3797 |
Determination of the electronic branching ratio of the [Tau](9.46) and an upper limit for its total width |
1980 |
1980,015 |
3798 |
Comment on top quark mass predictions |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,016 |
3799 |
Comments on the computation of quantum fluctuations of gluons in a multi instanton backround |
Berg, B. et al. |
1980 |
1980,018 |
3800 |
Improved evolution equations for QCD |
Kajantie, K. et al. |
1980 |
1980,019 |
3801 |
[Upsilon](9.46) decays do test QCD |
Walsh, T. F. et al. |
1980 |
1980,020 |
3802 |
Predictions of a theory of quark confinement |
Mack, Gerhard |
1980 |
1980,021 |
3803 |
Head tail turbulence and the transverse PETRA instability |
Kohaupt, R. D. |
1980 |
1980,022 |
3804 |
Vortex free energy and string tension at strong and intermediate coupling |
Münster, Gernot |
1980 |
1980,023 |
3805 |
The on-shell QCD quark form factor and its determination from two-particle correlations in e + e - annihilation |
Marquardt, W. et al. |
1980 |
1980,024 |
3806 |
The simplest properties of onia up to 60 GeV |
Krammer, Margarete et al. |
1980 |
1980,025 |
3807 |
The large cylindrical drift chamber of TASSO |
1980 |
1980,027 |
3808 |
Measuring QCD anomalies in hadronic transitions between onium states |
Voloshin, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,028 |
3809 |
Two-particle inclusive distributions from first-order QCD |
Mursula, K. |
1980 |
1980,029 |
3810 |
A determination of the total width of the [Upsilon](9.46) meson |
1980 |
1980,030 |
3811 |
Anomalies of the free loop wave equation in the WKB approximation |
Lüscher, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,031 |
3812 |
A null result in massless QCD : beam-event asymmetry in e + e - [right arrow] q[anti]qg with longitudinally polarized beams |
1980 |
1980,032 |
3813 |
Test of QED in e + e - annihilation at energies between 12 and 31.6 GeV |
1980 |
1980,033 |
3814 |
Lepton and hadron pair production in two-photon reactions |
1980 |
1980,034 |
3815 |
Measurement of the reaction e + e - [right arrow] [gamma][gamma] at CMS energies from 9.4 to 31.6 GeV |
1980 |
1980,035 |
3816 |
Klustermethoden zur Jet-Analyse |
Lanius, K. |
1980 |
1980,036 |
3817 |
Asymptotic dynamics of QCD, coherent states and the quark form factor |
Dahmen, H. D. et al. |
1980 |
1980,037 |
3818 |
Experience with the JADE Jet-Chamber at PETRA and pattern recognition programs for the JADE Jet-Chamber |
1980 |
1980,038 |
3819 |
K O production in e + e - annihilations at 30 GeV center of mass energy |
1980 |
1980,039 |
3820 |
Comparison of e + e - annihilation with QCD and determination of the strong coupling constant |
1980 |
1980,040 |
3821 |
On non-perturbative effects in the jet physics |
Voloshin, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,041 |
3822 |
Quarks and monopoles at LEP |
1980 |
1980,042 |
3823 |
Results from PLUTO |
Spitzer, H. |
1980 |
1980,043 |
3824 |
High temperature expansions for the free energy of vortices respectively the string tension in lattice gauge theories |
Münster, Gernot |
1980 |
1980,044 |
3825 |
Phenomenology of jets |
Walsh, T. F. |
1980 |
1980,045 |
3826 |
Inclusive muon production at PETRA energies |
1980 |
1980,047 |
3827 |
Jets, gluons, QCD |
Walsh, T. F. |
1980 |
1980,048 |
3828 |
Charged pion, kaon, proton and anti-proton production in high energy e + e - annihilation |
1980 |
1980,049 |
3829 |
The quantum chromodynamics vacuum state on the lattice in the 1/N C expansion |
Engels, J. et al. |
1980 |
1980,050 |
3830 |
Test of some current ideas in quark confinement physics by Monte Carlo computations for finite lattices |
Mack, G. et al. |
1980 |
1980,051 |
3831 |
Photon-photon physics in the deep inelastic region |
Walsh, T. F. |
1980 |
1980,052 |
3832 |
Total width and leptonic branching ratio of the [Upsilon](9.46) |
1980 |
1980,053 |
3833 |
On the Pomeranchuk singularity in massless vector theories |
Bartels, J. |
1980 |
1980,054 |
3834 |
Quark confinement and gluon radiation |
Gutbrod, F. |
1980 |
1980,055 |
3835 |
Future accelerator plans at DESY |
Wiik, B. H. |
1980 |
1980,056 |
3836 |
Estimate of the relation between scale parameters and the string tension by strong coupling methods |
Münster, Gernot et al. |
1980 |
1980,057 |
3837 |
Total cross section for hadron production by e + e - annihilation between 9.4 and 9.5 GeV |
1980 |
1980,058 |
3838 |
A new quark mass matrix |
Großer, D. |
1980 |
1980,059 |
3839 |
Absorbed Mueller-Regge model for backward inclusive proton production in positive pion-proton collisions |
Moriarty, K. J. M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,060 |
3840 |
New results on the [Upsilon]-system from DORIS |
Schröder, H. |
1980 |
1980,061 |
3841 |
Experimental limits on the lowest possible mass horizontal gauge boson in SU(2) H |
Montvay, I. |
1980 |
1980,062 |
3842 |
How thick are chromoelectric flux tubes? |
Lüscher, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,063 |
3843 |
Technology of drift chambers |
Schmidt, D. |
1980 |
1980,064 |
3844 |
Grand unification at the subcompenent level |
Montvay, I. |
1980 |
1980,065 |
3845 |
Distributions in the process e + e - [right arrow] [mu] + [mu] - ([gamma]) |
Berends, F. A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,066 |
3846 |
Phase diagram of SO(2) lattice gauge theory in four-dimensions |
Moriarty, K. J. M. |
1980 |
1980,067 |
3847 |
Superspaces and supersymmetries |
Jadczyk, A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,068 |
3848 |
Multiplicity distributions in e + e - annihilations at PETRA energies |
1980 |
1980,069 |
3849 |
Total hadronic cross section, multiplicity, and inclusive particle spectra from e + e - annihilation at PETRA |
Timm, U. |
1980 |
1980,070 |
3850 |
Search for fractional charge and heavy stable particles at PETRA |
1980 |
1980,071 |
3851 |
Pattern recognition in track chamber spectrometers |
Kowalski, H. |
1980 |
1980,072 |
3852 |
Initial state radiation for e + e - annihilation into jets |
Berends, F. A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,073 |
3853 |
On the roughening transition in Abelian lattice gauge theories |
Münster, Gernot et al. |
1980 |
1980,074 |
3854 |
Two photon results from TASSO |
1980 |
1980,075 |
3855 |
Rho rho production by two photon scattering |
1980 |
1980,077 |
3856 |
Energy-energy correlations in e + e - annihilation into hadrons |
1980 |
1980,078 |
3857 |
Central detectors |
Wagner, A. |
1980 |
1980,083 |
3858 |
PLUTO results on jets and QCD |
1980 |
1980,084 |
3859 |
Symmetry breaking aspects of the roughening transition in gauge theories |
Lüscher, M. |
1980 |
1980,087 |
3860 |
Weak neutral current effects in e + e - annihilation |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1980 |
1980,088 |
3861 |
QCD corrections for two jet production in photon-photon collisions |
Berends, F. A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,089 |
3862 |
Jet cross sections in leptoproduction from QCD |
Rumpf, Ch. et al. |
