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URL: https://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2009/1441/

INDENT : Indicators of Environmental integration. Final Report.

Animal Sciences Group& LEI: Wageningen UR ; CEFA ; H.C.M.R ; Institute for European Environmental Policy

Originalveröffentlichung: (2006) http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/publications/studies/indent_2006.pdf
Dokument 1.pdf (2.488 KB)

SWD-Schlagwörter: Europa , Umweltpolitik , Fischereipolitik , Fischerei , Nachhaltige Entwicklung
BK - Klassifikation: 43.61 , 48.67
Sondersammelgebiete: 21.3 Küsten- und Hochseefischerei
DDC-Sachgruppe: Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Dokumentart: Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellungsjahr: 2006
Publikationsdatum: 07.05.2009
Kurzfassung auf Deutsch: Based on a review of work on environmental indicators for fisheries in different
scientific fora, which in turn was reviewed by STECF, the Commission selected a
reduced set of indicators from the list as a preliminary set of indicators to implement an environmental indicator scheme on a pilot basis. This set consisted of 32 indicators covering four policy areas: (1) Conservation measures, (2) Structural measures, (3)Market measures and (4) Horizontal measures.
The INDENT project is the next step in this process, quantifying each of these
indicators. The approach taken consisted of three key stages: (1) Quantification: data
was compiled and the numerical values of the indicators calculated, (2) Evaluation:
insights gained during data compilation and processing were used to determine gaps in data or information and suggest solutions. Performance of indicators was evaluated,the rationale of each indicator re-examined and underlying assumptions made clear.
Possible improvements or alternative indicators were subsequently suggested, (3)
Interpretation: the historical series obtained were interpreted. Because the aim is that the indicators are representative of the European Community and should be applicable in regional management special attention was paid to representivity and if the information available could be broken down by categories such as geographic regions,fisheries métiers and/or Member States.
Finally an overall evaluation was conducted of all indicators against those screening criteria of a larger suite of criteria that were deemed within the remit of the project. As the main objective of INDENT was to “attribute numerical values” to each of the indicators and “determine gaps in data or information” we focused on the critirion of “Availability of historical data” while considering also “Cost” and “Measurement”.
Based on these criteria we followed a formal decision scheme that lead to the
characterization of the indicators into the following four classes:
1. Informative indicators which can be made operational with little or no
additional effort
2. Informative indicators which require further development before they can be
made operational
3. Potentially informative indicators which require further development prior to
4. Indicators which are not informative or redundant
Overall the conservation measure indicators were considered to be informative and easiest to make operational in most, if not all, European regions. They were followed by the Structural measure indicators for which the indicators were deemed potentially informative but data were often not available. Finally, the Market measure and Horizontal measure indicators were considered least well developed. It was often unclear against which objectives they were intended to measure progress, they suffered from lack of definition, e.g. what is considered “environmentally friendly fishing” or when it comes to the evaluation of the fishery inspection or funding of research, to distinguish environmental issues from other issues.
Interpretation of the results paints a grim picture that to a more or lesser extent applies to all European waters: the ecosystem is severely affected by fishing and shows no sign of improvement. One significant problem in the management of the fishery is the lack of reliable international data of fishing impact. To some extent the current situation of the ecosystem and the fishery may have emerged because scientific advice was insufficiently incorporated in decision making.
6 Guide to the reader:
In this report we distinguish three sections that differ in the amount of detail provided for readers with different levels of interest:
1. The summary is the least detailed
2. More detail is provided in chapter 3
3. The highest level of detail is provided in chapter 2 where each indicator is
described in a subsection

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