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1251. Eayrs, Steve (2007) A guide to bycatch reduction in tropical shrimp-trawl fisheries Broschuere / Infomaterial
1252. Sall, Aliou , Belliveau, Michael , Nayak, Nalini (2002) Conversations : a trialogue on power, intervention and organization in Fisheries Broschuere / Infomaterial
1253. Eayrs, Steve (2007) Guia para reducir la captura de fauna incidental (bycatch) en las pesquerias por arrastre de camarón tropical Broschuere / Infomaterial
1254. Kurien, John; Paul, Antonyto (2000) Nets for social safety : an analysis of the growth and changing composition of social security programmes in the fisheries sector of Kerala State, India Broschuere / Infomaterial
1255. Amarasinghe, Oscar (2005) Social welfare and social security in Sri Lankan fisheries Broschuere / Infomaterial
1256. Sridhar, Aarthi (2005) Sea turtle conservation and fisheries in Orissa, India Broschuere / Infomaterial
1257. Mensah, M. A. (2006) The state of world fisheries from a fishworker perspective : the Ghanaian situation Broschuere / Infomaterial
1258. Lourenço, Celeste Ferreira; Henkel, Jimnah de Almeida e Silva; Maneschy, Maria Cristina Alves (2006) Social security for fishworkers in Brazil : a case study of Pará Broschuere / Infomaterial
1259. Vera, Cesar Allan; Zarina, Hipolito (2006) The Philippines tuna industry : a profile Broschuere / Infomaterial
1260. Mathew, Sebastian (1990) Fishing legislation and gear conflicts in Asian countries Broschuere / Infomaterial
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