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901.   (2010) CIFA-Worldfish Center bilateral project on "Genetic improvement of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in India" 2007 - 2010 : final report http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2803.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
902.   (2012) Annual progress report // North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. - 2010/11(2012) Fachzeitschrift
903.   (2013) Annual progress report // North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. - 2011/12(2013) Fachzeitschrift
904.   (2010) Annual progress report // North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. - 2008/09(2010) Fachzeitschrift
905.   (2012) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2011/12(2012) Fachzeitschrift
906.   (2011) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2010/11(2011) Fachzeitschrift
907.   (2012) FAO yearbook / Fishery and aquaculture statistics. - 2010(2012) Fachzeitschrift
908.   (2011) FAO yearbook / Fishery and aquaculture statistics. - 2009(2011) Fachzeitschrift
909.   (2009) FAO yearbook / Fishery and aquaculture statistics. - 2007(2009) Fachzeitschrift
910.   (2008) FAO yearbook / Fishery and aquaculture statistics. - 2006(2008) Fachzeitschrift
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