1980 |
1980,090 |
3863 |
Measurements of R and search for new thresholds at PETRA |
Cords, Dieter |
1980 |
1980,092 |
3864 |
A study of multijet events in e + e - -annihilation |
1980 |
1980,093 |
3865 |
Inelastic electron photon scattering at moderate four momentum transfers |
1980 |
1980,094 |
3866 |
Response of SU(2) lattice gauge theory to a gauge invariant external field |
Göpfert, M. |
1980 |
1980,095 |
3867 |
Two-photon exchange in p p (-) [right arrow] e + e - X and a comparison with QCD |
Schrempp, B. et al. |
1980 |
1980,096 |
3868 |
On the roughening transition in non-Abelian lattice gauge theories |
Münster, Gernot et al. |
1980 |
1980,097 |
3869 |
Production of Higgs bosons and hyperpions in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,098 |
3870 |
Final state polarization effects in e - e + [right arrow] [gamma],Z [right arrow] q[anti]qg |
Koller, K. et al. |
1980 |
1980,099 |
3871 |
The TASSO gas and aerogel Cerenkov counters |
1980 |
1980,100 |
3872 |
A cluster algorithm for jet studies |
Daum, H. J. et al. |
1980 |
1980,101 |
3873 |
Two photon processes at PETRA |
Wagner, W. |
1980 |
1980,102 |
3874 |
A QCD analysis of jets in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. |
1980 |
1980,103 |
3875 |
The roughening transition in lattice gauge theories |
Münster, Gernot |
1980 |
1980,104 |
3876 |
Complete S-Matrix of the 0(2N) Gross-Neveu model |
Karowski, M. et al. |
1980 |
1980,105 |
3877 |
Pattern recognition in layered track chambers using a tree algorithm |
Cassel, D. G. et al. |
1980 |
1980,107 |
3878 |
Search for new sequential leptons in e + e - annihilation at PETRA energies |
1980 |
1980,108 |
3879 |
Trigger and decision processors |
Franke, G. |
1980 |
1980,109 |
3880 |
Production of charged hyperpions in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. et al. |
1980 |
1980,110 |
3881 |
Observation of QCD effects in transverse momenta of e + e - jets |
1980 |
1980,111 |
3882 |
Lattice gauge theories, confinement, strings and all that |
Münster, Gernot |
1980 |
1980,112 |
3883 |
Is the E(1420) in J/[psi] decay a gluonic bound state? |
Ishikawa, K. |
1980 |
1980,113 |
3884 |
Fast trigger techniques |
Waloschek, P. |
1980 |
1980,114 |
3885 |
Muon-nucleon scattering, QCD related experimental results |
Brasse, F. W. |
1980 |
1980,115 |
3886 |
Topology of the [Upsilon]-decay |
1980 |
1980,117 |
3887 |
On the connection between the [Lambda]-parameters of Euclidean lattice and continuum QCD |
Weisz, P. |
1980 |
1980,118 |
3888 |
QCD-predictions for four-jet final states in e + e - -annihilation II : angular correlations as a test of the triple-gluon coupling |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1980 |
1980,119 |
3889 |
Higher order QCD corrections in e + e - annihilation into hadrons |
Schierholz, G. |
1980 |
1980,120 |
3890 |
Scalar vs. vector gluons in inclusive [gamma]-decays of heavy 1 - - quarkonium : rates, spectra, angular correlations and photon polarizations |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1980 |
1980,121 |
3891 |
New e + e - physics |
Wiik, B. H. |
1980 |
1980,124 |
3892 |
Physics interest in polarized e + e - -reactions at PETRA/PEP energies |
Bienlein, J. K. |
1980 |
1980,126 |
3893 |
A simple method of four-jet analysis in e + e - annihilation |
Wu, Sau Lan |
1980 |
1980,127 |
3894 |
CELLO : a new detector at PETRA |
1980 |
1980,128 |
3895 |
E + e - colliding beam experiments |
Wiik, B. H. |
1980 |
1980,129 |
3896 |
On the impossibility of embedding horizontal and vertical subgroups in higher simple groups |
Ghaboussi, F. |
1980 |
1980,130 |
3897 |
Computer simulation of the beam-beam interaction |
Piwinski, A. |
1980 |
1980,131 |
3898 |
Quarkonium decays : testing the 3-gluon vertex |
1980 |
1980,132 |
3899 |
Comment on the ISR [pi] 0 -[pi] 0 azimuthal correlation data |
Gunion, J. F. et al. |
1979 |
1979,35 |
3900 |
The effect of statistical fluctuations on confinement and on the vacuum structure of the CP n-1 models |
Lazarides, G. |
1979 |
1979,01 |
3901 |
Can recently measured moments of F [nu]N 3 discriminate between field theories of strong interactions? |
Reya, E. |
1979 |
1979,02 |
3902 |
Four-jet production in e + e - -annihilation |
1979 |
1979,03 |
3903 |
More about the S matrix of the chiral SU(N) Thirring model |
Abdalla, E. et al. |
1979 |
1979,04 |
3904 |
Deep inelastic quantum chromodynamic charm leptoproduction |
Glück, M. et al. |
1979 |
1979,05 |
3905 |
First measurement of parasitic mode losses in PETRA |
1979 |
1979,07 |
3906 |
DORIS at 5 GeV |
1979 |
1979,08 |
3907 |
Heavy Quarkonia and asymptotic freedom |
Krasemann, Hartmut et al. |
1979 |
1979,09 |
3908 |
Quark and gluon jets in the Breit frame of lepton-nucleon scattering |
Streng, K. H. et al. |
1979 |
1979,10 |
3909 |
Cross sections and event topologies in e + e - -annihilation at 13 and 17 GeV observed with the PLUTO-detector |
1979 |
1979,11 |
3910 |
Semileptonic decays of heavy quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics |
Ali, A. et al. |
1979 |
1979,12 |
3911 |
Discriminative deep inelastic tests of strong interaction field theories |
Glück, M. et al. |
1979 |
1979,13 |
3912 |
Properties of hadron final states in e + e - annihilation at 13 GeV and 17 GeV center of mass energies |
1979 |
1979,14 |
3913 |
Measuring the triple gluon vertex |
Reya, E. |
1979 |
1979,15 |
3914 |
Indications of b[anti]b production and decay at PETRA |
1979 |
1979,16 |
3915 |
Computation of quantum fluctuations around multi-instanton fields from exact Green's functions : the CP n-1 case |
Berg, B. et al. |
1979 |
1979,17 |
3916 |
QCD scattering processes with hard gluon emission |
Kunszt, Z. et al. |
1979 |
1979,18 |
3917 |
Measurement of leptonic branching ratios of the [Upsilon](9.46) |
1979 |
1979,19 |
3918 |
Quarkonia |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1979 |
1979,20 |
3919 |
Quantum chromodynamics and jets in e + e - |
1979 |
1979,21 |
3920 |
Z 2 monopoles in the standard SU(2) lattice gauge theory model |
Mack, G. et al. |
1979 |
1979,22 |
3921 |
A method of three-jet analysis in e + e - annihilation |
Lan Wu, Sau et al. |
1979 |
1979,23 |
3922 |
Observation of an excess of events in e + e - annihilations into neutral final-states leading to three electromagnetic showers at 10 GeV |
1979 |
1979,24 |
3923 |
Equation of motion for string operators in quantum chromodynamics |
Suura, H. |
1979 |
1979,25 |
3924 |
Recent experiments at DESY |
Flügge, Günter |
1979 |
1979,26 |
3925 |
The production and detection of Higgs particles at LEP |
1979 |
1979,27 |
3926 |
Transverse momenta of hadronically produced heavy quark systems : 2 [right arrow] 3 processes in QCD |
Kunszt, Z. et al. |
1979 |
1979,28 |
3927 |
Angular distributions of hadron jets in e + e - annihilation from QCD : [gamma]-Z interference |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1979 |
1979,29 |
3928 |
Deep inelastic structure functions : decisive tests of QCD |
Reya, E. |
1979 |
1979,30 |
3929 |
