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291.   (2015) FileMaker-Magazin. - 2015,2 Fachzeitschrift
292.   (2015) Computer-Bild. - 2015,10 Fachzeitschrift
293. Loaiza García, Carlos Andrés (2015) Analysis of applications and success factors of cloud computing for small and medium-sized businesses Monographie
294. Lang, Michael (2015) Design of a portfolio management system for software line development : merging the gap between software project and product management Monographie
295. Meyes, Richard (2015) Emulation of bursting neurons in neuromorphic hardware based on phase-change materials Monographie
296. Gaal, Syxtus (2011) Automatische phonetische Annotation : ein HMM-basierter Aligner für das Lëtzebuergesche Monographie
297. Franke, Christopher (2015) "Consumerization of IT" : Buzzword 2011 - Analyse von Chancen und Gefahren Monographie
298. Wegmann, Carina (2015) Facebook : ein sozialer Paradigmenwechsel? Monographie
299. Fittkau, Florian (2015) Simulating cloud deployment options for software migration support Monographie
300.   (2015) Computer-Bild. - 2015,11 Fachzeitschrift
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