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3841. Bycko, Andrej G. (2008) Baxterization of GLq(2) and its application to the Liouville model and some other models on a lattice Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3842.   (2008) Measurement of parton distributions of strange quarks in the nucleon from charged-kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering on the deuteron Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3843. Delfino, Gesualdo ; Niccoli, Giuliano (2007) Isomorphism of critical and off-critical operator spaces in two-dimensional quantum field theory Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3844.   (2007) Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries with respect to both beam charge and transverse target polarization in exclusive electroproduction of real photons Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3845. Quella, Thomas ; Schomerus, V. ; Creutzig, Thomas (2007) Boundary spectra in superspace s-models Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3846.   (2020) Particle physics : highlights and annual report. - 2019 Fachzeitschrift
3847. Blondel, Alain (2007) Theory report on the 11th FCC-ee workshop : 8-11 january 2019, CERN, Geneva Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3848. Buchmüller, Wilfried ; Di Bari, Pasquale ; Plümacher, M. (2003) The neutrino mass window for baryogenesis Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3849. Iso, C. ; Iwai, S. ; Hanasugi, H. ; Miyata, Y. (1974) New form of vector meson dominance and the dependence on the vector meson mass squared Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3850.   (1985) Search for spinless bosons in e+ e- annihilation Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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