Experimental results on the decay sequences [Psi]' (3685) [right arrow] [gamma]P C/[chi] [right arrow] [gamma][gamma]J/[Psi], [gamma][pi] + [pi] - , [gamma]K + K - and the decays [Psi]' [right arrow] [eta]J/[Psi], [pi] O J/[Psi] |
1979 |
1979,31 |
3930 |
On understanding [eta]' [right arrow] [eta][pi][pi] and allied processes despite Adler zeros |
Santhanam, I. et al. |
1979 |
1979,33 |
3931 |
Production of three large p T jets in hadron-hadron collisions |
Kunszt, Z. et al. |
1979 |
1979,34 |
3932 |
Heavy leptons |
Flügge, Günter |
1979 |
1979,37 |
3933 |
Searching for Higgs at PETRA using the Wilczek mechanism |
Ali, A. et al. |
1979 |
1979,38 |
3934 |
Hadronic jets from e + e - -annihilations in the [Upsilon]- and [Upsilon]'-region |
1979 |
1979,39 |
3935 |
Computation of quantum fluctuations of quark fields in an arbitrary Yang-Millian instanton background |
Berg, B. et al. |
1979 |
1979,40 |
3936 |
High energy trends in e + e - physics : (rapporteur talk given at the 1979 EPS International Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 27 June - 4 July 1979) |
Wolf, Günter |
1979 |
1979,41 |
3937 |
Results from PLUTO at PETRA : (paper presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva 27 June - 4 July 1979) |
1979 |
1979,42 |
3938 |
Experimental search for [Upsilon] decay into 3 gluons : (paper presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva 27 June - 4 July 1979) |
1979 |
1979,43 |
3939 |
Chiral U(1) symmetry and weak neutral currents at high energy |
Yang, T. C. |
1979 |
1979,44 |
3940 |
Parity determination for the new generation of heavy neutral mesons |
Chang, Ngee-Pong et al. |
1979 |
1979,45 |
3941 |
High energy electron scattering on 6 LI and 12 C as an incoherent superposition of single nucleon processes |
1979 |
1979,46 |
3942 |
Jet production in e + e - annihilation and decays of the [Upsilon](9.46) resonance : results from PLUTO |
Knies, Gerhard |
1979 |
1979,47 |
3943 |
First results from PLUTO at PETRA |
Wagner, Walter |
1979 |
1979,49 |
3944 |
The hadronic final state in e + e - annihilation at C.M. energies of 13, 17 and 27.4 GeV |
1979 |
1979,50 |
3945 |
The dynamics of the reaction [gamma]p [right arrow] p[anit]pp at energies between 4.7 and 6.5 GeV |
1979 |
1979,51 |
3946 |
Excluding scalar gluons |
Koller, Karl et al. |
1979 |
1979,52 |
3947 |
Evidence for planar events in e + e - annihilation at high energies |
1979 |
1979,53 |
3948 |
QCD predictions for four-jet final states in e + e - -annihilation |
1979 |
1979,54 |
3949 |
Explicit parametrization of the general SU(2) instantons |
Casher, Aharon |
1979 |
1979,55 |
3950 |
Search for a "top" threshold in hadronic e + e - annihilation at energies between 22 and 31.6 GeV |
1979 |
1979,56 |
3951 |
Evidence for gluon bremsstrahlung in e + e - annihilations at high energies |
1979 |
1979,57 |
3952 |
Recent results on the instanton approximation |
Berg, B. |
1979 |
1979,58 |
3953 |
Electroproduction of [pi] + n, [pi] - p and K + [Lambda], K + [Sigma] O final states above the resonance region |
1979 |
1979,59 |
3954 |
Quark and particle helicities in hadronic charmed particle decays |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1979 |
1979,60 |
3955 |
Tasso results on e + e - annihilation between 13 and 31.6 GeV and evidence for three jet events |
1979 |
1979,61 |
3956 |
Longitudinal cross section and asymmetries for jets in leptoproduction |
Rumpf, Ch. et al. |
1979 |
1979,062 |
3957 |
Heavy quarks in e + e - annihilation |
Ali, A. et al. |
1979 |
1979,63 |
3958 |
Total cross section for hadron production by e + e - annihilation at PETRA energies |
1979 |
1979,64 |
3959 |
Hadron production from photon-photon interactions in the CM energy range from 1 to 5 GeV |
1979 |
1979,65 |
3960 |
Spin parity analysis of the decay [tau] [right arrow] [neutrino] [rho] [pi] |
1979 |
1979,66 |
3961 |
Supersymmetric particles at LEP |
1979 |
1979,67 |
3962 |
High energy behavior of nonabelian gauge theories |
Bartels, J. |
1979 |
1979,68 |
3963 |
Cross sections and angular distributions of three-jet final states in e + e - annihilation for heavy quarks |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1979 |
1979,69 |
3964 |
Search for new flavour production at PETRA |
1979 |
1979,70 |
3965 |
e + e - jets |
Schierholz, G. |
1979 |
1979,71 |
3966 |
On the characterization of the Higgs phase in lattice gauge theories |
Münster, Gernot |
1979 |
1979,72 |
3967 |
Rapid growth of charged particle multiplicity in high enery e + e - annihilations |
1979 |
1979,73 |
3968 |
e + e - annihilation at high energies and search for the t-quark continuum contribution |
1979 |
1979,74 |
3969 |
Energy scan for narrow states in e + e - annihilation at C.M. energies between 29.90 and 31.46 GeV |
1979 |
1979,75 |
3970 |
Cutoff dependence in lattice [Phi] 4 4 theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1979 |
1979,76 |
3971 |
First results from JADE |
1979 |
1979,77 |
3972 |
Luminosity functions for two-photon processes in e + e - collisions |
Field, J. H. |
1979 |
1979,78 |
3973 |
New results in e + e - annihilation from PETRA |
Schopper, H. |
1979 |
1979,79 |
3974 |
Measurements of the properties of the [Upsilon] family from e + e - annihilation |
Meyer, Hinrich |
1979 |
1979,81 |
3975 |
Two-particle correlations in e + e - annihilation |
1979 |
1979,83 |
3976 |
Recent results from PETRA |
Wiik, B. |
1979 |
1979,84 |
3977 |
Characteristics of photon-photon initiated 3 jet events in QCD |
Field, J. H. et al. |
1979 |
1979,85 |
3978 |
A QCD analysis of the high energy e + e - data from PETRA |
1979 |
1979,86 |
3979 |
Angular asymmetries of e + e - annihilation to three jets |
1979 |
1979,87 |
3980 |
Perturbative quantum chromodynamics |
Reya, E. |
1979 |
1979,88 |
3981 |
The relativistic harmonic oscillator reconsidered |
Hofsäss, T. |
1978 |
1978,03 |
3982 |
More about the S matrix of the chiral SU(N) Thirring model |
Abdalla, E. et al. |
1978 |
1978,04 |
3983 |
In quest of a relativistic constituent quark model : some constructive remarks |
Hofsäss, T. et al. |
1978 |
1978,05 |
3984 |
A polarization prediction from two gluon exchange for 1 - - (Q[anti]Q) [right arrow] [gamma] + 2 + + (q[anti]q) |
Krammer, Margarete |
1978 |
1978,06 |
3985 |
Bianchi-identities for supersymmetric gauge-theories |
Sohnius, Martin F. |
1978 |
1978,07 |
3986 |
Minimal mass corrections in deep-inelastic lepton scattering |
Kuroda, M. et al. |
1978 |
1978,08 |
3987 |
Scattering amplitudes of the Gross-Neveu and nonlinear [sigma]-models in higher orders of the 1/N-expansion |
1978 |
1978,09 |
3988 |
Evading the 'axion' without massless quarks |
Sugawara, Hirotaka |
1978 |
1978,10 |
3989 |
Weak mixing and CP-violation involving heavy quarks and possible measurements in e + e - experiments |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1978 |
1978,11 |
3990 |
Inclusive K 0 S and [Lambda] electroproduction |
1978 |
1978,12 |
3991 |
