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821.   (2010) Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. - 2010,Spring Fachzeitschrift
822.   (2003) Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. - 2003,Nov. Fachzeitschrift
823. Ehn, Billy ; Löfgren, Orvar (2012) Nichtstun : eine Kulturanalyse des Ereignislosen und Flüchtigen Monographie
824.   (2003) British Columbia Treaty Commission : an independent effectiveness review http://www.fns.bc.ca/pdf/BCTCReview_Final.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
825. Reade, Frances (2009) So geht das! Liebe : das ultimative Anleitungsbuch Monographie
826. Reade, Frances (2009) So geht das! Cool sein : das ultimative Anleitungsbuch Monographie
827.   (2011) Annual report on the state of Inuit culture and society. - 2009/10(2011) Fachzeitschrift
828.   (2012) First Nations Food, Nutrition & Environment Study : results from Manitoba 2010 http://www.fnfnes.ca/docs/MB%20Reports/FNFNES%20Report-MB_WEB_rev.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
829.   (2011) First Nations Food, Nutrition & Environment Study : results from British Columbia 2008/2009 www.fnfnes.ca/docs/BC%20Reports/FNFNES_Report_BC_FINAL_PRINT_v2-lo.pdf.zip Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
830.   (2011) Annual report // Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. - 2010/11 Fachzeitschrift
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