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1051. Hall, Stephen J. ; Andrew, Neil L. (2011) Science review SR9 : recent developments in fisheries science and their prospects for improving fisheries contributions to food security ; Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/foresight/docs/food-and-farming/science/11-556-sr9-recent-developments-fisheries-science-and-food-security.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
1052.   (2013) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2011 http://www.seafish.org/media/Publications/2011_Economic_Survey_of_the_UK_Fishing_Fleet.pdf Fachzeitschrift
1053.   (2008) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2006 Fachzeitschrift
1054.   (2012) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2010 Fachzeitschrift
1055.   (2011) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2009 Fachzeitschrift
1056.   (2010) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2008 Fachzeitschrift
1057.   (2009) Economic survey of the UK fishing fleet. - 2007 Fachzeitschrift
1058.   (2013) Status reports of the fisheries and aquatic resources of Western Australia. - 2012/13 Fachzeitschrift
1059.   (2012) Status reports of the fisheries and aquatic resources of Western Australia. - 2011/12 Fachzeitschrift
1060.   (2013) Anuario pesquero y acuicola. - 2012(2013) http://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2013/23881/pdf/ANUARIO_PESQUERO_Y_ACUICOLA_DE_NICARAGUA_2011.pdf Fachzeitschrift
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