Weak decays of the charmed baryon C + 0 and the inclusive yield of [Lambda] and p |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,13 |
3992 |
Hadronic decay of [tau] |
Kawamoto, Noboru et al. |
1978 |
1978,14 |
3993 |
The helix tube chamber |
1978 |
1978,15 |
3994 |
Gluons in quarkonium decay |
Koller, K. et al. |
1978 |
1978,16 |
3995 |
Colour screening and quark confinement |
Mack, G. |
1978 |
1978,17 |
3996 |
Total cross section for hadron production by e + e - -annihilation at center of mass energies between 3.6 and 5.2 GeV |
1978 |
1978,18 |
3997 |
S-P wave interference in K + K - photoproduction near K + K - threshold |
1978 |
1978,19 |
3998 |
Measurement of the f 0 (1270) polarization in the J/[psi] [right arrow] f 0 [gamma] decay |
1978 |
1978,20 |
3999 |
Observation of a narrow resonance formed in e + e - annihilation at 9.46 GeV |
1978 |
1978,21 |
4000 |
Observation of a narrow resonance at 9.46 GeV in electron-positron annihilations |
1978 |
1978,22 |
4001 |
A precise determination of the [tau]-mass |
1978 |
1978,24 |
4002 |
Recent results from the PLUTO and DASP detectors at DORIS |
Timm, U. |
1978 |
1978,25 |
4003 |
Elastic and inelastic [phi]-photoproduction |
1978 |
1978,26 |
4004 |
Spotting glueballs in collinear gluon jets |
Roy, Probir et al. |
1978 |
1978,28 |
4005 |
On observables of QCD in high order calculations |
Moshe, M. |
1978 |
1978,29 |
4006 |
Observation of the decay [tau] [right arrow] [pi][neutrino] |
1978 |
1978,30 |
4007 |
[Delta] (1232) production by virtual photons |
1978 |
1978,31 |
4008 |
Light quark mass spectrum in quantum chromodynamics |
Langacker, Paul et al. |
1978 |
1978,33 |
4009 |
Electroproduction of charged pions in the quark fragmentation region |
1978 |
1978,34 |
4010 |
QCD predictions for jets in e + e - annihilation : angular correlations and asymmetries |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,36 |
4011 |
The 3 Gluon decay of quarkonium |
Koller, K. et al. |
1978 |
1978,37 |
4012 |
Operator solution to broken QCD(N) 2 for massless quarks |
Mitra, P. et al. |
1978 |
1978,38 |
4013 |
A study of jets in electron positron annihilation into hadrons in the energy range 3.1 to 9.5 GEV |
1978 |
1978,39 |
4014 |
Confinement of static quarks in two dimensional lattice gauge theories |
Mack, G. |
1978 |
1978,40 |
4015 |
Duality predictions for the production of heavy quark systems in QCD |
Glück, M. et al. |
1978 |
1978,41 |
4016 |
The new heavy lepton [tau] |
Flügge, Günter |
1978 |
1978,42 |
4017 |
Self dual Z(N) gauge theories |
Casher, Aharon |
1978 |
1978,43 |
4018 |
Evidence for a narrow resonance at 10.01 GeV in electron-positron annihilations |
1978 |
1978,44 |
4019 |
Observation of a narrow resonance at 10.02 GeV in e + e - annihilations |
1978 |
1978,45 |
4020 |
Jets from Q [anti]Q P waves |
Krasemann, Hartmut |
1978 |
1978,46 |
4021 |
Jet-like distributions from the weak decay of heavy quarks |
1978 |
1978,47 |
4022 |
Dynamics of charm molecules |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1978 |
1978,48 |
4023 |
Cascade radiative decays of [psi]' (3684) and evidence for a new intermediate state of even C-parity |
1978 |
1978,49 |
4024 |
Charged pion, kaon and nucleon production by e + e - annihilation for c.m. energies between 3.6 and 5.2 GeV |
1978 |
1978,50 |
4025 |
Nonleptonic weak decays of bottom mesons |
1978 |
1978,51 |
4026 |
Q 2 Q [anti]2 states with relatively narrow widths |
Ono, Seiji |
1978 |
1978,52 |
4027 |
Weak decays of charmed baryons |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,53 |
4028 |
First observation of photon-photon interactions at DORIS |
1978 |
1978,54 |
4029 |
Particle spectroscopy |
Flügge, Günter |
1978 |
1978,55 |
4030 |
Review of e + e - reactions |
Spitzer, Hartwig |
1978 |
1978,56 |
4031 |
A probe of OZI suppression |
Kunszt, Z. et al. |
1978 |
1978,57 |
4032 |
The last heavy lepton and the next one |
Walsh, T. F. |
1978 |
1978,58 |
4033 |
Jet angular radii and their energy dependence |
1978 |
1978,59 |
4034 |
The transverse momentum profile of a quark jet |
Eichmann, G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,60 |
4035 |
Quark model calculation of the parity violating NN[pi] coupling in the Weinberg-Salam model |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,61 |
4036 |
Transverse momentum and angular distributions of hadrons in e + e - jets from QCD |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,62 |
4037 |
Production characteristics of the F meson |
1978 |
1978,63 |
4038 |
Charge retention in deep inelastic electroproduction |
1978 |
1978,64 |
4039 |
On the nucleon propagator in meson theory |
Gutbrod, F. |
1978 |
1978,65 |
4040 |
Quarkonium |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1978 |
1978,66 |
4041 |
Final states in non-leptonic bottom meson decays |
1978 |
1978,67 |
4042 |
Comparison of lattice gauge theories with gauge groups Z 2 and SU(2) |
Mack, G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,68 |
4043 |
Sufficient condition for confinement of static quarks by a vortex condensation mechanism |
Mack, G. et al. |
1978 |
1978,69 |
4044 |
An experimental upper limit for the [tau] lifetime |
1978 |
1978,70 |
4045 |
Jet analysis of the [Upsilon](9.46) decay into charged hadrons |
1978 |
1978,71 |
4046 |
Angular energy flow in perturbative QCD |
Bigi, I. I. Y. et al. |
1978 |
1978,72 |
4047 |
Electron energy and position measurement using lead-scintillator calorimeters with a new light collection system |
1978 |
1978,73 |
4048 |
Ypsilons and jets at DORIS |
Weber, Gustav |
1978 |
1978,74 |
4049 |
Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in CP n-1 models with quarks |
D'Adda, A. et al. |
1978 |
1978,75 |
4050 |
On the isovector form factors of the nucleon in meson theory |
Gutbrod, Fritz et al. |
1978 |
1978,76 |
4051 |
Testing QCD: direct photons in e + e - collisions |
Koller, K. et al. |
1978 |
1978,77 |
4052 |
Asymptotic freedom constraints on grand unified gauge theories |
Vaughn, Michael T. |
1978 |
1978,78 |
4053 |
The three-gluon vertex of QCD |
Koller, K. et al. |
1978 |
1978,79 |
4054 |
Radiative decays of the J/[psi] and evidence for a new heavy resonance |
1977 |
1977,02 |
4055 |
The three photon final state produced in e + e - collision at 3.6 GeV and at the [psi]' |
1977 |
1977,03 |
4056 |
Radiative corrections to the leptonic decays of the charged heavy leptons |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1977 |
1977,04 |
4057 |
1/N expansions in P([Phi] 2 ) 4-[epsilon] theory : 1. massless theory, 0 < [epsilon] < 2 |
Symanzik, K. |
1977 |
1977,05 |
4058 |
Small-angle compton scattering on hydrogen and deuterium |
1977 |
1977,06 |
4059 |
Small-angle photon scattering on complex nuclei |
1977 |
1977,07 |
4060 |
Gauge fields on coset spaces |
Domokos, G. et al. |
1977 |
1977,08 |
4061 |
[Omega]-meson production by virtual photons |
1977 |
1977,09 |
4062 |
Comments on charmed baryon pair production in e + e - -annihilation |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1977 |
1977,10 |
4063 |
