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1. Georgakopoulos, Angelos (2009) Graph topologies induced by edge lengths Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
2. Bruhn, Henning ; Georgakopoulos, Angelos (2007) Algebra with infinite sums Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3. Georgakopoulos, Angelos (2006) Infinite Hamilton cycles in squares of locally finite graphs Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
4. Georgakopoulos, Angelos (2005) Connected but not path-connected subspaces of infinite graphs Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
5. Georgakopoulos, Angelos (2005) Infinite highly connected planar graphs of large girth Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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epub2 - Letzte Änderung: 19.04.2024