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601. Finsel, Christina ; Russ, Jennifer (2005) Exploration and use of individual development : accounts by three American Indian tribes in Oregon http://buder.wustl.edu/research/Documents/ExplorationUseofIDAbyThreeAITribesinOR.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
602.   (2005) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2004/05(2005) http://www.fafnlm.com/content/documents/AnnualReports/04-05AR.pdf Fachzeitschrift
603.   (2007) [Annual report] // Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. - [20]06/07 http://www.itk.ca/publications/2006_2007AnnualReport.pdf Fachzeitschrift
604.   (2003) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2002/03(2003) Fachzeitschrift
605.   (2004) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2003/04(2004) Fachzeitschrift
606.   (2006) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2005/06(2006) Fachzeitschrift
607.   (2008) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2007/08(2008) Fachzeitschrift
608.   (2009) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2008/09(2009) Fachzeitschrift
609.   (2010) Annual report // First Nations Lands Advisory Board. - 2009/10(2010) Fachzeitschrift
610. Barlow, J. Kevin (2009) Residential schools, prisons, and HIV/AIDS among aboriginal people in Canada : exploring the connections http://www.ahf.ca/downloads/hivaids-report.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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