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31.   (2015) Annual report / First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada. - 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
32.   (2015) Annual report / First Nations Tax Commission. - 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
33.   (2015) Annual report / Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada). - 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
34.   (2015) Annual report / National Congress of American Indians. - 2014/15(2015) Fachzeitschrift
35.   (2015) Annual report / Native American Rights Fund. - 2015 Fachzeitschrift
36.   (2015) Annual report / Native Women's Association of Canada. - 2015 Fachzeitschrift
37.   (2015) Annual report / New Relationship Trust. - 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
38.   (2015) Annual report / Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated. - 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
39.   (2015) Anthropology and art https://journals.sub.uni-hamburg.de/ethnoscripts/article/view/819/801 Fachzeitschrift
40.   (2015) BCAFN Quarterly report to the chiefs of BC / British Columbia Assembly of First Nations . - 2015,Jun. Fachzeitschrift
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