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841. Joffre, Olivier ; Sheriff, Natasja (2011) Conditions for collective action : understanding factors supporting and constraining community-based fish culture in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2816.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
842.   (2011) Envisioning 2050 : climate change, aquaculture and fisheries in West Africa ; Dakar, Senegal 14 - 16th April 2010 http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2783.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
843. Renn, Silvia ; Weirowski, Fred (2011) Guidelines for fish production in long term refugee situations in Africa http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2831.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
844.   (2011) CGIAR Research Program 3.7 : more meat, milk and fish by and for the poor ; proposal ; submitted to the CGIAR Consortium Board http://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/3248/CRP37Proposal.pdf?sequence=6 Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
845.   (2011) Review of aquaculture & fish consumption in Bangladesh http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2970.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
846. Gordon, Ann ; Pulis, Alan ; Owusu-Adjei, Ellen (2011) Smoked marine fish from Western Region, Ghana: a value chain assessment http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/WF_2916.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
847.   (2012) Asia–Pacific tropical sea cucumber aquaculture : proceedings of an international symposium held in Noumea, New Caledonia, 15 - 17 February 2011 http://aciar.gov.au/files/node/14423/pr136_asia_pacific_tropical_sea_cucumber_aquacu_10936.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
848.   (2006) Australian prawn farming manual : health management for profit http://aciar.gov.au/files/node/737/Australian%20prawnfarming%20manual%20final.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
849. Agudo, Natacha (2006) Sandfish hatchery techniques http://aciar.gov.au/files/node/758/Sandfish%20hatchery%20techniques%20%28english%29.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
850.   (2011) Capacity development to monitor, analyse and report on Indonesian tuna fisheries : project summary ; ACIAR Project FIS/2002/074 http://aciar.gov.au/files/node/14216/project_fis_2002_074_summary_capacity_development_29018.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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