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741.   (2007) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2006/07(2007) Fachzeitschrift
742.   (2008) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2007/08(2008) Fachzeitschrift
743.   (2009) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2008/09(2009) Fachzeitschrift
744.   (2010) Annual report / Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, ACIAR. - 2009/10(2010) Fachzeitschrift
745.   (2011) Annual report // Ministry of Fisheries. - 2010/11(2011) Fachzeitschrift
746.   (2012) Salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics for England and Wales. - 2010(2012) Fachzeitschrift
747.   (2010) State of the fisheries and aquatic resources report. - 2009/10 Fachzeitschrift
748.   (2011) State of the fisheries and aquatic resources report. - 2010/11 Fachzeitschrift
749.   (2012) Fishing vessel register software user guide (release 1.0) : MedStat 2011 - Fishing Vessel Census ; MedFisis technical document http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2602e/i2602e.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
750.   (2012) Risk analysis for movements of live aquatic animals : an introductory training course http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2571e/i2571e.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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