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Ihr Suchergebnis

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1. Alhaj, Ali Albashir M. (2015) Syntax : an introduction ; a textbook for university students of linguistics & translation Monographie
2. Alhaj, Ali (2015) New theory of the Holy Qur'an translation : a textbook for advanced university students of linguistics and translation Monographie
3. Alhaj, Ali (2015) Understanding semantics : a textbook for students of linguistics and translation Monographie
4. Alhaj, Ali (2016) The ambit of English/Arabic translation : a practical and theoretical guide for English/Arabic translators Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
5. Alhaj, Ali (2016) An introduction to English morphology : a textbook for advanced university students of linguistics Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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