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1261.   (2006) Die künftige Meerespolitik der EU : eine europäische Vision für Ozeane und Meere Biographie / Autobiographie
1262.   (2002) A new version of the Australian community ocean model for seasonal climate prediction Broschuere / Infomaterial
1263.   (2004) SESAME: a simulation-estimation stock assessment model evaluation project focused on large pelagic species Broschuere / Infomaterial
1264.   (2005) Considerations for an underway biogeochemistry observing system : a report for the CSIRO wealth from oceans flagship Broschuere / Infomaterial
1265. Compagno, L.J.V. (2005) Checklist of Philippine chondrichthyes Broschuere / Infomaterial
1266. Khemakorn, Pakjuta (2006) Sustainable management of pelagic fisheries in the South China sea region Broschuere / Infomaterial
1267. Randrianarisoa, Léonide Ylénia (2006) Application du droit et la politique internationaux dans la politique et législation de la gestion des pêches malgaches Broschuere / Infomaterial
1268. Engler, M. Cecilia (2007) Establishment and implementation of a conservation and management regime for the high seas fisheries with focus on the Southeast Pacific and Chilie : from global developments to regional challenges Broschuere / Infomaterial
1269. Fletscher, W. J. (2005) Development of assessment tools for the national ESD framework - initial scoping exercise Broschuere / Infomaterial
1270.   (2006) State of world aquaculture 2006 Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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