Inclusive hadron production by e + e - annihilation for s between 13 and 25 GeV 2 |
1977 |
1977,11 |
4064 |
Production of charged kaons by e + e - collisions between [radical]s=3.6 and 5 GeV |
1977 |
1977,12 |
4065 |
Regge Spectra, symmetry breaking effects and decays of old and new mesons in dual resonance amplitudes |
Kuroda, Masaaki et al. |
1977 |
1977,13 |
4066 |
Inclusive K O S -production in e + e - annihilation at energies of 3.6 to 5.0 GeV |
1977 |
1977,14 |
4067 |
A note on the inverse scattering problem in quantum field theory |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1977 |
1977,15 |
4068 |
Absence of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking in Hamiltonian lattice gauge theories |
Lüscher, M. |
1977 |
1977,16 |
4069 |
Inclusive J/[psi] production in e + e - annihilation in the energy range from 4.0 to 5.0 GeV |
1977 |
1977,17 |
4070 |
Limitation of the luminosity by satellite resonances |
Piwinski, A. |
1977 |
1977,18 |
4071 |
On bunch lengthening and the particle distribution in electron storage rings |
Hardt, W. et al. |
1977 |
1977,20 |
4072 |
Recent experimental results from DESY |
Cords, D. et al. |
1977 |
1977,21 |
4073 |
Separation of [sigma]L and [sigma]U in [pi] + -electroproduction above the resonance region |
1977 |
1977,22 |
4074 |
Charged and neutral current production of [delta](1236) |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1977 |
1977,23 |
4075 |
Anomalous muon production in e + e - annihilation as evidence for heavy leptons |
1977 |
1977,24 |
4076 |
Evidence for heavy leptons from anomalous [mu]e production in e + e - annihilation |
1977 |
1977,25 |
4077 |
Electroproduction and photoproduction of vector mesons and generalized vector meson dominance |
Fraas, H. et al. |
1977 |
1977,26 |
4078 |
[Rho] recurrences in J/[psi] [right arrow] 3[pi] |
Aydin, Z. Z. |
1977 |
1977,27 |
4079 |
An experimental study of the antineutron-light nucleus annihilation at 1.4 GeV/c |
1977 |
1977,28 |
4080 |
Description of all conserved topological currents which depend on the fields and their first space-time derivatives |
Halfar, P. |
1977 |
1977,29 |
4081 |
The decay chi(3.45) [right arrow] [pi] + [pi] - X(2.83) : a test of cc - dynamics |
Greco, M. et al. |
1977 |
1977,30 |
4082 |
Depolarization effects in PETRA |
Montague, B. W. |
1977 |
1977,31 |
4083 |
SO(4)-symmetric solutions of Minkowskian Yang-Mills field equations |
Lüscher, M. |
1977 |
1977,32 |
4084 |
Stability properties of equilibrium states |
Haag, Rudolf et al. |
1977 |
1977,33 |
4085 |
A possible identification of [Chi](3.45) with a "time like" cc - excitation |
Krasemann, H. et al. |
1977 |
1977,34 |
4086 |
Review of heavy leptons in e+ e - annihilation |
Flügge, Günter |
1977 |
1977,35 |
4087 |
On the origin of inclusive electron events in e + e - annihilation between 3.6 and 5.2 GeV |
1977 |
1977,36 |
4088 |
Decoupling of higher vector mesons and charmed meson production in e + e - annihilation |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1977 |
1977,37 |
4089 |
Physics with large electron-proton colliding rings |
Llewellyn-Smith, C. H. et al. |
1977 |
1977,38 |
4090 |
SU(4) weak currents and their experimental implications |
Yang, T. C. |
1977 |
1977,39 |
4091 |
Comparison of inelastic electron and positron scattering cross sections on 12 C and 27 Al |
1977 |
1977,40 |
4092 |
On the semileptonic decay of charmed hadrons |
1977 |
1977,41 |
4093 |
Elastic [pi]0 electroproduction above the resonance region |
1977 |
1977,42 |
4094 |
1+1-dimensional quantum electrodynamics as an illustration of the hypothetical structure of quark field theory |
Becher, P. et al. |
1977 |
1977,43 |
4095 |
Evidence for the F meson |
1977 |
1977,44 |
4096 |
QED background to heavy lepton production in e + e - annihilation |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1977 |
1977,45 |
4097 |
Jets and hadron balls in e + e - |
Eichmann, G. et al. |
1977 |
1977,46 |
4098 |
Electroproduction of neutral pions and test of the quark-parton model |
1977 |
1977,47 |
4099 |
Continuity equations for the classical Euclidean two-dimensional non-linear [sigma]-models |
Eichenherr, H. et al. |
1977 |
1977,48 |
4100 |
Inclusive spectra of electroproduced K + -mesons |
1977 |
1977,49 |
4101 |
Measurement of the branching ratios for the decays J/[psi] (3.1) [right arrow] f[omega] and J/[psi] (3.1) [right arrow] B[pi] |
1977 |
1977,50 |
4102 |
SU(4) weak currents |
Yang, T. C. |
1977 |
1977,51 |
4103 |
Recent results on e + e - -annihilation at DORIS |
Timm, Uwe |
1977 |
1977,52 |
4104 |
Experimental results in photoproduction |
Berger, Christoph |
1977 |
1977,53 |
4105 |
Semileptonic decays of the F-mesons and the ensuing lepton spectrum |
Ali, Ahmed |
1977 |
1977,54 |
4106 |
Shadowing effect in inelastic electron scattering on 12 C and 27 Al nuclei at small four momentum transfer |
1977 |
1977,55 |
4107 |
SO(2)-symmetric solutions of the two-dimensional Minkowskian and Euclidean O(3) nonlinear [sigma]-model |
Meetz, K. |
1977 |
1977,57 |
4108 |
Quark and color confinement through dynamical Higgs mechanism |
Mack, G. |
1977 |
1977,58 |
4109 |
Measurement of the real part of the virtual Compton amplitude and of the invariant mass yield of the photoproduced e + e - pairs in the mass range 1500 < m < 2000 MeV |
1977 |
1977,60 |
4110 |
High energy pp scattering in the additive eikonal quark model |
Daboul, J. et al. |
1977 |
1977,61 |
4111 |
Application of Veneziano model to charm meson systems |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1977 |
1977,62 |
4112 |
High spin meson decays in the dual resonance model with nondegenerate Regge trajectories |
Kuroda, M. et al. |
1977 |
1977,63 |
4113 |
Determination of the longitudinal and the transverse part in [pi] + -electroproduction |
1977 |
1977,64 |
4114 |
Scattering of massless lumps and non-local charges in the two-dimensional classical non-linear [sigma]-model |
Lüscher, M. et al. |
1977 |
1977,65 |
4115 |
Bunch lengthening in DORIS |
Kohaupt, R. D. |
1977 |
1977,66 |
4116 |
"n-soliton" solutions of the classical two dimensional Minkowskian O(3) nonlinear [sigma]-model |
Halfar, P. |
1977 |
1977,67 |
4117 |
Three gluon jets as a test of QCD |
Koller, K. et al. |
1977 |
1977,68 |
4118 |
Charged hadron multiplicities and inclusive [pi] - distributions in inelastic ep-scattering |
1977 |
1977,69 |
4119 |
Results from DESY-Heidelberg NaI lead glass detector |
1977 |
1977,70 |
4120 |
Hadron production by electrons in the deep-inelastic region |
1977 |
1977,71 |
4121 |
Measurement of the J/[psi] radiative decay into f 0 (1270)[gamma] |
1977 |
1977,72 |
4122 |
Separation of [sigma]L and [sigma]T in [eta]-electroproduction at the resonance S11 (1535) |
1977 |
1977,73 |
4123 |
Results from PLUTO |
Knies, Gerhard |
1977 |
1977,74 |
4124 |
Two gluon jets from [Upsilon]'(10.0) |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1977 |
1977,75 |
4125 |
Weak decays of charmed particles and heavy leptons |
Walsh, T. F. |
