Computing Classification System 1998
- I.2.0 General ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.0 Cognitive simulation
- I.2.0 Philosophical foundations
- I.2.1 Applications and Expert Systems (H.4, J) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.1 Cartography
- I.2.1 Games
- I.2.1 Industrial automation
- I.2.1 Law
- I.2.1 Medicine and science
- I.2.1 Natural language interfaces
- I.2.1 Office automation
- I.2.2 Automatic Programming (D.1.2, F.3.1, F.4.1) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.2 Automatic analysis of algorithms
- I.2.2 Program modification
- I.2.2 Program synthesis
- I.2.2 Program transformation
- I.2.2 Program verification
- I.2.3 Deduction and Theorem Proving (F.4.1) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.3 Answer/reason extraction
- I.2.3 Deduction (e.g., natural, rule-based)
- I.2.3 Inference engines (NEW)
- I.2.3 Logic programming
- I.2.3 Mathematical induction
- I.2.3 Metatheory**
- I.2.3 Nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision
- I.2.3 Resolution
- I.2.3 Uncertainty, ``fuzzy,'' and probabilistic reasoning
- I.2.4 Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods (F.4.1) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.4 Frames and scripts
- I.2.4 Modal logic (NEW)
- I.2.4 Predicate logic
- I.2.4 Relation systems
- I.2.4 Representation languages
- I.2.4 Representations (procedural and rule-based)
- I.2.4 Semantic networks
- I.2.4 Temporal logic (NEW)
- I.2.5 Programming Languages and Software (D.3.2) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.5 Expert system tools and techniques
- I.2.6 Learning (K.3.2) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.6 Analogies
- I.2.6 Concept learning
- I.2.6 Connectionism and neural nets
- I.2.6 Induction
- I.2.6 Knowledge acquisition
- I.2.6 Language acquisition
- I.2.6 Parameter learning
- I.2.7 Natural Language Processing ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.7 Discourse
- I.2.7 Language generation
- I.2.7 Language models
- I.2.7 Language parsing and understanding
- I.2.7 Machine translation
- I.2.7 Speech recognition and synthesis
- I.2.7 Text analysis
- I.2.8 Problem Solving, Control Methods, and Search (F.2.2) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.8 Backtracking
- I.2.8 Control theory (NEW)
- I.2.8 Dynamic programming
- I.2.8 Graph and tree search strategies
- I.2.8 Heuristic methods
- I.2.8 Plan execution, formation, and generation
- I.2.8 Scheduling (NEW)
- I.2.9 Robotics ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.9 Autonomous vehicles (NEW)
- I.2.9 Commercial robots and applications (NEW)
- I.2.9 Kinematics and dynamics (NEW)
- I.2.9 Manipulators
- I.2.9 Operator interfaces (NEW)
- I.2.9 Propelling mechanisms
- I.2.9 Sensors
- I.2.9 Workcell organization and planning (NEW)
- I.2.10 Vision and Scene Understanding (I.4.8, I.5) ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.10 3D/stereo scene analysis (NEW)
- I.2.10 Architecture and control structures**
- I.2.10 Intensity, color, photometry, and thresholding
- I.2.10 Modeling and recovery of physical attributes
- I.2.10 Motion
- I.2.10 Perceptual reasoning
- I.2.10 Representations, data structures, and transforms
- I.2.10 Shape
- I.2.10 Texture
- I.2.10 Video analysis (NEW)
- I.2.11 Distributed Artificial Intelligence ( 0 Dok. )
- I.2.11 Coherence and coordination
- I.2.11 Intelligent agents (NEW)
- I.2.11 Languages and structures
- I.2.11 Multiagent systems (NEW)
- I.2.m Miscellaneous ( 0 Dok. )
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