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1251.   (2004) First Nations National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative. - 4.2003 Fachzeitschrift
1252. Mackety, Dawn M. ; Linder-VanBerschot, Jennifer A. (2008) Examining American Indian perspectives in the Central Region on parent involvement in children's education http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/central/pdf/REL_2008059.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1253. Schuldt, Kristian (2011) Das Gängeviertel in Hamburg - Ethnographie einer spätmodernen Hausbesetzung Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1254. Smiley, Richard ; Sather, Susan (2009) Indian education policies in five Northwest Region states http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/northwest/pdf/REL_2009081.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1255. Little, Mary Eunice Romero ; McCarty, Teresa L. (2006) Language planning challenges and prospects in Native American communities and schools http://epsl.asu.edu/epru/documents/EPSL-0602-105-LPRU.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1256.   (2002) Annual report // National Congress of American Indians. - 2002 http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/ncai-annual-reports/2002_NCAI_Annual_Report.pdf Fachzeitschrift
1257.   (2003) Annual report // National Congress of American Indians. - 2003 http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/ncai-annual-reports/2003_NCAI_Annual_Report.pdf Fachzeitschrift
1258.   (2004) Annual report // National Congress of American Indians. - 2004 http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/ncai-annual-reports/2004_NCAI_Annual_Report.pdf Fachzeitschrift
1259.   (2006) Annual report // National Congress of American Indians. - 2005/06(2006) http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/ncai-annual-reports/2005_06_NCAI_Annual_Report.pdf Fachzeitschrift
1260.   (2008) Annual report // National Congress of American Indians. - [2007/08](2008) ; 65th anniversary 1944 - 2008 http://www.ncai.org/resources/ncai-publications/ncai-annual-reports/2008_NCAI_Annual_Report.pdf Fachzeitschrift
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