1977 |
1977,76 |
4126 |
Hadron production by virtual photons in the quark fragmentation region |
1977 |
1977,77 |
4127 |
Evidence for the [tau] [right arrow] [neutrino][rho][pi] decay mode |
1977 |
1977,78 |
4128 |
Trimuons from charm |
Young, Bing-Lin et al. |
1977 |
1977,80 |
4129 |
Measurements of tau decay modes and a precise determination of the mass |
1977 |
1977,81 |
4130 |
A study of heavy lepton production in e + e - annihilation |
Fujikawa, Kazuo et al. |
1976 |
1976,01 |
4131 |
Interference effects in J/[psi] decay |
Kowalski, H. et al. |
1976 |
1976,02 |
4132 |
Are neutral heavy leptons being produced? |
Yang, T. C. |
1976 |
1976,03 |
4133 |
Particle identification with a liquid argon ionization chamber |
Knies, Gerhard et al. |
1976 |
1976,05 |
4134 |
Scaling and impact parameter structure in pp scattering |
Bartnik, E. A. et al. |
1976 |
1976,06 |
4135 |
Excitation of betatron-synchrotron resonances by a dispersion in the cavities |
Piwinski, A. et al. |
1976 |
1976,07 |
4136 |
Moderated rem meters in pulsed neutron fields |
Dinter, H. et al. |
1976 |
1976,08 |
4137 |
Determination of the nucleon axial vector form-factor from [pi][Delta] electroproduction near threshold |
1976 |
1976,09 |
4138 |
Testing the lepton number of charged heavy leptons |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1976 |
1976,10 |
4139 |
Parametrization of the q 2 dependence of [gamma] v p total cross sections in the resonance region |
1976 |
1976,11 |
4140 |
Charm search and lepton-kaon correlation in e + e - annihilation |
Yang, T. C. et al. |
1976 |
1976,12 |
4141 |
A short psion tour |
Walsh, T. F. |
1976 |
1976,13 |
4142 |
Central particle production via independent cluster emission in hadron-hadron, photon-hadron and e + e - processes |
Elvekjaer, F. et al. |
1976 |
1976,15 |
4143 |
Electro- and photoinduced spallation reactions on 27 Al and 51 V at intermediate energies |
1976 |
1976,16 |
4144 |
Rho production by virtual photons |
1976 |
1976,17 |
4145 |
SU(4) breaking of meson coupling constants and decays of the J/[psi] |
Kazi, A. et al. |
1976 |
1976,18 |
4146 |
Measurements of dose and shielding parameters of electron-photon stray radiation from a high-energy electron beam |
Dinter, H. et al. |
1976 |
1976,19 |
4147 |
Electron-positron scaling in bound state models |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1976 |
1976,20 |
4148 |
Momentum spectra of charged hadrons from the decays of J/[psi] and [psi]' |
1976 |
1976,21 |
4149 |
Collision theory for massless bosons |
Buchholz, Detlev |
1976 |
1976,22 |
4150 |
Broken Weyl symmetry |
Domokos, G. |
1976 |
1976,24 |
4151 |
Narrow resonances by strong coupling |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1976 |
1976,26 |
4152 |
Broken SU(8) symmetry and the new particles |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1976 |
1976,27 |
4153 |
The Bose field structure associated with a free massive Dirac field in one space dimension |
Lehmann, H. et al. |
1976 |
1976,29 |
4154 |
Convergence of operator product expansions on the vacuum in conformal invariant quantum field theory |
Mack, G. |
1976 |
1976,30 |
4155 |
Dynamical charges in the quantized, renormalized massive thirring model |
Lüscher, M. |
1976 |
1976,31 |
4156 |
Neutral current constraints in the SU(2) [circle times operator] U(1) models |
Yang, T. C. |
1976 |
1976,32 |
4157 |
[Pi] + -electroproduction above the resonance region |
1976 |
1976,33 |
4158 |
E + e - -annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1976 |
1976,34 |
4159 |
Dilations and interaction |
Buchholz, D. et al. |
1976 |
1976,35 |
4160 |
Quark confinement |
Joos, Hans |
1976 |
1976,36 |
4161 |
Evidence for weakly decaying new hadrons in e + e - collisions above 4 GeV cms |
1976 |
1976,37 |
4162 |
Electromagnetic mass differences of the old and the charmed mesons |
Daboul, J. et al. |
1976 |
1976,38 |
4163 |
Inclusive electron spectrum in e + e - annihilation near charm threshold |
Ali, Ahmed et al. |
1976 |
1976,39 |
4164 |
Measurement of the branching ratios for the decays J/[psi] [right arrow] [rho][pi] and J/[psi] [right arrow] [gamma][eta]' |
1976 |
1976,40 |
4165 |
Exact solutions of the elliptic sine equation in two space dimensions with application to the Josephson effect |
Leibbrandt, G. |
1976 |
1976,41 |
4166 |
Electroproduction of Baryon resonances |
Gayler, Jörg |
1976 |
1976,42 |
4167 |
Virtual photoproduction of protons on hydrogen |
1976 |
1976,44 |
4168 |
Weak production of charmed baryon resonances |
Avilez, C. et al. |
1976 |
1976,45 |
4169 |
V + A currents coupling old quarks to new |
Achiman, Y. et al. |
1976 |
1976,46 |
4170 |
Hadron production in e + e - annihilation at high-energies |
Walsh, T. F. |
1976 |
1976,47 |
4171 |
Magnitude of Regge cut contributions in the triple-Regge region |
Bartels, J. et al. |
1976 |
1976,48 |
4172 |
Reduction of the photoelectron induced gas desorption in the PETRA vacuum system by in situ argon glow discharge cleaning |
Kouptsidis, J. et al. |
1976 |
1976,49 |
4173 |
Observation of associated K 0 S -electron production in e + e - annihilation |
1976 |
1976,50 |
4174 |
Electro- and photoproduction of charged pions on 27 Al and 51 V at intermediate energies |
1976 |
1976,51 |
4175 |
New particle production in e + e - colliding beams |
Wiik, B. H. |
1976 |
1976,52 |
4176 |
The total hadronic cross section for e + e - annihilation between 3.1 and 4.8 GeV center of mass energy |
1976 |
1976,53 |
4177 |
Construction of a selfadjoint, strictly positive transfer matrix for euclidean lattice gauge theories |
Lüscher, M. |
1976 |
1976,54 |
4178 |
Hadron scattering in an additive eikonal quark model |
Daboul, J. et al. |
1976 |
1976,55 |
4179 |
Flavor changing neutral currents and multileptons in e + e - and [muon-neutrino]N, [anti-muon-neutrino]N |
Achiman, Y. et al. |
1976 |
1976,56 |
4180 |
Solitons in classical O 3 -invariant field theory in one space dimension |
Halfar, P. |
1976 |
1976,57 |
4181 |
Acceleration of electrons in the focus of a laser-beam |
Rossmanith, R. |
1976 |
1976,58 |
4182 |
On currents associated with topological charges |
Hertel, J. |
1976 |
1976,59 |
4183 |
A Bäcklund transformation for the classical anticommuting massive thirring model in one space dimension |
Izergin, A. et al. |
1976 |
1976,60 |
4184 |
Quark model calculation of charmed baryon production by neutrinos |
Avilez, C. et al. |
1976 |
1976,61 |
4185 |
Lepton energy spectra in e + e - annihilation and other processes |
1976 |
1976,62 |
4186 |
Who is afraid of anomalies? |
Slavnov, A. |
1976 |
1976,63 |
4187 |
On-line data acquisition and reduction at the magnetic detector PLUTO |
Franke, G. et al. |
1976 |
1976,64 |
4188 |
Neutral decays of the J/[psi] particle |
1976 |
1976,65 |
4189 |
Photoproduction of [pi] + -mesons on polarized protons |
1975 |
1975,01 |
4190 |
Color versus charm |
Kitakado, S. et al. |
1975 |
1975,02 |
4191 |
Large momentum transfer corrections to the Glauber model in nonrelativistic eikonal expansion |
