epub @ SUB HH
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme 2003
94. Aeronomy and magnetospheric physics
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94.10.-s Physics of the neutral atmosphere (for atmospheres of the planets, see 96.35.Hv)
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94.20.-y Physics of the ionosphere (for ionospheres of the planets, see 96.35.Kx; for radiowave propagation, see 41.20.Jb in electromagnetism; see also section 52 Physics of plasmas and electric discharges)
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94.30.-d Physics of the magnetosphere (for magnetospheres of the planets, see 96.35.Kx; for radiowave propagation, see 41.20.Jb in electromagnetism; see also section 52 Physics of plasmas and electric discharges)
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Instrumentation for aeronomy and magnetospheric studies (see also 95.55.-n Astronomical and space-research instrumentation in astronomy; 07.87.+v spaceborne and space research instruments, apparatus, and components in instruments)
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Other topics in aeronomy and magnetospheric physics (restricted to new topics in section 94)
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epub2 - Letzte Änderung: 01.02.2022