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Ergebnis 321 - 330 von 339  Zurück   31   32   33   34  Vorwärts   Gehe zu Seite
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321.   (2017) Tehran city garden : designs for a new civic centre - shaping public life on the city´s former airport area : aac workshop, Hamburg, Germany 04.09.-29.09.2017 Monographie
322.   (2018) Vertical life : urban qualities in future high-rise buildings : aac workshop Hamburg, Germany 14.02.-09.03.2018 Monographie
323.   (2014) Brooklyn powerhouse : an architectural contribution to the cultural ecology of the gowanus district : workshop 02.09.–26.09.2014 Monographie
324.   (2016) Altona Nord : designs for Hamburg’s new traffic hub : aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany 14.09.–07.10.2016 Monographie
325.   (2015) Evolutioneum Hamburg : designs for a national history museum : exhibitions, collections, research ; Plot 2: Re-use Monographie
326.   (2015) Evolutioneum Hamburg : designs for a national history museum : exhibitions, collections, research ; 1 Monographie
327.   (2015) European Cultural Centre Venice : designing in dialogue between traditional and modern : workshop 26.02.-20.03.2015 Monographie
328.   (2016) From module to urban quarter : case study houses for 21st-century Berlin : aac Workshop, Hamburg, Germany 25.05.-17.06.2016 Monographie
329.   (2024) Heft 2 (2024) + Special "Wellness-Oase Garten" Fachzeitschrift
330.   (2024) Fachzeitschrift
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epub2 - Letzte Änderung: 19.04.2024