Rek, Z. J. |
1975 |
1975,03 |
4192 |
Electromagnetic form factors of N* resonances and their determination from pion electroproduction |
Devenish, R. C. E. et al. |
1975 |
1975,04 |
4193 |
Photoproduction of [phi]-mesons at small t-values |
1975 |
1975,05 |
4194 |
Scaling of [sigma] e+e- [right arrow] hadrons in asymptotically nonfree theories |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1975 |
1975,06 |
4195 |
Muon pair production by e+e- annihilation at the 3100 MeV resonance |
1975 |
1975,07 |
4196 |
The Bethe Salpeter equation and the relativistic quark model |
Eisenschitz, Tamara S. |
1975 |
1975,08 |
4197 |
Comment concerning the evaluation of the Cabibbo-radicati sum rule |
Genz, H. |
1975 |
1975,09 |
4198 |
Mass formulas for broken SU(4) |
Kazi, A. et al. |
1975 |
1975,10 |
4199 |
Decay properties of the new vector mesons in broken SU(4) |
Kazi, A. et al. |
1975 |
1975,11 |
4200 |
Renormalization problem in nonrenormalizable massless [phi] 4 theory |
Symanzik, K. |
1975 |
1975,12 |
4201 |
Color and the new particles : a brief review |
Schildknecht, D. |
1975 |
1975,13 |
4202 |
Two-body hadronic decays of the 3.1 GeV resonance |
1975 |
1975,14 |
4203 |
Broken SU(4) relations for particle production at large angle |
Inami, Takeo |
1975 |
1975,15 |
4204 |
Scintillation in gases commonly used as Cherenkov radiators |
1975 |
1975,16 |
4205 |
Some recent results on photoproduction and electroproduction of hadrons |
Weber, G. |
1975 |
1975,17 |
4206 |
Off-diagonal generalized vector dominance : a comparison with recent ep deep inelastic data |
Devenish, R. et al. |
1975 |
1975,18 |
4207 |
Are the [psi]s really pure s wave states? |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1975 |
1975,19 |
4208 |
Observation of the two photon cascade 3.7 [right arrow] 3.1 + [gamma][gamma] via an intermediate state P C |
1975 |
1975,20 |
4209 |
Heavy vector meson dominance |
Walsh, T. F. |
1975 |
1975,21 |
4210 |
Classical aspects and fluctuation-behaviour of two dimensional models in statistical mechanics and many body physics |
Schroer, Bert |
1975 |
1975,22 |
4211 |
Electroproduction of neutral pions at energies above the resonance region |
1975 |
1975,23 |
4212 |
Renormalization problem in a class of nonrenormalizable theories |
Symanzik, K. |
1975 |
1975,24 |
4213 |
Comment on the phases of inelastic partial waves and their comparison with the quark model, the current to constituent quark transformation, SU(6)W, and vector dominance |
Söding, P. |
1975 |
1975,25 |
4214 |
Longitudinal instabilities of a single bunch and the observation of reduced Landau damping in DORIS |
Kohaupt, R. D. |
1975 |
1975,26 |
4215 |
Five quarks, new particles, and V + A currents |
Achiman, Y. et al. |
1975 |
1975,27 |
4216 |
Integrable Hamiltonian systems and interactions through quadratic constraints |
Pohlmeyer, K. |
1975 |
1975,28 |
4217 |
Electroproduction of [pi] + mesons in the resonance region |
1975 |
1975,29 |
4218 |
Influence of anomalous thresholds in electron-positron annihilation into hadrons : the e+e- [right arrow] [rho][pi][pi] cross section |
Kramer, G. et al. |
1975 |
1975,30 |
4219 |
Test of the Zweig selection rule in phi production by pp collisions |
1975 |
1975,31 |
4220 |
Results on two-body decays of the (3100)-resonance |
1975 |
1975,32 |
4221 |
Anomalies of currents in the quantized sine-gordon equation |
Flume, R. |
1975 |
1975,33 |
4222 |
e+e- right arrow hadrons : results from the DESY-Heidelberg-collaboration |
Heintze, J. |
1975 |
1975,34 |
4223 |
Jets in inclusive e+ e- and Leptoproduction |
1975 |
1975,35 |
4224 |
Study of photoproduction on hydrogen in a streamer chamber with tagged photons for 1.6 GeV < Ey < 6.3 GeV : topological and reaction cross sections |
1975 |
1975,36 |
4225 |
Recent results from DORIS |
Wiik, B. H. |
1975 |
1975,37 |
4226 |
Decay of the [psi](3.1) in broken SU(4) |
Kazi, A. et al. |
1975 |
1975,38 |
4227 |
Target asymmetry in inclusive photoproduction of pions |
1975 |
1975,39 |
4228 |
Review of electroproduction of final states |
Wolf, Günter |
1975 |
1975,40 |
4229 |
Electroproduction of neutral pions in the resonance region |
1975 |
1975,41 |
4230 |
Search for narrow resonances in the reaction [gamma] + Be [right arrow] e + e - + X at 1.8 [less-than or equal to] M e + e - [less-than or equal to] 2.6 GeV |
1975 |
1975,42 |
4231 |
A model for the process e + e - [right arrow] [rho] 0 [epsilon] |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1975 |
1975,43 |
4232 |
Duality in quantum field theory |
Mack, G. |
1975 |
1975,44 |
4233 |
Operator product expansions on the vacuum in conformal quantum field theorie in two spacetime dimensions |
Lüscher, M. |
1975 |
1975,45 |
4234 |
Identification of a possible [Chi](3.55) |
Daboul, J. et al. |
1975 |
1975,46 |
4235 |
Does x(2.8 GeV) favour charm or color? |
Kobayashi, Tsunehiro |
1975 |
1975,47 |
4236 |
Electromagnetic N-N* transition form factors |
Devenish, R. C. E. et al. |
1975 |
1975,48 |
4237 |
Two-component picture of e+e- inclusive processes |
Elvekjaer, F. et al. |
1975 |
1975,49 |
4238 |
All unitary ray representations of the conformal group SU(2,2) with positive energy |
Mack, G. |
1975 |
1975,50 |
4239 |
Analytic representations of simple Lie groups and their continuation to contractive representations of holomorphic Lie semigroups |
Lüscher, M. |
1975 |
1975,51 |
4240 |
Collinearity angle distribution in e-[mu] events |
Fujikawa, Kazuo et al. |
1975 |
1975,52 |
4241 |
Final states in hadron-hadron collisions and in e+e- annihilation |
Elvekjaer, F. |
1975 |
1975,53 |
4242 |
Eine dispersionstheoretische Berechnung inelastischer Beiträge zu den Nukleon-Isovektor-Formfaktoren |
Willrodt, Jürgen |
1975 |
1975,54 |
4243 |
Multihadron decays of new mesons |
Koller, K. et al. |
1975 |
1975,55 |
4244 |
Photon-nucleus collisions and the relative phase between the [gamma]+p [right arrow] [pi]0+p and [rho]0+p [right arrow] [pi]0+p amplitudes |
Avilez V., C. et al. |
1975 |
1975,56 |
4245 |
Helicity content of the electro-excitation of leading baryon resonances from duality and t-channel constraints |
Körner, J. G. et al. |
1975 |
1975,57 |
4246 |
Covariant perturbation expansion in chiral theories with pions and nucleons |
Daniel, M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,02 |
4247 |
Alternatives to the Veneziano amplitude |
Weimar, E. |
1974 |
1974,03 |
4248 |
Asymptotic behaviour at exceptional momenta |
Thun, H. J. |
1974 |
1974,04 |
4249 |
Electroproduction in a streamer chamber : multiplicities, inclusive cross sections and production of rho0 and omega mesons |
1974 |
1974,05 |
4250 |
Absorption corrections in a Mueller-Regge analysis of inclusive photo- and electroproduction |
Craigie, N. S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,06 |
4251 |
Electromagnetic properties of hadrons in a relativistic quark model |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,07 |
4252 |
