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401.   (2007) Annual report on the state of Inuit culture and society. - 2005/07(2007) http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2005-2007-Annual-Report-on-the-State-of-Inuit-Culture-and-Society-Eng.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
402.   (2008) Annual report on the state of Inuit culture and society. - 2007/08(2008) http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2007-2008%20Annual%20Report%20on%20the%20State%20of%20Inuit%20Culture%20and%20Society%20%28English%29.pdf Fachzeitschrift
403.   (1997) Mining Policy http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/1997-12-00-Mining-Policy.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
404.   (2005) Consultation Guide Towards a Nunavut Mineral Exploration and Mining Strategy http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2005-04-00-Consulting-Guide-Towards-a-Nunavut-Mineral-Exploration-and-Mining-Strategy.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
405.   (2006) Background Paper On The NTI Uranium Policy http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2006-11-00-Background-Paper-on-the-Uranium-Policy.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
406.   (2007) Policy Concerning Uranium Mining in Nunavut http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2007-09-11-Uranium-Policy.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
407. McCrank, Neil (2008) Road to Improvement - The Review of The Regulatory Systems Across The North http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2008-05-00-Road-to-Improvement-McCrank-Report.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
408.   (1993) A Contract Relating to The Implementation of The Nunavut Final Agreement http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/1993-00-00-Implementation-Contract-of-the-Nunavut-Land-Claims-Agreement-English.pdf Amts-, Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt
409. Vertes, Louise N. ; Connelly, David M. H. ; Knott, Bruce A. S. (1999) 5 Year Review 1993 to 1998 - Implementation of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/1999-00-00%20Nunavut%20Land%20Claims%20Agreement%20Five-Year%20Review%20%281993-98%29%20English.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
410.   (2003) The Cost of Not Successfully Implementing Article 23: Representative Employment for Inuit within the Government http://www.tunngavik.com/documents/publications/2003-02-17-PricewaterhouseCoopers-The-Cost-of-Not-Successfully-Implementing-Article-23.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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