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1. Stephenson, P.C. ; Wells, S. (2008) Evaluation of the effectiveness of reducing dolphin catches with pingers and exclusion grids in the Pilbara trawl fishery : Final FRDC Report – Project 2004/068 http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/docs/frr/frr173/frr173.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
2. Stephenson, P.C. ; Wells, S. ; King, J.A. (2008) Evaluation of exclusion grids to reduce the bycatch of dolphins, turtles, sharks and rays in the Pilbara trawl fishery : DBIF funded Project http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/docs/frr/frr171/frr171.pdf Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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