The significance of conformal inversion in quantum field theory |
Koller, K. |
1974 |
1974,08 |
4253 |
Eikonal expansion of the scattering amplitude in impact parameter representation |
Weiss, U. |
1974 |
1974,09 |
4254 |
Quark fragmentation functions in hadronic and deep inelastic single particle inclusive processes |
Flume-Gorczyca, B. |
1974 |
1974,10 |
4255 |
Photoproduction of [rho]0, [omega] and [rho]- mesons on deuterons at energies between 1 and 5 GeV |
1974 |
1974,11 |
4256 |
A new approach to evaluate sputter-ion pump characteristics |
Hartwig, H. et al. |
1974 |
1974,12 |
4257 |
Charged particle fluctuations in e+ e- collisions |
Walsh, T. F. |
1974 |
1974,13 |
4258 |
Pi0-electroproduction on Hydrogen near threshold at four-momentum transfers of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 GeV2 |
1974 |
1974,14 |
4259 |
The invariance of the S-matrix under point transformations in renormalized perturbation theory |
Flume, R. |
1974 |
1974,15 |
4260 |
Time-reversal-invariance-like relations for spin-effects in elastic and inelastic reactions; vector-meson photoproduction versus compton scattering from nucleons |
Dass, G. V. et al. |
1974 |
1974,16 |
4261 |
A coupled channel analysis of the reactions [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] [pi][pi] and [gamma][gamma] [right arrow] KK |
Sundermeyer, K. |
1974 |
1974,17 |
4262 |
Quasi-elastic electron scattering (e,e' p) and (e,e' d) from 6Li in a coincidence experiment |
1974 |
1974,18 |
4263 |
Analysis of [pi]N [right arrow] K[Lambda] and KN [righ tarrow] [pi]Lambda using fixed-t dispersion relations, FESR and duality |
Devenish, R. C. E. et al. |
1974 |
1974,19 |
4264 |
High energy electron scattering from 6Li and 12C |
1974 |
1974,20 |
4265 |
Definitions and selected applications of Feynman-type integrals |
Tarski, Jan |
1974 |
1974,21 |
4266 |
Momentum distribution of bound state protons derived from quasi-free electron scattering on 12C |
1974 |
1974,22 |
4267 |
Off-diagonal generalized vector dominance and inelastic e-p scattering |
Fraas, H. et al. |
1974 |
1974,23 |
4268 |
Dual quarks and parton quarks |
Kitakado, S. |
1974 |
1974,24 |
4269 |
Stichel relations in the Mueller-Regge theory of inclusive photo- and electroproduction |
Craigie, N. S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,25 |
4270 |
Isospin bounds and bose condensation in e+ e- annihilation |
1974 |
1974,26 |
4271 |
Field theoretic model for the pion form factor 1 : formalism |
Gutbrod, F. et al. |
1974 |
1974,27 |
4272 |
Possible nucleon resonance admixture in the deuteron |
Benz, P. et al. |
1974 |
1974,28 |
4273 |
Feynman-type integrals for spin and the functional approach to quantum field theory |
Tarski, Jan |
1974 |
1974,29 |
4274 |
Dual light-cone model predictions for total and inclusive e+ e- annihilation |
Schierholz, G. et al. |
1974 |
1974,30 |
4275 |
Representation theory of the universal covering of the Euclidean conformal group and conformal invariant Green's functions |
Grensing, G. |
1974 |
1974,31 |
4276 |
Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances on protons and neutrons |
1974 |
1974,32 |
4277 |
Nucleon resonance production in e+ e- annihilation into N-N[pi] |
Hirshfeld, A. C. et al. |
1974 |
1974,33 |
4278 |
Equilibrium states of infinite quantum systems |
Trych-Pohlmeyer, Ewa B. |
1974 |
1974,34 |
4279 |
Integrable cylinder functionals for an integral of Feynman-type |
Buchholz, Detlev et al. |
1974 |
1974,35 |
4280 |
Large momentum behaviour of the Feynman amplitudes in the [phi] 4 4-theory |
Pohlmeyer, K. |
1974 |
1974,36 |
4281 |
Abelian gauge invariance of nonabelian gauge theories |
Brandt, Richard A. et al. |
1974 |
1974,37 |
4282 |
Infrared behavior in nonabelian gauge theories |
Brandt, Richard A. et al. |
1974 |
1974,38 |
4283 |
Comments on generalized vector dominance |
Schildknecht, D. |
1974 |
1974,39 |
4284 |
[Delta] ++ [pi]--electroproduction near threshold and the q2 dependence of the contact interaction |
1974 |
1974,40 |
4285 |
Charakterisierung von Teilchen durch lokale Observable in der relativistischen Quantentheorie |
Enss, V. |
1974 |
1974,41 |
4286 |
Do recent e+e- annihilation data imply violations of scaling in deep inelastic electron scattering? |
Iwai, S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,42 |
4287 |
Do we see anomalous dimensions in e+e- inclusive annihilation at Q=4 GeV? |
Rittenberg, V. et al. |
1974 |
1974,43 |
4288 |
Graphical rules for the diagonalization of the Feynman denominator |
Trute, H. |
1974 |
1974,44 |
4289 |
Production of hyperons by virtual photons |
1974 |
1974,45 |
4290 |
Backward production of [pi]0 by virtual photons |
1974 |
1974,46 |
4291 |
Relations between the electroexcitation of nucleon resonances and the deep inelastic continuum for proton and deuteron targets |
1974 |
1974,47 |
4292 |
The components of nuW2 and SU(6)w breaking in deep inelastic scattering |
Flume-Gorczyca, B. et al. |
1974 |
1974,48 |
4293 |
Renormalization of gauge field theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking in the unitary gauge |
Flume, R. |
1974 |
1974,49 |
4294 |
Is vector dominance still alive? |
Schildknecht, D. |
1974 |
1974,50 |
4295 |
Predictions of the relativistic quark model for e+e--annihilation into [omega] [pi]0 |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,51 |
4296 |
On the masses and leptonic decay widths of new vector mesons |
Böhm, M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,52 |
4297 |
Synthesis of the nucleon-nucleon interaction at "low" and "high" energies |
Schierholz, G. |
1974 |
1974,53 |
4298 |
Remarks on new meson states |
Kitakado, S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,54 |
4299 |
New hadronic degree of freedom, e+ e- annihilation and deep inelastic scattering |
Schildknecht, D. et al. |
1974 |
1974,55 |
4300 |
Lessons on e+ e- annihilation from simple chain emission models |
Craigie, N. S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,56 |
4301 |
Photoproduction and the non-relativistic quark model |
Barbour, I. M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,57 |
4302 |
Pomeron factorisation and the reaction [gamma]N [right arrow] [phi]N |
Dass, G. V. et al. |
1974 |
1974,58 |
4303 |
A measurement of large angle e+e- scattering at the 3100 MeV resonance |
1974 |
1974,59 |
4304 |
Confirmation of the new 3700 MeV narrow resonance in e+e--collisions |
1974 |
1974,60 |
4305 |
Electroproduction of eta mesons in the region of the resonance S11 (1535) |
1974 |
1974,61 |
4306 |
A measurement of collinear and nearly collinear photon pairs produced by e+e- annihilation at the 3100 MeV resonance |
1974 |
1974,62 |
4307 |
The width of [psi](3105) |
Kitakado, S. et al. |
1974 |
1974,63 |
4308 |
J(3.1), [psi](3.7): how about color? |
Krammer, M. et al. |
1974 |
1974,64 |
4309 |
New form of vector meson dominance and the dependence on the vector meson mass squared |
Iso, C. et al. |
1974 |
1974,001 |
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