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'Does self-compassion increase the authenticity of a leader?' : how self-compassion can enhance authentic leadership development

Tondock, Britta

Dokument 1.pdf (3.077 KB)

Zugriffsbeschränkung: nur innerhalb des Universitäts-Campus
SWD-Schlagwörter: Führungskraft , Entwicklung , Authentizität
DDC-Sachgruppe: Psychologie
Dokumentart: Monographie
ISBN: 978-3-8428-2285-6
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellungsjahr: 2014
Publikationsdatum: 20.05.2015
Kurzfassung auf Englisch: In the face of today's business challenges, the demand for a more genuine leadership style is arising. Authentic Leadership as a way to authentically relate to oneself and others is meant to create meaning, trust and confidence amongst followers. At the same time, the Buddhist concept of Self-Compassion is becoming popular in the Western academic world. This study offers first insights into the relationship between Authentic Leadership and Self-Compassion. Theoretical similarities and connections between the two constructs are being presented. An online study (N=50) got conducted, asking young professionals from the international student organization 'AIESEC' about Authentic Leadership attributes and self-compassionate behaviours. Data analysis showed a weak positive correlation between Authentic Leadership and Self-Compassion. Methodical limitations of the study are being demonstrated. Implications for Authentic Leadership research and practice are being discussed, concluding that Self-Compassion could enhance the theoretical operationalization of authenticity as well as the intense process of Authentic Leadership Development.

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