epub @ SUB HH
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme 2003
97. Stars
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97.10.-q Stellar characteristics and properties (see also 04.40.Dg Relativistic stars in general relativity and gravitation and section 26 Nuclear astrophysics)
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97.20.-w Normal stars (by class): general or individual
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Pre-main sequence objects, young stellar objects (YSO's) and protostars (T Tauri stars, Orion population, Herbig-Haro objects, Bok globules, bipolar outflows, cometary nebulae, etc.) (see also 98.38.Fs and 98.58.Fd Jets, outflows and bipolar flows in the Milky Way and external galaxies respectively)
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97.30.-b Variable and peculiar stars (including novae)
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97.60.-s Late stages of stellar evolution (including black holes) (see also 04.40.Dg Relativistic stars in general relativity and gravitation)
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97.80.-d Binary and multiple stars
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97.82.-j Extrasolar planetary systems
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Other topics on stars (restricted to new topics in section 97)
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epub2 - Letzte Änderung: 01.02.2022