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1221.   (2014) Annual report / Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. - 2013/14(2014) Fachzeitschrift
1222.   (2015) Annual report / Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. - 2014/15(2015) Fachzeitschrift
1223.   (2013) Report ... / Fisheries Centre, The University of British Columbia. - 2012/2013 Fachzeitschrift
1224.   (2014) British Columbia seafood industry : year in review. - 2013 Fachzeitschrift
1225.   (2016) The status of New Zealand's fisheries. - 2015 Fachzeitschrift
1226.   (2017) Annual progress report / North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. - 26.2015/16(2017) Fachzeitschrift
1227.   (2016) Annual progress report / North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. - 25.2014/15(2016) Fachzeitschrift
1228.   (2014) Nytjastofnar sjávar 2012/13, aflahorfur fiskveiðiárið 2013/14 = State of marine stocks in Icelandic waters 2012/13, prospects for the quota year 2013/14 Fachzeitschrift
1229.   (2015) Nytjastofnar sjávar 2013/14, aflahorfur fiskveiðiárið 2014/15 = State of marine stocks in Icelandic waters 2013/14, prospects for the quota year 2014/15 Fachzeitschrift
1230.   (2016) Nytjastofnar sjávar 2014/2015 og aflahorfur fiskveiðiárið 2015/2016 = State of Marine Stocks in Icelandic Waters 2014/2015 and Prospects for the Quota Year 2015/2016 Fachzeitschrift
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