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1551. Record, Ian W. (2008) We are the stewards : Indigenous-led fisheries innovation in North America http://nni.arizona.edu/whatsnew/pdfs/JOPNA_2008_01_web.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1552.   (2014) This week from Indian country today. - 1.2014,49 Fachzeitschrift
1553. Sanders, Marren (2007) Implementing the federal Endangered Species Act in Indian country : the promise and reality of secretarial order 3206 http://nni.arizona.edu/resources/pubs/jopna%202007_01_endangered.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1554.   (2013) Healthy teeth, healthy lives : Inuit oral health action plan 2013 https://www.itk.ca/system/files_force/ITK_OralHealth_English_0.pdf?download=1 Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1555.   (2008) Financing native leaders for tomorrow : Native Initiatives Strategic Plan FY 2009 - 2014 http://www.cdfifund.gov/docs/2009/naca/Native%20American%20Strategic%20Plan.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1556. Cornell, Stephen (2006) Indigenous peoples, poverty and self-determination in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States http://nni.arizona.edu/resources/pubs/jopna%202006_02_indigenous.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1557.   (2013) Métis settlements and First Nations in Alberta : community profiles http://www.aboriginal.alberta.ca/documents/2012_MetisSettlementProfile.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1558.   (2014) Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. - 2014,Spring Fachzeitschrift
1559.   (2014) This week from Indian country today. - 1.2014,50 Fachzeitschrift
1560.   (2014) This week from Indian country today. - 1.2014,51 Fachzeitschrift
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