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Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung zugänglich unter
URL: https://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2009/1770/
A Social History of Wild Huckleberry Harvesting in the Pacific West
Richards, Rebecca T. ;
Alexander, Susan J.
Originalveröffentlichung: |
| (2006) http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw%5Fgtr657.pdf |
BK - Klassifikation: |
| 73.25 , 73.32 |
Sondersammelgebiete: |
| 6.33 Indigene Völker Nordamerikas und der Arktis |
DDC-Sachgruppe: |
| Ethnologie |
Dokumentart: |
| Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung |
Schriftenreihe: |
| General technical report // United States Forest Service |
Bandnummer: |
| 657 |
Sprache: |
| Englisch |
Erstellungsjahr: |
| 2006 |
Publikationsdatum: |
| 25.05.2009 |
Kurzfassung auf Deutsch: |
| Once gathered only for subsistence and cultural purposes, wild huckleberries
are now also harvested commercially. Drawing on archival research as well as
harvester and producer interview and survey data, an inventory of North
American wild huckleberry plant genera is presented, and the wild huckleberry
harvesting patterns of early Native Americans and nonindigenous
settlers are described. The social, technological, and environmental changes
that gave rise to the commercial industry in the Pacific Northwest by the 1920s
and the industry’s demise after World War II are explained. The resurgence of
the commercial wild huckleberry industry in the mid-1980s and national forest
management issues related to the industry are presented as are possible strategies
that land managers could develop to ensure wild huckleberry, wildlife,
and cultural sustainability.
Keywords: Northwest Forest Plan, huckleberry, Vaccinium, berry picking,
Pacific Northwest.