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3601. Hikida, Yasuaki (2006) Interactions for winding strings in Misner space Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3602. Levchenko, B. B. (2006) Real and image fields of a relativistic bunch Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3603. Kowalski, H. ; Motyka, L. ; Watt, G. (2006) Exclusive diffractive processes at HERA within the dipole picture Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3604.   (2007) K*0 and [phi] meson production in proton-nucleus interactions at [sum]s = 41.6 GeV Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3605. Ibarra, Alejandro ; Tran, David (2008) Gamma ray spectrum from gravitino dark matter decay Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3606.   (2007) Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3607. Ahlers, Markus ; Lindner, Axel ; Ringwald, Andreas ; Schrempp, Lily ; Weniger, Christoph (2007) Alpenglow : a signature for chameleons in axion-like particle search experiments Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3608. Kötz, Ulrich ; Ringwald, Andreas ; Tschentscher, Thomas (2006) Production and detection of axion-like particles at the VUV-FEL: letter of intent Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3609. Schaefer, Stefan ; Hasenfratz, Anna ; Hoffmann, Roland (2007) Dynamical simulations with HYP-link Wilson fermions Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
3610. Kilian, Wolfgang ; Reuter, Jürgen (2006) Unification without doublet-triplet splitting Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
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